Saturday, June 26, 2021



7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,(2 billion) of (8 billion) to kill with sword,(WEAPONS)(500 million) and with hunger,(FAMINE)(500 million) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES)(500 million) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE)(500 million).

WORLD OVER ALL CASES 181,289,760 DEAD 3,927,546 - AS OF SAT JUN 26,2021

I called him 17 times. And I called his mother-Jewish man missing in Miami collapse was visiting for friend’s COVID funeral-Jay Kleiman was staying at his childhood home after high school friend died after contracting virus 2 days before due to get vaccine; is now missing along with his mom and brother-By Adriana Gomez Licon-JUNE 26,2021-Today, 5:05 pm

MIAMI (AP) — When an old high school friend lost a long battle with COVID-19, Jay Kleiman went back for the funeral from Puerto Rico to the condominium where he grew up north of Miami Beach.But hours before the ceremony, the high-rise building in the affluent neighborhood of Surfside collapsed, leaving more than 100 people missing overnight. Now Kleiman may himself be dead, along with his mother and brother staying at the apartment.“It is so tragic that he flew for a friend who died from COVID complications, and ended up there,” said Mark Baranek, who coached both Kleiman and his friend George Matz for a flag football team from their synagogue.Kleiman, 52, is part of a growing list of missing people along with his brother Frankie Kleiman, and his mother Nancy Kress Levin. For the family and their friends, the tragedy of the building collapse comes on top of the devastation that the coronavirus pandemic has already brought.The family’s roots in the Miami area go back decades. Like so many others in Miami, Nancy Kress Levin fled the Cuban Revolution in 1959. First she settled with her husband in Puerto Rico, and then in the 1980s she moved as a single mom with her two boys to Surfside. There, they lived in a then-new building popular with Hispanic Jews who had come mostly from Cuba.As an adult, Kleiman moved back to Puerto Rico to work with his father in the garment industry. He was used to hard times; the business suffered with the financial crisis in the Caribbean territory and Hurricane Maria in 2017. But they pulled through.13. Frank & Anne Kleiman-Nancy Kleiman-Deborah Berezdivin-Ilan Naiybryf- Jay Kleiman — Frances Wang (#FrannyInMiami) (@FrancesWangTV) June 24, 2021-He and Matz, the friend who died from COVID-19, grew closer after they fathered children, according to another friend of Matz, Justin Gould. Their children also became friends through sleepaway camps and other trips and activities for the Jewish community.Matz battled with COVID-19 since March, catching the virus before the state expanded eligibility for the vaccine to people 50 and older.“He was a couple of days away from getting the vaccine,” his friend Gould said.At the funeral, the rabbi asked the congregation to also pray for all the people who were at the building.Matz’s death was not the family’s only brush with the coronavirus. The father of Lauren Miller, a close friend who said Kleiman was her first love, died in January. Kleiman and his mother had checked in on Miller every day since, she said.On Thursday, Miller saw the news on TV that the Surfside building had collapsed. She screamed frantically.“I saw the building and I remembered the shape of the building, and I knew that was it,” she told the AP. “It’s a building I had been in many times as a teenager.”“I called him 17 times. And I called his mother. And I texted his mother.”She heard nothing. When she talked to the AP Friday, she whimpered on the phone, her voice breaking at times.Miller said Kleiman’s mother “was everything to him.” She and Kleiman had met at a summer camp in Barryville, New York, when she was only 15, and had kept in touch over the years about their children and their lives.“He was just always in my heart,” Miller said. “Jay was not family. … But he was the family I chose for myself.”

At least 159 missing after partial building collapse near Miami-By Fernando Alfonso III, Maureen Chowdhury and Zamira Rahim, CNN (FAKE LIBERAL CLINTON NEWS NETWORK)-Updated 11:03 a.m. ET, June 26, 2021

What we know so far-At least 159 people remain missing after a residential building partially collapsed in Surfside, Florida, yesterday. Search and rescue teams are racing to find survivors.At least four people are dead, officials said.Emergency officials are also asking people to call 305-614-1819 if they have relatives who are unaccounted for. The cause of the collapse is still unknown.

Miami-Dade mayor says the fire at rescue site is hampering search effortsMiami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava.Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava said that rescue crews are continuing to face "incredible difficulties" due to an ongoing fire under the rubble."It's a very deep fire. It's extremely difficult to locate the source of the fire. So, they've been working around the clock, these fire rescue teams, these brave men and women, under the rubble to fix this problem so they can get on, but it is hampering our search efforts," Cava said during a news conference. Cava detailed that the smoke from the fire "spread laterally throughout the pile" making it difficult to isolate the source and stop it.The mayor also noted that rescue teams have created a trench to try and isolate the fire and continue to search for victims."We're using everything possible to address this fire. We are using infrared technology. We're using foam. We're using water. All the tactics that we can to contain the fire and minimize the smoke spread," Cava said.Cava added: "Obviously, the smoke itself is the biggest barrier right now to proceeding in those areas. So, we created a trench using heavy equipment to try to isolate the fire and continue searching for victims in the part of the pile that we can access. No further victims have been found."

No other victims have been found following the condo collapse, Miami-Dade mayor says
Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava said no other victims have been found in the rubble following the partial building collapse in Surfside, she said this morning during a news conference."No further victims have been found, as you've heard. The numbers are the same as they were yesterday; 127 have been accounted for," Cava said. "One hundred and fifty-nine unaccounted for. Four confirmed dead."Cava added: "To the community and the world, please be patient. Please stand with us. Please continue your prayers. We are not going to stop. We need your support."

Roof repair permit issued for Champlain Towers day before partial collapse

From CNN’s Casey Tolan-The town of Surfside issued a permit for roof repairs on the Champlain Towers South condo building the day before the structure collapsed, documents released Friday night show.On June 23, the town issued a permit to “install roof safety anchors and provide stucco repairs” to a South Florida concrete company. The work included removing “the existing roof down to concrete deck” and replacing it, the permit said. The building fell the next day, in the early morning hours of June 24.The company that was set to perform the work, Concrete Protection and Restoration LLC, did not immediately respond to a request for comment Saturday. The town issued two other permits for work at the building last month, for electrical repair and “roof repair.” It’s unclear whether work had begun on those permits before the collapse. Both contractors declined to comment to CNN. Another document produced as part of the 2018 structural engineer’s report also noted that small portions of the building were “showing distress.” The report, conducted by engineer Frank Morabito for the building’s condo association, noted that about “2% of exterior columns have experienced concrete spalling” and about “5% of the balcony structural floor slabs showed hairline cracking at underside of the slab,” among other examples of cracking.It’s unclear whether these issues contributed to the collapse.The report says the “general alignment” of the structure, as well as the concrete framing, roof membrane, and several other parts of the building, were in good condition. Surfside officials noted in the document that the report “was not formally submitted” to town officials by the condo association, but said Morabito provided it to the town after the building collapse.  

SOON: Florida governor expected to speak at Surfside news conference
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to speak at this news conference scheduled for 10:30 a.m. ET.

Surfside mayor on 2018 structural report: Unclear what steps were taken to "address those cracks"From CNN's Melissa Alonso

Members of the South Florida Urban Search and Rescue team look for possible survivors in the partially collapsed 12-story Champlain Towers South condo building on June 25 in Surfside, Florida.urfside Mayor Charles Burkett told CNN that he has not seen the 2018 structural field survey report, which raised concerns about structural damage to the Champlain Towers' South, but said it's "unclear right now exactly what was going on in that building." "I can't speak to that [report] because I haven't seen that; I'm going to get a copy of that this morning and take a look at it so I can give out accurate information regarding that," Burkett told CNN. "I understand from our building official, that it was in the form of the 2018 email that came from an engineer regarding those cracks."Burkett said it's still "unclear what steps the building was taking to address those cracks" mentioned in the report. According to the mayor, "the 40-year report had not been submitted yet." "We had indications that it was on the way because it needed to be submitted within this year," said Burkett. The report indicated that the engineer found no sign of immediate danger, CNN reported.

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