Monday, April 26, 2021



JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)


7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,(2 billion) of (8 billion) to kill with sword,(WEAPONS)(500 million) and with hunger,(FAMINE)(500 million) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES)(500 million) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE)(500 million).

WORLD OVER ALL CASES 147,809,197 DEAD 3,122,319 AS OF MON APR 261,21



Growing anger as virus devastates India, overwhelming cemeteries, crematoriums-Government and Prime Minister Modi face criticism amid deadly record-breaking wave of infections; authorities ask Twitter to stifle some reproving voices-By SHEIKH SAALIQ and AIJAZ HUSSAIN-APR 26,21-Today, 2:44 am

NEW DELHI, India (AP) — With life-saving oxygen in short supply, family members in India are left on their own to ferry coronavirus patients from hospital to hospital in search of treatment as the country is engulfed in a devastating new surge of infections. Too often their efforts end in mourning.The stories are told on social media and in television footage, showing desperate relatives pleading for oxygen outside hospitals or weeping in the street for loved ones who died waiting for treatment.One woman mourned the death of her younger brother, aged 50. He was turned away by two hospitals and died waiting to be seen at a third, gasping after his oxygen tank ran out and no replacements were to be had. She blamed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government for the crisis.“He has lit funeral pyres in every house,” she cried in a video shot by India’s weekly magazine The Caravan.For the fourth straight day, India on Sunday set a global daily record of new coronavirus infections, spurred by an insidious new variant that emerged here. The surge has undermined the government’s premature claims of victory over the pandemic.The 349,691 confirmed infections over the past day brought India’s total to more than 16.9 million cases, behind only the United States. The Health Ministry reported another 2,767 deaths in the past 24 hours, pushing India’s fatalities to 192,311.Experts say this toll could be a huge undercount, as suspected cases are not included, and many COVID-19 deaths are being attributed to underlying conditions.The unfolding crisis is most visceral in India’s overwhelmed graveyards and crematoriums, and in heartbreaking images of gasping patients dying on their way to hospitals due to lack of oxygen.Burial grounds in the capital New Delhi are running out of space. Bright, glowing funeral pyres light up the night sky in other badly hit cities.In the central city of Bhopal, some crematoriums have increased their capacity from dozens of pyres to more than 50. Yet officials say there are still hours-long waits.At the city’s Bhadbhada Vishram Ghat crematorium, workers said they cremated more than 110 people on Saturday, even as government figures in the entire city of 1.8 million put the total number of virus deaths at just 10.“The virus is swallowing our city’s people like a monster,” said Mamtesh Sharma, an official at the site.The unprecedented rush of bodies has forced the crematorium to skip individual ceremonies and exhaustive rituals that Hindus believe release the soul from the cycle of rebirth.“We are just burning bodies as they arrive,” said Sharma. “It is as if we are in the middle of a war.”The head gravedigger at New Delhi’s largest Muslim cemetery, where 1,000 people have been buried during the pandemic, said more bodies are arriving now than last year. “I fear we will run out of space very soon,” said Mohammad Shameem.The situation is equally grim at unbearably full hospitals, where desperate people are dying in line, sometimes on the roads outside, waiting to see doctors.Health officials are scrambling to expand critical care units and stock up on dwindling supplies of oxygen.Hospitals and patients alike are struggling to procure scarce medical equipment that’s being sold on the black market at an exponential markup.The drama is in direct contrast with government claims that “nobody in the country was left without oxygen,” in a statement made Saturday by India’s Solicitor General Tushar Mehta before Delhi High Court.The breakdown is a stark failure for a country whose prime minister only in January had declared victory over COVID-19, and which boasted of being the “world’s pharmacy,” a global producer of vaccines, and a model for other developing nations.Caught off-guard by the latest deadly spike, the federal government has asked industrialists to increase the production of oxygen and other life-saving drugs in short supply. But health experts say India had an entire year to prepare for the inevitable — and it didn’t.Dr. Krutika Kuppalli, assistant professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases at the Medical University of South Carolina, said the government should have used the last year, when the virus was more under control, to stockpile medicines and develop systems to confront the likelihood of a new surge.“Most importantly, they should have looked at what was going on in other parts of the world and understood that it was a matter of time before they would be in a similar situation,” Kuppalli said.Instead, the government’s premature declarations of victory over the pandemic created a “false narrative,” which encouraged people to relax health measures when they should have continued strict adherence to physical distancing, wearing masks and avoiding large crowds.Modi is facing mounting criticism for allowing Hindu festivals and attending mammoth election rallies that experts suspect accelerated the spread of infections. At one such rally on April 17, Modi expressed his delight at the huge crowd, even as experts warned that a deadly surge was inevitable with India already counting 250,000 new daily cases.Now, with the death toll mounting, his Hindu nationalist government is trying to quell critical voices.On Saturday, Twitter complied with the government’s request and prevented people in India from viewing more than 50 tweets that appeared to criticize the administration’s handling of the pandemic. The targeted posts include tweets from opposition ministers critical of Modi, journalists, and ordinary Indians.A Twitter spokesperson said it had powers to “withhold access to the content in India only” if the company determined the content to be “illegal in a particular jurisdiction.” The company said it had responded to an order by the government and notified people whose tweets were withheld.India’s Information Technology Ministry did not respond to a request for comment.Even with the targeted blocks, horrific scenes of overwhelmed hospitals and cremation grounds spread on Twitter and drew appeals for help.The US is actively looking at ways to boost aid to India, including sending oxygen supplies, virus tests, drug treatments and personal protective equipment.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Biden administration’s top medical adviser on the pandemic, told ABC’s “This Week” that the US would review how to increase India’s vaccine supply, such as by sending doses or helping India “to essentially make vaccines themselves.”The White House said national security adviser Jake Sullivan spoke by phone Sunday with his Indian counterpart, Ajit Doval, and that the US is ”working around the clock” to send supplies.Help and support were also offered from archrival Pakistan, with politicians, journalists and citizens in the neighboring country expressing solidarity. Pakistan’s Foreign Affairs Ministry said it offered to provide relief including ventilators, oxygen supply kits, digital X-ray machines, PPE and related items.“Humanitarian issues require responses beyond political consideration,” Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said.The Indian government did not immediately respond to Qureshi’s statement.

Man admits to past missionary work, but says he 'repented'-Shock in Jerusalem community as rabbi outed as undercover Christian missionary-Family supported by ultra-Orthodox community after mother dies of cancer, father worked as scribe and mohel; investigators say they faked being Jewish to move to Israel-By TOI staff-APR 26,21-Today, 4:08 am

An ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Jerusalem’s French Hill neighborhood was in shock on Sunday after a prominent member of the community was reportedly outed as an undercover Christian missionary.Beyneynu, a non-profit organization that monitors missionary activity in Israel, said Sunday that it had been “investigating the case of a covert missionary in French Hill for many years,” but had acted to expose him now “due to one of the missionary’s children proselytizing in school.”Hebrew media said the man, a rabbi, who was not identified publically, had posed as a cohen (priest) and worked as a scribe and a mohel, conducting ritual circumcisions.However, it was discovered that the family was actually not Jewish, but from a Christian family from New Jersey in the US, and had reportedly forged documents to show they were Jewish in order to emigrate to Israel under the Law of Return.“We are confident that the Jewish leaders will act strongly against this threat, and quickly put protective measures in place to protect the Jewish community,” Beyneynu said.The ultra-Orthodox newspaper Behadrei Haredim reported that when the man’s recently deceased wife became ill with cancer several years ago, she told friends some things that did not make sense to them and sparked the investigation.The wife had reportedly falsely claimed to be the daughter of Holocaust survivors.Investigators discovered that the family’s parents in the US were not Jewish and posting missionary material on social media, the paper said. The man’s late father was buried in a non-Jewish cemetery. An obituary identified him as a member of the Friendship Mennonite Church.Beyneynu said it had “taken great care in verifying each piece of evidence before exposing this case to the public,” but did not detail the evidence“Until now we kept it quiet because we did not want the father to move to another neighborhood (to carry on his work,) and we wanted to work to get his citizenship revoked,” Yoni Kayman, a community member involved in the investigation, told Behadrei Haredim.Kayman said the father had also recently begun to try and get rid of the evidence, deleting things on social media, and had stopped sending his daughters to the local religious school, so they decided to inform the community of his activities.Channel 13 news broadcast clips from 2011 of the father speaking on US television, acknowledging Jesus as the Messiah.Speaking to Channel 13, the man denied he was working as an undercover Christian missionary.“It’s a lie, I was born Jewish,” he said. However, he acknowledged working as a missionary 7 or 8 years ago, but said he had “repented.”Community members expressed shock, noting how involved the family was and the fact that after the wife died, the community set up a fund for the family and had been helping to support them.“The family looked completely ultra-Orthodox, he had a long beard and a hat, the boys had side-curls, the girls went to ‘Beis Ya’akov’ schools,” Kayman told Channel 13.“For five years we have been supporting them, paying for their groceries, school busses, for everything, and they deceived us,” he said.Israel enjoys vigorous support from Christian evangelical movements in the United States but keeps a lid on missionary work in the Holy Land.While Israeli law only expressly forbids the giving of money or gifts to encourage conversions to another religion, missionary activities, in general, are closely monitored by the authorities and are offensive to many Israelis.Also forbidden by law is “missionary or proselytizing activity directed at minors without the permission of their parents.”

Netanyahu said to offer Gantz to be prime minister first in new unity deal-Blue and White leader turns down proposal, TV network reports, but PM is considering offering same carrot to other leaders from bloc of parties aiming to oust him-By Stuart Winer-APR 26,21-Today, 5:02 am

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, running out of time to form a coalition, has offered his former coalition partner Benny Gantz a rotation deal with the Blue and White leader to serve first as prime minister, Channel 12 news reported Sunday.The offer would seem to indicate Netanyahu’s growing desperation, given that the last government fell apart over Netanyahu’s refusal to honor the coalition agreement with Gantz that would have seen the defense minister take over as premier from Netanyahu, later this year.Under the terms of the reported offer, Gantz would be prime minister for the first year, after which Netanyahu would return to lead the country for another two years, and then Gantz take over again for a final year.During his terms as prime minister, Gantz would continue to also serve as defense minister. Netanyahu would continue to live at the prime minister’s official residence in Jerusalem throughout the four years, the report said.The Likud idea of offering Gantz a new rotation deal as prime minister was first reported last week by Zman, the Times of Israel’s Hebrew-language sister site.Gantz reportedly turned down the offer that was eventually made during a Friday phone call, Channel 12 reported, telling Netanyahu “I don’t see that as feasible.”The station assessed that though Gantz refused, in line with his campaign promise to not join a Netanyahu-led government, the offer is still tempting to him because it would enable him to finally become prime minister, a development that has been all but dashed by the collapse of the last unity government. However, were he to accept, it would mark the second time that Gantz would break the same election promise, having vowed to not enter a coalition with Netanyahu before the previous elections as well.Netanyahu and Gantz formed their doomed unity government after the March 2020 election, agreeing that Netanyahu would serve first for two years and then Gantz takes over for another two, which was scheduled to begin in November this year. However, the unity government automatically dissolved at the end of the year after failing to pass a state budget, a development that was widely seen as orchestrated by Netanyahu to prevent Gantz from becoming prime minister.Elections in March were inconclusive, just like the previous three votes, with the Knesset divided between two blocs, a Netanyahu-led group of right and religious parties facing others who want to see the prime minister changed. Neither bloc has a majority in the Knesset and both sides are engaged in negotiations to reach the minimum of 61 seats needed for a majority in 120-seat Knesset.Though Gantz turned down Netanyahu’s offer, the prime minister is considering making the same proposal to the leaders of two other parties who are in talks with the so-called “change bloc,” Yamina chief MK Naftali Bennett, and New Hope leader MK Gideon Sa’ar, both Channel 12 and Channel 13 news stations reported, without citing sources. Bennett, who is determined to become prime minister himself, has not committed to either bloc while Sa’ar has vowed to see Netanyahu ousted.In addition, Netanyahu is also said to be considering suggesting the same arrangement with Knesset Speaker MK Yariv Levin, a member of the Likud party that Netanyahu leads.Elevating Levin to become prime minister would still leave Netanyahu in the powerful position of the alternative prime minister as part of the rotation arrangement and enable both Gantz and Sa’ar to join his coalition, giving him the Knesset majority he needs.Netanyahu has just another nine days to complete the task of building a government before the mandate returns to President Reuven Rivlin who can then look at other options, including tasking the next lawmaker in line, opposition leader MK Yair Lapid whose Yesh Atid party is the largest in the bloc of parties trying to replace Netanyahu.In the meantime, there has reportedly been some progress in talks among the change bloc, which is comprised of an assortment of left, center, and right-wing parties with dramatically different world views on some key national issues. Lapid, who wants there to be no more than 20 ministers in the government has agreed to Bennett and Sa’ar’s demand that there be more, though just how many is still disputed, Channel 13 reported.Bennett, for his part, has given up on a demand that he have a double vote in the broader cabinet, but is still insisting on that power in the top-level security cabinet, Channel 13 reported.There are also disputes over the control of key ministries. Though Channel 13 reported that there is agreement among the parties that Gantz would remain defense minister the Kan public broadcaster said that Sa’ar wants the post. The justice ministry is being chased by New Hope, Yamina, and some of the left-wing parties in the bloc, while the Labor and Yisrael Beytenu parties are haggling over the Finance Ministry, Kan reported. Also, the Education Ministry is being contested by New Hope and the left-wing Meretz party, according to the station.A change bloc government would also be based on a rotation of the premiership between Lapid and Bennett, according to Hebrew media reports. However, Bennett is said to be facing reluctance from within his own right-wing nationalist party to cooperating with Lapid, and some of his Yamina’s seven lawmakers may not agree to join such a coalition, Channel 12 reported. That would further hamper Lapid’s efforts to build a viable coalition.Should no government be formed the country will head to its fifth elections in two and half years.

In bid to stem violent protests, police allow crowds at Old City’s Damascus Gate-Recent evenings have seen intense clashes between Palestinians and law enforcement in Jerusalem, as well as a far-right Jewish march-By TOI staff and AFP-25 April 2021, 11:04 pm

Hundreds of Palestinians celebrated at the Damascus Gate entrance to Jerusalem’s Old City on Sunday evening after police halted a controversial policy that barred Muslim worshipers from congregating in the area during the holy month of Ramadan.Thousands of Palestinians had descended on the flashpoint area each night since Ramadan began on April 13 to protest the policy, which had seen the basin outside Damascus Gate filled with dozens of police divider fences, along with armed officers ordered to prevent anyone from sitting on the steps.Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai told reporters Saturday that it was a longstanding policy implemented annually by officers in order to prevent crowding and allow for the free flow of visitors in and out of the Old City on Ramadan.However, photos of Damascus Gate from previous years that were posted on social media showed the site packed with visitors and no police fences and roadblocks around the basin outside the gate, as there have been this month.There have been times in recent years when the fences were installed, but that was done for a short amount of time, rather than for weeks on end.Asked on Sunday to explain the discrepancy between photos of a packed Damascus Gate from previous years and the comments by Shabtai that longstanding policy has prevented crowding at the Old City entrance on Ramadan, police declined to do so.Channel 12 spoke with a series of former senior officials in the Israel Police, including ex-commissioners, who called on Shabtai to scrap the policy as a demonstration of good faith to Palestinians during the particularly sensitive time of year.Shortly after the network’s report aired, Shabtai ordered the scrapping of the policy.The decision came “following consultations with local leadership, religious leadership, situation assessments, while taking into consideration the shop owners who need to make a living, and in order to lower the level of violence,” a police spokesman told AFP.“Our forces are still deployed on the ground, and we won’t let violence resurge,” the spokesman said.Hundreds of Palestinians, including male youths who tossed the barricades to the side, held celebratory rallies in the plaza, watched over by police.Minor scuffles erupted after some of the revelers began waving Palestinian flags, moves which prompted police to briefly move into the plaza.AFP reporters saw several young Palestinians being detained by police. Police said Monday morning that 12 people were arrested overnight for throwing rocks and glass bottles at cops or for assaulting passersby.But the plaza remained open, with police maintaining a heavy presence in the area into Monday’s early hours.Footage from Damascus Gate showed the area packed with visitors, as it had been in previous years, cheering and whistling in victory.The atmosphere contrasted starkly from that of previous nights, which have featured violent clashes.More than 105 Palestinians were wounded late Thursday in clashes with police who found themselves in the middle of the Arab demonstrators and a mob of hundreds of Jewish extremists marching toward Damascus Gate, chanting “Death to Arabs,” “May your village burn,” and other hateful slogans.Police used riot dispersal measures against both crowds, but reserved more severe means, including rubber bullets, for the Palestinian mob.The Hamas terror group in Gaza, which has been firing rockets into Israel for the last three nights, allegedly in response to the clashes in Jerusalem, hailed the decision to remove the barriers as a victory for the “Palestinian youths against the occupation.”Jerusalem has also seen a series of viral videos on the social network TikTok, which appear to show Palestinians attacking ultra-Orthodox Jews without any provocation. The clips have fueled Jewish anger.The racist Lehava group, which led the Jewish protests, said in a statement that it would not be reconvening outside Damascus Gate on Sunday night, and instead would be offering Krav Maga classes for its activists. However, the group said that it would be prepared to take to the streets “to protect Jews, if police failed to do their job.”Earlier Sunday evening, three Arab sanitation workers were attacked by a group of Jewish youths on Ben Sira Street in downtown Jerusalem.One of the suspects was arrested, police said, adding that they found a knife on him. Officers were engaging in a manhunt for the remaining assailants.Hours earlier, a Jewish Israeli distributing religious booklets at a junction outside the mixed town of Ramle was assaulted by an Arab teen. The 19-year-old suspect was apprehended shortly thereafter by police.The victim received treatment for minor injuries at nearby Assaf Harofeh Medical Center..

 Thou shalt not kill.(Murder)(THAT INCLUDES ABORTION)

6  But whoso shall offend (HURT) one of these little ones (CHILDREN) which believe in me,(JESUS) it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.(THATS THE DEATH PENALTY FOLKS)

EXODUS 21:12
12 He that smiteth (MURDER)a man,(OR BABY) so that he die, shall be surely put to death.(THATS THE DEATH PENALTY PEOPLE)

20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils,(OCCULT) and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries,(DRUG ADDICTIONS) nor of their fornication,(SEX OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE) nor of their thefts.(STEALING)

Zarif criticized Soleimani’s power, said Russia tried to sabotage Iran nuke deal-In leaks from interview last year, minister says he was often kept in dark as IRGC dictated policy, was ‘astonished’ when US told him of Israeli strikes on Iranian targets in Syria-By TOI staff-APR 26,21-Today, 9:02 am

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif criticized the power of Qassem Soleimani in leaks published Sunday from an interview he gave last year, saying the assassinated head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had been setting Tehran’s policy.Zarif said that Soleimani had worked with Russia to sabotage the nuclear deal and acted in Syria’s long-running war in a way that damaged Tehran’s interests, as well as undermining him on a number of occasions, the New York Times reported.“In the Islamic Republic the military field rules,” Zarif said. “I have sacrificed diplomacy for the military field rather than the field servicing diplomacy.”The extracts also suggested Soleimani refused to listen to a request by the Foreign Ministry that Tehran show less overt support for Syrian leader Bashar Assad, including not using state airline Iran Air to transport military equipment and personnel to Syria and not deploying ground forces to the war-torn country.Zarif also criticized Soleimani for allowing Russian planes to fly over Iran on their way to bomb Syria.Zarif said that he was often kept in the dark about security matters, and that “to his astonishment,” former US Secretary of State John Kerry told him that Israel had attacked Iranian interests in Syria at least 200 times.The Times did not clarify when the conversation between the two officials took place.The Israel Defense Forces has launched hundreds of strikes in Syria since the start of the civil war in 2011 against moves by Iran to establish a permanent military presence in the country and efforts to transport advanced, game-changing weapons to terrorist groups in the region, principally Hezbollah.Zarif made the comments in an hours-long taped conversation that took place last March as part of an oral history project. A copy was leaked to the UK-based Persian language news channel Iran International, which is viewed as hostile to Iran and is owned by Saudi Arabians.According to the Times, Zarif can be heard on a number of occasions in the interview emphasizing that his words were not for publication.Zarif also claimed that Soleimani traveled to Moscow to “demolish our achievement” and try to stop Russia’s support for the nuclear deal struck with world powers.He also said that Russia did not want the deal to succeed as that would result in Tehran normalizing relations with the West, and therefore Moscow “put all its weight” behind placing obstacles on the path to the agreement.According to the Guardian, which did not publish direct quotes from the interview, Zarif said that “forces inside Iran” tried to prevent the passage of the 2015 nuclear agreement through a number of methods, including an attack on the Saudi embassy.Zarif reportedly described the IRGC’s influence on foreign policy as “akin to a cold war,” the Guardian reported, adding that the top Iranian envoy claimed he spent more of his time dealing with the organization than with any other tasks.Zarif said that when the IRGC shot down a Ukrainian airliner, killing all on board, he attended a meeting with security officials who attacked him and told him that it was not true that Iran had downed the plane.He said he was told to send a tweet denying the Guard had shot down the plane, despite the IRGC immediately knowing what had happened.According to the Times, Zarif did praise Soleimani at times during the interview, saying they successfully worked together ahead of the United States invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Iranian envoy said that the US assassination of Soleimani caused more damage than the wiping out of a city.The US killed Soleimani, who oversaw the Revolutionary Guard’s expeditionary Quds Force, and others in the January 3, 2020, strike near Baghdad International Air.Soleimani was for years seen as the architect of much of Iran’s malign activities in the Middle East, including attempts to place a foothold in Syria and rocket attacks on Israel, making him one of Israel and the US’s most sought-after targets.The strike on Soleimani came after months of incidents raising tensions between the two countries and saw Iran retaliate with a ballistic missile strike targeting American troops in Iraq, an attack Zarif said the United States knew of before he did.The leaks came at a sensitive time, with Iran currently engaged in indirect talks with the US, mediated by Europe in Vienna, aimed at reviving the nuclear pact, even as it enriches uranium to its highest-ever levels.Iran’s Foreign Ministry admitted that Zarif gave the interview, but said that his words had been distorted through the use of selective quotes, the Guardian reported.Saeed Khatibzadeh, a spokesman for the ministry, called the leak “unethical politics.”Former Vice President Mohammad Ali Abtahi said that the publication of Zarif’s comments was “tantamount to Israel stealing the nuclear documents” from Iran.In 2018, the Mossad spirited a huge trove of documentation out of a warehouse in Tehran, detailing Iran’s rogue nuclear program.


7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,(2 BILLION) to kill with sword,(WEAPONS) and with hunger,(FAMINE) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE).

15 And the four(DEMONIC WAR) angels were loosed,
18 By these three was the third part of men killed,(2 BILLION) by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.(NUCLEAR ATOMIC BOMBS)


34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other shall be left.(half earths population 4 billion die in the 7 yr trib)
35 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.
36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.
37 And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.(Christians have new bodies,this is the people against Jerusalem during the 7 yr treaty)(Christians bodies are not being eaten by the birds).THESE ARE JUDGEMENT SCRIPTURES-NOT RAPTURE SCRIPTURES.BECAUSE NOT HALF OF PEOPLE ON EARTH ARE CHRISTIANS.AND THE CONTEXT IN LUKE 17 IS THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION OR 7 YR TREATY PERIOD.WHICH IS JUDGEMENT ON THE EARTH.NOT 50% RAPTURED TO HEAVEN.

37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.
42 Watch therefore:(FOR THE LAST DAYS SIGNS HAPPENING) for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.



ISAIAH 34:10
10  It (AMERICA-POLITICAL BABYLON) shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke thereof shall go up for ever: from generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever.

29  And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the LORD shall be performed against Babylon,(AMERICA-NEW YORK) to make the land of Babylon (AMERICA) a desolation without an inhabitant.
30  The mighty men of Babylon (AMERICA) have forborn to fight, they have remained in their holds: their might hath failed; they became as women: they have burned her dwellingplaces; her bars are broken.
031  One post shall run to meet another, and one messenger to meet another, to shew the king of Babylon (NEW YORK) that his city is taken at one end,
32  And that the passages are stopped,(THE WAR COMPUTERS HACKED OR EMP'D) and the reeds they have burned with fire, and the men of war are affrighted.(DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO)

1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

JEREMIAH 50:3,24
3 For out of the north (RUSSIA) there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.
24 I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon,(AMERICA) and thou wast not aware: thou art found, and also caught, because thou hast striven against the LORD. (RUSSIA A SNEAK CYBER,EMP ATTACK,THEN NUKE ATTACK ON AM

After 3rd straight night of rocket attacks, Israel closes Gaza fishing zone-After initially restricting fishermen to sailing within 9 miles of the coast, Israel’s military liaison to Palestinians announces total closure as launches continue from Strip-By Judah Ari Gross-APR 26,21-Today, 7:18 am

Israel fully closed the Gaza fishing zone on Monday morning, forbidding Palestinians from sailing off the coast of the beleaguered enclave, after terrorists in the Strip launched five rockets toward southern Israel overnight.It was the third straight night of rocket attacks from Gaza, raising the specter of wider conflict in the restive region.The closing of the fishing zone appeared to be Israel’s sole retaliation to the rocket attacks, with the Israel Defense Forces refraining from conducting airstrikes on the Hamas terror group in the Strip — its usual response to rocket fire.The launches began at 10:45 p.m., with a rocket that struck an open field near the Gaza border, without triggering alarms in populated areas. Roughly an hour later, a second rocket was fired toward southern Israel, but it failed to clear the border and landed inside the Strip, according to the army.Shortly after 3 a.m., terrorists in Gaza launched three rockets toward the town of Sderot and the surrounding area, triggering sirens in the communities. Two of these were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system; the third landed inside Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces said.Four people, including a pregnant woman, were lightly wounded after falling while running to bomb shelters in that attack, medics said.After the initial two attacks, Israel’s military liaison to the Palestinians — known formally as the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) — announced that the military was restricting the Gaza fishing zone from its usual 15 nautical miles to nine nautical miles in light of the attacks.However, after the third round of rocket launches in the predawn hours of Monday morning, the liaison Maj. Gen. Ghassan Alian announced that beginning at 6 a.m. on Monday, Israel was closing off the Gaza coast to Palestinian fishermen entirely.“This is because of the continued rocket fire from the Gaza Strip at Israeli territory during the night,” COGAT said in a statement.“Hamas bears responsibility for everything that happens in or originates from the Gaza Strip against Israel, and it will bear the consequences for the violence directed against Israeli citizens,” Alian said.Fishing is a significant source of revenue for the enclave. The size of the fishing zone has varied over the years. It was set at 20 nautical miles by the Oslo peace accords in the 1990s before being reduced to six miles under the joint Israeli-Egyptian blockade imposed after Hamas took over the Strip in a violent coup against the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority in 2007.Israel has raised and lowered the limit several times in recent years in a bid to pressure Hamas, the de facto ruler of the Gaza Strip.The attacks on Sunday night and Monday morning came after Gazan terrorist groups launched over 40 rockets into Israel over the weekend. On Saturday, a number of Palestinian terror groups fired experimental rockets toward the Mediterranean Sea as a show of force.Palestinian terror groups have said that the weekend’s rocket attacks were in response to ongoing unrest in Jerusalem, where Arab residents have demonstrated for several days against Ramadan restrictions on congregating near Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate. Those restrictions were lifted by police just over an hour before the rocket was fired, leading to some speculation that the launch had been a “celebratory” measure.Rockets are fired toward the sea during a military drill by members of the Mujahideen Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian movement of the same name, along a beach off of Gaza City, on April 24, 2021. (MAHMUD HAMS / AFP)-Two Gaza factions, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and a branch of Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, claimed responsibility for the Friday-Saturday rocket fire. But Israel holds Hamas directly responsible for all fire from the enclave into Israeli territory, charging that it takes place with the terror group’s consent.The Hamas leadership earlier Sunday called East Jerusalemites to continue “mobilizing in the Old City and at its gates.” Hamas also said night patrols of Palestinians ought to be formed to protect East Jerusalem residents from assaults by Jewish extremists.The widening circle of clashes has sparked concerns in Israel that the situation could escalate across the West Bank and Gaza.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Saturday for the military to “prepare for any scenario” with Gaza. Defense Minister Benny Gantz similarly said that the Israel Defense Forces “will do what is necessary so the calm is preserved,” following security consultations at defense headquarters in Tel Aviv.The Israeli military notably refrained from conducting retaliatory strikes in the Gaza Strip on Saturday night as well as on Sunday night, in an apparent bid to ease tensions. Israel normally adopts a tit-for-tat strategy, responding to Gazan rocket fire by shelling Hamas observation posts or imposing restrictions on the Gaza Strip.Times of Israel staff contributed to this report.

Rockets fired from Gaza for 3rd night, 4 lightly hurt running for shelter-Iron Dome intercepts two rockets; Israel to restrict Gaza fishing zone in response to rockets as armed groups in coastal enclave continue to ramp up tensions-By TOI staff-25 April 2021, 11:29 pm

Terrorists in Gaza fired rockets toward Israel for the third night in a row on Sunday and early Monday, with the Iron Dome system intercepting two of them.Four people, including a pregnant woman, were lightly wounded after falling while running to bomb shelters early Monday, medics said.A first projectile was detected by the Israel Defense Forces, which said it only set off red alert sires in an open area where it evidently fell. A second rocket landed inside Gaza near the security fence.Just after 3. a.m, three more rockets were fired, with the Iron Dome system intercepting two of them. A third fell inside Gaza, the army said.The launches came hours after the Gaza-ruling Hamas issued a statement calling on “our noble resistance in Gaza to keep their fingers on the trigger, to keep their rockets on standby to target the enemy’s fortresses and military and vital structures.”Just after midnight Sunday, the Israeli military announced that it would be restricting the fishing zone off the Gaza coast from 15 to 9 nautical miles, starting at 6 a.m. Monday until further notice.“The decision was made in light of repeated terrorist acts from the Gaza Strip against the citizens of the State of Israel during the recent days, which constitute a violation of  Israeli sovereignty,” said a statement from the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, which is the branch of the Defense Ministry responsible for liaising with the Palestinians.“Hamas is held accountable for all that is done in and from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, and it will bear the consequences for the violence committed against the citizens of the State of Israel, the statement said.Fishing is a significant source of revenue for the enclave. The size of the fishing zone has varied over the years. It was set at 20 nautical miles by the Oslo peace accords in the 1990s before being reduced to six miles under the joint Israeli-Egyptian blockade imposed after Hamas took over the Strip in a violent coup against the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority in 2007.Israel has raised and lowered the limit several times in recent years in a bid to pressure Hamas.Gazan armed factions have launched over 40 rockets into Israel over the weekend. On Saturday, a number of Palestinian terror groups fired experimental rockets toward the Mediterranean Sea as a show of force.Palestinian terror groups have said that the weekend’s rocket attacks were in response to ongoing unrest in Jerusalem, where Arab residents have demonstrated for several days against Ramadan restrictions on congregating near Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate. Those restrictions were lifted by police just over an hour before the rocket was fired, leading to some speculation that the launch had been a “celebratory” measure.Two Gaza factions, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and a branch of Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, claimed responsibility for the Friday-Saturday rocket fire. But Israel holds Hamas directly responsible for all fire from the enclave into Israeli territory, charging that it takes place with the terror group’s consent.The Hamas leadership earlier Sunday called East Jerusalemites to continue “mobilizing in the Old City and at its gates.” Hamas also said night patrols of Palestinians ought to be formed to protect East Jerusalem residents from assaults by Jewish extremists.The widening circle of clashes has sparked concerns in Israel that the situation could escalate across the West Bank and Gaza.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on Saturday for the military to “prepare for any scenario” with Gaza. Defense Minister Benny Gantz similarly said that the Israel Defense Forces “will do what is necessary so the calm is preserved,” following security consultations at defense headquarters in Tel Aviv.The Israeli military notably refrained from conducting retaliatory strikes in the Gaza Strip on Saturday night, in an apparent bid to ease tensions. Israel normally adopts a tit-for-tat strategy, responding to Gazan rocket fire by shelling Hamas observation posts or imposing restrictions on the Gaza Strip.

Expert: Last week’s ‘blast’ in central Israel was a solid rocket fuel test-American professor bases assessment on satellite images, similar trials in other parts of the world-By Judah Ari Gross-25 April 2021, 4:50 pm

The mysterious blast seen in central Israel last week was, in fact, a test of solid rocket fuel at a secretive Israeli defense facility, according to an American nuclear nonproliferation expert.Jeffrey Lewis, a professor at Middlebury Institute of International Studies and self-described “arms control wonk,” made his assessment based on satellite images of the site and video footage of similar tests from elsewhere in the world, publishing his findings on his website on Friday.Last Tuesday, a Twitter user uploaded a video of the incident, showing a sudden massive blast of fire and smoke south of Kibbutz Mishmar David in central Israel, in the vicinity of the government-owned Tomer defense contractor, which manufactures propulsion systems for a variety of Israel’s rockets and missiles. This led to widespread speculation that the explosion was caused by Iranian sabotage as retaliation for a recent attack on the Islamic Republic’s Natanz nuclear facility, which was widely attributed to Israel.When asked about the incident, a spokesperson for Tomer denied that an accidental blast had taken place, maintaining that the fire and smoke were caused by a “controlled test,” but refusing to elaborate further.According to Lewis, the blast was in fact the controlled, directed explosion of a solid fuel rocket test.The "explosion" video was posted on April 20. Satellite images captured by our friends at @planetlabs show a large burn scar that appeared on the same day at the test stand. I false-colored a pair of near-infrared images to reveal the scorched vegetation. (6/12) — Dr. Jeffrey Lewis (@ArmsControlWonk) April 23, 2021“There is a low rumble during the burn. And it seems to extinguish after a few seconds. At the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, we spend a lot of time looking at missiles. This event looks and sounds much more like the last few seconds of a test of a solid-propellent rocket motor than an explosion,” Lewis wrote in an article on his website.Lewis and his colleagues reviewed satellite images of the area where Israel is known to test rocket motors and found that a large burn scar appeared on the day in question, one similar to those found after solid rocket fuel tests. They then cross referenced the images with the location data from the video, determining that the blast in the footage and the burn scar were in the same place.“So, in the end, it is pretty clear to me that someone in Mishmar David recorded the last few seconds of a solid rocket motor test,” Lewis wrote.The weapons expert questioned why Tomer decided to be cagey in its response instead of acknowledging the nature of the test, especially when it openly produces rocket motors for well-known, non-controversial Israeli missiles, including the Arrow 2 and Arrow 3 air defense systems and the Shavit satellite launcher.“Why didn’t Tomer just say it was a solid rocket motor test? The fact that Israel produces large solid rocket motors for, among other systems, the Shavit space launch vehicle is no secret. There isn’t really any reason to be coy, it’s just… a habit. A culture that evolved in a past era and has yet to adapt to the current one,” Lewis said.

Iraqis blame hospital fire on mismanagement as health minister suspended-Death of over 80 people in a Baghdad COVID-19 hospital blaze seen as further proof of deadly consequences of corruption-By Sarah Benhaida and Ammar Karim-25 April 2021, 4:28 pm

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AFP) — The death of over 80 people in a Baghdad Covid-19 hospital fire was seen by Iraqis Sunday as more proof of the deadly consequences of mismanagement and corruption.Iraqis, some of whom evacuated the injured themselves, blamed Health Minister Hassan al-Tamimi, who was suspended Sunday, with calls for him to be sacked resounding across social media.The deadly inferno broke out overnight Sunday at Baghdad’s Ibn al-Khatib hospital, blamed on poorly stored oxygen cylinders.The interior ministry said 82 people were killed and 110 people injured.An official with the Iraqi Human Rights Commission said 28 of those killed were patients who were taken off critical ventilators to escape the flames.The evacuation was slow, painful and chaotic, with patients and their relatives crammed into stairwells as they scrambled for exits.President Barham Saleh tweeted on Sunday “the tragedy at Ibn al-Khatib is the result of years of erosion of state institutions by corruption and mismanagement.”A doctor at the hospital said that “in the whole Covid intensive care unit, there were no emergency exits or fire prevention systems.”Witnesses and doctors told AFP many bodies had yet to be identified, the remains too charred by the intense flames.‘Mismanagement’ to blame“It’s mismanagement that killed these people,” the doctor added, who, on condition of anonymity, angrily listed the hospital’s many shortcomings.“Managers walk around smoking in the hospital where oxygen cylinders are stored,” he said. “Even in intensive care, there are always two or three friends or relatives at a patient’s bedside.”And, he added, “this doesn’t just happen at Ibn al-Khatib, it’s like this in all the public hospitals.”“When equipment breaks down, our director tells us not to report it,” said a nurse, in another hospital in Baghdad. “He says it would give a bad image of his establishment, but in reality, we have nothing that works.”These institutions — which until the 1980s were the pride of Iraq, known across the Arab world for its free, high quality public health services — are now seen as an embarrassment by many.Their equipment is outdated, staff are poorly trained and buildings crumbling.In Iraq, the health sector only accounts for two percent of the budget, despite the country being one of the most oil-rich in the world.These issues were raised in a 2017 public report on the Iraqi health sector.According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Iraq only has 13 hospital beds and eight doctors for every 10,000 people. Forty years ago, there were 19 beds per person.Moreover, with corruption rife and the drug market unregulated, speculation has driven prices through the roof.From oxygen cylinders to vitamin C tablets, prices have risen threefold or more since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.-Iraqis fend for themselves-Many Iraqis have long opted to go abroad for operations and treatment, mainly to neighboring Iran and Syria, where currency devaluations in recent years have upped their purchasing power.For Iraqis, thousands of whom protested for months starting in October 2019 against widespread corruption, the breakdown of public services is the direct result of years of nepotism and political self-preservation.On Sunday, Iraqis questioned if the suspended health minister would be sacked, because he is backed by the powerful Shiite Muslim leader Moqtada Sadr.Local and hospital officials have already been suspended over the fire and are being questioned, but they are only scapegoats, angry social media users say.In the face of an intransigent status quo and leaders they consider “corrupt” and “incompetent,” Iraqis have long fended for themselves.As the fire raged Sunday, it was young men, bare-chested with their shirts as face masks against the acrid smoke, who pulled the injured from the burning building, loaded ambulances and helped survivors escape.

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