Monday, November 23, 2020


 DISEASES-ANIMAL TO HUMAN ( 500 million Dead )


7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,(2 billion) of (8 billion) to kill with sword,(WEAPONS)(500 million) and with hunger,(FAMINE)(500 million) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES)(500 million) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE)(500 million).

COVID 19 WORLD TOTALS AS OF MON NOV 23, 2020. CASES - 59,253,307 AND DEATHS - 1,398,113

Israel said to send first official delegation to Sudan-Talks on agriculture, trade, aviation and migration reportedly set to begin in Khartoum as efforts continue to shore up normalization deal-By TOI staff-NOV 23,20-Today, 3:55 pm

Israel’s first ever official delegation to Sudan reportedly took off from Ben Gurion Airport Monday on its way to Khartoum for talks between the two countries on the normalization deal announced last month.The delegation is made up of a small group of government officials and will prepare the groundwork for a larger visit of higher-level Israeli officials in the coming weeks, the Ynet news site reported.On October 23, US President Donald Trump announced that Sudan would start normalizing ties with Israel, with the two countries set to sign deals covering agriculture, trade, aviation and migration.Sudan’s Foreign Ministry said at the time that Sudanese and Israeli officials would meet in the following weeks to discuss a package of cooperation deals to “achieve the mutual interests of the two peoples.”US President Donald Trump speaks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the phone about a Sudan-Israel peace agreement, in the Oval Office on October 23, 2020. (Win McNamee/Getty Images/AFP)-The normalization deal came after Trump said he was moving to remove Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. The delisting opened the door for Sudan to get international loans and aid, which it needs to revive its battered economy and rescue its transition to democracy, following a popular uprising last year that led the military to overthrow longtime autocrat Omar al-Bashir.Sudan’s economy has suffered from decades of US sanctions and mismanagement under al-Bashir. The transitional government has been struggling with a huge budget deficit and widespread shortages of essential goods, including fuel, bread and medicine. Annual inflation soared past 200% last month as prices of bread and other staples surged, according to official figures.Two days after the normalization deal was announced, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said that Israel was sending $5 million worth of wheat to Sudan to help with the economic crisis.File: Sudanese and Eritrean refugees in south Tel Aviv in 2011 (Nicky Kelvin/Flash90)-Israel and Sudan are also expected to discuss the fate of some 6,000 Sudanese asylum seekers currently in Israel, with Jerusalem reportedly having drawn up a proposal to send back refugees willing to return to their home country.Asylum seekers from Sudan make up about 20 percent of the 33,000 African migrants currently in Israel.Sudan is the third Arab state to signal a willingness to normalize ties with Israel in recent months as part of US-brokered deals, following the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

US House progressives urge Pompeo to decry Israel’s razing of Palestinian hamlet-40 lawmakers sign letter slamming ‘violation of international law’ they say was made possible by US silence, demanding to know if US-sourced equipment was used in demolition-By JACOB MAGID-NOV 23,20-Today, 7:04 pm

NEW YORK — Forty progressive Democrats in the US House of Representatives signed a letter last week urging Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to condemn the Israeli demolition of a wildcat Palestinian village in the West Bank and demanded to know if American-sourced equipment was used in the razing.“This single act was the largest Israeli displacement of Palestinians in four years — behavior only made possible by continued silence from the American government,” the letter spearheaded by Wisconsin Rep. Mark Pocan reads. “This is a grave humanitarian issue that demands your immediate attention and our collective condemnation.”The November 3 demolition of Khirbet Humsa rendered around 73 Palestinians, including 41 children, homeless. Critics said Israeli security forces used the US presidential election as cover to carry out the move while international focus was elsewhere.Israel’s military liaison to the Palestinians said the army had destroyed structures erected illegally in a military live-fire zone.While Israeli military law forbids the expulsion of permanent residents from a firing zone, the High Court ruled that Khirbet Humsa’s residents did not meet that standard. Khirbet Humsa residents, however, rejected the court’s decision, telling The Times of Israel that they have lived in the area their entire lives.The letter issued last Tuesday was signed by Joaquin Castro, who is a candidate to replace Eliot Engel as chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and by “squad” members Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida TlaibIn inquiring into the equipment used in the demolition, the Congress members referenced a March letter to Pompeo signed by 64 lawmakers demanding that the Trump administration “work to prevent unlawful home demolitions and the forcible transfer of civilians everywhere in the world and prevent the use of US-origin equipment in this destructive practice.”“It is imperative that in your waning two months in office human rights violations, and violations of international law, continue to be forcefully rejected by the American government. It is the only way that a peaceful, comprehensive solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be achieved,” the lawmakers wrote in their more recent letter.Pompeo was sent the letter a day before he arrived in Israel, where he became the first US secretary of state to visit an Israeli settlement. There, he announced a new policy requiring goods produced in Israeli-controlled areas in the West Bank and exported to the US be labeled as “made in Israel” — a reversal of a decades-long US policy that differentiated between the two sides of the Green Line.The visit and the settlement policy change was condemned by many of the Congressional letter’s signers.The progressive pro-Israel lobby J Street issued a statement welcoming the letter as an “important sign that many Members of Congress are fed up with the Netanyahu government’s ongoing campaign of displacement and creeping annexation in the West Bank – and with Secretary Pompeo’s enabling of it.”“Like the majority of American Jews, they are eager for a presidential administration that will forcefully reject and act to prevent such actions, which are deeply destructive to the interests of Palestinians, Israelis and the United States,” the group’s government affairs director, Debra Shushan, said.Aaron Boxerman contributed to this report. 

13 Thou shalt not kill.(Murder)(THAT INCLUDES ABORTION)


6  But whoso shall offend (HURT) one of these little ones (CHILDREN) which believe in me,(JESUS) it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.(THATS THE DEATH PENALTY FOLKS)

EXODUS 21:12

12 He that smiteth (MURDER)a man,(OR BABY) so that he die, shall be surely put to death.(THATS THE DEATH PENALTY PEOPLE)


20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils,(OCCULT) and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:

21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries,(DRUG ADDICTIONS) nor of their fornication,(SEX OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE) nor of their thefts.(STEALING)

Israel’s Bank Hapoalim signs accords with Dubai, Abu Dhabi financial hubs-‘Historic’ agreements will enable the lender to give customers easier access to banks, investors, and tech firms that are part of the DIFC and ADGM financial centers-By SHOSHANNA SOLOMON-Today, 4:04 pm

Israel’s Bank Hapoalim Ltd. said Sunday it has signed “historic” agreements with two financial centers in the UAE, enabling the lender to give its customers easier access to the network of banks, investors, regulators and tech firms that are part of the financial centers.Hapoalim said it signed memorandums of understanding with the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM), a financial center located on the Al Maryah Island in the capital city of the UAE, and with the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC).The centers are special economic zones that act as financial hubs for the Middle East, Africa and South Asia markets. They generally have their own independent, internationally regulated rules and judicial system, a common law framework, a global financial exchange, and a tax friendly regime. The districts house hundreds of financial institutions, including wealth funds and private investors as well as multinationals.The cooperation will enable Bank Hapoalim to offer its clients easier access to the UAE via the financial centers’ network of firms, and give entrepreneurs in the financial technologies sector access to the accelerator programs run by these centers, which will provide them with office space as well as connections to banks and financial institutions to test out their technologies.Head of business development division of ADGM Steve Barnet, right to left, Bank Hapoalim represntatives to the UAE Asaf Azulay and Karen Mazor and senior executive director, Capital Markets of ADGM, Wai Lum (Courtesy)-ADGM started operations in 2015 and has played a key role in branding Abu Dhabi as a global financial center that connects developing economies in the Middle East, Africa and the South of Asia to the rest of the world. There are more than 3,000 organizations and financial institutions operating from the center, including investment bodies and startups. The organization has signed 116 cooperation agreements with financial entities from across the world.DIFC, set up in 2004, was the first financial hub set up in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia region. It has 2,584 registered companies operating from the hub, among which are banks, investment firms and legal offices, with 25,600 employees.The accord will enable Bank Hapoalim to access banking and fintech opportunities in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) from Dubai, the DIFC said in a separate statement, adding that the sides will work together in sharing knowledge, hosting delegations and promoting industry events.Dov Kotler, the CEO of Bank Hapoalim, will be speaking at a fintech conference in Abu Dhabi on November 26, and the bank will be leading a business delegation to Dubai in December. As part of the visit, the bank’s officials and representatives of the DIFC will meet to finalize details of the cooperation.



7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,(2 BILLION) to kill with sword,(WEAPONS) and with hunger,(FAMINE) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE).


15 And the four(DEMONIC WAR) angels were loosed,

18 By these three was the third part of men killed,(2 BILLION) by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.(NUCLEAR ATOMIC BOMBS)



34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other shall be left.(half earths population 4 billion die in the 7 yr trib)

35 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.

36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.

37 And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.(Christians have new bodies,this is the people against Jerusalem during the 7 yr treaty)(Christians bodies are not being eaten by the birds).THESE ARE JUDGEMENT SCRIPTURES-NOT RAPTURE SCRIPTURES.BECAUSE NOT HALF OF PEOPLE ON EARTH ARE CHRISTIANS.AND THE CONTEXT IN LUKE 17 IS THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION OR 7 YR TREATY PERIOD.WHICH IS JUDGEMENT ON THE EARTH.NOT 50% RAPTURED TO HEAVEN.


37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.

42 Watch therefore:(FOR THE LAST DAYS SIGNS HAPPENING) for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.



ISAIAH 34:10

10  It (AMERICA-POLITICAL BABYLON) shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke thereof shall go up for ever: from generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever.


29  And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the LORD shall be performed against Babylon,(AMERICA-NEW YORK) to make the land of Babylon (AMERICA) a desolation without an inhabitant.

30  The mighty men of Babylon (AMERICA) have forborn to fight, they have remained in their holds: their might hath failed; they became as women: they have burned her dwellingplaces; her bars are broken.

031  One post shall run to meet another, and one messenger to meet another, to shew the king of Babylon (NEW YORK) that his city is taken at one end,

32  And that the passages are stopped,(THE WAR COMPUTERS HACKED OR EMP'D) and the reeds they have burned with fire, and the men of war are affrighted.(DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO)



1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

JEREMIAH 50:3,24

3 For out of the north (RUSSIA) there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.

24 I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon,(AMERICA) and thou wast not aware: thou art found, and also caught, because thou hast striven against the LORD. (RUSSIA A SNEAK CYBER,EMP ATTACK,THEN NUKE ATTACK ON AM

In threat to Iran, US sends heavy bombers to Middle East via Israel-Move comes amid reports and speculation Trump administration may take military action against Tehran before Biden enters office-By JUDAH ARI GROSS-nov 23,20-Today, 7:04 pm

The United States this week rapidly deployed several heavy bombers to the Middle East this week in an apparent threat to Iran, amid swirling speculation that US President Donald Trump plans to take military action against Tehran before President-elect Joe Biden enters office.US Central Command said the planes were sent into the region “to deter aggression and reassure US partners and allies.”In a highly irregular move, the B-52H Stratofortress planes were seen flying toward Israeli airspace on Saturday en route to the base where they will be stationed, likely in Qatar. The aircraft were spotted on civilian tracking software approaching Israel before they apparently turned off their transponders, rendering them invisible on those applications.It was the third time in the past year and a half that B-52 bombers, which are capable of carrying nuclear weapons and other powerful munitions, have been deployed to the region in tacit threats to Iran.In previous cases, the bombers were not seeing flying through Israeli airspace. It was not immediately clear what accounted for the change in route.The planes were ordered on short notice to fly to the Middle East nonstop from their home base in North Dakota, refueling along the way in mid-air. The bombers were accompanied on the mission by F-15 and F-16 fighter jets, as well as KC-10 and KC-135 refueling planes, US Central Command (CENTCOM) said.“The ability to quickly move forces into, out of and around the theater to seize, retain and exploit the initiative is key to deterring potential aggression,” Lt. Gen. Greg Guillot, commander of the US military’s 9th Air Force, said in a statement.The general said deploying bombers to the region allows their crews to better acquaint themselves with the area and work better with local units.“These missions help bomber aircrews gain familiarity with the region’s airspace and command and control functions and allow them to integrate with the theater’s US and partner air assets, increasing the combined force’s overall readiness,” Guillot said.The deployment of the long-range heavy bombers came amid reports that the Trump administration — and Israel — planned to carry out military operations against Iran before Biden enters office. The US president-elect is expected to take a somewhat softer, more diplomatic approach than Trump, who pulled out of the 2015 nuclear deal world powers signed with Iran and employed a so-called “maximum pressure” campaign of heavy economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic.Though analysts say this effort has created leverage for future negotiations, the tactic has not yet borne fruit in terms of halting Iran’s nuclear efforts — indeed the Islamic Republic has amassed far more nuclear material and at higher levels of enrichment under the campaign — nor has it curbed Tehran’s regional hegemony ambitions.Biden, who was vice president to Barack Obama when the 2015 accord was signed, has said that he plans to return to the agreement as a basis for further negotiations with Iran.The Trump administration is reportedly planning a bevy of wide-ranging sanctions on Iran to make it more difficult for the incoming administration to rejoin the nuclear deal.US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited the region over the past week, including a stop in Israel, in which he told the Jerusalem Post that the US would consider a military strike against Iran.“The administration has been clear on that for its entire four years. There is no reason that would change today or tomorrow,” Pompeo said.Last Friday, Channel 13 reported that Israel and the US were planning to increase pressure on Iran with “covert operations” and economic sanctions during Trump’s final weeks in office. Jerusalem and Washington assess that Tehran will not respond militarily before the end of Trump’s term, according to the unsourced report.The report did not elaborate on the nature of actions that may be taken.Among other covert operations against Iran’s rogue nuclear program, Israel and the US were reportedly responsible for introducing the Stuxnet computer virus to sabotage parts of Iran’s nuclear enrichment process a decade ago, and for more recent sabotage attacks on Iranian nuclear facilities. Israel’s Mossad spy agency spirited out a vast trove of Iranian documentation regarding the regime’s nuclear program, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed in 2018. Israel has also been linked in reports to the killings of several Iranian nuclear scientists, and last week The New York Times reported that Israeli agents killed Al-Qaeda’s No. 2 Abu Muhammad al-Masri in Tehran in August at the behest of the US.Last Monday, the Times reported that Trump had asked top advisers if he had options to strike Iranian nuclear sites during his last weeks in office, but was dissuaded with warnings it could lead to a wider conflict. Trump convened the officials a day after the UN nuclear watchdog said Iran had stockpiled over 12 times more enriched uranium than the 2015 nuclear deal allows, the report said, citing four current and former US officials.Times of Israel staff contributed to this report.

Gantz threatens Hamas and Gaza residents after exchange of fire-Defense minister says Strip won’t be given any slack because of virus outbreak; government earmarks NIS 1 billion to develop, aid border communities-By TOI STAFF-NOV 22,20-Today, 4:35 pm

Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Sunday warned the Hamas terror group against continuing to try Israel with attacks from the Gaza Strip, saying it will not be cut any slack just because of the coronavirus outbreak, which has badly hit the Palestinian coastal enclave.His remarks came after the Israel Defense Forces hit Hamas targets overnight in response to a rocket fired fired from Gaza that blasted into an empty warehouse in the southern port city of Ashkelon, damaging the building.“The price that we exact for each attack on our sovereignty will continue to grow and increase. In this, there will be no special coronavirus discounts,” Gantz declared at the opening of the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.Gantz said there were a wide range of operational plans that had prepared to protect residents of the south, “and if these violations of sovereignty and attacks continue, Hamas and the residents of Gaza will soon encounter those plans up close — and I advise them against that.”The Gaza Strip has seen a recent surge in coronavirus cases with one in four tests coming back positive.On Sunday Netanyahu unveiled a NIS 1 billion ($299 million) aid package for Israeli communities in the region abutting the Gaza Strip, an area that suffers the brunt of rocket and mortar attacks from terror groups on the other side of the border.The plan is “to strengthen community support networks, strengthen and develop the local economy and strengthen local authorities,” the Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement.Netanyahu, along with Finance Minister Israel Katz and Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, convened a video conference with council heads from the Gaza envelope area to tell them about the aid package.“Our vigorous security policy for every attack aimed at us, which found expression just yesterday, is alongside the strengthening of civilian resilience and momentum in the area, which are the true answer to the terrorist organizations,” Netanyahu said.Katz said that under the plan the government will be able “to improve services to residents by increasing the local authorities’ budgets, expanding activities at the resilience centers and health centers in the communities, and expanding social services and education in the area.”“We are charged with the responsibility of continuing to provide all of the tools necessary for the authorities in the area to strengthen themselves and succeed,” Deri declared.The Saturday night rocket attack came at roughly 9:30 p.m., setting off sirens in Ashkelon and the industrial zone just south of the city, an area where tens of thousands of people live, the military said.The rocket fire caused damage to the warehouse in Ashkelon, according to municipal officials. A pregnant woman was injured as she ran for shelter at the time of the siren, the Ynet news site reported. She was said to be in good condition.The siren gives residents of Ashkelon about 15 seconds warning before rockets from Gaza impact.Israel’s retaliatory predawn Israeli raids targeted Hamas military installations, the army said, including “two rocket manufacturing sites, underground infrastructure and a training facility for the Hamas terror group’s naval force.”There were no immediate reports of injuries from the Israeli retaliatory strikes.Though Israel is involved in ongoing talks with Hamas regarding a long-term ceasefire agreement, recent weeks have seen an uptick in violence emanating from Gaza.Last Sunday, two rockets were fired at central Israel from the Gaza Strip. The two projectiles struck open areas, causing neither injury nor damage.The terror group sent messages to Israel that claimed the rockets were fired accidentally, set off by lightning during a thunderstorm, an explanation that the IDF has apparently accepted.Israel has fought three large campaigns against terror groups in the Strip since Hamas took control of the area in 2007, along with dozens of smaller exchanges of fire.

Iran warns Israel of ‘crushing’ reply to ‘hit and run’ strikes in Syria-Tehran threatens harsh response to any who disrupt its ‘advisers’ in Syria, as war monitor claims 14 pro-Iran fighters killed in fresh strikes attributed to Israel-By AGENCIES and TOI STAFF-NOV 22,20-Today, 2:10 pm

Iran said on Sunday that it would bring an end to what it called Israel’s practice of “hit and run” strikes in Syria as an unconfirmed report said that at least 14 pro-Iran fighters from Iraq and Afghanistan were killed in overnight airstrikes in eastern Syria.Tehran made the threat following a major Israeli assault last week in response to what Jerusalem said was a failed Iranian explosives attack on the Golan Heights.Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh told a press conference that “the Zionist regime is well aware that the era of hit and run is over and therefore they are very cautious.”He also denied Israel’s longstanding claim that Tehran is establishing a permanent military presence in Syria, saying that Iran was in the country in an advisory capacity.“Iran’s presence in Syria is advisory and naturally if anyone disrupts this advisory presence, our response will be a crushing one,” Khatibzadeh said, according to the Reuters news agency.“I do not confirm the martyrdom of Iranian forces in Syria,” Khatibzadeh said.Khatibzadeh also said the “crimes” committed by the United States against Iran do not prevent “carefully considered” exchanges from taking place between the two countries.“The future of relations between Iran and the United States is not simple,” Khatibzadeh said as Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s government started to make signs of apparent overtures to US president-elect Joe Biden.“It is natural that [between two] members of the United Nations [like the US and Iran] there have always been, and there are, very carefully considered exchanges, in a known framework,” Khatibzadeh said, while noting that “does not mean that Iran is forgetting this list of crimes.”Biden has promised a return to diplomacy with Iran after four hawkish years under Trump.Khatibzadeh’s comments came as the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said a number of strikes overnight in Deir Ezzor province, on the border with Iraq, were likely carried out by Israeli war planes.More than 10 strikes hit positions of Iran-backed militias outside the border town of Albu Kamal, according to the war monitor.The attack killed eight Iraqi and six Afghan fighters, it said. It also destroyed two bases as well as several military vehicles, the Observatory added.There was no confirmation of the strike from official sources or other news accounts. Questioned have been raised in the past about the accuracy of reports from the UK-based monitor, which is closely linked to the Syrian opposition. The group has been accused of inflating casualty numbers and inventing incidents.There was no comment from the Israel Defense Forces. The IDF generally maintains a policy of ambiguity regarding its activities against Iran and its proxies in Syria, refusing to publicly acknowledge its actions.Iran-backed fighters are heavily deployed in a stretch of territory between the Syrian towns of Albu Kamal and Mayadeen, both former strongholds of the Islamic State group.On Wednesday, the IDF made a rare announcement of strikes against Iranian forces in Syria.The military said it bombed “warehouses, command posts and military complexes, as well as batteries of surface-to-air missiles” in early morning retaliatory strikes following the discovery of mines planted near the Israel-Syria frontier. The military did not specify the location of the three sites, but they appeared to be military positions on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.On Thursday morning, the IDF also released aerial before-and-after photographs of two sites bombed in the strikes: a military complex used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ expeditionary Quds Force; and a command center of the Syrian military’s 7th Division, which Israel says cooperates widely with Iranian forces in Syria.Syrian state media reported that three Syrian soldiers were killed in the strikes. All three appeared to serve in air defense batteries that were destroyed by the IDF after they fired on Israeli jets.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 10 people in total were killed in the Israeli strikes, some of them Iranian.This could not be immediately confirmed and was not reported by other groups in Syria.On Tuesday, IDF combat engineers disarmed three anti-personnel mines within Israeli territory, near the Syrian border, which the military believes were planted by Syrian nationals on behalf of Iran several weeks before.Israel views a permanent Iranian military presence in Syria as an unacceptable threat, which it will take military action to prevent.The IDF has launched hundreds of strikes in Syria since the start of the civil war in 2011 against moves by Iran to establish a permanent military presence in the country and efforts to transport advanced, game-changing weapons to terrorist groups in the region, principally Hezbollah.Judah Ari Gross contributed to this report.

Germany accuses Iran of systematically breaking nuke deal, as top diplomats meet-Foreign ministers of Germany, France and UK convene to discuss state of moribund accord, ‘strongly’ call on Tehran to fulfill obligations-By Agencies and TOI staff-NOV 23,20-Today,

BERLIN, Germany  — The German, French and British foreign ministers were meeting Monday to discuss the future of the international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program amid hopes that the incoming US administration might help breathe new life into the accord, Germany’s Foreign Ministry said.The three European powers have spearheaded efforts to keep alive the agreement, concluded in Vienna in 2015 and officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA. Russia and China also remain on board.Ahead of the meeting, German Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Andrea Sasse said that Iran was systematically violating the 2015 accord.“Together with our partners, we strongly call on Iran to stop violating the deal and return to fulfilling all its nuclear obligations completely,” she said.US President-elect Joe Biden has said he hopes to return the US to the accord, in which Iran agreed to limit its nuclear activities in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions. Outgoing President Donald Trump withdrew the country from the agreement in 2018 and imposed crippling economic sanctions on Iran, which responded by publicly abandoning nuclear restrictions in the agreement.Monday’s meeting at a government guesthouse in Berlin, which wasn’t announced in advance, aimed to discuss “what a further approach involving all signatories to the JCPOA, and perhaps also with a new US administration, could look like,” Sasse told reporters.“We are confident that a constructive approach by the US toward the Vienna nuclear agreement could contribute significantly to breaking the current negative spiral we are seeing with Iran, and opening new prospects for the preservation of the JCPOA,” she added.Sasse said Monday’s meeting also would address Iran’s missile program and wider regional role — issues that are not addressed by the nuclear agreement, to the displeasure of its critics.Asked whether the Europeans fear Trump taking further steps against Iran before he leaves office that would undermine their hopes, Sasse replied: “If there are such measures, we will evaluate them if they happen.”US President Donald Trump arrives to address the nation from the White House on the ballistic missile strike that Iran launched against Iraqi air bases housing US troops accompanied by Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, center, and US Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein, January 8, 2020. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)Trump was recently talked back from moving ahead with a military strike on Iran’s main nuclear site by advisers who included Pompeo, according to a New York Times report.Biden has argued that Trump’s withdrawal from the deal signaled to American allies that it could not be trusted to hold agreements and that while the accord may not have been perfect, it had been effective in blocking Iran’s path to a nuclear weapon.Since Trump pulled out of the accord and began imposing crushing economic sanctions on Tehran, the Islamic Republic has retaliated by producing more and more highly enriched fissile material in violation of the agreement, getting closer and closer to a bomb, while still leaving room for a return to negotiations.The UN’s atomic watchdog agency said earlier this month that Iran continues to increase its stockpile of low-enriched uranium far beyond the limits set in the accord and to enrich it to a greater purity than permitted.Taking a step back from the brink, Iran’s foreign minister said Tuesday that Tehran was willing to return to the deal if Biden lifts sanctions on Iran after entering the White House.On Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on against reengaging with Iran on the nuclear deal, saying, “There can be no going back to the previous nuclear agreement. We must stick to an uncompromising policy of ensuring that Iran will not develop nuclear weapons.”His comments echoed his bitter opposition to the 2015 deal when it was being negotiated by the Obama administration, and contrast starkly with Biden’s pledge to “rejoin” the accord.

UK to Reward ‘Freedom Pass’ to Citizens Who Comply With COVID Scheme-November 23, 2020 Niamh Harris News, UK-

The UK government is promoting a new scheme that offers citizens a “normal life” by awarding them with a “freedom pass” for passing a COVID-19 test at least twice a week, according to reports.The draconian scheme, led by former British health secretary Jeremy Hunt, has been slammed as fascist by critics, with some even accusing Hunt of promoting “enslavement passes.”The details of the plan are still being privately discussed by officials in Whitehall, who hope it will allow the country to get back to “normal” at some point next year.   To earn the freedom pass, people will need to be tested and re-tested regularly.Provided the results come back negative, they will then be given a letter, card, or document they can show to authorities, allowing them to move around more “freely.”The certificate would be able to be stored on a reports: It would even allow Britons to get away without wearing a mask, it is thought, and visit family and friends without the need to socially distance.  A source told the Telegraph: ‘They will allow someone to wander down the streets, and if someone else asks why they are not wearing a mask, they can show the card, letter or an App.’It comes after former health secretary Jeremy Hunt threw his backing behind the ‘freedom pass’ concept. His proposal suggests far less testing, however, with calls for Britons to be tested just once a month before being given their certificates.  The former health secretary has called on ministers to come up with ‘proper incentives’ for people to get tested, self-isolate and receive a vaccine.His suggestion follows recommendations by behaviour experts advising Downing Street, who said those not infected with the virus should be handed paper wristbands to allow them to return to a more normal life.The Behavioural Insights team, also known as the ‘Nudge Unit’, also suggested lotteries at testing centres and paying for people’s travel if they go to get tested.Mr Hunt pointed to the example of Slovakia’s mass coronavirus testing scheme, where all the countries residents aged between ten and 65 – almost four million people – were swabbed for the virus over a single weekend.Those that tested negative were presented with a paper certificate and told they no longer needed to follow rules ordering them to stay home.Writing in The Times , the chair of Parliament’s Health and Social Care Committee said Britain should ‘go further’ to encourage more people to get tested for Covid-19.He warned although the country has a Plan A to end the pandemic – a vaccine – it also needs a watertight Plan B.‘We should go further, offering people who comply with testing and isolation requirements a “freedom pass” that removes the requirement to follow lockdown regulations,’ he wrote.‘In Slovakia they gave those with negative results a certificate that released them from curfew and allowed them to go out, shop, and go to work. ‘This meant 97 per cent of the eligible population was tested. ‘We should do the same in the UK, using the NHS Covid-19 app to record who has been tested and who has received the vaccine.’He added putting these plans in place would mean the Government could ‘set a date’ to get back to ‘some kind of normality’, which could be ‘perhaps as soon as Easter’.However, the government will have to carry out millions of tests per day to ensure either freedom pass scheme works. At the moment, testing capacity is at about 500,000 per day. The UK is also planning to roll out a nationwide mass testing scheme to beat the virus – called ‘Operation Moonshot’ – by weeding out infections that aren’t causing any symptoms. It is claimed that ministers were hoping to be carrying out up to 10 million tests a day by early next year as part of a £100 billion expansion of its national testing programme.If achieved, the programme would allow testing of the entire UK population per week.


JOEL 3:2

2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people(ISRAEL) and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.(UPROOTED ISRAELIS AND DIVIDED JERUSALEM)(THIS BRINGS ON WW3 BECAUSE JERUSALEM IS DIVIDED,WARNING TO ARABS-MUSLIMS AND THE WORLD).


Heres the scripture 1 week = 7 yrs Genesis 29:27-29

27 Fulfil her week, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet seven other years.

28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week:(7 YEARS) and he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also.

29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be her maid.

DANIEL 11:21-2321 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.

24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.

DANIEL 9:26-27

26 And after threescore and two weeks(62X7=434 YEARS+7X7=49 YEARS=TOTAL OF 69 WEEKS OR 483 YRS) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;(ROMAN LEADERS DESTROYED THE 2ND TEMPLE) and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.(THERE HAS TO BE 70 WEEKS OR 490 YRS TO FUFILL THE VISION AND PROPHECY OF DAN 9:24).(THE NEXT VERSE IS THAT 7 YR WEEK OR (70TH FINAL WEEK).

27 And he ( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant (PEACE TREATY) with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE ANIMAL SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.


14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.


11 For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace.


3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


8  The highways lie waste, the wayfaring man ceaseth: he hath broken the covenant,(7 YR TREATY) he hath despised the cities, he regardeth no man.(THE WORLD LEADER-WAR MONGER CALLS HIMSELF GOD)


GENESIS 25:20-26

20  And Isaac was forty years old (A BIBLE GENERATION NUMBER=1967 + 40=2007+) when he took Rebekah to wife, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Padanaram, the sister to Laban the Syrian.

21  And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.

22  And the children (2 NATIONS IN HER-ISRAEL-ARABS) struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD.

23  And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels;(ISRAEL AND THE ARABS) and the one people shall be stronger than the other people;(ISRAEL STRONGER THAN ARABS) and the elder shall serve the younger.(LITERALLY ISRAEL THE YOUNGER RULES (ISSAC)(JACOB-LATER NAME CHANGED TO ISRAEL) OVER THE OLDER ARABS (ISHMAEL)(ESAU)

24  And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb.

25  And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau.(THE OLDER AN ARAB)



14 Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.

15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:

16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.

18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.

19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.

DANIEL 8:23-25

23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king (EU DICTATOR) of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences,(FROM THE OCCULT) shall stand up.

24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power:(SATANS POWER) and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;(JESUS) but he shall be broken without hand.DANIEL 11:36-40

36 And the king shall do according to his will;(EU PRESIDENT) and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.

37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,(THIS EU DICTATOR IS A EUROPEAN JEW) nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces:(HES A MILITARY GINIUS) and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.

39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds (CONTROL HEZBOLLAH,AL-QUAIDA MURDERERS ETC) with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many,(HIS ARMY LEADERS) and shall divide the land for gain.

40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south(EGYPT) push at him:(EU DICTATOR PROTECTING ISRAELS SECURITY) and the king of the north(RUSSIA) shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.

ZECHARIAH 14:12-13

12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.

13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the LORD shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour.(1/2-3 BILLION DIE IN WW3)

'FORGET ABOUT POLITICS, WE HAVE TO SURVIVE' Palestinians torn as Israel pitches Jerusalem as destination to Gulf tourists-With Jewish state now establishing air links to major travel hubs of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, East Jerusalem could soon see a tourism boon after months shuttered by coronavirus-By AREEJ HAZBOUN and JOSEPH KRAUSS-nov 15,20

AP — When the United Arab Emirates agreed to normalize relations with Israel, the Palestinians decried the move as a “betrayal” of both Jerusalem, where they hope to establish the capital of their future state, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, the city’s holiest Muslim site.But with Israel now courting wealthy Gulf tourists and establishing new air links to the major travel hubs of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Palestinians in East Jerusalem could soon see a tourism boon after months in which the coronavirus transformed the Holy City into a ghost town.“There will be some benefits for the Palestinian sector of tourism, and this is what I’m hoping for,” said Sami Abu-Dayyeh, a Palestinian businessman in East Jerusalem who owns four hotels and a tourism agency. “Forget about politics, we have to survive.”Palestinian leaders have sharply rejected the recent decisions by the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan to establish ties with Israel because they severely weakened a longstanding Arab consensus that recognition only be extended in return for Palestinian statehood.Arab support, seen as a key form of leverage in decades of on-again, off-again peace negotiations, now appears to be evaporating, leaving the Palestinians arguably weaker and more isolated than at any point in recent history.In a striking development last week, a delegation of Israeli settlers visited the Emirates to discuss business opportunities. The Palestinians view settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem as the main obstacle to peace, and much of the international community considers them to be illegal.But the prospect of expanded religious tourism could end up benefiting Israelis and Palestinians alike, as wealthy Gulf tourists and Muslim pilgrims from further afield take advantage of new air links and improved relations to visit Al-Aqsa and other holy sites.Israel considers all of Jerusalem to be its capital, and its Jerusalem Municipality is organizing conferences and seminars to help tourism operators market the city to Gulf travelers.“I’m very excited because I think it opens us up to a new era of Muslim tourism that we never really had,” said Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, the deputy mayor of Jerusalem. “Even though we have peace with Jordan and Egypt, I’ve never really seen any Egyptian tourists or Jordanian tourists because the peace wasn’t a warm peace.”Hassan-Nahoum, who recently visited the Emirates and is a co-founder of the UAE-Israel Business Council, said the municipality is reaching out to local Arab tour operators to ensure the benefits extend to all.“You have mixed feelings,” she said. “Some of them are a little bit suspicious, [but] most of them understand that this is going to be incredibly prosperous for them, because ultimately they’re Arabic speaking and so they have, I think, a unique advantage.”Abu-Dayyeh expects multiple flights a day arriving in Tel Aviv from Dubai and Abu Dhabi, global travel hubs for long-haul carriers Emirates and Etihad, making it easier for travelers from the Far East and South America to reach Israel.He’s confident Palestinian operators will be able to compete. “We’re on the ground here and we’ve been giving this service for many years, for hundreds of years,” he said.Other Palestinians appear to be more skeptical. More than a dozen Palestinian shop owners in Jerusalem’s Old City, which is largely shut down because of the coronavirus, declined to comment on the push for Gulf tourism, saying it was too politically sensitive.There are also concerns that an Israeli push to promote tourism to Al-Aqsa could heighten tensions.The hilltop esplanade in the Old City, home to the Al-Aqsa mosque and the iconic Dome of the Rock shrine, is the third holiest site in Islam. It is the holiest site for Jews, who refer to it as the Temple Mount because it was the location of the two biblical temples in ancient times.The site is a raw nerve in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and tensions have soared in recent years as religious and nationalist Jews have visited in ever-larger numbers, escorted by the Israeli police.Last month a delegation of Emirati officials visited the site, entering through a gate normally used by Israelis and under an Israeli security escort. A small group of Palestinians heckled them. In August, Palestinian demonstrators burned a portrait of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan near the Dome of the Rock.Officials from the Waqf, the Jordanian religious body that oversees the mosque compound, declined to comment on Israel’s efforts to promote Gulf tourism to the site, underscoring the political sensitivities.Ikrema Sabri, the imam who leads Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa, said any visits must be coordinated with the Waqf so that they do not advance any Israeli claim to sovereignty over the site. The Palestinians have long feared that Israel intends to take over the site or partition it. The Israeli government says it is committed to the status quo.“Any visitor from outside Palestine must coordinate with the Waqf,” Sabri said. “But any visitor from the side of the occupation, we do not welcome or accept them.”He acknowledged that the visiting Emiratis may have been unaware of the complex arrangement and said the heckling was a “reaction” by individuals to them entering with Israeli security.“If they come to do business with the occupation, they are free. But when they come to Al-Aqsa, they must come in coordination with the Islamic Waqf,” he said.

Hassan-Nahoum, the deputy mayor, said authorities are currently seeking recommendations from security companies to ensure that Emirati and other pilgrims can visit the site safely.“I don’t think it’s going to raise too many tensions,” she said. “What I want is for the average Emirati tourist to have a pleasant experience of going and praying at Al-Aqsa for the first time.”

Analysis-Not-so-secret meeting with Saudis a major step, but don’t say normalization yet-Establishment of full diplomatic ties may need to wait for Biden to get settled in, but Netanyahu’s meeting with crown prince is a significant breakthrough-By Raphael Ahren-NOV 23,20-Today, 2:25 pm

It doesn’t happen every day that the future king and current de facto ruler of what is arguably the Arab world’s most important country sits down for a chat with the leader of the Jewish state.Or, to be more precise: It doesn’t happen every day that the press gets to write about such meetings.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s not-so-secret meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Sunday evening indeed took place under the radar. But the significance of the fact that Israeli journalists were allowed to write about it is more than a blip in the history of the Middle East and speaks volumes as to where the relationship may be heading.Netanyahu often brags about his secret meetings with Arab leaders, but he never provides any details, and his aides refuse to confirm any unpublicized meetings with senior dignitaries in the Gulf he may have had in the past.It’s quite possible that Netanyahu’s talk with MBS — as the Saudi crown prince is often called — wasn’t his first.That an unnamed senior Israeli official on Monday confirmed that Netanyahu met the Saudi royal in the Red Sea city of Neom, that the military censor didn’t prevent Israeli reporters from publishing it, that Education Minister Yoav Gallant then hailed the “amazing achievement,” and that two Saudi advisers acknowledged the talks, is a sensation. It indicates a growing willingness on Riyadh’s part to publicize its clandestine ties with Jerusalem.Still, the establishment of full diplomatic relations does not appear to be imminent. Saudi government sources, speaking to the Wall Street Journal, confirmed the talks had been about Iran and normalization, but said no substantial progress had been made.“We have supported normalization with Israel for a long time, because we are the authors of the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, which envisioned complete normalization with Israel,” the kingdom’s foreign minister, Faisal bin Farhan, said over the weekend.“But there is one very important thing that has to happen first, which is a permanent and full peace deal between the Palestinians and Israelis, that there is a Palestinian state with dignity within their 1967 borders.”#SaudiArabia: 'We have supported normalization with #Israel for a long time, but one very important thing must happen first: a permanent and full peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians,' says Prince @FaisalbinFarhan, Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs: — i24NEWS English (@i24NEWS_EN) November 22, 2020-Speculation abounded on Monday about the subtext of the meeting, which apparently included US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.Was it a signal to US President-elect Joe Biden that the recent trend of Arab states normalizing relations with Israel is not tied to the Trump administration and can continue after he takes office? If so, Riyadh would be unlikely to normalize ties with Israel now, or even right after Biden takes office, since that would put a feather in the cap of the outgoing president and could annoy the incoming administration.Thus, some see the meeting less through the lens of normalization, and ask instead if it was more about a joint effort to demonstrate unity and resolve against Iran.Merely a psyop aimed at goading Iran into war? American-Iranian pundit Trita Parsi, who is known to be supportive of the regime in Tehran, wondered on Twitter if the secret visit means that Israel and Saudi Arabia are “preparing an attack against Iran” or whether it is merely a “psyop aimed at goading Iran into war.”Israeli and US officials have kept their cards close to their chest, merely repeating their mantra that more Arab states will soon join the circle of peace.“I’m very confident that other nations will join what the Emiratis have done, the Bahrainis have done, the Sudanese have done, and recognize the rightful place of Israel among nations,” Pompeo said Sunday, before heading to Neom for a meeting with the Saudi crown prince — the one Netanyahu is said to have attended.“They’ll do it because it’s the right thing to do for their nation, because it’ll increase prosperity and security for their country,” the US top diplomat added. “The reality is that now the Gulf states and Israel recognize they have a common threat from Iran.”US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia John Abizaid, left, and Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan, second from left, greet Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his wife Susan as they arrive at Neom Bay Airport in Neom, Saudi Arabia, Sunday, Nov. 22, 2020. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, Pool)-Whether the enmity toward the Islamic Republic is enough to lead to a speedy formalization of the longstanding relationship between Jerusalem and Riyadh remains to be seen. It will depend to a significant degree on the course the Biden administration is going to take on Iran.If the US were to seek to rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal, Saudi Arabia may choose to publicly join those urging for a tougher stance vis-a-vis Tehran and present a united Arab-Israeli front against the Islamic Republic.Personalities, too, will likely play a role. While MBS has long indicated that he is in favor of rapprochement with Israel, his father, King Salman, a staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause, has so far vetoed normalization. But the current Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques is 84 years old and may decide to give his appointed successor more leeway regarding foreign policy as time goes by.“I don’t know when they’ll make that decision,” Pompeo said on Sunday when asked in an interview about additional Gulf states normalizing ties with Israel. “Could be today. Could be tomorrow. Could be next week.”It may end up taking a little longer. But Monday’s Israel-sanctioned, Saudi-confirmed leak shows that the long secret-ish relationship between the Jewish state and the birthplace of Islam is starting to emerge from the shadows.

Arab MKs condemn Netanyahu’s Saudi visit, warn it could spark war-Joint List lawmakers, who also opposed normalization with UAE and Bahrain, claim Trump and PM have ‘nothing to lose’; Hamas demands explanation from Riyadh-By TOI staff-NOV 23,20-Today, 2:21 pm

Palestinians prepare to set fire to an Israeli flag and portraits of US President Donald Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during a protest at the border fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip, April 13, 2018. (AFP/Thomas Coex)-Arab Israeli lawmakers on Monday condemned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s reported trip to Saudi Arabia where he met with its crown prince, alleging that it could spark a regional war in the final days of the Trump administration.The reported visit by Netanyahu and Mossad chief Yossi Cohen to the Red Sea city of Neom for a summit also attended by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was also denounced by the Hamas terrorist group, while the Palestinian Authority did not immediately comment.“Netanyahu and his partners in the outgoing Trump administration, along with the leaders of Gulf states, understand they’re living on borrowed time and are trying to take advantage of the months that are left until Trump leaves to stir up a war,” said Joint List MK Aida Touma-Sliman.“Netanyahu, the Trump administration and bin Salman are apparently trying to set the region on fire and put spokes in the wheel… [of] the return to the [Iran] nuclear deal and are likely to devolve the region into an escalation [of hostilities] and war,” she added.MK Aida Touma-Sliman of the Joint (Arab) List at the party’s Hebrew-language campaign launch in Tel Aviv, August 20, 2019. (Gili Yaari/Flash90)“The explosions we’ve seen a few days ago are only the beginning of the next two dangerous months,” the lawmaker said, apparently referring to Israeli airstrikes against Iranian targets in Syria.MK Ofer Cassif, also of the Joint List, also said the next months would prove “very dangerous” for the region, until US President-elect Joe Biden takes office.“Trump and Netanyahu have nothing to lose and both of them have always disregarded human life,” he claimed. “They will continue to try and put heinous facts on the ground, such as deepening the occupation and provoking Iran, and all this only for their benefit and at our expense, meaning in blood.”Arab Israeli lawmakers have also fiercely opposed Israel’s normalization deals with the UAE and Bahrain and voted against them in parliament, arguing that the establishment of a Palestinian state must precede the rapprochement between Israel and Arab states.Senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri on Monday demanded an explanation from Saudi Arabia, calling the alleged visit “an insult to the nation and an invitation to attack Palestinian rights.”Netanyahu traveled to Saudi Arabia on Sunday evening, where he met with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, an Israeli official told Hebrew media on Monday. Netanyahu was on the ground in Neom, a Red Sea city, for three hours for the first known high-level meeting between an Israeli and Saudi leader. He was accompanied by Mossad intelligence chief Cohen, according to the reports.US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia John Abizaid, left, and Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan, second from left, greet US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his wife Susan as they arrive at Neom Bay Airport in Neom, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 22, 2020. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, Pool)-There was no confirmation of the reports from Israel, the US or Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabian media also did not report on the visit.The Kan public broadcaster reported that the talks focused on Iran and the incoming Biden administration.A trip by the Israeli leader to Saudi Arabia would mark a watershed moment in shifting Gulf ties with Israel, which have been bolstered in recent months at the urging of the Trump administration.Netanyahu in May 2019 made a secret visit to Oman, another Gulf country with which Israel does not have diplomatic ties.Covert ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia are believed to have been growing in recent years. The shift in policy has reportedly been led by the crown prince, who sees Israel as a strategic partner in the fight against Iranian influence in the region.The Trump administration has hoped Saudi Arabia would join the UAE and Bahrain in recognizing Israel and forging diplomatic ties, a move seen as increasingly distant in the wake of Joe Biden’s election as US president. But Saudi leaders have hitherto indicated that Israeli-Palestinian peace will have to come first.“We have supported normalization with Israel for a long time, but one very important thing must happen first: a permanent and full peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians,” Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud said on Sunday.#SaudiArabia: 'We have supported normalization with #Israel for a long time, but one very important thing must happen first: a permanent and full peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians,' says Prince @FaisalbinFarhan, Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs: — i24NEWS English (@i24NEWS_EN) November 22, 2020-In late October, when US President Donald Trump announced that Israel and Sudan would be making peace, he predicted that Saudi Arabia would soon follow. During a call with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Sudan Sovereign Council president General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, Trump brought reporters into the Oval Office, announced that “The State of Israel and the Republic of Sudan have agreed to make peace,” and told reporters there were another five countries “that want to come in.”“We expect Saudi Arabia will be one of those countries,” Trump added, as he praised the country’s “highly respected” rulers King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.In this May 20, 2017, file photo, US President Donald Trump (right) shakes hands with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)-When the White House announced in August that the United Arab Emirates and Israel had agreed to establish full diplomatic ties — a move matched by Bahrain weeks later — Saudi Arabia refrained from criticizing the deal or hosting summits condemning the decision, despite Palestinian requests to do so. The Palestinians have slammed the agreements as a “betrayal of Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian cause,” but government-controlled Saudi media hailed them as historic and good for regional peace.The kingdom also approved the use of Saudi airspace for Israeli flights to the UAE, a decision announced the day after Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, met with the crown prince in Riyadh. Kushner has been pushing Arab states to normalize ties with Israel and has said that the Jewish state could eventually enjoy fully normalized relations with Saudi Arabia.The outgoing US administration and Israel are also seeking to step up pressure on Iran in the final days of the Trump White House.Trump has yet to concede to Biden.

Saudis confirm Netanyahu flew in for talks with crown prince on ties, Iran – WSJ-Sources in kingdom say PM flew in for several hours of discussions; no substantial agreements reached; Israel’s education minister hails ‘amazing achievement’By TOI staff and Agencies-NOV 23,20-Today, 1:59 pm

A Saudi government adviser confirmed that Riyadh’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held talks Sunday on Iran and normalization, but said no substantial agreements were reached, The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.Two Saudi government advisers confirmed the trip by the Israeli leader to Saudi Arabia on Sunday night to the US paper. One of the sources said the meeting, which lasted several hours, focused on Iran and the establishment of diplomatic ties between Riyadh and Jerusalem, but did not yield substantial agreements.Israel’s Education Minister Yoav Gallant also confirmed the trip, calling it “an amazing achievement.”According to the Ynet news site, which quoted two officials involved in the talks, the Saudi crown prince did not object to the meeting being publicized.The meeting was also attended by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency chief Yossi Cohen, an Israeli official told Hebrew-language media.Pompeo earlier on Monday said he had held a “constructive” meeting with Saudi Arabia’s crown prince the night before, as he wrapped up a seven-nation tour that included stops in Israel and Gulf nations. He made no mention of the presence of the Israeli leader. Netanyahu’s office also had not confirm the meeting as of Monday afternoon and the Saudi press had not made any mention of the talks.(L to R) US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, all mask-clad due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, arrive for a press conference after their trilateral meeting in Jerusalem on November 18, 2020. (Menahem KAHANA / POOL / AFP)Pompeo traveled with an American press pool on his trip throughout the Mideast, but left them at the Neom airport when he went into his visit with the crown prince.First reports of Netanyahu’s trip — the first known meeting between Israeli and Saudi leaders — came after Israeli journalists noticed that a private jet had made a rare trip between Tel Aviv and Neom on Sunday evening, sparking speculation of a high-level meeting.A Gulfstream IV private jet took off just after 1740 GMT from Ben-Gurion International Airport near Tel Aviv to Saudi Arabia’s Neom, according to data from website The flight traveled south along the eastern edge of the Sinai Peninsula before turning toward Neom and landing just after 1830 GMT, according to the data. The flight took off from Neom around 2150 GMT and followed the same route back to Tel Aviv.While Bahrain, Sudan and the United Arab Emirates have reached deals under the Trump administration to normalize ties with Israel, Saudi Arabia so far has remained out of reach.US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia John Abizaid, left, and Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan, second from left, greet US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his wife Susan as they arrive at Neom Bay Airport in Neom, Saudi Arabia, November 22, 2020. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, Pool)In September, the kingdom approved the use of Saudi airspace for Israeli flights to the UAE, a decision announced the day after Jared Kushner, US President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, met with Prince Mohammed in Riyadh. Bahrain normalizing ties also suggest at least a Saudi acquiescence to the idea, as the island kingdom relies on Riyadh.Israel has long had clandestine ties to Gulf Arab states that have strengthened in recent years as they have confronted a shared threat in Iran.The Trump administration has hoped Saudi Arabia would join the UAE and Bahrain in recognizing Israel and forging diplomatic ties, a move seen as increasingly distant in the wake of Joe Biden’s election as US president. But Saudi leaders have hitherto indicated that Israeli-Palestinian peace will have to come first.We have supported normalization with Israel for a long time, but one very important thing must happen first: a permanent and full peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians,” Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud said on Sunday.In late October, when Trump announced that Israel and Sudan would be making peace, he predicted that Saudi Arabia would soon follow. During a call with Netanyahu, Sudan Sovereign Council president General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, Trump brought reporters into the Oval Office, announced that “the State of Israel and the Republic of Sudan have agreed to make peace,” and told reporters there were another five countries “that want to come in.”“We expect Saudi Arabia will be one of those countries,” Trump added, as he praised the country’s “highly respected” rulers King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.


GENESIS 1:5,145 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:(ISRAELS HOLY DAYS AND SABBATH STARTS AT 6PM) And for SIGNS (PROPHECY SIGNS TO HAPPEN IN THE FUTURE, OUR DAY)


LUKE 21:11

11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences;(BIOLOGICAL/CHEMICAL/NUCLEAR) and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

LUKE 21:25-26

25 And there shall be signs in the sun,(HEATING UP-SOLAR ECLIPSES) and in the moon,(MAN ON THE MOON-LUNAR ECLIPSES) and in the stars;(ASTEROIDS-PROPHECY SIGNS) and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)

26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear,(TORNADOES,HURRICANES,STORMS) and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:(DESTRUCTION) for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.(FROM QUAKES,NUKES ETC)


21And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent:(80-120 LBS) and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

EXPLAINER-With steps on Israel and Iran, Trump aims to lock in foreign policy before exit-Administration seeks to tie hands of president-elect, but many decisions — including sanctions and West Bank labeling — can be easily reversed by Biden, or simply go unenforced-By MATTHEW LEE-NOV 23,20-Today, 7:39 am

WASHINGTON (AP) — On its way out the door, the Trump administration is enacting new rules, regulations and orders that it hopes will box in President-elect Joe Biden’s administration on numerous foreign policy matters and cement President Donald Trump’s “America First” legacy in international affairs.Yet, the push may not work, as many of these decisions can be withdrawn or significantly amended by the incoming president when he takes office on January 20.In recent weeks, the White House, State Department and other agencies have been working overtime to produce new policy pronouncements on Iran, Israel, China and elsewhere that aim to lock in Trump’s vision for the world. Some have attracted significant attention while others have flown largely under the radar.And, while Biden could reverse many of them with a stroke of the pen, some will demand the time and attention of his administration when it comes into power with a host of other priorities that perhaps need more urgent attention.The most recent of these moves took place this past week as US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made what may be his last visit to Israel as secretary of state and delivered two announcements in support of Israel’s claims to territory claimed by the Palestinians.Biden’s team has remained silent about these announcements, but Biden has made clear he supports few, if any, of them and will reverse many as he intends to return to a more traditional policy toward Israel and the Palestinians.The Trump administration’s determined efforts to thwart potential Biden policy reversals actually began months earlier, half a world away from the Jewish state, with China, even before the former vice president was formally declared the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.As opinion polls started to show Biden as a clear favorite to beat Trump in November, the administration began to move even as the president maintained a public face of defiance and absolute confidence in his reelection.Some officials point to a July 13 declaration from Pompeo that the United States would now reject virtually all of China’s territorial claims in the South Chine Sea, a 180-degree shift from previous administrations’ positions that all such claims should be handled by arbitration.While many of Trump’s foreign policy decisions from early on have been designed to blow up the previous administration’s foreign policy achievements — withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, the Paris Climate Accord and the Trans Pacific Partnership on trade — the South China Sea decision was the first to be linked by administration officials to the possibility that Biden might be the next president.One administration official said at the time that decisions made after that would all be taken with an eye toward Biden becoming president. Thus, the fear that Trump might be a one-term president began to take hold in July and has been followed by an acceleration of pronouncements aimed mainly at thwarting any reversal by Biden.A look at some of those moves:Israel-On Thursday, before making an unprecedented trip to an Israeli settlement in the West Bank, Pompeo announced that the US would henceforth consider “antisemitic” the groups that advocate for Palestinian rights by supporting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.He also announced a change in import labeling rules that will require products made in settlements to be identified as “Made in Israel.” The product labeling will take some time to take effect and, as yet, no groups have been hit with the antisemitic designation. But, even if they are implemented, Biden could reverse them on Day One.Israeli winemaker Yaakov Berg holds a bottle of his red blend named after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at the Psagot Winery in the Sha’ar Binyamin industrial park near the Psagot settlement in the West Bank, north of Jerusalem on November 18, 2020. (Emmanuel DUNAND / AFP)-Those moves followed numerous other Israel-friendly steps the administration has taken since it came to office. They include recognizing Jerusalem as the capital, moving the US Embassy there from Tel Aviv, and cutting off aid to the Palestinian Authority and the UN refugee agency that works with Palestinians. While Biden is unlikely to move the embassy back to Tel Aviv, the other measures can be reversed quickly.Iran-Pompeo and other officials have spoken of a new push for sanctions against Iran, but the fact is that the administration has been ramping up such penalties since Trump withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal two years ago. New sanctions could potentially target supporters of Iranian-backed militia in Iraq and Afghanistan along with the Shiite Houthi movement in Yemen, which has been involved in a disastrous war with the country’s internationally recognized government.On the eve of renewed sanctions by Washington, Iranian protesters burn a dollar banknote and a US makeshift flag during a demonstration outside the former US embassy in the Iranian capital Tehran on November 4, 2018, marking the anniversary of its storming by student protesters that triggered a hostage crisis in 1979. (ATTA KENARE / AFP)-Biden has spoken of wanting to rejoin the nuclear accord, and Iranian officials have said they would be willing to come back into compliance with the accord if he does. Biden could eliminate many of the Trump administration’s reimposed sanctions by executive order, but it remains unclear how high a priority it will be for him.Broader Middle East-While the withdrawal of significant numbers of US forces from Afghanistan and Iraq — bringing troop levels down to 2,500 in each country — is a clear indication of Trump’s intentions, Biden’s approach remains less certain. The withdrawals could be delayed or slow-rolled by the Pentagon, and it remains unclear how the State Department will handle staffing at its embassies in Baghdad and Kabul, both of which are dependent on US military support.Pompeo has threatened to close the US Embassy in Baghdad unless rocket attacks by Iranian-backed militias against the area in which it’s located are halted. However, despite the troop withdrawal determination last week, there has been no announcement about the embassy’s status.China-Although the administration’s most strident actions against China began more than a year ago, they have gained momentum since March, when Trump determined that he would at once blame China for the spread of the novel coronavirus and accuse Biden of being soft on Beijing.Since then, the administration has steadily ramped up sanctions against China over Taiwan, Tibet, trade, Hong Kong and the South China Sea. It has also moved against the Chinese telecoms giant Huawei and sought restrictions on Chinese social media applications like TikTok and WeChat.Last week, the State Department’s policy planning office released a 70-page China policy strategy document. While it contains little in the way of immediate policy recommendations, it advocates for increased support and cooperation with Taiwan. Indeed, as the document was released, US officials were meeting with Taiwanese counterparts in Washington to discuss economic cooperation.Russia-Sunday marked the formal withdrawal of the US from the “Open Skies Treaty” with Russia, which allowed each country overflight rights to inspect military facilities. The withdrawal, six months after the US  notified the Russians of its intent, leaves only one arms-control pact still in force between the former Cold War foes — the New START treaty, which limits the number of nuclear warheads each may have. That treaty will expire in February.The Trump administration had said it wasn’t interested in extending the New START treaty unless China also joined, something Beijing has rejected. In recent weeks, however, the administration has eased its stance and said it’s willing to consider an extension. As the transition to the Biden administration approaches, those negotiations remain a work in progress.

MicrochipGovernment Wants to Use the Pandemic to Plant Microchips in People, Piers Corbyn Claims© CC BY 2.0 / Riley Porter /UK-06:29 GMT 04.05.20

The sci-fi conspiracy theory appears to stem from the misrepresented idea of Microsoft founder Bill Gates to use “digital certificates” to track the location of the world population.Piers Corbyn has accused the British government of a plot to microchip the population under the pretext of COVID-19 vaccination.In recent days, the older brother of ex-Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has spearheaded three small protests in Glastonbury, in southwest England.At a Friday rally, which brought together around 40 participants, some of the protesters waves banners reading, ‘End Lockdown Now – Free NHS to save those it’s left behind' and ‘Jail Bill Gates of Hell’.“The sooner the lockdown ends, the sooner lives will be saved,” the 73-year-old weather forecaster said, according to Somersetlive.“It’s a lockdown for another purpose… preparing us to be controlled under a new world order… This is not freedom, it’s the opposite of freedom,” he claimed.

Piers Corbyn led another protest at Glastonbury town centre on Sunday. It was dispersed by police, who arrested two people and fined another three under the lockdown rules.Corbyn – who has a degree in Physics from Imperial College and an MSc in Astrophyics from Queen Mary College – has been propagating viral COVID-19-related conspiracy theories on his Twitter account as well, including the one that 5G masts cause health damage and that the government is going to destroy small businesses for them to be taken over by big corporations.One of them holds that Bill Gates, the billionaire American philanthropist and founder of Microsoft, and a coalition called ID2020 want to surveil the population with microchip implants under the guise of coronavirus vaccine.That theory, debunked by several fact-checking outlets, has gone viral on social media in the past few weeks, after Bill Gates referenced the idea of “digital certificates” or “immunity passports” issued by healthcare institutions to show who is healthy and who is not. He has not mentioned whether those records would be kept in implanted microchips. The Gates Foundation has supported stronger testing and funded vaccine development, but those do not include implanted devices either.


ISAIAH 30:26-27

26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold,(7X OR 7-DEGREES HOTTER) as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people,(ISRAEL) and healeth the stroke of their wound.

27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire:

MATTHEW 24:21-22,221 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

22 And except those days should be shortened,(DAY LIGHT HOURS SHORTENED) there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake (ISRAELS SAKE) those days shall be shortened (Daylight hours shortened)(THE ASTEROID HITS EARTH HERE)

29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:



7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.

8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.

9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

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