Wednesday, January 27, 2021



WORLD OVER ALL CASES 100,940,913 DEAD 2,169,948 AS OF WED JAN 27, 2021


Situation Report #315: COVID-19Grey Bruce Health Unit | Incident Management System-Jan. 26, 20021-Current Situation:Provincial Lockdown as of Dec 26, 2020, 12:01am-Follow the 3 Ws –Washing hands frequently, Watching distance (ideally 6ft), and Wear face covering correctly, and the 2 As -Avoid Crowds and Arrange for outdoor activities instead of indoors whenever possible-The Grey Bruce Health Unit Has moved to the new way of reporting.  You will notice a shift in numbers to align with the CCM systems.  

Testing and case counts reported as of 23:59hrs, Jan 25, 2021:1 new case(s) reported in past 24 hours in Grey Bruce; 1 -Hanover625 confirmed cases 22 active case(s) 1 Active Probable Case(s). Probable cases are not lab confirmed, but are symptomatic and are high-risk contacts of an active case.76 Active High Risk Contacts603 resolvedcases2 confirmed case(s) hospitalized  –1 Intubated0 death(s)74cases reported in Health Care Worker.

Summary of Task Force MeetingWelcome to all Members of Task Force. Purpose of Task Force is to provide feedback into Grey Bruce COVID19 vaccine roll out. Also, community partner support will be required for Mass Immunization clinics for tasks such as client appointment booking, registration, transportation to clinic, traffic and parking, traffic flow and other miscellaneous tasks.Support will also be needed with equipment, supplies and technology. Grey Bruce Health Unit is following the Ontario 3-Phase COVID-19 vaccination rollout plan. Grey Bruce Vaccine Rollout Plan includes three models for service delivery: Mobile clinics with vaccine distribution to Long Term CareHomes, Retirement Homes, First Nations, and others(part of the traditional plan).Distribution of vaccine to practice setting clinics with primary care, hospitals, and pharmacies(part of the traditional plan).Mass Immunization Hubs Three local recreation facilities are being considered for Mass Immunization Hubs. Current immunization efforts are focused on residents in Long Term Care Homes, Retirement Homes and First Nations. Vaccination prioritization and allocation to different sectors is based onprovincial framework and risk assessment.

Most workers at NY nursing homes aren’t getting COVID-19 vaccine-By Carl Campanile, Bernadette Hogan, Kevin Sheehan and Bruce Golding-January 26, 2021 | 7:44pm2

So few staffers at one Queens nursing home have opted to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, that the facility on Tuesday warned its workers to get their shots now — or wait their turn like everyone else.Across the Empire State, vaccines have been administered to only about 44 percent of all employees at long-term care facilities, according to state officials.But at the Holliswood Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare, the vaccination rate among staff was at about 17 percent at the start of the week, officials said.That was expected to go up Tuesday, with workers telling the Post they faced a deadline to sign up for inoculations.“If we don’t get it today, they’re saying we have to wait until it’s open to the general public,” one worker said.Three employees said that between 25 and 50 of their colleagues lined up Tuesday to get the shots.But some workers said they had no intention of doing so themselves.“No, I ‘ain’t taking it! Hell no! Why? I don’t trust the government!” one man said.The 44 percent of long-term care workers now inoculated statewide is up slightly from the 37 percent that Cuomo reported on Jan. 18. Nursing home workers and residents were among the first in the state eligible to receive the vaccine.“We are concerned. It’s an extraordinary concern,” Gareth Rhodes, a member of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s COVID-19 Response Task Force, told The Post.By comparison, 72 percent of the state’s healthcare workers have been vaccinated, Cuomo said on Monday.Cuomo has threatened to reallocate the unused nursing home vaccines so they can be given to the general public, but Rhodes declined to say when that might happen.In July, state officials blamed infected workers for spreading the coronavirus among nursing home residents, whose official death toll from COVID-19 is now more than 8,000.Holliswood has 21 confirmed resident deaths from COVID-19, and another 40 suspected — a total that’s about 20 percent of its 314-bed capacity, according to official state figures.The nursing home is owned by Centers Health Care, which lists 51 facilities in New York, New Jersey and Rhode Island on its website.A spokesman, Jeff Jacomowitz, acknowledged that the vaccination rate for workers at its New York City nursing homes was just 16 percent.But Jacomowitz said the company wasn’t trying to pressure its employees into getting inoculated.“By New York state law, we cannot make someone get vaccinated,” he said.


Trump officially opens ‘Office of the Former President-By Kenneth Garger-January 25, 2021 | 8:40pm | Updated

Former President Donald Trump has officially opened an office in Florida that will serve to continue his political agenda.A statement from the office Monday night said it will manage Trump’s correspondence, public statements, appearances and official activities to “advance the interest of the United States.”The office will also “carry on the agenda of the Trump Administration through advocacy, organizing, and public activism,” the statement says.The move comes less than a week after Trump left the Oval Office.Last Friday, Trump said he will make a comeback in some form, but did not specify how.“We’ll do something, but not just yet,” Trump told journalist Rob Crilly of the Washington Examiner.

45 GOP senators including McConnell vote to toss Trump impeachment trial as unconstitutional-By Ebony Bowden-January 26, 2021 | 4:53pm | Updated

WASHINGTON — Forty-five Republican Senators on Tuesday voted that former President Donald Trump’s upcoming impeachment trial is unconstitutional, suggesting that he will almost certainly be acquitted for a second time.GOP Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky forced a Senate vote on a motion to dismiss the trial, arguing the impeachment proceedings would be unconstitutional since Trump is now a private citizen.The vast majority of Republicans in the upper chamber, 45 of them, agreed, including Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, who has criticized Trump in the wake of the Jan. 6 siege on the US Capitol that he is accused of inciting.The Senate requires a two-thirds majority to convict, meaning 17 Republicans would need to vote with Democrats — a seemingly unlikely outcome as the Tuesday day vote indicates.Just five Republican Senators broke with their party on Tuesday afternoon and voted with Democrats to allow President Trump’s impeachment trial to proceed, but  the Paul measure was still blocked on a 55-45 vote.GOP Sens. Mitt Romney of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, who is serving his last term, crossed the aisle.Romney was the only Republican to vote to convict Trump on the abuse of power charge during his previous impeachment trial.Ten GOP lawmakers also sided with Democrats to impeach Trump in the House in a 232-197 vote on Jan. 13.Despite the motion being blocked, Republicans are considering Tuesday’s defeat a victory.If less than 34 lawmakers sided with Paul, it would have suggested that Trump may have been convicted, but he easily reached that threshold.Paul told reporters that the vote meant the impeachment trial would be “dead on arrival.”In a fiery speech on the Senate floor Tuesday, Paul said Democrats’ calls for unity were hollow and that the impeachment of a former president and private citizen were “the antithesis of unity.”“Private citizens don’t get impeached; impeachment is for removal from office. And the accused here has already left office,” Paul said.“Hyper-partisan Democrats are about to drag our great country down into the gutter of rancor and vitriol the likes of which has never been seen in our nation’s history,” he went on.All 100 Senators were sworn-in on Tuesday afternoon as jurors in Trump’s second impeachment trial which will be overseen by Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont and not Supreme Court Justice John Roberts since Trump is no longer president.

Trump asked Justice Department to go to Supreme Court to overturn election: WSJ-January 25, 2021

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Former President Donald Trump considered replacing the acting attorney general with an official willing to pursue unsubstantiated claims of election fraud, and he pushed the Justice Department to ask the Supreme Court to invalidate President Joe Biden’s victory, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday.Citing people familiar with the matter, the Journal said the efforts in the last weeks of Trump’s presidency failed because of resistance from his Justice appointees who refused to file what they viewed as a legally baseless lawsuit in the Supreme Court.Other senior department officials later threatened to resign if Trump fired then-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, several people familiar with the discussions told the Journal.The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Reuters on Saturday.Senior officials including Rosen, former Attorney General William Barr and former acting Solicitor General Jeffrey Wall refused to file the Supreme Court case, concluding there was no basis to challenge the election outcome and the federal government had no legal interest in whether Trump or Biden won the presidency, some of these people told the Journal.Then-White House counsel Pat Cipollone and his deputy, Patrick Philbin, also opposed Trump’s idea, which was promoted by his outside attorneys, these people said.After his Supreme Court plan got nowhere, Trump explored replacing Rosen with Jeffrey Clark, a Trump ally who had expressed a willingness to use the department’s power to help Trump continue his unsuccessful legal battles contesting the election results, the people told the Journal.Trump backed off that plan after the threats from senior Justice Department leadership to resign if Rosen were removed, people familiar with the discussions said.The plan to oust Rosen was first reported by the New York Times.A Trump adviser, asked to respond to the U.S. media reports, said the former president “has consistently argued that our justice system should be investigating the broader, rampant election fraud that has plagued our system for years. Any assertion to the contrary is false and being driven by those who wish to keep the system broken.”Democrats reacted with fury on Saturday to the New York Times’ report, with Senator Richard Durbin, incoming chairman of the Judiciary Committee, saying he would investigate efforts to use the Justice Department to further Trump’s efforts to overthrow the election results. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer calling on the department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, to investigate “this attempted sedition.”Trump’s relentless and baseless claims of election fraud – and his refusal to acknowledge Biden’s victory – culminated on Jan. 6 when Trump urged a rally of his supporters to march to the Capitol to protest the certification of the results. The resulting rampage led to five deaths, including a Capitol police officer.The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives impeached Trump for a second time a week later for inciting the insurrection at the Capitol, and a Senate trial on the charge will begin the week of Feb. 8. Biden took office on Wednesday.(Reporting by Timothy Gardner and John Whitesides; Editing by Colleen Jenkins and Daniel Wallis)

“YOU SHOULD BE IMPEACHED! You Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff!” – Rudy Giuliani DESTROYS Democrats’ Illegitimate Impeachment of Donald Trump-By Joe Hoft-Published January 26, 2021 at 9:11am

The corrupt and seditious Democrats are again projecting.  This time they are claiming President Trump committed sedition when he claimed the stolen 2020 election was stolen.The Democrats are getting much worse.  They have always projected their faults and crimes on fellow Americans but now they really believe what they are saying.  For example, the Democrats claim President Trump and his supporters are racists yet they are the only party in the world today that supported slavery, the Klu Klux Klan and segregation.  They still support segregation today in demanding white males, females and children give up their ‘privilege’.Democrats and foreign agents interfered in the 2020 election.  We found proof.  The Democrats pushed absentee ballots and violated laws.  But the law requires that these changes be made in the legislatures not by far left politicians.China and other foreign entities interfered in our election and Democrats have yet to acknowledge this:The Democrats and their allies are actively censoring discussion of the election being interfered with and the numerous anomalies and what are likely fraudulent acts that occurred.  Instead of looking at their own seditious acts, they blame President Trump for being seditious.Rudy Giuliani released his most recent ‘Common Sense’ discussion and he discussed the upcoming impeachment going to the Senate.  The Democrats base their reasoning, not on evidence, but on their feelings.  They claim Trump supporters, after hearing the President’s speech on January 6th, stormed the Capitol.  But they provide no support for such allegations.The President was still speaking when the Capitol was breached.  We don’t know if all of the people who went into the Capitol even committed a crime by doing so.  Many were let in the Capitol.  We do know Antifa was there inside the Capitol and Antifa members were breaking glass in the Capitol and they were all around Ashli Babbitt when she was shot dead by a Capitol policeman:Rudy says it was very cold that day and they all wanted to go back to their rooms it was so cold.  The walk to the Capitol from where President Trump spoke was about a 40 minute walk.The Democrats have not provided one individual who listened to the President’s speech and then went inside the Capitol and threatened Congress and damaged property.The Democrats call President Trump seditious for giving a speech about a stolen election. But Rudy shared the obvious (at the 17:30 mark below):How do you define the good, better or best American?  The belief in the values of the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence to hold us together.  Where’s the belief in this Constitution that says you shall impeach someone to remove them from office and then you have an impeachment to remove then someone who’s been removed?  [Someone]  who you attempted to impeach before and who was acquitted.  And now it turns out it was a phony charge before.YOU SHOULD BE IMPEACHED!  You Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff!  And you should be tried after that for conspiracy to defraud the United States!  And then we should see how much did Obama know – how much did Biden know?  Oh and by the way, you’re impeaching a man who’s removed from office for not committing a crime and you just inaugurated a President where there is a hard drive showing 30 years of criminal activity and you censored that from the American people.WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO OUR COUNTRY?  YOU’RE RIPPING IT APART.  Prosecuting an impeachment to remove a man from office who’s been removed based on no allegation of a crime and not a single witness.Democrats believe free speech based on facts is not as good as accusations based on lies.

Add Virginia to the List of States Where a Forensic Audit of the 2020 Election Results is Absolutely Necessary-By Joe Hoft-Published January 26, 2021 at 1:30pm

President Trump was winning the race in Virginia all night on election day.  Every report showed the President way up in the Presidential race.  Then suddenly while the President was still ahead, Big Media declared Joe Biden the winner.  A judges new ruling demands that this state have a forensic audit of results performed now.We’ve reported on Virginia’s questionable results in the 2020 election already.  There were 378 separate entries or feeds related to the Presidential race in Virginia in the file obtained and shared around the web that originated from the New York Times on election night.  Of these entries the first 125 entries reported in the NYT data feed related to Virginia were basically reasonable.  The results varied in percentage of votes between Presidential candidates and appeared to be random with most votes going to President Trump.  Up through this time (11:03 Eastern), President Trump was leading 52% to Biden’s 46%.  At this time 3.3 million of the eventual 4.4 million votes had already been cast or about 75% of the vote was in.   This is when things went off the rails.Overall three entries of over 300,000 votes were posted in the data base to Biden’s vote total.  Two entries of over 300,000 votes were taken away.  The same happened to President Trump’s totals but in much smaller amounts.  Overall 851,000 votes were added to Biden’s totals and only 318,000 were awarded to President Trump between 11:14pm (Eastern) on November 3rd and 5:00am November 4th.  This resulted in over half a million more votes net and 73% of the votes going to Biden during this time frame.After these entries noted above were recorded, nearly every entry made into the system for the Presidential election had the same proportion of votes of Biden to Trump.This is not reasonable – it’s impossible.  There is nothing random about this.  It is highly, highly unlikely that the results of all these entries would be at the same proportion. This too indicates fraud.We reported all of this on November 15th:Now a judge has ruled that Virginia should not have allowed any ballots counted in their results that were received up to three days after the election:There’s some fresh news from the “Where Were You in November” department this week. In Virginia, Republicans and Democrats have been continuing a feud in the courts over “emergency rules” passed by the Democrats to allow greater numbers of mail-in ballots to be counted during the last election. One of those changes allowed ballots arriving after election day and without a postage mark indicating when they were mailed to be counted. Now a circuit court judge has ruled that the rule in question violates state statutes and the practice will be banned in the future. The lawsuit leading to this decision was brought by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF). This update comes from the Daily Caller.Virginia election officials claim no absentee ballots received after election day were added to the state’s totals but really, who knows? It’s time to request that a forensic audit performed by Jovan Pulitzer be performed in Virginia of all the ballots from the 2020 election.  Something tells us that the results of this audit will show a different outcome than the current results reported by the state.

States resist forensic exam of voting machines-OAN Newsroom-UPDATED 8:00 AM PT – Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Jovan Pulitzer continues to “blaze the trail” in efforts for a forensic audit of voting machines. One America’s Christina Bobb spoke with Pulitzer and has more from Washington.

Reports: Biden to roll back President Trump’s crackdown of China-OAN Newsroom-UPDATED 4:30 PM PT – Monday, January 25, 2021

The Biden administration is reportedly planning to roll back President Trump’s crackdown on malicious Chinese practices.During a press briefing on Monday, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki said Joe Biden would start a review of President Trump’s policies towards China. This includes the recent delisting of Chinese telecom firms from the New York Stock Exchange for stealing U.S. technology.Tune in for a briefing with @PressSec Jen Psaki. — The White House (@WhiteHouse) January 25, 2021-Critics speculated Biden would take a softer stance on China due to his corrupt business dealings with Beijing in the past.Psaki said Biden would take a more comprehensive approach to Chinese relations.“We’re starting from an approach of patience as it relates to our relationship with China,” Psaki said. “So that means we’re going to have consultations with our allies, we’re going to have consultations with Democrats and Republicans, and we’re going to allow the interagency process to work its way through, to review and assess how we should move forward with our relationship.”White House's Psaki says there is an ongoing review of US relations with China and that a "comprehensive strategy and a more comprehensive approach" are needed. — Steve Holland (@steveholland1) January 25, 2021-Psaki acknowledged the theft of U.S. technology by China, but she did not provide details on how Biden would counter such practices.

Sen. Cotton: China blackmailing Biden with sanctions-OAN Newsroom-UPDATED 8:15 AM PT – Sunday, January 24, 2021

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) called out the Chinese Communist Party over their alleged attempt to blackmail the Biden administration. On the Senate floor Friday, Cotton urged Joe Biden to take action against our most persistent adversary.This came after China issued a slew of sanctions against nearly 30 Trump administration officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Cotton noted the sanctions were put in place just moments after Biden took office.Moments after President Biden took office, China sanctioned 28 members of the outgoing administration. These sanctions were a warning, an attempt to blackmail Biden administration officials with personal financial ruin if they dare to stand up to the Chinese Communist Party.— Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) January 22, 2021“They’re not bluster. They are another step in China’s long-term campaign to coerce Americans at every level of government and business,” Cotton stated. “They are a direct attack on the independence of U.S. policy toward China and an attempt to blackmail the Biden administration with personal financial ruin in the future if they dare to stand up to the Chinese Communist Party.”Cotton called on Biden to denounce the “acts of intimidation” and treat them as a day-one assault. He urged the administration to issue sanctions against Chinese officials who are responsible for the blackmail efforts.However, many Republicans have speculated Biden will likely be soft on China, and Beijing even reportedly wanted him to win the 2020 election.

Report: 81 election fraud cases brought to courts, 30 active cases-OAN Newsroom-UPDATED 1:10 PM PT – Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions has put together a comprehensive list of all of the court cases on election fraud brought forward in recent months.The group found there have been a total of 81 cases filed in Pennsylvania, Nevada, New Jersey, Montana, Minnesota, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, New Mexico, North Carolina, Iowa, Colorado, Texas, New York, Ohio and Washington D.C.Many of those that are still active were filed in the battleground states, where county totals were decided by just a handful of votes.The case brought by the President’s campaign against the Secretary of Pennsylvania entered it’s third round as the petitioner pushed for the state Supreme Court to consolidate and reconsider former rulings regarding the counting of thousands of ballots that were improperly cast, but counted anyway.2 ⚖️NEW: The Trump campaign is appealing its loss in PENNSYLVANIA fed dist ct yesterday to the 3rd Circuit — John Kruzel (@johnkruzel) November 22, 2020-The Nevada Republican Central Committee v. Clark County was filed in October and called for election officials to make voter records public as vote by mail processes led to a number of issues in the days following the election. In November, a judge ruled the county must reveal the number of ballots that were flagged due to signature issues, including signatures that were missing or unmatched.While a majority of the lawsuits were brought forth by the President and his team, pockets of voters from across the country became their own advocates, filing lawsuits against election officials and state leaders all on their own.One such group of voters in Georgia, many of whom doubled as poll tabulators and electors, filed suit detailing numerous instances of voting irregularities. A hearing was held in early January where the petitioners had the chance to bring their concerns forward.“It is clear from the video that the people’s business in this very important process that we all hold so dear in this democracy, called elections, a one man one vote, was conducted in secrecy, not in the open,” Bob Cheeley, attorney for the petitioner stated.Meanwhile in Arizona, two groups, “Mi Familia Vota” and “Arizona Coalition for Change” sued Secretary of State Katie Hobbs.The two groups ran voter registration drives and reported signing up more than 1,500 voters a week until last minute coronavirus restrictions brought their operations to a near standstill. They alleged Hobb’s deadline for registration violated their First Amendment right to free speech, and further violated the due process clause outlined in the 14th Amendment.Secretary of State Katie Hobbs will not appeal recent court order extending voter registration deadline to Oct. 23. She urges Arizonans to update or register as soon as possible, as a further court ruling remains possible. See statement below. — Secretary Katie Hobbs (@SecretaryHobbs) October 6, 2020-The report went on to say millions of Americans are disappointed with the U.S. judiciary system, with many concerned the issues of 2020 may come back to haunt voters just in time for the midterms.

Sen. Paul speaks out on alleged voting irregularities in 2020 election-OAN Newsroom-UPDATED 1:20 PM PT – Monday, January 25, 2021

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has continued to firmly assert that voter fraud occurred in the 2020 election. In an interview on Sunday, Paul said there were instances of people voting twice, dead people voting and illegal immigrants voting during the election.Paul also noted in several states, voting laws were unconstitutionally changed by secretary of states.“There were several states in which the law was changed by the secretary of state and not the state legislature. To me those are clearly unconstitutional, and I think there’s still a chance that those actually do finally work their way up to the Supreme Court,” Paul explained.Although Paul was outlining concerns millions of Americans have expressed, ABC talk show host George Stephanopoulous attempted to dismiss the claims as dishonest.“People coming from the liberal side like you, you immediately say everything is a lie instead of saying there are two sides to everything. Historically what would happen is if I said that I thought there was fraud, you would interview someone else that would say there wasn’t,” Paul stated. “But now you insert yourself in the middle and say the absolute fact is everything I’m saying is a lie.”I voted to certify the electors and seat the new President. It’s not about that anymore. They won’t even admit there is election fraud and want to pretend nothing happened. — Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) January 24, 2021-Paul’s rebuttal did not stop the former Clinton White House adviser’s attacks, prompting the Republican once again to call out the mainstream media.Despite liberal outlets animus towards claims of election fraud, Paul said he will be working to address alleged irregularities over the next two years.“In Wisconsin, tens of thousands of absentee votes had only the name on them and no address. Historically, those were thrown out, this time they weren’t. They made special accommodations because they said, ‘oh it’s pandemic and people forgot what their address was,’ so they changed the law after the fact,” Paul said. “That is wrong, that’s unconstitutional, and I plan on spending the next two years going around state to state and fixing these problems, and I wont be cast out by liberals in the media who say ‘there’s no evidence here and you’re a liar if you talk about election fraud,’ no, let’s have an open debate, it’s a free country.”Paul stressed that alleged irregularities need to be investigated in order to increase confidence in our elections.

Bloomberg: Biden sets new record taking dark money donations-OAN Newsroom-UPDATED 9:50 AM PT – Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign set a new record in dark money donations despite Democrat calls to end this questionable practice.According to Bloomberg News, Biden received $145 million from dark money donors last year, which includes anonymous donations through third-party mediators. By contrast, President Trump received only $28 million in such donations.Biden’s dark money haul beat out the previous record set by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) in 2012, who raked-in about $113 million in those donations.Democrats have railed against the use of dark money in politics because dark money groups do not have to reveal information on their donors. They have argued this makes it nearly impossible for voters to know who is funding political messaging and what the motivation behind those messages may be.In fact, Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, has cited dark money donations as a serious threat to U.S. democracy and justice.Eleven years ago today, #CitizensUnited opened the floodgates for unlimited dark money in our politics. Since then, corporations have doubled down on trying to drown out the voices of everyday people. To put families first, we need campaign finance reform.— Katie Porter (@katieporteroc) January 22, 2021-At the same time, Biden campaigned on banning certain non-profits from putting money into swaying elections and requiring organizations spending over $10,000 on elections to disclose its donors to the government.A Biden-affiliated PAC, Priorities USA, attempted to defend the influx of dark money by saying they had to use all options against President Trump.Despite dark money donations, President Trump outperformed Biden in terms of overall fundraising. He raises almost $2 billion compared to Biden’s $1.7 billion.

Biden signs record number of executive actions in first week-By Emily Jacobs-January 26, 2021 | 4:24pm | Updated

President Biden has signed a record 37 executive actions in his first week in office, and the exact number of executive orders is not known because the Federal Register has not been updated since Jan. 21.With just six days in office under his belt, the 46th commander-in-chief has issued more edicts in his first week than any of his predecessors.Executive orders are legally binding, and as a result, are published in the Federal Register. Executive actions, by contrast, are more often symbolic efforts to enact change.On Tuesday, Biden signed four items, all focused on “racial equity.”The first order directed the Department of Housing and Urban Development to address the issue of housing discrimination.The second action, which was also an order, instructed the Justice Department to not renew federal contracts with privately-run prisons.The third item, ordered the federal government to engage with tribal governments.The fourth action, which does not appear to have been an order, condemned anti-Asian bias, which saw a spike in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.The president has signed 10 orders related to invoking the Defense Production Act and launching his COVID-19 response, and 15 orders that addressed other policy differences between Biden and his predecessor.Of those 15 orders, Biden halted construction of the southern border wall and the travel ban from countries with heightened terror concerns, two signature campaign proposals from former President Donald Trump.Other actions include rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, which Trump withdrew the US from in 2017, as well as the World Health Organization, which Trump withdrew from due to the agency’s botched handling of the coronavirus pandemic.Biden has also signed orders extending moratoriums on evictions and foreclosures, and deferrals on student loan payments, as well as halting construction on the Keystone XL oil pipeline, counting non-citizens in the US census and strengthening workplace discrimination protections based on sex and gender.In another action, he called on Congress to grant permanent status to Dreamers as part of the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which Trump challenged in court.Regarding his Covid-19 strategy, Biden has issued orders creating a pandemic testing board focused solely on increasing test availability nationwide, with a focus on schools, as well as requiring the Departments of Education and Health and Human Services to provide federal guidance on reopening, “with the goal of getting a majority of K-8 schools safely open in 100 days.”In the first hours of his presidency in January 2017, Trump signed a single executive order focused on “minimizing the economic burden” of the Affordable Care Act as his administration began work to repeal it.Additionally, then-White House chief of staff Reince Priebus issued a memo on the president’s first night in office directing an immediate “regulatory freeze,” preventing federal agencies from implementing or issuing any new regulations.A Biden administration spokesperson did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment on the record number of executive orders.

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