Saturday, June 18, 2016



1 And there was given me a(MEASURING) reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
2 But the court which is without the temple leave out,(TO THE WORLD NATIONS) and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.(JERUSALEM DIVIDED BUT THE 3RD TEMPLE ALLOWED TO BE REBUILT)

27 And he( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Israel chief rabbi urges rebuilding Jerusalem temple-Rabbi David Lau says structure could fit atop the Temple Mount without need to remove Muslim houses of worship-By Sue Surkes June 9, 2016, 11:34 pm

The Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, David Lau, said he would like to see the Jewish temple rebuilt on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.To build it, there was no need to remove any of the Muslim shrines on the Temple Mount, where there was plenty of room for “Jews, Christians, Muslims, everyone,” he told the Knesset Channel on Tuesday.“I can’t tell you exactly what was in the temple, but the truth is that when you see the prophets, the writings, the sayings of the sages, you understand that whoever went there came back full of inspiration, emotion, joy and satisfaction, so I yearn for those days,” he added.The most important site in Judaism because two temples stood there in biblical and post-biblical times, the Temple Mount today houses Islam’s third-holiest shrine., the Al-Aqsa Mosque.It sits at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict over sovereignty and land, and what Palestinians perceive as a danger that Jews will rebuild it has fueled much of the terrorism against Israelis over the past eight months.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to maintain the status quo that prohibits Jewish prayer at the site, and has ordered members of Knesset not to approach the Mount, a move contested by Jewish zealots bent to building a third temple.Raoul Wootliff contributed to this report.


93,000 Lovers of Israel Sign Covenant Affirming Eternal Unity of Jerusalem-By Abra Forman June 5, 2016 , 12:30 pm-BREAKINGISRAELNEWS   

“If I forget thee, O Yerushalayim, let my right hand forget her cunning. Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I remember thee not; if I set not Yerushalayim above my chiefest joy.” (Psalm 137:5-6)-A record 93,000 Christian and Jewish Israel supporters from all over the globe have put their names to a document proclaiming the eternal unity and sanctity of Jerusalem. The document, called the Jerusalem Covenant, affirms that Jerusalem is the one and only capital – both Biblically and politically – of the land of Israel.The signatures were collected in time for Jerusalem Day, the 49th anniversary of the unification of Jerusalem. On the 28th of the Hebrew month of Iyar during the 1967 Six-Day War, the Israel Defense Forces liberated the Old City of Jerusalem from Jordanian rule, uniting what had been the “divided capital of Israel” since Israel’s establishment in 1948.Observed this year on Sunday, the 5th of June, Jerusalem Day is a national holiday celebrated with an exuberant outpouring of patriotic pride in the streets of the city, which are closed for singing, dancing, flag-waving and parading.The Jerusalem Covenant was originally written in 1992 by then-Deputy Chief Justice Rabbi Menachem Elon to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Jerusalem’s reunification. The Covenant is intended as a renewal of the original Biblical covenant between God and the people of Israel, which promises that Jerusalem belongs to the descendants of Abraham.We have gathered together in Zion, national leaders and heads of our communities everywhere, to enter into a covenant with Jerusalem, as was done by the leaders of our nation and all the people of Israel upon Israel’s return to its Land from the Babylonian exile; and the people and their leaders will dwell in Jerusalem, the Holy City. The Jerusalem Covenant-In 2013, Israeli NGO Israel365, founded by Rabbi Tuly Weisz, launched a project to bring the Jerusalem Covenant to the hearts of Israel supporters throughout the world, offering them the opportunity to express their strong Biblical belief in the Jewish right to Jerusalem. In its first year, the initiative garnered 10,000 signatures; the number has annually doubled ever since, growing from 23,000 in 2014 to over 50,000 signatures last year. This year, the number of signatures reached over 93,000.Each year, the printed collection of signatures, bound together in a book, are presented to a different member of Knesset. Last year, Israel365 staff presented the Covenant to Speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstein. This year, it was presented to MK Yehudah Glick (Likud), the newest member of Knesset and an avowed defender of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.“This is so exciting, holding a book with almost 100,000 signatures of people from all over the world who signed their name on the Jerusalem Covenant,” Glick said, adding, “Jerusalem is the city of peace, and here we see the words of the prophets materializing and becoming a reality, all nations coming together and signing the Jerusalem Covenant between God and Jerusalem and the world.”The auspicious timing of the binding and presentation of the book makes this year’s Jerusalem Covenant more relevant than ever. Though Jerusalem is Israel’s indisputable capital according to millions of Bible-minded Israel lovers throughout the world – and Israel’s own laws – the international community has yet to recognize it as such.Left-wing movements and proponents of the two-state solution actually look forward to a reversing of Jerusalem’s unification, as such a solution would almost definitely require Jerusalem to be split into Israeli and Palestinian sectors.“In 1967, Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem in less than 48 hours. Now, 49 years later, it’s still not fully ours,” Rabbi Weisz told Breaking Israel News. “The Bible states clearly that Jerusalem is the spiritual heritage of the Jewish people, given to us by God. Now that we have a state, it’s obvious that Jerusalem must be its capital. However, in the eyes of the world, Jerusalem is still not recognized as our capital city – not in terms of the Bible, and not in political terms either.”“Just last week, American President Barack Obama signed an order delaying the move of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem,” he continued. “If there were ever a time when Israel’s Christian supporters must stand with Israel and Jerusalem, it’s now.“Signing the Jerusalem Covenant gives Israel’s supporters a chance to make their voices heard, and to tell the world that Jerusalem is, and always will be, the Biblical heritage of the Jewish people.”

Rabbi: Recent Extreme Global Flooding Portends Great Change for Jewish People-By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz June 10, 2016 , 7:30 am-BREAKINGISRAELNEWS   

“And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.’ Genesis 9:16 (The Israel Bible™)-The world is undergoing a global plague of flooding that many are trying to shrug off as a passing  anomaly. However, one rabbi thinks the widespread meteorological disasters hold a clear message to the Jewish people.Last Thursday, politicians in Paris packed up their briefcases and left a conference that was a prelude to forcing Israel to accept an internationally imposed two-state solution. Just a few hours after the conference ended, the Seine river rose over 6 meters, levels that have not been seen in over 100 years. Sections of the Metro shut down and workers scrambled to save over 250,000 priceless pieces of art stored in the basement of the Louvre, the world’s largest museum. Thousands were forced from the homes into shelters.The storm in Paris was only the beginning. The rains that hit Paris spread across Europe over the weekend, causing massive flooding throughout the continent. Southern and Central Germany were hit with heavy storms, raising river less by as much as four meters within minutes, killing 14 people.Perhaps the strangest aspect of this natural disaster was the human element. Despite meteorology being an advanced science, scientists were caught off guard. Inexplicably, there were virtually no preemptive warnings from the government and scientific institutions constantly on the watch to protect people from these natural disasters.Two people were killed by flooding in Romania and hundreds were made homeless as rising waters flooded roadways, cutting off thousands more people.Rain and flooding were not the only strange weather to manifest. Over 70 people were injured by lightning at the Rock am Ring music festival in Germany on Saturday, forcing officials to cancel the last day, sending over 90,000 wet and disappointed fans home.The flooding was not a local meteorological phenomenon limited to Europe. Last Friday, while Parisians were swimming home, Krasnodar, Russia got hit in three hours with almost 3.5 inches of precipitation, what is normally a full month of rain.No populated continent was spared. In America, extreme flooding hit the Gulf Coast of Texas, threatening 31 counties. Tragedy struck in Fort Hood when a military vehicle was swept away during a training exercise. Nine soldiers were killed in the accident. Nine more people were killed as at least six tornadoes struck in the state and record levels of precipitation fell in some areas. Water levels are still rising in South Texas.Right across the border, Iztapalapa, one of the most densely populated areas of Mexico, was hit by flooding that forced hundreds of families from their homes.In Asia, heavy floods hit  the east and central provinces of China, rendering thousands homeless. Parts of that storm flooded India as well -The Eastern Australia coast was pounded by storms on Sunday while flooding hit the southeastern side of the continent, killing three.In Biblical times, the flooding would likely have been seen as an expression of God’s anger, as nature was understood to be God’s aspect of judgement. When the Egyptians drowned in the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21), the sea was considered to be acting on God’s behalf. Joshua went to battle and the sun stood still for him (Joshua 10:13) as an expression of God’s will. Most of the ten plagues (Exodus 7:14) could be explained by geological, climate or weather-related causes, yet they were divinely directed.What connection, if any, is there between today’s weather events and divine will? One rabbi has an answer.“It’s beyond our ability to ascribe any direct connection between these natural events and any human cause,” Rabbi Shimon Apisdorf, a Jewish educator and author of many books on Torah, told Breaking Israel News. “But my teacher, Rabbi Noach Weinberg, used to say, ‘The battle for life is the battle for sanity’.”Rabbi Apisdorf explained that the unusual weather patterns were not mere freaks of nature, but held a vital message which no one can afford to ignore. “The greatest insanity is to sleepwalk through reality and completely miss what is right in front of us,” he said.“Whether it is a tsunami, earthquake, flood, or hurricane, when these things happen they grab our attention and force us to look, shaking us from the slumber of our everyday lives.”The connection to Israel and the Jewish people is clear, he continued. “One underlying message they are saying is ‘wake-up’. If there is a connection to the process that is affecting the Jewish people, then these events are telling us to wake up to what is happening to the Jewish people and the  land of Israel.”“This point in Jewish history is nothing less than a shift in the entire direction of the Jewish people that surpasses any shift that could ever take place in the tectonic plates shifting under the earth.”For now, the world can rest assured, knowing that as bad as the flooding gets, God promised Noah that he would not destroy the world by flooding again (Genesis 9:16).