Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)


“How much oil was lost in the Gulf War?”During the uncontrolled burning phase from February to April 1991: between four million and six million barrels of crude oil were lost each day to burning, along with 70 to 100 million cubic metres of natural gas lost each day also due to burning. The total overall losses of crude oil during the conflict and months afterward was estimated at around one billion barrels.

AND IN GAZA YOU DROWN THE COCKROCHES RIGHT OUT. I ASKED THE AI GUY HOW MANY TONS OF WATER TO DROWN OUT THE GAZA HAMAS COCKROACHES IN THE TUNNELS. THE AI COPILOT TOLD ME IT WOULD TAKE 1.5 MILLION CUBIC METERS OF WATER TO FILL ALL THE TUNNELS IN GAZA.The **Israel Defense Forces (IDF)** have been using a unique method to deal with **Hamas tunnels in Gaza**: they are **flooding some of these tunnels with seawater**. This tactic has been confirmed by the IDF and involves injecting high-flow water into the tunnels¹. Here are some key points:- **Method**: The IDF has developed tools for injecting seawater into Hamas tunnels. Not all tunnels are flooded, as the process can severely damage some areas. Before flooding, the IDF conducts comprehensive checks to ensure groundwater is not contaminated¹.- **Success**: A trial run of this method was successful in mid-December. The IDF warned of "new combat methods" to deal with terrorists hiding underground¹.*Extent of Tunnels**: Senior Israeli defense officials estimate that Hamas's tunnel network runs **350-400 miles long**, accessed by approximately **5,700 shafts**¹.**Materials Used**: Hamas used more than **6,000 tons of concrete** and **1,800 tons of steel**, investing tens of millions of dollars into the tunnel project¹.*Water Needed**: According to a study, it would take approximately **1.5 million cubic meters of water** to completely fill all the tunnels in Gaza³.While the IDF's flooding method is effective, it also raises concerns about the impact on basic life in Gaza³. The situation remains complex, and efforts continue to dismantle the extensive tunnel network¹. 🌊🌍

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2024-04-16
(1) IDF confirms flooding Hamas tunnels in Gaza with seawater. https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-confirms-flooding-hamas-tunnels-in-gaza-with-seawater/.
(2) Flooding Hamas tunnels with seawater risks ‘ruining basic life in Gaza .... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/23/israel-flooding-hamas-tunnels-seawater-risks-ruining-basic-life-gaza-expert?ref=upstract.com.
(3) Israel Weighs Plan to Flood Gaza Tunnels With Seawater - MSN. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/israel-weighs-plan-to-flood-gaza-tunnels-with-seawater/ar-AA1kZZ0F.
(4) Report: IDF has begun pumping seawater into Hamas tunnels in Gaza. https://www.timesofisrael.com/report-idf-has-begun-pumping-seawater-into-hamas-tunnels-in-gaza/.

Turkish president says Netanyahu to blame for Iran’s attack on Israel-Erdogan accuses prime minister of leading country in an ‘aggressive attitude’ that should be ‘condemned’By Agencies and ToI Staff Today, 10:20 pm-APR 16

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was the main party to blame for Iran’s unprecedented missile attack on Israel over the weekend.“The main one responsible for the tension that gripped our hearts on the evening of April 13 is Netanyahu and his bloody administration,” the Turkish leader, who regularly criticizes Israel and its leadership, said in televised remarks.“Those who have been silent for months about Israel’s aggressive attitude immediately condemned the Iranian response,” he said. “But it’s Netanyahu himself who is the first who should be condemned.”Iran fired over 300 attack drones and missiles at Israel on Saturday, in retaliation for a deadly April 1 strike on what it said was a building in Tehran’s embassy compound in Syria, in which several commanders of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps were killed, that it blames on Israel.According to the Israel Defense Forces, Iran’s attack comprised 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles, and 120 ballistic missiles — 99 percent of which were intercepted by air defenses. The few that got through caused very minor damage, according to the military. One young girl was critically injured. Erdogan said the April 1 attack in Damascus violated international law and “was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”Israel has vowed to retaliate for the Iranian attack, though its allies, including the United States, are urging restraint.Turkey on Sunday called for “an end to the escalation” in the Middle East after Iran’s attack on Israel, saying there was a risk of setting off a regional war.In addition to Israel’s own air defense systems and air force, a coordinated response by US, British, French and Jordanian forces also helped intercept the wave of Iranian missiles and drones, shooting down many.The clash with Iran came amid Israel’s ongoing war against the Palestinian terror group Hamas in the Gaza Strip and fighting along its northern border with Iran-backed Lebanese terror group Hezbollah.The war began on October 7 when Hamas led a devastating cross-border attack on Israel that killed 1,200 people, mostly civilians. Israel responded with a military campaign to destroy Hamas and free 253 hostages of all ages that terrorists abducted and took as hostages in Gaza.The day after the Hamas attack, Hezbollah began assaults at the northern border and has kept up near-daily rocket fire on towns and communities in the area ever since. Israel has retaliated by striking Hezbollah infrastructure in Lebanon, and also related targets in Syria, also an ally of Iran.

Gallant: Iranian bid to dent Israeli deterrence failed-Response to Iranian attack a must, but Israel will be smart about it, officials say
Gantz promises to act out of strategic wisdom, not rush reaction, as war cabinet meets for third time in three days to hash out retaliation that won’t lead to regional escalation-By ToI Staff and Reuters Today, 8:51 pm-APR 16,24

The Israeli military said Iran would not get off “scot-free” following its unprecedented missile and drone attack early Sunday, as the country’s leaders continued to mull how to balance a forceful response with calls by the United States and other allies to keep the round of fighting from snowballing further.“We cannot stand still from this kind of aggression,” Israel Defense Forces spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari told reporters in English at Julis military base near Kiryat Malachi, while displaying the remains of an intercepted ballistic missile. “Iran will not get [off] scot-free with this aggression.”It was the latest threat from military officials, after IDF chief Herzi Halevi vowed Monday night that “there will be a response” to the approximately 350 drones and missiles launched at Israel late Saturday and early Sunday.Israel’s high-level war cabinet was set to meet Tuesday for the third time in three days to decide on a response to Iran’s first-ever direct attack, which left one person with serious injuries and caused only minor damage to a military base.The US and other allies have urged restraint, amid fears that an Israeli reprisal could fragment the US-led coalition that coalesced to take down Iran’s aerial attack. Despite worries of a larger conflagration breaking out, hardliners say Israel must mount a response to restore deterrence.Hagari charged that the Islamic Republic was “building a conventional threat, meaning to create a ring of fire across Israel.”War cabinet minister Benny Gantz said Israel would choose when and how to respond to the attack, while working with the US to build a global and regional alliance against Tehran.“Israel will act out of strategic wisdom, and will respond in the place, time and manner it chooses. And this is not the place to elaborate,” he said at a conference organized by the Israel Hayom daily newspaper.The former IDF chief and defense minister said he had spoken with senior US officials about an international response to Iran, including military action and sanctions.“Iran is a global and regional problem, and also a threat to Israel,” he said.Earlier Tuesday, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said sanctions would be imposed to keep disrupting Iran’s “malign and destabilizing activity,” as Washington sought to keep Israel from responding violently.She told a news conference in Washington that all options to disrupt Iran’s “terrorist financing” were on the table, and that she expected further sanctions against Iran to be announced in coming days.Also at the Israel Hayom conference, Hagari said it would be “impossible not to respond to such an attack” as Iran’s barrage.At the same time, though, he talked up the importance of the regional alliance — including the US, United Kingdom, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt — which came together to help knock down almost all of the UAVs, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles lobbed at Israel.“This is a great opportunity that must be seized,” he said, urging that attention remain focused on the war in Gaza and hostages still being held there.“Thanks to our operational success on Saturday, we now have many options for how and when to act,” he said. “We will act properly and at the right time, and any discussion on this matter is unnecessary.”According to the IDF, Iran’s attack comprised 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles and 120 ballistic missiles — 99% of which were intercepted by air defenses.This is 70% of one of the 120 !!! ballistic missiles #Iran launched at #Israel on Saturday. It was intercepted and this part fell near the Dead Sea. When I first saw images on Sunday circulating on social media I thought they were fake. There is nothing fake about this, or the… pic.twitter.com/BlbI1GOrP4— Lt. Col. (R) Peter Lerner (@LTCPeterLerner) April 16, 2024-One intercepted ballistic missile that crashed into the Dead Sea was put on display for foreign reporters Tuesday. The massive projectile was carrying an estimated 500-kilogram warhead, the IDF said.The army also released largely blurred footage showing the Israeli Air Force’s control room at the IDF’s underground headquarters as the first interceptions of the Iranian missiles and drones were carried out early Sunday.The Israeli military releases footage from the Israeli Air Force's control room at the IDF's underground headquarters, as the first interceptions of the Iranian missiles and drones were carried out early Sunday. pic.twitter.com/bay0HeXRDA— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) April 16, 2024-Iran called the barrage retaliation for an alleged Israeli strike that destroyed a building in its embassy compound in Damascus and killed two of its generals and several other officers.It has threatened to respond with even greater firepower should Israel retaliate, while telling allies that it has no intention of escalating matters if there is no reprisal.Meeting with troops in northern Israel, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant declared that Iran’s barrage was a “failure,” and said Israel was not deterred from taking further action against Iran.“The Iranians will not be able to implement a different equation of deterrence against the State of Israel,” Gallant said. “The Air Force planes are operating everywhere, the skies of the Middle East are open, any enemy that will fight against us, we will know how to hit it wherever they are.”The comments were released shortly after Israel said it had carried out a drone strike in southern Lebanon, killing a commander of Iranian proxy Hezbollah in charge of activities near the coast, following an attack from the group that left three Israelis with injuries.According to a Channel 13 TV poll, 29% of Israelis support an immediate strike on Iran, 37% support attacking at a later date and 25% oppose such action.Likud MK Yuli Edelstein, who chairs the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said any Israeli response would aim to send a message of deterrence to Tehran, while drawing a line under this round of hostilities.He said planners were taking into account the war-wariness of Western powers, the risk to air crews from any sorties against Iran and the need to keep focus on the more than half-year-long Gaza offensive.“We’ll have to react. Iranians will know we reacted. And I sincerely hope that it will teach them a lesson that you can’t attack a sovereign country just because you find it doable,” said Edelstein.Asked if the Israeli response would seek to avoid greater casualties, Edelstein said targets were still being discussed, but “we always take always take into consideration the international norms” and that Israel did not intentionally target civilians.“I sincerely hope that they will understand that it’s not in their interest to continue this kind of exchange of blows,” he said. “We are not interested in a full-scale war. We are not, as I have said, in the business of revenge.”

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