Thursday, June 09, 2016


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)


1 And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.

GENESIS 12:1-3
1  Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I (GOD) will shew thee:
2  And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3  And I will bless them that bless thee,(ISRAELIS) and curse (DESTROY) him that curseth thee:(DESTROY THEM) and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

ISAIAH 41:11
11  Behold, all they that were incensed against thee (ISRAEL) shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing;(DESTROYED) and they that strive with thee shall perish.(ISRAEL HATERS WILL BE TOTALLY DESTROYED)


7 Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble;(ISRAEL) but he shall be saved out of it.

DANIEL 12:1,4
1 And at that time shall Michael(ISRAELS WAR ANGEL) stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people:(ISRAEL) and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation(May 14,48) even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro,(WORLD TRAVEL,IMMIGRATION) and knowledge shall be increased.(COMPUTERS,CHIP IMPLANTS ETC)

Minister: Empty West Bank Area C of Palestinians, annex it-Uri Ariel calls for improving conditions in areas A and B, applying Israeli sovereignty elsewhere, says PM’s peace bid futile-By Raphael Ahren June 8, 2016, 6:43 am-the times of israel

MOSCOW – Israeli minister Uri Ariel proposed removing “a few thousand Arabs” from Area C of the West Bank –– the 60% of the territory fully controlled by Israel — and then annexing it.In an interview with The Times of Israel on Tuesday, Ariel (Jewish Home), the agriculture minister, also said the Israeli right is unconcerned over recent peace overtures by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since they will eventually come to nothing. Nonetheless, Ariel, who opposes Palestinian statehood, complained that by invoking a desire for a two-state solution, Netanyahu is fueling the notion held by many Israelis that the creation of a Palestinian state is inevitable.Rather than Palestinian statehood, Ariel urged the annexation of Area C and said NIS 10 billion (some $2.6 billion) should be poured into the other Palestinian areas to drastically improve the local population’s quality of life.“We have to aspire to the annexation of Area C; these are areas where there are no Arabs at all,” Ariel said. “We would remove a few thousand, who do not constitute a significant numerical factor,” he added. Ariel did not specify how those Palestinians would be removed, or where they would be relocated.Ariel’s party leader, Naftali Bennett, who has long proposed annexing Area C, has acknowledged that many tens of thousands of Palestinians live there, and said they should be given the option of Israeli citizenship. Ariel, by contrast, previously called for Israel to annex the entire West Bank, giving the Palestinians “permanent resident” status in the expanded Israel, and the possibility of full voting rights.On the issue of Netanyahu’s recent talk of peace overtures, Ariel said: “I am not worried so much, even though there are surprises in life.”Netanyahu’s repeatedly declared desire to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians and his recent partial embrace of the Arab Peace Initiative, which calls for an Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 lines and a “just” and “agreed” solution to the refugee question, will lead nowhere because of Palestinian rejectionism, Ariel said.“In the end the Arabs will not agree [because] there is no ‘right of return’ — and they want to return to wherever they want,” said Ariel, a long-time settler leader before he entered the Knesset with the right-wing Jewish Home. “In Israel everyone agrees — even the [center-left] Zionist Union — that there will be no right of return. And there are other issues which for the (Palestinians) are non-negotiable.”However, Ariel continued, “there is an ongoing attack on the Israeli consciousness regarding the righteousness of our way.” Netanyahu, and others pledging allegiance to the idea of Palestinian statehood, contributes to a public perception that giving away parts of the Jewish homeland is inevitable, he said.“Terms like ‘two states for two peoples’ lead the people that dwell in Zion [the Israeli people] to doubt our cause,” he said. Even those who believe in Israel’s right to the entire territory of the Holy Land start arguing that there is no other choice because the world insists on the creation of a Palestinian state, the minister said.Ariel is the head of the far-right Tekuma faction in the Jewish Home party. He said he agrees with party leader Bennett, who has threatened to bolt the coalition should the government make territorial concessions.“There is no way that we remain in a government that takes territory from the Land of Israel and hands it to others — the word ‘return’ isn’t appropriate — it’s ours, not theirs,” he said. “We have been there [in the West Bank] for 49 years, 50 years — compared to 19 years in which the Jordanians [controlled it.] There can be no comparison. It’s absurd.”Ariel noted, however, that he had not discussed the peace process or related topics during recent talks with Netanyahu. He flew with the prime minister on this trip to Moscow this week — where he signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in agriculture, the dairy industry and advanced dairy technology with his Russian counterpart, Alexander Tkachev.“We didn’t talk about this [issue], not even one word. We talked about other important issues. There are other important issues,” Uriel said.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanayhu visits the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow on Tuesday, June 7, 2016. To his left, in sunglasses, is Minister Uri Ariel.Speaking to The Times of Israel on the sidelines of an Israel-themed exhibition near the Kremlin, Ariel said the government should launch a “very wide-ranging economic peace” with the Palestinians in the West Bank. “Bring gas to Nablus and water to Hebron and build roads and hospitals and whatever they need. This is possible and it is necessary.”Specifically, the government should earmark NIS 10 billion ($2.6 billion) over the next 10 years to “invest in economic projects that benefit the population,” he said. Major projects should be launched unilaterally, he added.“In order to lay a gas pipeline to Hebron you don’t need anyone’s agreement. Just do it,” he said. “This is not something the State of Israel can’t cope with. We could do it unilaterally, and tell the world what we’re doing. I think doors will open in a way that is not happening today.”In addition to such economic measures for areas A and B, Ariel called for the annexation of Area C, arguing that the very few Palestinians who live there could easily be evacuated.It is a fallacy to argue that an Israeli annexation of large parts of the West Bank is impossible due to universal international opposition to such a move, he argued.“They said it wouldn’t happen and then it happened: They said there wouldn’t be a Jewish state, and it was created,” Ariel said. The annexation of East Jerusalem, the absorption of a million Russian Jews, the evacuation of thousands of Israeli Jews from Gaza and other events that people refused to believe could happen prove that “one can never say never,” he said. “In Israel, the most expected thing is that every 10 years an unexpected mega-event occurs.”

The gunmen ordered dessert, then opened fire-Bartender at Sarona complex’s Max Brenner says terrorists in Tel Aviv shooting attack sat at restaurant before launching murderous shooting spree-By Judah Ari Gross and Times of Israel staff June 8, 2016, 11:46 pm

The two gunmen who went on a deadly shooting spree at Tel Aviv’s Sarona shopping center on Wednesday evening first sat down at a Max Brenner restaurant and ordered some brownies, a bartender told The Times of Israel.Yousef Jabarin of Umm al-Fahm, who works at the restaurant, said the two came in dressed in black suits, with white shirts and skinny ties.He said that their clothes immediately told him they were from the West Bank. The terrorists were later identified by police as Palestinian cousins, both 21-years-old, from the Hebron area.The two ordered a dessert called “milky brownies” and then, without touching their food, got up, pulled out their weapons and started shooting. Jabarin said people immediately started running. There was no one to stop the gunmen at the restaurant, as it does not employ a security guard.The shooting lasted about a minute, he added.Jabarin said he believed 15 minutes passed from the moment the two entered the restaurant and the time they began shooting.Three people were killed in the shooting attack. Four others were seriously hurt, with another person said to be in critical condition. The victims were not immediately identified.Officials said one gunman was arrested and another was shot by security forces and taken into custody.Meital Sassi told Channel 10 TV she was out with her family celebrating her son’s birthday when she heard shots and “immediately understood it was a terror attack.”“We ran like lighting with the baby and the stroller…. I yelled at people who didn’t understand what was happening to run.”In April, Israeli police moved to close down Sarona outdoor complex over fears that the commercial center was not sufficiently secure, but the site’s management said it would stay open. The popular site is home to Israel’s largest indoor culinary market. Its 8,700 square meters (93,000 square feet) of market space hosts 91 shops.At the time, police asked the Tel Aviv Municipality to revoke Sarona’s business license, arguing that lax security put the visiting public at risk.Since October, 29 Israelis and four others have been killed and hundreds more injured in the spate of attacks, though the violence had dramatically waned of late. Some 200 Palestinians have also been killed, some two-thirds of them while carrying out attacks and the rest in clashes with troops, Israeli officials say.Wednesday’s attack was the second deadly shooting in Tel Aviv in six months.On January 1, 29-year-old Nashat Milhem of the northern Israeli Arab town of Arara opened fire outside a bar on Tel Aviv’s busy Dizengoff Street, killing two Israelis. After fleeing, Milhem killed Bedouin taxi driver Ayman Shaaban some 60 minutes later. Milhem was killed in a shootout with police days later while hiding out in a building in his hometown.In a stabbing spree in the city’s Jaffa neighborhood in March, 22-year-old Palestinian Bashar Massalha killed US citizen Taylor Force and injured 10 others in a rampage along the Jaffa boardwalk. He was killed by security forces during the attack.AP contributed to this report

Tel Aviv death toll rises to 4; IDF deploying around shooters’ West Bank village-Hamas tweets praise for ‘hero’ Palestinian terrorists who carried out Sarona Market attack; Netanyahu convenes security chiefs-By Times of Israel staff June 8, 2016, 2:00 pm

00:19-Tel Aviv terror attack death toll rises to four-The death toll in tonight’s terrorist attack at Sarona Market in Tel Aviv has risen to four.Three victims were pronounced dead by Ichilov Hospital earlier. A fourth victim, who was hospitalized in critical condition, was pronounced dead shortly after midnight.None of the victims has yet been named.Three other people are in moderate-to-serious condition.The gunmen, who are both in custody, are Palestinian cousins, aged 21, from the Hebron area of the West Bank. One of them is also being treated in Ichilov.-00:04--Photo of ‘cousins,’ both 21, who carried out Sarona Market attack-Channel 10 tweets a photo purporting to be of the two Tel Aviv shooters, identified as 21-year-old cousins. reports say they are brothers.00:02-IDF said deploying forces around Yatta in southern West Bank-Channel 2 reports that IDF forces are deploying around the village of Yatta in the South Hebron Hills area of the southern West Bank. The village is home to the shooters who killed three at Tel Aviv’s Sarona Market earlier tonight.The deployment is taking place as security chiefs are gathered in Tel Aviv with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman and Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan to receive a briefing and decide on Israel’s response.-23:58--CCTV video shows people fleeing shooters with their children-The Ynet news site publishes security footage from the Sarona Market shooting attack showing restaurant patrons hearing the shots and attempting to flee the shooters. One father is seen carrying his son in a mad rush for the exit.-23:50-Police increase patrols in Tel Aviv after terror attack-Police say they are bolstering patrols around crowded areas in Tel Aviv in order to “increase residents’ sense of security.”-23:46-Ichilov Hospital says condition of 3 victims has stabilized-The condition of three seriously wounded victims of the Sarona Market shooting has stabilized, a senior medical official at Ichilov Hospital tells Israeli media.-23:44-One shooter is named, from Yatta’s Sh’hadeh Salameh family-One of the shooters is named by Palestinian media as Khaled Muhammad Musa Sh’hadeh Salameh.Unconfirmed reports say the other shooter is his brother.-23:38-One of the Tel Aviv shooters was on Shin Bet suspect list-One of the Tel Aviv shooters was on a Shin Bet suspect list, Channel 2 reports. Both were in Israel without permits.Both have been missing for days, the television channel reporting, citing Palestinian security sources.-23:34-Netanyahu set to meet security chiefs imminently-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives at IDF headquarters in the Kirya complex in central Tel Aviv, where he is slated to meet security chiefs and top ministers over tonight’s terror attack in the nearby Sarona Market.The meeting will include Shin Bet chief Nadav Argaman, Police Commissioner Roni Alsheich, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman and Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan.-23:33-Hamas official praises Hebron as ‘capital of intifada’Senior Hamas official and spokesperson in Gaza Mushir al Masri calls Hebron, where the Tel Aviv shooters reportedly hail from, the “capital of the Jerusalem Intifada.”Hamas official Mushir al-Masri calls Hebron the "capital of the Jerusalem Intifada"— Dov Lieber (@DovLieber) June 8, 2016-Hebron is home to a large bulk of the Palestinian assailants since the wave of violence against Israelis began in October.— Dov Lieber-23:31-Police clearing out of Sarona Market area-Police are starting to clear out forces from the Sarona Market area of central Tel Aviv, suggesting that the operational phase of the attack is formally ending.The nearby Kirya army base is standing down from a heightened alert level declared after the shooting.— Judah Ari Gross-

IDF working 24/7 to shore up ‘insufficient’ defenses on Lebanese border-Combat engineers put up walls, fences and create cliffs to protect Israeli communities from Hezbollah attacks-By Judah Ari Gross June 8, 2016, 11:41 am-the times of israel

Within the next two years, Israel’s border with Lebanon will be near unrecognizable from how it appears today, with reinforced security measures around the country’s northern-most communities including changes to the topography itself, a senior military official said.“What we’ve had until today has been a barrier that is insufficient,” the officer told The Times of Israel on Tuesday. “We need a serious barrier that will prevent someone from infiltrating and breaking into our communities and our territory.”The project to bolster the existing border fence will continue for several years to come in order to secure the area effectively, though most of the work will be completed within the next two years, according to the officer from the Israel Defense Forces’ Northern Command.The new border protection is designed to prevent Hezbollah or another terror group from infiltrating Israel to carry out attacks on civilians and soldiers.“We are taking the statements being made by our enemies seriously. Hezbollah’s [leader Hassan] Nasrallah regularly tells the press, ‘We’ll conquer the Galilee,’ and things like that. We take that seriously,” he said in the Northern Command’s Safed headquarters.Due to the sensitivity of his position, the officer asked not to be named.“In the past, we looked at the Golan Heights and saw the Syrian army and the Assad regime so we built a ‘glorious’ barrier, with trenches and minefields. But on the Lebanese front, we didn’t,” he said.The decision to change that situation was made after the 2006 Second Lebanon War with Hezbollah. It was not the result of any particular incident during the conflict, the officer stressed, but of a general change in mindset that brought the threats from Lebanon into greater focus within the IDF.This effort to shore up the border, which came into full swing approximately two years ago, is part of a larger Combat Engineering Corps program with the straightforward name, “Organization of the Region for War,” which is comprised of both the construction of these physical obstacles and training for any future conflict in Lebanon, the official said.The border has been relatively quiet over the past year. In January, after Hezbollah terrorist Samir Kuntar was allegedly killed by Israel, the group detonated an IED near an Israeli army vehicle, which caused some damage, but did not injure any soldiers.“We don’t have any other plans other than maintaining quiet, and I hope that everyone understands that well, including our neighbors,” Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said about the northern border on Tuesday.“In any case, I don’t recommend that anyone test us,” he added.So far, the combat engineering team has completed “dozens of kilometers of fences, kilometers of walls that were built, kilometers of cliffs that were hewn [from mountains],” he said, but there is still “a long way to go.”‘There are some locations where they are working 24/7 — days, nights and weekends’“Today, there are about 100 engineering vehicles on the border that are working at any given time. That’s an insane amount, something we haven’t seen in years,” he said.“We have a saying: No bulldozer stands idle,” the official said. “There are some locations where they are working 24/7 — days, nights and weekends.”As the construction is taking place close to the Blue Line, the still contentious but mostly agreed upon border between Israel and Lebanon, the IDF coordinates its efforts with the United Nation’s Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), which is supposed to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts between the two militaries.That does not always work. In 2010, Lt. Col. Dov Harari was killed by a Lebanese army sniper as he led a team of soldiers to do some maintenance work on the Israeli side of the border.“On the one hand, everything is coordinated. But we don’t see UNIFIL as something that’s designed to protect us. We know how to protect ourselves quite well,” the officer said.The goal of this long-term project is to eventually provide improved security all along the approximately 60 mile (100km) border, from “the sea to the mountain,” the officer said, from Rosh Hanikra on the coast to the Golan Heights.This overhaul is expected to ultimately cost approximately one billion shekels and is being completed with both military and civilian engineering teams, the official said.“If we could do it with all military [teams], we would,” he said. “But it’s an issue of availability. The IDF is dealing with a few other fronts, you know.”The high cost, he explained, comes from the difficulty in operating on the rocky, mountainous terrain of the northern border.“There’s a difference between putting up a fence somewhere flat and putting up a fence where there are mountains, boulders, forests. It’s a difficult piece of engineering. It takes a long time. And it takes money,” he said.“A fence in a flat area costs X; a fence in a mountainous area costs X multiplied by four. Those are more or less the real numbers,” he said.The project is not being conducted from east to west, but rather in order of vulnerability.“We looked at the area and asked, ‘Where are the weak spots?'” he said. “First and foremost, it’s the communities next to the border, next to Lebanon. So we take care of them and then the rest of the area.”The Northern Command’s combat engineers assessed each spot along the border and devised a security blueprint designed for its specific landscape features, the officer said.For instance, Metulla, which is located directly adjacent the border fence and sits in a fairly open plain, is already protected by a more than 20-foot tall concrete wall, which will be further reinforced.“But there are communities that are in mountainous areas, where the solution is [man-made] cliffs and clearing fields,” he said.The IDF is literally changing the landscape — lobbing off sections of mountains to create steep, unpassable cliffs so terrorists cannot enter Israel or clearing forests so that infiltrators have no place to hide.“I was saying the other day, from space you can see the Great Wall of China, well you can already see what we’re doing in Google Earth,” the officer said.

Israel doesn’t intervene in Syria war, Netanyahu says in Russia-PM tells Jewish community leaders that he doubts Assad’s Syria will survive the conflict as a single state-By Raphael Ahren June 8, 2016, 12:28 pm-the times of israel

MOSCOW – Israel does not intervene in the Syrian civil war but will not allow attacks from the country to be launched at Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday, a day after he met Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss Syria and other regional issues.“You ask about the future of [Israel’s] relations with President [Bashar] Assad? I would ask what is the future of President Assad in general?” Netanyahu told Russian Jewish leaders. “We do not interfere in this issue. We’re making sure that Syria won’t become a launchpad for attacks against Israel.”Israel would act against Syrian and Iranian forces, and against Hezbollah and other Islamist groups in the region, if it perceived any threat emanating from them, he said. “There are enough enemies. My policy is to take all necessary steps to prevent attacks, and we act from time to time when the need arises.”It is unclear whether Syria can go back to being a single country, he added. Countries surrounding Israel are currently splintering, “and therefore a different arrangement is needed.” He didn’t elaborate, but said he and Putin had discussed the issue “at length” on Tuesday.“What’s important is that whatever replaces [the disintegrating countries] will not lead to further tragedies and threaten our countries,” he said.Putin, who, like Netanyahu, described Tuesday’s meeting as warm and constructive, is one of Assad’s last supporters within the international community. The two leaders discussed a range of bilateral issues, chief among them the so-called deconfliction mechanism set in place last year to ensure Israeli and Russian aircraft do not clash over Syria.“We discussed the future of coordination between our militaries in the region, which has worked very well in preventing confrontations and in ensuring that we work against the same elements that endanger us all,” Netanyahu said at a press conference following the meeting.A day later, addressing some 100 community leaders and businessmen, including Russian Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, Moscow Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt and Russian Jewish Federation chief Yuri Kanner, the prime minister hailed the Russian Jewish community for its role in improving the relations between the two countries.Diplomatic ties between the Russian Federation and the State of Israel were renewed in 1991, some 24 years after the Soviet Union severed them in the wake of the Six Day War. The Russian Jewish community has greatly contributed to the ongoing warming of ties, Netanyahu said.At the event, the prime minister also revealed that he handed Putin a copy of his father Benzion Netanyahu’s epic work on medieval Spanish Jewry, which was recently translated into Russian.