Friday, September 11, 2015



Palestinians allowed to raise flag at UN headquarters-119 states vote in favor of move, while 8 — including Israel, US — were against; 45 abstained-By AFP and Times of Israel staff September 11, 2015, 1:57 am

The UN General Assembly voted on Thursday to allow the Palestinians to raise their flag at its headquarters in a diplomatic victory in their campaign for statehood.A resolution was adopted by member states with 119 in favor, eight voting against — including Israel and the United States — and 45 abstentions.The text allows the Palestinian flag and that of the Holy See — both of which have non-member observer status — to be hoisted alongside those of the member states.The world body now has 20 days to implement the move, which would be in time for a visit by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on September 30.Palestinians had been lobbying intensively to round up the needed votes for the initiative — which both Israel and the United States have firmly oposed.“Raising the Palestinian flag outside the UN headquarters is not an alternative to negotiations [between Palestinians and Israel], and will not bring the parties closer to peace,” US ambassador Samantha Power said after the vote.Israel Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor maintained that “no vote can turn an empty symbolic gesture into a state.”European nations were divided on the move with France and Sweden voting in favor while others such as Germany, Austria, Finland, the Netherlands and Cyprus abstained.French ambassador Francois Delattre stated that “this flag is a powerful symbol, a glimmer of hope,” for the Palestinians amid broken-down peace talks.Israeli-Palestinian peace talks have been comatose since a failed US diplomatic effort ended last April.

Palestinians allowed to raise flag at UN headquarters-AFP-SEPT 10,15-YAHOONEWS

United Nations (United States) (AFP) - The UN General Assembly voted on Thursday to allow the Palestinians to raise their flag at its headquarters in a diplomatic victory in their campaign for statehood.A resolution was adopted by member states with 119 in favor, eight voting against -- including Israel and the United States -- and 45 abstentions.The text allows the flags of Palestine and the Holy See -- both of which have non-member observer status -- to be hoisted alongside those of the member states.The world body now has 20 days to implement the move, which would be in time for a visit by Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on September 30.Palestinians had been lobbying intensively to round up the needed votes for the initiative -- which both Israel and the United States have firmly opposed."Raising the Palestinian flag outside the UN headquarters is not an alternative to negotiations (between Palestinians and Israel), and will not bring the parties closer to peace," US ambassador Samantha Power said after the vote.Israel ambassador Ron Prosor maintained that "no vote can turn an empty symbolic gesture into a state."European nations were divided on the move with France and Sweden voting in favor while others such as Germany, Austria, Finland, the Netherlands and Cyprus abstained.French ambassador Francois Delattre stated that "this flag is a powerful symbol, a glimmer of hope," for the Palestinians amid broken-down peace talks.Israeli-Palestinian peace talks have been comatose since a failed US diplomatic effort in April last year, and a war in the Gaza Strip last summer left 2,200 Palestinians dead.

UN strongly approves Palestinian proposal to raise flag-Associated Press By CARA ANNA and EDITH M. LEDERER-SEPT 10,15-YAHOONEWS

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. General Assembly has overwhelmingly approved the Palestinians' proposal to raise their flag, along with that of the Holy See, at U.N. headquarters — a symbolic step in the Palestinians' pursuit of statehood.Israel has strongly objected to the proposal, and it joined seven other countries, including the United States, in voting "no"; 119 nations voted "yes" and 45 abstained.The resolution allows non-member observer states to raise their flags. The Palestinians and the Vatican are the only two observers. The Holy See has backed away from the effort, saying it will not raise its flag before Pope Francis visits the U.N. later this month.The Palestinians say they would like President Mahmoud Abbas to raise their flag after he addresses the General Assembly's gathering of world leaders Sept. 30.The U.N. says it will be guided by the non-binding vote. The resolution allows 20 days for implementation.Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour has said he expected an "overwhelming majority" of states to support the resolution. Israel's U.N. Ambassador Ron Prosor has called the move a "blatant attempt to hijack the U.N."The Palestinians' supporters had hoped that no nation would block the proposal and risk offending the Vatican on the eve of the pope's first U.S. and U.N. visit. The flags would join those of the U.N.'s 193 member states outside the world body's headquarters. Holes for additional flagpoles already exist.Many states have shown support for the Palestinians' pursuit of statehood, including the Holy See. In May, the Vatican officially recognized the state of Palestine in their first formal, bilateral treaty.But the Holy See asked that it not be named in this U.N. resolution. Archbishop Bernardito Auza, the Vatican's U.N. ambassador, told reporters Wednesday that the Holy See didn't object to the Palestinian proposal but that "we have generally different priorities."The United States and Israel oppose recognizing a Palestinian state, arguing that it undermines efforts to negotiate a peace agreement. That process, however, has largely been at a standstill since the deadly conflict in Gaza a year ago."This vote is not a vote for the status quo," U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power told the General Assembly just before the vote. Canada, Australia and several small island states also voted "no," while some European countries like Germany abstained.Mansour has told reporters that the flag-raising would "keep hope alive" for Palestinians.But Prosor, in his final speech at the U.N., said just after the vote that the real question is whether the U.N. would "raise a white flag" and surrender its principles. He also said he would like to one day see the leaders of Israel and a Palestinian state raise their flags together.Some 135 countries — the vast majority in Asia, Africa and Latin America — recognize the state of Palestine.In late 2012, the General Assembly voted overwhelmingly, 138 in favor and nine against, to upgrade the Palestinians' status at the U.N. to non-member observer state.

Khamenei: Israel won’t survive next 25 years-Taking to Twitter, Iranian leader says Zionists won’t find serenity until destruction, calls US ‘Great Satan’ and rejects any talks with Washington beyond nuke deal-By Times of Israel staff September 9, 2015, 12:20 pm 863

Israel will not survive the next 25 years, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday, making a series of threatening remarks published online.In a quote posted to Twitter by Khamenei’s official account, Khamenei addresses Israel, saying, “You will not see next 25 years,” and adds that the Jewish state will be hounded until it is destroyed.The quote comes against a backdrop of a photograph apparently showing the Iranian leader walking on an Israeli flag painted on a sidewalk.“After negotiations, in Zionist regime they said they had no more concern about Iran for next 25 years; I’d say: Firstly, you will not see next 25 years; God willing, there will be nothing as Zionist regime by next 25 years. Secondly, until then, struggling, heroic and jihadi morale will leave no moment of serenity for Zionists,” the quote from Iran’s top leader reads in broken English.The quote was apparently taken from a speech given earlier in the day.The remarks came as US lawmakers began to debate supporting a recent nuclear agreement between Tehran and six world powers. Critics of the deal have pointed to fiery anti-US and anti-Zionist rhetoric as proof that the regime should not be trusted.The White House and other deal boosters argue that the pact, meant to keep Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, is based on verification, not trust.Khamenei’s statements also reaffirmed his view that the US is a “Great Satan” and that there would be no detente with Washington beyond the nuclear talks.“We approved talks with the United States about [the] nuclear issue specifically. We have not allowed talks with the US in other fields and we [do] not negotiate with them,” Khamenei said in statements published on his website.Khamenei is quoted as saying any other talks would be “a tool for penetration and imposing their demands.”On Twitter, Khamenei said talks with the US were a “means of infiltration and imposition of their wills.”Quoting the founder of the Islamic Republic and his predecessor as Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Khamenei tweeted: “@IRKhomeini stated “US is the Great Satan,” some insist on depicting this Great Satan as an angel.”The Twitter handle @IRKhomeini is an Iranian government account dedicated to Khomeini’s statements.Some have pointed to the nuclear deal as an opening for Iran to repair long-frayed ties with the West.Several senior European officials have traveled to Iran since the nuclear deal was reached to boost economic and diplomatic ties, including Austrian President Heinz Fischer, who on Monday became the first European leader to visit Tehran in over a decade.On Tuesday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani signaled that Iran is ready to hold talks with world powers on ways to resolve Syria’s civil war — provided such negotiations could secure peace and democracy in the conflict-torn country, he said.Iran, together with Russia, backs the embattled regime of Bashar Assad, who is opposed by much of the West.AP contributed to this report.

Israel could send Iran ‘back to the stone age’ with electromagnetic bomb-Detonation would disrupt all the enemy’s technological devices, Sunday Times reports-By Aaron Kalman September 9, 2012, 1:26 pm 1012-THE TIMES OF ISRAEL

Israel could destroy Iran’s electric network with a specially designed electromagnetic bomb in the event of a military conflict between the countries, The Sunday Times reported on Sunday.An electromagnetic bomb of this sort would be detonated above the ground, creating an electromagnetic pulse that would “disrupt all the technological devices working on the ground,” an American expert was quoted as saying to the London paper.The use of the new technology by Israel was brought up in discussions regarding a possible attack on Tehran’s nuclear facilities, the report claimed. Such a move would send Iran “back to the stone age,” the British paper said.This kind of bomb would operate based on the nonlethal technology of gamma rays, the report explained. The outburst of energy would “fry” electric devices and currents around the source of the explosion.

President says he is no longer speaking to Netanyahu-‘I think we’ve said everything that can be said,’ Rivlin explains, again criticizing prime minister’s handling of foreign policy-By Times of Israel staff September 9, 2015, 12:57 pm 30

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin have not spoken for nearly two months, the president revealed Tuesday.Relations between the two have been particularly strained since Rivlin openly criticized Netanyahu for his combative stance toward US President Barack Obama.Their last meeting took place July 17. Till then, the two had met at least once each month since Rivlin’s election last year.Netanyahu reportedly met with Rivlin’s predecessor Shimon Peres every two weeks over dinner.“I think we’ve said [to each other] everything that can be said — not about the Iranian issue but about our relations with the international community,” Rivlin told Army Radio in an interview published Wednesday morning, when asked why the two had not met since mid-July.He indicated the disagreements over Netanyahu’s foreign policy were the cause of the disconnect.“We’ve said everything that can be said on this issue, and until the question is off the agenda we probably don’t have to meet, because each of us is busy with the same issues,” he said.There was no immediate response from Netanyahu, who was en route to London Wednesday morning for a state visit.In July, Rivlin chastised Netanyahu’s policy toward Washington. “Israel has three things it must ensure – its relationship with the United States, its relationship with the United States, and its relationship with the United States,” he said.He reiterated the criticism in the Wednesday interview in a reference to Netanyahu’s March speech to the US Congress on the Iran nuclear deal.“There’s no doubt we’d be very angry if the American president had come to the Knesset and argued against the government of Israel. We’d ask why we were hosting a guest who preaches for or calls to support one position or another in our [political] system,” he told Army Radio.There is a long history of enmity between the two longtime Likud politicians. Netanyahu torpedoed Rivlin’s reelection as Knesset speaker in 2013 and worked to prevent Rivlin’s election as president last year, while Rivlin was not shy about criticizing Netanyahu and other cabinet ministers during his term as speaker.

US targets Hamas with sanctions for second time this week-Treasury freezes assets of people and company affiliated with Palestinian terror group, bans Americans from doing business with it-By AP and Times of Israel staff September 10, 2015, 11:14 pm 2

The Obama administration has targeted several officials in the Palestinian Hamas group with sanctions for the second time this week.The Treasury Department’s action puts Hamas politician Saleh al-Aruri and two Saudi-based financial officers on its terrorism blacklist. Also added are the Saudi-based Asyaf International Holding Group and an Egyptian money exchange owner accused of transferring tens of millions of dollars for Hamas and its military wing in the Gaza Strip.Any assets the men own in the US are now frozen, and Americans are banned from doing business with them.Sanctions point-man Adam Szubin said Thursday the department was “committed to exposing and weakening Hamas, its supporters and its terrorist agenda.”The State Department announced Tuesday that Hezbollah spokesman Samir Kuntar along with Hamas military leaders Yahya Sinwar, Ruhi Mushtaha, and Muhammad Deif, had been added to the specially designated global terrorists list.Hamas, which is sworn to Israel’s destruction, said Tuesday’s move by the US government was “worthless,” “immoral and “contrary to international law,” according to a press statement released by the group.Three of the four men blacklisted by the State Department had been previously arrested by Israel for attacks on Israelis but were later released in prisoner exchanges, including the 2011 swap that led to the release by Hamas of kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.Kuntar spent 29 years in Israeli custody over the brutal slaying of four Israelis in a 1979 terror raid on the northern Israeli town of Nahariya, an attack in which he smashed the head of four-year-old Einat Haran with his rifle butt.-Deif, 51, is known as the head of Hamas’s armed wing, and has survived several attempts on his life by Israel, reportedly leaving him limbless.As head of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Deif is responsible for planning and executing a long string of terror attacks that have killed dozens or even hundreds of Israelis.   

New top cop’s appointment frozen until A-G gives okay-Yehuda Weinstein says he’ll submit time frame for investigation on Gal Hirsch next week-By Times of Israel staff September 10, 2015, 10:14 pm 2

Gal Hirsch’s appointment as head of the Israel Police hit a snag Thursday when the head of the committee in charge of approving major public appointments said he’d refrain from weighing in until he gets the green light from Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein.In a letter to Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, committee head Jacob Turkel, a retired judge, wrote that “I can’t give you my opinion on the matter of Gal Hirsch’s appointment until I receive the findings and the opinion and position of the attorney general.”The Turkel Commission must approve Hirsch’s appointment as police chief before he can enter office, after he was nominated last month by Erdan to replace Yohanan Danino.The appointment of Hirsch, a retired IDF general, while lauded by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, has been fraught with controversy following reports of impropriety and corruption involving his company, Defensive Shield Holdings.Weinstein’s office told Turkel that the attorney general could provide Turkel with a time frame for the investigation of Hirsch only after next week’s Jewish New Year.On Wednesday, a Channel 2 report said that Hirsch’s company, Defensive Shield, was awarded a multi-million-shekel deal to clear mines and unexploded ordnance from a beach in the central Israel town of Rishon Lezion in 2012. Despite the fact that Defensive Shield had no prior experience with such operations, and that its main competitor for the projects had vast experience in mine-clearing operations and submitted a price quote of half the size, Rishon Lezion’s city hall gave Hirsch’s company the contract.It was the latest in a string of reports on alleged corruption involving Defensive Shield. Hebrew media reported that Defensive Shield may have been involved in deals with the Georgian government, signed by a defense minister who has by now fled Georgia and who stands accused of fraud and misappropriation of state money, including through deals with Hirsch’s company.Separately, it was reported that the FBI is conducting a fraud investigation into companies that had dealings with Defensive Shield.

Officials: Popemobile to travel on streets near White House-Associated Press By JESSICA GRESKO-SEPT 11,15-YAHOONEWS

WASHINGTON (AP) — Pope Francis will travel in the Popemobile on streets between the White House and National Mall when he visits Washington later this month, the Archdiocese of Washington announced Thursday.Spectators won't need tickets to view the pope as he travels in the special car on Sept. 23, but entrance to the parade route will be first come, first served., according to the Archdiocese. Visitors will have to pass through security and can't bring in food or drink, but it will be available to purchase inside the secure area, the Archdiocese said. Security gates will open at 4 a.m. and close at 10 a.m. Spectators won't be able to leave and re-enter until the pope is finished with the tour.The Archdiocese also announced Thursday that spectators will be able to watch live coverage of the day on a video screen set up on the grounds of the Washington Monument. After he visits the White House on the morning of Sept. 23 and travels in the Popemobile, Pope Francis will address U.S. bishops at the Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle and canonize 18th-century Spanish missionary Junipero Serra during a Mass on the east portico of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. He will address a joint session of Congress the following day.Officials said Thursday that the pope's 48-hour visit to the nation's capital will have a significant impact on traffic in the city, with extended road closures in areas around where the pope will be. Residents can compare the impact to a presidential inauguration, said James Murray, the Special Agent in Charge of the United States Secret Service's Washington Field Office. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said the city is ready.The pope is scheduled to arrive in the United States from Cuba the afternoon of Sept. 22 and depart for New York on the afternoon of Sept. 24. He will also visit Philadelphia before returning to Rome. The trip is the 78-year-old pope's first visit to the United States.The last pope to visit the United States was Francis' predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, the pope emeritus, who visited Washington and New York in 2008.___Follow Jessica Gresko at

09/11/2015 -VATICAN INSIDER-Ban Ki-moon: Pope Francis a man of moral voice and purpose-Interview with Vatican Radio and Vatican Insider ahead of the Pope’s visit to the United Nations in New York at the end of September-Paolo Mastrolilli

New York-Mister Secretary General, on September 25 Pope Francis will visit the United Nations and address the General Assembly. Why is this visit important and what are your expectations for it? «We are excited – We are looking forward with great excitement [to] His Holiness, Pope Francis’ visit to the United Nations. This will be my fourth meeting with the Pope, but this will be his first visit to the United Nations – and, in the history of the Vatican – United Nations relations I think that this will be the first time in which His Holiness the Pope visits the United Nations during a General Assembly. He is a man of humility and humanity, and he is a man of moral voice, and purpose. Particularly at a time in which this world is experiencing many conflicts: refugees; migration; human rights abuses; climate change; we really need such a strong moral voice as the Pope’s; on this, the occasion, during which more than 150 heads-of-state and government of the world are gathering, therefore, you cannot expect any greater, more significant and important gathering of the world’s leaders, including the Pope. I’m grateful for his compassionate leadership for peace and humanity».In the Mediterranean Sea there is a migration crisis going on. You spoke recently to several European leaders about it. Do you think Europe should do more to accept refugees? «I commend the leadership and global solidarity the European leaders are showing, but at the same time, in view of the gravity and the scale of this crisis, I would naturally expect that European leaders should do more. The refugees are fleeing wars and persecution, so they need to be protected properly and quickly. This is an unprecedented challenge for the world, particularly for Europe. It should be also noted that the European continent and people have themselves benefitted from this kind of migration and search for freedom and better opportunity. Now [that the countries of Europe constitute] the group of the largest and richest economies in the world, we hope that they will show their global solidarity and compassionate leadership and so take care of all these humanitarian situations as well».Many refugees are coming from Syria. According to Moscow, there are now Russian military advisers operating on the field as well. Do you see the risk of a military escalation? «There is no military solution. They have been fighting during the last four-and-a-half years, and more than 250 thousand have been killed, with 4 million people refugees, and also 12 million people being affected directly by this crisis. I have been urging them to resolve this issue through political dialogue. There is a good agreement – the Geneva communiqué – which was adopted in June, 2012. That is why I have [worked] together with my Special Envoy, Staffan de Mistura, to establish four working groups: in military and security areas; on protection and safety issues; reconciliation, development and infrastructure-building; and political and constitutional issues. This is an attempt to expand the political space, so that we can resolve all this through political means. I urge the permanent members of the Security Council to unite and show their unity of purpose at this critical time».Christians are often victims of violence in the Middle East and in several other regions. Can the United Nations help in stopping this persecution? «There should be no such discrimination – against anybody – on the basis of any criteria of religion or ethnicity – and it is totally unacceptable to persecute, to discriminate against people on on the basis of who you love, what you believe. Therefore, particularly when it comes to migrants and refugees, they should be treated humanely, responsibly, under the international refugee convention, international humanitarian laws, and international human rights laws. Therefore, I am urging European leaders – again – that they should open borders and provide necessary, life-saving humanitarian assistance. We have to show compassion to these people».What do you think of the nuclear agreement with Iran? «I warmly welcomed this nuclear deal, reached by the P5+1 and Iran. I am aware of certain concerns and criticism about this, but as far as I know, as the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and also based on my personal experience as a negotiator, dealing with North Korean nuclear issues, I believe this is a far better and far better-structured and much more rigorous agreement, which will prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons for a very long foreseeable future. Therefore, I would really hope that this agreement will be ratified by all the parties concerned. The United Nations will be ready to stand – will remain stand[ing] to assist in the implementation of this process in monitoring and verification by the International Atomic Energy Agencies [sic] and this will also help the [establishment] of peace and security in the Middle East and beyond».The Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ of the Holy Father addresses the care of our common home. The United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held in Paris at the end of the year, however on Monday French President Hollande warned that the talks could fail, especially if the issue of financing for emerging nations is not resolved. What is still missing in order to achieve a global agreement on climate change in Paris? «First of all, I am grateful to His Holiness, Pope Francis, for his Encyclical, which he announced in June. When I visited him in April, he told me that he would be strongly committed to working together to address the climate change phenomenon. He said that it is morally indefensible, if we do not cut and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is the only planet on which human beings live, and succeeding generations should be able to continue to enjoy living harmoniously with nature. Now, about this negotiation process: I am concerned about the pace of this negotiation. It is moving so slowly. That is why President Hollande of France has issued [his] statement. As far as financial support is concerned: I am working closely with President Hollande, with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, and also the President of Perù, [Ollanta] Humala. We are working very closely with the president of the World Bank, and the managing director of the IMF, and also the secretary-general of UIS [?UNESCO Institute of Statistics?], [to explore] how we can present a politically credible framework to mobilize $100 billion by 2020, and thereafter provide $100 billion annually to developing countries, particularly the least developed countries, and small island developing states. Those countries, which are not historically responsible for climate phenomena, do not have any capacity to address mitigation and adaptation of this situation. I am hopeful that we can mobilize this money, and provide financial and technological support, and [that] we can have universal agreement in Paris in December».The next General Assembly will adopt the post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda. What will be the keys to address the issues of poverty and economic inequality, and put the economy at the service of peoples, as Pope Francis said recently in Bolivia? «Later this month, leaders of the world will come to the United Nations and will adapt the Sustainable Development Agenda, with 17 sustainable development goals. These goals are transformational, and [together constitute] a far-reaching vision of the world’s leaders, to make this world better for all, [a world in which] nobody will be left behind, so that all the people in this world can live with dignity, and also live harmoniously with our nature, with our planet, Earth. This is the only Earth we have to live on. [The SDG Agenda] encompasses all the spectrums of our life, with poverty-eradication front-and-center. In that regard, [the Agenda] is people-centered and planet-friendly. We must learn how we should live harmoniously with our planet Earth, with our nature. That is a main vision of these sustainable development goals. I expect that all member-states of the United Nations will reflect these 17 goals into their national economic social and environmental policies as binding national legislation, so that, by the time we [reach] 2030, we can live in a world of prosperity and well-being, equality, and justice. [The Agenda] even covers good governance, democratic society, and peaceful society. I sincerely hope that, on the basis of these sustainable development goals, we will make this a better world for all, in which nobody will be left behind».In collaboration with Vatican Radio.

U.S., Israel weeks away from co-production deal for missile shield-Reuters-SEPT 11,15-YAHOONEWS

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and Israel are weeks away from reaching a draft agreement on a co-production of Israel's air defense system called David's Sling that the two countries jointly developed, the top U.S. missile defense officer told lawmakers on Thursday.U.S. Navy Vice Admiral James Syring, director of the Missile Defense Agency, or MDA, said discussions and negotiations continued with Israel on the David's Sling system, which passed a series of intercept tests in April and is expected to be operational next year.Known in Hebrew as Magic Wand, David's Sling is being developed and manufactured jointly by Israel's state-owned Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd and Raytheon Co, a top U.S. arms maker.Robert Scher, assistant defense secretary for strategy, plans and capabilities, said the U.S. government had provided more than $3 billion for missile defense to Israel for David's Sling and other missile defense programs since 2001.Syring said a draft agreement on co-production of David's Sling should be reached with weeks, with a final agreement likely in several months, but gave no further details.After that agreement was finalized, U.S. and Israeli officials would discuss co-production of Israel's Arrow ballistic missile defense system, Syring told the strategic forces subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee.Designed to shoot down rockets with ranges of 100 to 200 km (63 to 125 miles), aircraft or low-flying cruise missiles, David's Sling will fill the operational gap between Israel's Iron Dome short-range rocket interceptor and the Arrow ballistic missile interceptor, both already in service.(Reporting by Andrea Shalal; Editing by Ken Wills)


1 And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.

GENESIS 12:1-3
1  Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I (GOD) will shew thee:
2  And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3  And I will bless them that bless thee,(ISRAELIS) and curse (DESTROY) him that curseth thee:(DESTROY THEM) and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

ISAIAH 41:11
11  Behold, all they that were incensed against thee (ISRAEL) shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing;(DESTROYED) and they that strive with thee shall perish.(ISRAEL HATERS WILL BE TOTALLY DESTROYED)


7 Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble;(ISRAEL) but he shall be saved out of it.

DANIEL 12:1,4
1 And at that time shall Michael(ISRAELS WAR ANGEL) stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people:(ISRAEL) and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation(May 14,48) even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro,(WORLD TRAVEL,IMMIGRATION) and knowledge shall be increased.(COMPUTERS,CHIP IMPLANTS ETC)

UN Security Council okays Syria chemical weapons probe-Newly established group to ascertain who carried out attacks, for which US and West blame Assad’s government-By Cara Anna September 10, 2015, 11:15 pm-THE TIMES OF ISRAEL

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The UN Security Council is approving a groundbreaking international investigative body that will be allowed to establish who is responsible for chemical attacks in Syria for the first time, a diplomat said Thursday.Until now, the UN and the global chemical weapons watchdog, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, were only able to investigate attacks without laying blame on the government or rebels.The new body is the result of rare cooperation between the United States and Russia on Syria’s conflict, which is well into its fifth year.A council diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly, said no council member on Thursday objected to a letter to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in support of the UN-OPCW joint investigative mechanism.The letter, obtained by The Associated Press, is signed by Russian ambassador and current council president Vitaly Churkin and authorizes Ban’s recommendations for a three-member independent panel be backed by experts with the freedom to go anywhere in Syria to identify those responsible for attacks.Syria’s government denies using chemical weapons, but the United States and other Western nations contend it is to blame, especially for barrel bombs containing chlorine and other toxic agents dropped by helicopters. The opposition doesn’t have aircraft.Reports also have surfaced in recent months that the Islamic State group has used toxic chemicals.Last month, the council unanimously approved a resolution giving a green light to establish the international body, which would operate for one year with the possibility of extensions.UN disarmament chief Kim Won-soo on Wednesday acknowledged that “access will be a very challenging issue,” especially with the Islamic State group controlling a large part of Syria.Kim also said the investigative body to begin its work within weeks. One of the next steps is updating a cooperation agreement with the Syrian government, but “I don’t expect a serious problem” there, he said.The investigative body is expected to submit its first report within 90 days of being fully operational.

Dramatic' escalation of Iran's role in Syrian civil war-Iran sends hundreds of fighters to Syria to back Assad, Israel says-‘Unprecedented’ deployment of Revolutionary Guards forces said to be carried out in coordination with Russia, which is also sending in troopsBy Times of Israel staff September 10, 2015, 5:41 pm 41

Iran has deployed hundreds of elite fighters in Syria, unprecedentedly deepening its involvement on behalf of President Bashar Assad in the Syrian civil war, Israeli security officials said Thursday.The officials, who briefed Israeli reporters, said several hundred fighters from Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps have taken up positions around the western Syrian village of Zabadani, north of Damascus, in the last few days. The high ground in that area, close to the Lebanon border, overlooks the Damascus-Beirut highway, and potentially controls large parts of Lebanon. Were Islamic State forces and other opponents of Assad to hold control there, they would also potentially be able to target Alawite forces loyal to Assad concentrated along the Syrian coast, Channel 2 reported.The move is seen by Israel as a dramatic escalation of Iranian involvement in the Syrian civil war, the sources said. Iran has previously sent military advisers to help Assad, and the Iran-armed Lebanese Hezbollah militia has been fighting alongside Assad and sustaining significant losses.Israel does not intend to intervene at this stage, Channel 2 said, but would do so if it saw a direct threat, and if weaponry were transferred from Syria to Hezbollah in south Lebanon.Several Western media reports have said Iran sent troops to Syria on other occasions in the past three years. In May 2014, the commander of the Revolutionary Guard Corps appeared to admit the presence of Iranian soldiers in Syria.Brigadier General Mohammad Ali Allahdadi, a commander of the Revolutionary Guards, was killed in a reported Israeli airstrike on Syria in January.The Iranians’ deployment followed a series of secret visits to Moscow by senior IRGC officials, according to the sources.“It is not an exaggeration to assess that this is being done in coordination with the Russians,” says Channel 2’s Roni Daniel. He noted that Qassem Soleimani, commander of the IRGC al-Quds force, visited Moscow last month, and said this was apparently where the deployment of Iranian fighters was decided upon.Israel’s defense minister said Thursday that Russian forces have also arrived in Syria in recent days to aid Assad’s beleaguered regime.Moshe Ya’alon told reporters that Moscow sent military advisers and an active force to set up an air base near the Syrian city of Latakia. The base could be used to deploy fighter jets and helicopters in strikes against Islamic State militants, he said.Ya’alon’s disclosure was the latest indication of a Russian military buildup in Syria that has concerned the United States and NATO.Moscow has backed Assad throughout Syria’s 4.5-year civil war, in which more than 250,000 people have been killed. The US sees Assad as the cause of the crisis and has warned Moscow against beefing up its presence.The arrival of the Iranian and Russian forces is seen as a coordinated effort to bolster Assad and thwart Islamic State with action on the ground. US-led airstrikes are patently incapable of defeating IS, the Channel 2 report said.Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly warned that the world powers’ new nuclear deal with Iran will embolden the regime to promote its interests more vigorously in the region.The Associated Press contributed to this report.

LUKE 21:28-29
28 And when these things begin to come to pass,(ALL THE PROPHECY SIGNS FROM THE BIBLE) then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption (RAPTURE) draweth nigh.
29 And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree,(ISRAEL) and all the trees;(ALL INDEPENDENT COUNTRIES)
30 When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.(ISRAEL LITERALLY BECAME AND INDEPENDENT COUNTRY JUST BEFORE SUMMER IN MAY 14,1948.)

JOEL 2:3,30
3 A fire devoureth (ATOMIC BOMB) before them;(RUSSIAN-ARAB-MUSLIM ARMIES AGAINST ISRAEL) and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.
30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.(ATOMIC BOMB AFFECT)

ZECHARIAH 14:12-13
12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet,(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB) and their eyes shall consume away in their holes,(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB) and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB)(BECAUSE NUKES HAVE BEEN USED ON ISRAELS ENEMIES)(GOD PROTECTS ISRAEL AND ALWAYS WILL)
13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the LORD shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour.(1/2-3 BILLION DIE IN WW3)(THIS IS AN ATOMIC BOMB EFFECT)

47 And say to the forest of the south, Hear the word of the LORD; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will kindle a fire in thee, and it shall devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree: the flaming flame shall not be quenched, and all faces from the south to the north shall be burned therein.

18 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD'S wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.

1 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven;(FROM ATOMIC BOMBS) and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

And here are the bounderies of the land that Israel will inherit either through war or peace or God in the future. God says its Israels land and only Israels land. They will have every inch God promised them of this land in the future.
Egypt east of the Nile River, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, The southern part of Turkey and the Western Half of Iraq west of the Euphrates. Gen 13:14-15, Psm 105:9,11, Gen 15:18, Exe 23:31, Num 34:1-12, Josh 1:4.ALL THIS LAND ISRAEL WILL DEFINATELY OWN IN THE FUTURE, ITS ISRAELS NOT ISHMAELS LAND.

Mama Merkel’ cheered by Syrians at refugee center-Germany expected to welcome 800,000 asylum seekers in 2015 — four times as many as 2014, and the EU’s lion’s share-By Raphaelle LOGEROT and Carsten Hauptmeier September 10, 2015, 9:44 pm-THE TIMES OF ISRAEL

BERLIN (AFP) — Chancellor Angela Merkel won a hero’s welcome as she visited a Berlin migrant center on Thursday, with Syrians cheering and taking selfies as Germany threw open its doors to thousands of refugees.“We are so happy Mrs. Merkel came to see us today,” said a joyful Ramadan Salah, a 35-year-old Syrian Kurdish refugee the migrant refugee center in western Berlin.“She is like a mother to us, she has helped many refugees,” he said.“It’s a dream come true for me to take my picture with Mrs Merkel.”As thousands continue to flee bloodshed in Syria, Iraq and beyond, Germany is expected to welcome 800,000 asylum-seekers this year, four times the number in 2014 and far more than any other European country.As Europe’s largest economy flung open its doors, some 20,000 refugees were cheered last weekend as they arrived on trains from Hungary via Austria before being transferred to registration centers across the country.News that Germany had suspended the EU’s so-called Dublin rules for Syrians spread quickly among the community. The rules require refugees to return to the first EU country they entered in order to stake an asylum claim.So far this year, 450,000 refugees have arrived in Germany, including 37,000 in the first eight days of this month, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told parliament on Thursday.As she visited a school for children from migrant backgrounds, Merkel expressed confidence that Germany could handle the historic influx.“If every day thousands of refugees are coming to Berlin, then that’s a huge challenge,” she said.“But I have the impression there is an incredible motivation, that there is a lot of enthusiasm to cope with this incredible challenge,” she said of the refugees.“We want to give them a good future.”With thousands arriving every day, refugees are being housed in old schools, office blocks and even army barracks, with the army saying it was putting up 14,500 refugees in 41 locations.Another 5,000 are staying on a large former US military base in Giessen in the central state of Hesse, with over a thousand of them staying in large tents, each of which houses 70 to 80 people.At the camp, hoards of children were playing football and riding bicycles while others were inline skating as adults sat in groups on the lawn in the late-summer sunshine, as laundry dried on nearby fences.“School is good, Germany is very good,” said one man, aged about 40.“We are happy here, please don’t send us back,” said a 30-year-old Afghan man who also did not give his name.With autumn coming and temperatures dropping fast, the biggest challenge was “to get people out of tents,” said state social affairs minister Stefan Gruettner, holding up a child’s picture of a heart colored in the black, red and gold of the German flag.“It sent a shiver down my spine,” he said.