Tuesday, April 02, 2024


 JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)


DISEASES-ANIMAL TO HUMAN (500 million Dead )

7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,(2 billion) of (8 billion) to kill with sword,(WEAPONS)(500 million) and with hunger,(FAMINE)(500 million) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES)(500 million) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE)(500 million).


1 PET 5:8
8 Be sober,(NOT DRUGED UP OR ALCOHOLICED) be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (DRUGS) were all nations deceived.

21 Neither repented they of their murders,(KILLING) nor of their sorceries (DRUG ADDICTS AND DRUG PUSHERS), nor of their fornication,(SEX OUTSIDE MARRIAGE OR PROSTITUTION FOR MONEY) nor of their thefts.(STEALING)
G5331 - Sorceries-Strong's No.:    G5331-Greek:φαρμακεία-Transliteration:pharmakeia-Word Origin:From G5332-Bible Usage:Sorcery witchcraft.
Strongs-Definition:medication ("pharmacy") that is (by extension) magic (literal or figurative)-Thayers-Definition: 1. the use or the administering of drugs-2. poisoning 3. sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it-4. metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry




U.N. agency urges eating insects to fight world hunger, malnutrition-May 13, 2013 / 10:10 AM EDT / CBS/AP

ROMEThe United Nations says eating insects may combat global hunger and boost health worldwide by reducing malnutrition and even air pollution.The U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said on Monday that grasshoppers, ants and other members of the insect world are an underutilized food for people, livestock and pets.According to the 200-page report released Monday at a news conference in Rome, 2 billion people worldwide already supplement their diets with insects, which are high in protein and minerals, and have environmental benefits. The practice of eating bugs is known as entomophagy.The most commonly eaten insect groups, according to FAO, are beetles, caterpillars, bees, wasps, ants, grasshoppers, locusts, crickets, cicadas, leaf and planthoppers, scale insects and true bugs, termites, dragonflies and flies.Insects contain "good fats", can be rich in calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc, and are a source of fiber.The report calls insects a healthy, nutritious alternative to mainstream staples like chicken, pork, beef and even fish.Insects are ''extremely efficient" in converting feed into edible meat because they are cold-blooded, the agency said. On average, they can convert 4.4 pounds of feed 2.2 pounds of insect mass. In comparison, cattle require 17.6 pounds of feed to produce 2.2 pounds of meat.Most insects are likely to produce fewer environmentally harmful greenhouse gases, and also feed on human and food waste, compost and animal slurry, with the products being used for agricultural feed, the agency said.Currently, most edible insects are gathered in forests and what insect farming does take place is often family-run and serves niche markets. But the U.N. says mechanization can ratchet up insect farming production. The fish bait industry, for example, has long farmed insects.Insect farming is ''one of the many ways to address food and feed security," the food agency said.''Insects are everywhere and they reproduce quickly," the agency said, adding they leave a ''low environmental footprint." They provide high-quality protein and nutrients when compared with meat and fish and are ''particularly important as a food supplement for undernourished children," it said.The agency noted that its Edible Insect Program is also examining the potential of arachnids, such as spiders and scorpions, although they are not insects, strictly speaking.Since 2003, the FAO has been releasing reports on edible insects by releasing reports, conducting field projects or creating awareness campaigns with the media.University biologists have analyzed the nutritional value of edible insects, and some of them, such as certain beetles, ants, crickets and grasshoppers, come close to lean red meat or broiled fish in terms of protein per gram (ounce).But are they tasty? The report noted that some caterpillars in southern Africa and weaver ant eggs in Southeast Asia are considered delicacies and command high prices.And some people who might not entertain the thought of consuming insects might already be eating them. Many insects are ingested inadvertently.

U.S. dairy farm worker infected as bird flu spreads to cows in five states-Unexpected H5N1 outbreaks in cattle raise difficult questions about how to protect herds and people-1 Apr 20248:30 PM ETByJon Cohen

A cow eats next to a large puddle of water.Contaminated water or feed may have caused U.S. dairy cows to become infected with the Texas officials today issued a “health alert” about the first confirmed case of a human infection with a bird influenza virus that has found its ways into dairy cows. The worker developed conjunctivitis, a mild eye infection that frequently occurs when avian influenza viruses jump into humans.The case is the latest surprise in the global march of the flu strain, a subtype of H5N1 known as clade that has devastated wild birds and poultry around the world for more than 2 years. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) says it has confirmed the virus has infected cattle at farms in Texas, Kansas, New Mexico, and Michigan, while Idaho has a “presumptive” outbreak at one dairy farm. Wild birds, which have been found dead on some farms, most likely contaminated cow feed or water.Some evidence suggests the virus was transmitted between cows, but that remains unproven. And for now, USDA says its “initial testing has not found changes to the virus that would make it more transmissible to humans.” Still, the widespread occurrence of H5N1 in mammals has renewed worries that it may evolve to become more transmissible between people. And scientists are urgently trying to answer a host of questions, including how far the virus has spread among U.S. cows and how to prevent more herds and people from becoming infected.Although cows routinely contract influenza viruses, this is the first time that a “highly pathogenic” bird flu strain has been found in them. USDA says about 10% of affected herds have become ill. Sick cows have a mild illness, and produce less milk, which is thicker than usual, resembling colostrum, the first milk produced after a calf is born.USDA today stressed that the “current risk to the public remains low.” Contamination of commercial milk is of “no concern,” the agency said in a statement, because pasteurization reliably kills viruses, and milk from sick cows is not being sold. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says people should not drink raw milk or eat products such as cheese that are made from it. The USDA statement noted that cats on farms have also become infected.Antibody tests of herds should soon reveal how widespread the infection is and how long it has been infecting cattle. Lab experiments may clarify how a virus that typically causes respiratory disease wound up in cow udders, making it detectable in their milk, and whether other organs are infected. No evidence exists that the virus has infected beef cattle, but researchers say that could simply be because of a lack of surveillance, or because these animals show subtler symptoms than changes in milk production and its appearance.Texas Health and Human Services said the infected person was tested for flu “late last week” and that CDC confirmed it was the bird flu virus this weekend. The person is being treated with oseltamivir, an antiviral drug. “We need to be advocating for our employees on these farms, providing them support and education in whatever language that it needs to be in,” says Joe Armstrong, a bovine veterinarian who works with the University of Minnesota (UM) Extension. Dairy workers rarely wear protective gear, such as masks and goggles, Armstrong says. In the “dairy parlors” that commercial farms use to milk cows, floors are often cleaned using high-pressure water sprayers, which could aerosolize the virus, he notes.Although avian influenza viruses, first detected in humans in 1997, have caused outbreaks that killed hundreds of people, they have difficulty infecting human cells because of differences in the sugars that adorn human and bird cellular receptors for the virus. But humans have the bird version in our eyes, which explains why we can develop conjunctivitis.“I think the conjunctivitis in itself is not so serious, but it points to the fact that those people have been exposed and that they might develop respiratory disease,” says Thijs Kuiken, a comparative pathologist at Erasmus Medical Center who specializes in avian influenza. “I am really concerned about the people who are looking after affected cattle because I’ve heard of really high levels of virus in the milk and people are milking these animals twice a day.”The appearance of H5N1, clade in cows was unexpected, even after its detection in dozens of mammalian species, including cats, dogs, foxes, tigers, leopards, coyotes, bears, seals, dolphins—and, last month, goats at a Minnesota farm that also had an infected poultry flock. Cattle are often infected with type D, which one study shows can readily infect farm workers and cause disease, but H5N1 is a type A virus. “It’s definitely taken me by surprise, but perhaps it shouldn’t have,” says virologist Richard Webby of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.Idaho officials contend transmission of the virus between cattle occurred on a dairy farm there. That herd became sick after coming into contact with cows trucked in from an area in Texas where the virus was circulating. That “does lead state officials to believe cow-to-cow is how the virus was transmitted in this case,” a spokesperson for the Idaho State Department of Agriculture told Science. In Michigan, too, the virus surfaced after the importation of cows from Texas.An experiment published in 2006 demonstrated that a different H5N1 clade could infect calves. Virologist Martin Beer of the Friedrich Loeffler Institute, who led that study, says “very special circumstances” might explain the spread of the virus in U.S. cattle, including the way the animals are milked or as-yet-undetected genomic adaptations in the virus. “We need to wait for much better epidemiological data,” Beer says.The good news is that so far, mammals infected with clade have rarely seen sustained transmission, Webby notes. “Putting it into context, I’m not sure at this stage that [the cattle infections are] much different than any other mammal infections,” he says.There have been about a dozen reports worldwide of an H5N1 virus from that clade infecting humans, all of whom had had direct contact with birds, including one case in the United States in August 2022, in a worker who had culled infected poultry.A major question now looming is how to prevent further spread from dairy farms. Most countries, including the U.S., require culling of entire poultry flocks if even a single bird is infected with a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus. But there is no talk of culling cows, which cost up to $2500 each and are not becoming seriously ill.There are no H5N1 vaccines for cattle. Poultry vaccines do exist and are used heavily in China, with some marked successes. A crash program to develop a cattle equivalent might make sense, says Carol Cardona, an avian influenza specialist and poultry veterinarian at UM Twin Cities. If vaccinations can reduce viral spread, they might offer some secondary protection to dairy workers. “The person-to-cow ratio is so much higher than the person-to-chicken ratio,” notes Cardona, putting many more workers at risk. The cattle infections are “a game changer,” she adds. “I think it’s all hands on deck.”David Swayne, who formerly ran USDA’s avian influenza research lab, says it would be possible to quickly make a new cattle vaccine by modifying one now used in swine. And unlike the bird vaccines, which are banned in the U.S. due in part to international trade concerns, swine vaccination is already “widely accepted,” Swayne says.The U.S. government stockpiles an H5N1 vaccine for humans, and CDC said in a statement today that vaccines developed for related viruses “are available for vaccine manufacturing” if preliminary studies show they protect against “As a protective measure you can imagine vaccinating dairy workers,” Kuiken says.The human infection in Texas has echoes of a massive outbreak of another highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, H7N7, in poultry flocks in the Netherlands in 2003 that Kuiken studied. Hundreds of people developed conjunctivitis, mainly during culling of infected flocks, and there was some evidence of human-to-human transmission. One veterinarian died.Kuiken advises the U.S. to restrict the movement of cattle to limit the spread of the virus. “I would take the precautionary principle and say, ‘OK, until we know what’s going on, let’s put a standstill on this,’” he says.But that is a controversial idea because the dairy industry relies on trucking cows south over the winters and then returning them north. And Armstrong doubts halting cattle transports would have much impact if migratory birds prove to be the main route of transmission. Many bird species are currently moving north and may be taking the virus with them. “It would be very surprising if it wasn’t already everywhere,” Armstrong says, noting how difficult it is for farms to keep out birds. “We have to protect people, but we also have to … make sure we’re not crippling the industry,” he says.As to H5N1’s future, Cardona says we should continue to expect the unexpected. “The virus is making up new dances,” she says. “It’s broken the rules on everything.”

Biden to host Muslim leaders for scaled-down Iftar dinner amid strains over Gaza war-President invites small group of community leaders to White House to join Harris and Muslim staffers as administration seeks to ease tensions over support for Israel-By AP and ToI Staff Today, 7:08 pm-APR 2,24

WASHINGTON — US President Joe Biden was to host a small group of Muslim American community leaders at the White House for a meeting on Tuesday followed by a scaled-down Iftar dinner, as he seeks to relieve tensions over his administration’s staunch support for Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza.Biden and US Vice President Kamala Harris will be joined by Muslim staffers in the Democratic administration and senior national security aides, a White House official said, in the most high-profile engagement yet between the White House and the Muslim American community since the war began six months ago. Staffers will then join the president for a dinner to break the fast during the holy Islamic month of Ramadan.The White House did not immediately name the community members who would join the meeting.For the past two years, Biden has held large receptions to mark Ramadan and Eid at the White House, but those plans were shelved this year amid the war, which began on October 7 when Palestinian terror group Hamas led a massive cross-border attack on Israel that killed 1,200 people, most of them civilians, and took another 253 hostages.Israel responded with a military offensive to destroy Hamas, topple its regime in Gaza, and free the hostages, of whom 130 remain in captivity.The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza claims that more than 32,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel in the war, but the number cannot be independently verified and is believed to include both Hamas terrorists and civilians. The IDF says it has killed over 13,000 terrorists in Gaza, in addition to some 1,000 who were killed inside Israel on and immediately following October 7. The IDF has lost 256 soldiers fighting in Gaza.Efforts to secure even a temporary ceasefire deal that would have included the release of hostages before the start of Ramadan failed. Though negotiations via international mediators continue, there has been no breakthrough.White House officials previously traveled to Detroit earlier this year and faced an icy reception from Muslim American community leaders in the swing state, where more than 100,000 Democratic primary voters cast protest votes for “uncommitted” as part of an organized showing of disapproval for Biden’s posture toward the conflict.News of Biden’s meeting was first reported by National Public Radio.

Officials condemn anti-Israel, antisemitic graffiti at 2 Pennsylvania synagogues-PA governor, CNN anchor and community leaders decry recent vandalism of Philadelphia-area Jewish institutions with swastika, ‘From the river to the sea’By JTA and ToI Staff Today, 2:27 pm-APR 2,24

Two Philadelphia-area Conservative synagogues were vandalized in similar incidents over the past several days, the latest in a growing number of Jewish institutions to be targeted since war erupted in Gaza after Hamas’s October 7 massacre.The incidents prompted rebuke from Pennsylvania’s Jewish governor, Josh Shapiro, as well as from national figures including CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who is Jewish and had his bar mitzvah at one of the targeted synagogues.That synagogue, Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El in the suburb of Wynnewood, had a banner expressing solidarity with Israel tagged with a swastika over the weekend. Another synagogue, Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel in Center City, had graffiti spray-painted on the sidewalk by its entrance last week.“This is the second message I’ve written like this in as many days. It’s two too many,” Shapiro wrote on X, formerly Twitter, Sunday while linking to a story about the Beth Hillel-Beth El graffiti. “Antisemitism and the vandalism of a house of worship of any kind have no place in this Commonwealth.”Other Jewish institutions have been targeted across the country in the wake of the war, including in the Philadelphia region just weeks ago: “Free Gaza” graffiti was spray-painted on a Jewish-owned business in nearby Narberth on March 15. The business owner is an Israeli who has relatives being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza.Last week federal authorities also charged a West Michigan man with damaging religious property after he spray-painted swastikas onto a Chabad house in Kalamazoo in November and defaced a large menorah posted outside the center.But the prominence and proximity of these two synagogues made the recent incidents stand out.“Last night someone spray painted a swastika at the synagogue where i was bar mitzvahed,” Tapper wrote on X Sunday.It was the second time in as many weeks that Beth Hillel-Beth El’s Israel banner had been defaced. The first time the previous weekend, nondescript paint was splashed onto the banner, which reads, “Our Community Stands With Israel.” The community replaced the banner the next day and intends to do so again now that it’s been defaced for the second time, its senior rabbi told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.Last night someone spray painted a swastika at the synagogue where i was bar mitzvahed, Temple Beth Hillel/Beth El in Wynnewood, PA. pic.twitter.com/lq3l2wLgfM— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) March 31, 2024-“Thank God the community is OK,” Rabbi Ethan Witkowsky said. “We’re shaken, but we’re strong and we’re healthy and safe.”The synagogue’s leadership offered a more pointed rebuke of the graffiti on Facebook. “A swastika is not a commentary on the policies of the State of Israel, nor is it a sign of solidarity with Palestinians,” they wrote over the weekend. “It is a symbol of hatred and division.”Leadership at Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel did not immediately return requests for comment. But local reports of that synagogue’s graffiti indicate that it was more explicitly connected to Israel than the Beth Hillel-Beth El case.Security footage shows two women using stencils to spray-paint a phrase outside the synagogue. Andrew Goretsky, the Anti-Defamation League’s regional Philadelphia director, told JTA that the phrase was the disputed anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian rallying cry “From the river to the sea,” which many Jews consider to be a call for the destruction of the state of Israel.“As a Jewish person, when we hear ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,’ we hear a threat to half of the people in the entire world who share our identity,” Goretsky told local news outlets. Approximately half of the world’s Jewish population lives in Israel.Authorities have not indicated whether they see the cases as connected. While Shapiro wrote on X that the Pennsylvania State Police is “coordinating with our law enforcement partners” on the incidents, a spokesperson for the state police told JTA that local authorities had rejected their offer of help and were handling each case in their own jurisdiction.Regardless, local Jewish leaders told JTA they appreciated the broader shows of support.“It is heartwarming to have our officials care about this,” Witkowsky told JTA. “In many ways I think that the great fear of our community is not that someone would paint a swastika on the sign. It’s that someone would paint a swastika on the sign, and no one would care.”The war in Gaza erupted after Hamas’s October 7 massacre, which saw some 3,000 terrorists burst across the border into Israel by land, air and sea, killing some 1,200 people and seizing 253 hostages, amid horrific acts of brutality and sexual assault.
GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

LUKE 21:11
11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences;(BIOLOGICAL/CHEMICAL/NUCLEAR) and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

ZECHARIAH 14:12-13
12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.
13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the LORD shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour.(1/2-3 BILLION DIE IN WW3)

Leviticus 26:15-17 (KJV)
15-and if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:
16-I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.
17-And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.

Job 22:4-22 (KJV)
4-Will he reprove you for fear of you? will he enter with you into judgment?
5-Is not your wickedness great? and your iniquities without end?
6-For you have taken a pledge from your brother for nothing, and stripped the naked of their clothing.
7-You have not given water to the weary to drink, and you have withheld bread from the hungry.
8-But as for the mighty man, he had the earth; and the honorable man dwelt in it.
9-You have sent widows away empty, and the arms of the fatherless have been broken.
10-Therefore snares are round about you, and sudden fear troubles you;
11-Or darkness, that you can not see; and abundance of waters cover you.
12-Is not God in the height of heaven? and behold the height of the stars, how high they are!
13-And you say, How does God know? can he judge through the dark cloud?
14-Thick clouds are a covering to him, that he sees not; and he walks in the circle of heaven.
15-Have you marked the old way which wicked men have trodden?
16-Who were cut down before their time, whose foundation was swept away with a flood:
17-Who said unto God, Depart from us: and what can the Almighty do to us?
18-Yet he filled their houses with good things: but the counsel of the wicked is far from me.
19-The righteous see it, and are glad: and the innocent laugh them to scorn.
20-Surely our substance is not cut down, but the remnant of them the fire consumes.
21-Acquaint now yourself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto you.
22-Receive, I pray you, the law from his mouth, and lay up his words in your heart.

3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.(enviromentalists won't like this result)
4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.
5 And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.
6 For they(False World Church and Dictator) have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.

2 Peter 3:6-7 Amplified Bible (AMP)
through which the world at that time was destroyed by being flooded with water. But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly people.

Drone explodes in Jordan near southern Israel’s Ramon Airport-Aircraft of unknown origin strikes open area some 200 meters from the border northeast of Eilat-By Emanuel Fabian-Today, 1:38 pm-APR 2,24

A suspected explosive-laden drone of unknown origin struck an open area in Jordan close to Israel’s Ramon Airport, which is near the border, the military and authorities said Tuesday.In a statement, the Israel Defense Forces said that the “suspicious aerial target” — believed by the army to be a drone — struck an area “outside of Israeli territory northeast of the city of Eilat.”“The incident has concluded and the details are under review,” the IDF said.According to a spokesperson for the Eilat municipality, the drone impacted around 200 meters (656 feet) from the Israel-Jordan border, just north of airport. The Israel Airports Authority also said there was no strike at the airport itself.Images from the scene showed a fire at the location where the drone hit.There were no reports of damage or injuries.
Ramon Airport is located some 18 kilometers (11 miles) from Eilat, Israel’s southernmost city, and is adjacent to the border with Jordan.The incident came following several drone attacks on Israel by the Islamic Resistance of Iraq, a coalition of Iran-backed paramilitary groups.Early Monday, a drone launched by the Iraqi militia struck an Israeli Navy base in Eilat, causing slight damage to a hangar.On Sunday, the IDF said a fighter jet had intercepted “a suspicious aerial target” — also thought to be a drone — that was making its way toward Israel from the direction of Syria.Most of the drones launched by the Islamic Resistance of Iraq have failed to cross Israel’s border or were downed by air defenses.Eilat has come under attack by other Iran-backed groups amid the war in the Gaza Strip, including Yemen’s Houthis and a group in Syria linked to Lebanon’s Hezbollah.In November, a school in Eilat was hit by a drone launched from Syria, and last month, a cruise missile fired from Yemen struck an open area north of the city.

IDF Spokesman speaks to WCK chief, expresses sorrow, vows probe-Israel acknowledges killing 7 aid charity workers in ‘tragic, unintentional’ airstrike-World Central Kitchen halts Gaza ops after ‘unforgivable’ Israeli bombing; victims’ countries demand answers; PM says will ‘do everything’ to prevent recurrence; White House ‘heartbroken’-By Emanuel Fabian,ToI Staff and Agencies Today, 2:58 pmUpdated at 3:15 pm-APR 2,24

Facing searing criticism on Tuesday, Israel acknowledged mistakenly carrying out strikes that killed seven staff members of a US-based charity group who were unloading food brought by sea to the war-torn Gaza Strip.The group World Central Kitchen said it was pausing operations after a “targeted Israeli strike” on Monday killed three British and four other staffers — an Australian, a Palestinian, a Pole and a US-Canadian.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged a “tragic” and “unintentional” incident and vowed to “do everything” to prevent a recurrence.The Israeli military promised to investigate the incident “at the highest levels.”IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said in an English-language statement that he had spoken to WCK founder Chef Jose Anders, “and expressed the deepest condolences of the Israel Defense Forces to the families and the entire World Central Kitchen family.”He added that the IDF had expressed “sincere sorrow to our allied nations who have been doing and continue to do so much to assist those in need. We have been reviewing the incident at the highest levels to understand the circumstances of what happened and how it happened,” he said.“We will get to the bottom of this and we will share our findings transparently,” Hagari added.WCK has been working to unload food brought to Gaza by sea from Cyprus amid a push to increase aid to the Strip amid increasing fears of widespread famine. The killing of its aid workers compounds already intense criticism Israel has faced including accusations that it was withholding aid from the hunger-stricken region.The White House was “heartbroken,” US National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson wrote on X, stressing that relief workers “must be protected as they deliver aid that is desperately needed.”“I am heartbroken and appalled that we — World Central Kitchen and the world — lost beautiful lives today because of a targeted attack by the IDF,” WCK’s CEO Erin Gore said“This is not only an attack against WCK, this is an attack on humanitarian organizations showing up in the most dire of situations where food is being used as a weapon of war,” she added. “This is unforgivable.”The bodies of the aid workers killed were taken to a hospital mortuary in the central Gaza town of Deir al-Balah, an AFP photographer reported. One of them was laid on a makeshift stretcher, wearing a top emblazoned with the WCK name and logo.The aid group said the team had been traveling in a “de-conflicted” area in a convoy of “two armored cars branded with the WCK logo and a soft skin vehicle” at the time of the strike.“Despite coordinating movements with the (Israeli army), the convoy was hit as it was leaving the Deir al-Balah warehouse, where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza on the maritime route,” it said.The three vehicles were targeted over a distance of around 2 kilometers.According to a report by the Haaretz daily, a Hermes 450 UAV fired three missiles at the convoy in quick succession despite the vehicles being clearly marked on their roof as being part of WCK. The decision was made by a unit guarding the aid transport route after troops earlier spotted what appeared to be an armed figure riding on a truck that entered an aid storage area with three WCK cars. The attack occurred moments after the three cars left the storage area, leaving the truck and the armed figure behind, according to the report.After a missile hit one car, those inside evacuated to the other two cars, and managed to report they had been attacked before a second missile hit another car. As the last unharmed car approached to evacuate the wounded, a third missile hit. All seven people who had been in the vehicles were killed, Haaretz reported.Seven aid workers were killed when their vehicles were hit by Israeli airstrikes as they left their Deir al-Balah warehouse to deliver aid supplies inside Gaza. pic.twitter.com/3flOWS7unI — Bellingcat (@bellingcat) April 2, 2024-IDF Spokesman Hagari said in his video statement that the IDF’s General Staff Fact-Finding Assessment Mechanism — an independent military body responsible for investigating unusual incidents amid the war — would probe the “serious incident.”“This will help us reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again,” he said.“For the last few months, the IDF has been working closely with the World Central Kitchen to assist them in fulfilling their noble mission of helping bring food and humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. WCK also came to help Israelis after the massacre of October 7th; they were one of the first NGOs here,” Hagari continued. “The work of WCK is critical; they are on the frontlines of humanity,” he said.The IDF acknowledged to The Times of Israel that it had carried out the strike, although it said it did not know the full circumstances yet. Regardless, the IDF said the strike was a serious incident that should not have happened.An initial IDF probe into the incident was expected to be released to the public in the coming days, as the General Staff Fact-Finding Assessment Mechanism carries out a more in-depth investigation.IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi was personally involved in the military’s response to the incident, including updating the head of the US Central Command on the strike.Halevi was due to meet Tuesday with the head of the IDF Southern Command, Maj. Gen. Yaron Finkelman, at the unit’s base in Beersheba, to be briefed on the military’s initial probe into the strike.The chief of staff was also set to inaugurate a new joint command center with the Defense Ministry’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), aimed at better coordinating the humanitarian activity in the Gaza Strip.Netanyahu said that the IDF “unintentionally” killed the seven aid workers.“Unfortunately, in the last day there was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people in the Gaza Strip,” he said as he left a hospital in Jerusalem after a hernia operation.“It happens in war; we will investigate it right to the end… We are in contact with the governments, and we will do everything so that this thing does not happen again,” he said.The president of the city of Przemysl, in southeastern Poland, identified the Polish WCK volunteer who was killed as Damian Sobol.Poland’s foreign minister Radoslaw Sikorski wrote on X that he had asked the Israeli ambassador in Warsaw for “urgent explanations.”“He assured me that Poland would soon receive the results of the investigation into this tragedy. I join in my condolences to the family of our brave volunteer and all civilian victims in the Gaza Strip,” Sikorski said.The Polish foreign ministry posted on X that “Poland objects to the disregard for international humanitarian law and the protection of civilians, including humanitarian workers.”Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese named the slain Australian aid worker as 44-year-old Lalzawmi “Zomi” Frankcom, and said his government had contacted Israel to demand that those responsible be held accountable.“This is a human tragedy that should never have occurred, that is completely unacceptable and Australia will seek full and proper accountability,” he told a press conference on Tuesday.Albanese said innocent civilians and humanitarian workers needed to be protected and reiterated his call for a sustainable ceasefire in Gaza along with more aid to help those suffering from “tremendous deprivation.”EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell wrote on X, “I condemn the attack and urge an investigation. Despite all the demands to protect civilians and humanitarian workers, we see new innocent casualties,” adding that the incident further strengthens the need for an immediate ceasefire.I pay tribute to the @WCKitchen staff members killed in an Israeli air strike in Gaza.I condemn the attack and urge an investigation.Despite all the demands to protect civilians and humanitarian workers, we see new innocent casualties. Josep Borrell Fontelles (@JosepBorrellF) April 2, 2024-The president of Cyprus, from where WCK sent aid to the Gaza Strip, on Tuesday called for an immediate probe into the killing of the organization’s workers.“We need to double down on efforts to get aid to Gaza,” Nikos Christodoulides said, after a meeting with European Parliament President Roberta Metsola, telling reporters the maritime corridor for aid from his country to Gaza would continue to operate.After visiting the Jabal al-Hussein Palestinian refugee camp in Amman, Jordan, on Tuesday, Spanish premier Pedro Sanchez said: “I hope and demand that the Israeli government clarifies as soon as possible the circumstances of this brutal attack that has taken the lives of seven aid workers who were doing nothing more than helping.”Founded by Spanish-American celebrity chef José Andrés in the wake of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, WCK is one of the largest charities working in Gaza. An apolitical group, it has earned the appreciation of Israel’s government for its help with Israelis displaced after October 7. It has been a trailblazer in transferring aid into Gaza, going so far as to construct an improvised pier out of debris on which to land supplies for the embattled enclave.Israel has faced intense international pressure to ensure more aid gets into the Strip, especially hard-to-reach areas of northern Gaza, amid repeated warnings that the population faces starvation and famine.

At least 29 dead as blaze rips through apartment block in Istanbul-Fire broke out during construction work in below-ground nightclub situated underneath 16-story residential building-By AFP Today, 7:33 pm-APR 2,24

ISTANBUL, Turkey — A fire killed at least 29 people in a 16-story residential building in Istanbul on Tuesday, the governor of Turkey’s economic capital said, updating an earlier toll of 15 dead and eight hurt.“The number of people who lost their lives in the fire… in Gayrettepe of Besiktas district has increased to 29,” Gov. Davut Gul’s office said in a statement, referring to the Istanbul neighbor hood.“One person hurt in the fire was still being treated in hospital,” it added.The fire began at 12:47 (0947 GMT), the office said, and was only brought under control by firefighters hours later. Television images showed flames and a column of thick smoke rushing from upper-story windows.The number of people reported killed and hurt rose throughout the afternoon in a string of statements from the governor’s office, as more victims succumbed to their injuries.The blaze had broken out during construction work on the first and second floors below ground, which housed a nightclub, Gul told reporters.“An investigation has been opened into the fire in Gayrettepe,” Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya posted on X.Five people have been arrested at the scene in connection with the blaze, news channel NTV reported.Istanbul’s newly re-elected mayor Ekrem Imamoglu, who rushed to the scene, said “the fire is under control. Let’s hope there are no further victims,” offering his “condolences” to the relatives of the dead and injured.

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