Monday, June 13, 2016


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)


Omar Mateen, 30, from Port St. Lucie, Florida, is the suspected gunman in a mass shooting attack that killed 50 at an Orlando gay nightclub, according to police, June 12, 2016. (Courtesy)WORST MASS MUDERER IN AMERICAS HISTORY OMAR MATEEM - ISLAMIC-MUSLIM ISIS AND BAGHDADI ALLEGIANCE.PIC-THETIMESOFISRAEL

7  Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

PM, president extend condolences to US after Orlando massacre-Netanyahu says Israel stands ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with its American ally in combating terrorism; Rivlin denounces ‘cowardly’ act-By Times of Israel staff June 12, 2016, 10:06 pm

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday night extended Israel’s condolences to the families of the victims of the Orlando shooting attack, and said that Israel stands “shoulder to shoulder” with the United States in combating terrorism.“On behalf of Israelis and the government of Israel, I wish to extend our sincerest condolences to the American people in the wake of the heinous attack on the LGBT community in Orlando last night,” the prime minister said in a statement.“Israel stands shoulder to shoulder alongside the US in this tragic moment of loss,” Netanyahu said. “We share in the despair of the families of the victims.”The Tel Aviv Municipality building was lit in the colors of the LGBT flag “in solidarity with the city of Orlando,” the city said on Twitter.In solidarity with the #city of #Orlando #lovewins— Tel Aviv (@TelAviv) June 12, 2016-At least 50 people were killed, and 53 wounded when suspected gunman Omar Mateen opened fire inside a popular gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. According to police, Mateen pledged allegiance to the Islamic State terror group before massacring party-goers at the Pulse nightclub.President Reuven Rivlin Sunday evening also extended his condolences to the US in the wake of the deadly attack. “Once again we feel the pain of terrible loss as we see the blood spilled of young and innocent people. There is no comfort for those who have had their loved ones torn away from them.”To @POTUS: The attack against the LGBT community in #Orlando is cowardly & abhorrent. #Israel stands w/America in the fight against hatred.— Reuven Rivlin (@PresidentRuvi) June 12, 2016-“This attack against the LGBT community in Orlando, is as cowardly as it is abhorrent,” Rivlin wrote to US President Barack Obama. He added that Israel would stand the US “in the moral and just fight against all forms of violence and hatred.”Opposition leader and leader of the Zionist Union party Isaac Herzog in a Facebook post expressed solidarity with the “victims of darkness and hatred.”A US citizen born to Afghan parents, Mateen was a resident of the Florida beach city of Port St. Lucie. He worked as a private security guard with a large US company and was a father to a three-year-old boy.Mateen was reportedly on the FBI’s radar after his name came up in an investigation some years ago but did not have a criminal history.He died in a firefight with SWAT officers several hours after the attack began.The FBI said there were “suggestions” Mateen had “leanings” toward Islamic terror.Hours after the attack, the Islamic State jihadist group claimed responsibility for the attack, according to the IS-linked Amaq news agency, Britain’s Sky News reported.Obama in a televised address said the massacre was an “act of terror” and an “act of hate,” but that it was premature to ascribe a definitive motive. “In the face of hate and violence, we will love one another. We will not give in to fear and turn against each other,” he said.

IS claims responsibility for Orlando attack that killed 50-Gunman Omar Mateen said to call police during attack to pledge allegiance to terror group-By Times of Israel staff and AFP June 12, 2016, 10:26 pm

The Islamic State terror group claimed responsibility for a mass shooting in which 50 people were killed at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida on Sunday at the hands of a gunman identified as Omar Mateen, a US citizen born to Afghan parents.The group issued a statement on the IS-linked Amaq news agency.“The attack that targeted a nightclub for homosexuals in Orlando, Florida and that left more than 100 dead and wounded was carried out by an Islamic State fighter,” it said in a terse statement quoting a “source” — and doubling the death toll.The shooter, US-born Omar Mateen from Port St. Lucie in Florida, is said to have called police during the attack and claimed allegiance to the terror group. According to CNN, Mateen made the call some 20 minutes after the attack began at 2 a.m. local time and mentioned the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013 in which three people were killed and over 200 injured.Mateen dies in a firefight with police several hours after the attack began.Mateen worked as a private security guard with a large US company and was a father to a three-year-old boy. There were conflicting reports on whether he was married.The FBI said that the suspect was not under investigation or surveillance prior to the shootings but that he was been interviewed by agents twice over the past several years.An FBI spokesman said the bureau first became aware of Mateen in 2013 when he allegedly made “inflammatory comments to colleagues,” prompting an interview with agents.In 2014, the FBI interviewed Mateen in connection to a known suicide bomber. In both cases, the FBI said it found no reason to pursue the matter.President Barack Obama said the massacre was an “act of terror” and an “act of hate,” but that it was premature to ascribe a definitive motive. “In the face of hate and violence, we will love one another. We will not give in to fear and turn against each other,” he said.

Texas Lt. Gov. deletes Bible tweet after shooting-‘A man reaps what he sows,’ wrote Dan Patrick, hours after Orlando gay club massacre-By AP June 12, 2016, 9:21 pm-THE TIMES OF ISRAEL

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Lt. Gov. has deleted a tweet quoting the New Testament that he posted after the deadly Orlando nightclub shooting.Hours after the early Sunday morning shooting at a gay nightclub that left at least 50 people dead, Patrick sent a tweet from his personal account:“Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”The tweet received harsh criticism online and Texas’ Democratic Party has called on the Republican Patrick to apologize.The tweet was sent at around 7 a.m. and deleted four hours later.Patrick’s campaign spokesman, Allen Blakemore, strongly denied the tweet was in any way related to the Orlando shooting.He said Patrick is out of the country and often pre-schedules social media postings quoting Scripture.Patrick is a staunch social conservative who opposes gay marriage and anti-gay discrimination protections.

Orlando shooter called police during massacre, swore allegiance to Islamic State-IS said to claim responsibility for attack by US-born Omar Mateen, who killed at least 50 at gay nightclub. Gunman’s father: ‘We apologize’-By Times of Israel staff and Agencies June 12, 2016, 8:40 pm

The gunman suspected of killing at least 50 people and wounding 53 at an Orlando, Florida gay nightclub on Sunday called 911 during the shooting and pledged allegiance to the Islamic State terror group.According to CNN citing a police source, Omar Mateen, 30, a US citizen born to Afghan parents, was holed up inside the club with hostages for several hours and communicated with police on a number of occasions. In one of the calls, he swore allegiance to the terror group that has claimed several deadly attacks around the world in recent months, including the Paris attacks in November 2015 and Brussels several months later.An FBI spokesman later confirmed that a call to police in which a “general allegiance to the Islamic State” was made.The Islamic State later Sunday claimed responsibility for the attack, according to the IS-linked Amaq news agency.“The attack that targeted a nightclub for homosexuals in Orlando, Florida and that left more than 100 dead and wounded was carried out by an Islamic State fighter,” it said in a terse statement quoting a “source” — and doubling the death toll.It was the worst mass shooting in US history and was being investigated as an act of terror.The attacker died in a firefight with police several hours after the attack began.President Barack Obama said the massacre was an “act of terror” and an “act of hate,” but that it was premature to ascribe a definitive motive. “In the face of hate and violence, we will love one another. We will not give in to fear and turn against each other,” he said.Mateen worked as a private security guard with a large US company and was a father to a three-year-old boy. There were conflicting reports on whether he was married.The FBI said that the suspect was not under investigation or surveillance prior to the shootings but that he was been interviewed by agents twice over the past several years.An FBI spokesman said the bureau first became aware of Mateen in 2013 when he allegedly made “inflammatory comments to colleagues,” prompting an interview with agents.In 2014, the FBI interviewed Mateen in connection to a known suicide bomber. In both cases, the FBI said it found no reason to pursue the matter.The FBI had said earlier that there were “suggestions” Mateen had “leanings” toward Islamic terror.Families and friends were awaiting word outside the Orlando Regional Medical Center to learn whether their loved ones were among the dead or wounded.Fatriana Evans frequents the Pulse nightclub and was outside when shots were fired.“It sounded like fireworks — pop, pop, pop — and then everybody scatters,” Evans said.Jackie Smith was inside the club and said two friends next to her were shot. She said she hasn’t gotten updates on their conditions. She came out of the hospital and burst into tears in the arms of friends.“Some guy walked in and started shooting everybody. He had an automatic rifle, so nobody stood a chance. I just tried to get out of there,” she said.Speaking to NBC news, Mateen’s father, named as Mir Siddique, said the act was not linked to religion but possibly homophobia.“We are saying we are apologizing for the whole incident. We weren’t aware of any action he is taking. We are in shock like the whole country,” NBC news said, reading out his statement.“This had nothing to do with religion,” he added according to NBC news, adding that his son “got very angry when he saw two men kissing in downtown Miami a couple of months ago.”Wielding an AR-15-type assault rifle and a handgun, Mateen is suspected of opening fire at club-goers in Orlando, about a two-hour drive from Port St. Lucie, killing some 50 and wounding 53 others before dying in a gunfight with SWAT officers. Mateen also took hostages during the attack.Police Chief John Mina said the shooter had some sort of “suspicious device.” He said the suspect exchanged gunfire with an officer working at the club around 2 a.m., then went back inside and took hostages among more than 300 people inside.Around 5 a.m., authorities sent in a SWAT team to rescue the hostages, and the suspect then died in a gunfight with those officers.Florida Department of Law Enforcement Special Agent in Charge Danny Banks said during a news conference that the mass shooting is being investigated as an act of terrorism. He says authorities are looking into whether this was an act of domestic or international terror, and if the shooter was a lone wolf.“This is an incident, as I see it, that we certainly classify as domestic terror incident,” said Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings.FBI Special Agent in Charge Ron Hopper said there’s no further threat to Orlando or the surrounding area.When asked if the gunman had a connection to radical Islamic terrorism, Hopper said, “we do have suggestions that individual has leanings towards that.”The White House said in a statement that Obama was “asked to receive regular updates as the FBI, and other federal officials, work with the Orlando Police to gather more information, and directed that the federal government provide any assistance necessary to pursue the investigation and support the community.”Police said the gunman was well prepared and organized and wasn’t from the Orlando area, the New York Times reported.Police had said previously on Twitter that there was a “controlled explosion” at the scene of the shooting at Pulse Orlando. Mina said that noise was caused by a device intended to distract the shooter.Mina Justice was outside the club early Sunday trying to contact her 30-year-old son Eddie, who texted her when the shooting happened and asked her to call police. He told her he ran into a bathroom with other club patrons to hide. He then texted her: “He’s coming.”“The next text said: ‘He has us, and he’s in here with us,'” she said. “That was the last conversation.”Dozens of police vehicles, including a SWAT team, swarmed the area around the club. At least two police pickup trucks were seen taking what appeared to be shooting victims to the Orlando Regional Medical Center.Pulse Orlando posted on its own Facebook page around 2 a.m.: “Everyone get out of pulse and keep running.” Just before 6 a.m., the club posted an update: “As soon as we have any information we will update everyone. Please keep everyone in your prayers as we work through this tragic event. Thank you for your thoughts and love.”

Obama: Orlando shooting was act of terror and hate-In address to nation, president says no effort will be spared to determine whether shooter was affiliated with terror group-By Times of Israel staff and AP June 12, 2016, 9:51 pm

US President Barack Obama said the nightclub shooting in Orlando, in which 50 people were killed in the worst mass shooting in US history, was an “act of terror” and an “act of hate.”“We grieve the brutal murder, this horrific massacre of dozens of innocent people,” said Obama. “We know enough to say this was an act of terror and hate. We are united in grief and outrage.”Obama said the FBI was investigating the shooting as an act of terrorism and that no effort will be spared to determine whether the shooter was affiliated with terrorist groups.Obama spoke at the White House after 50 people were killed overnight at a nightclub in Florida. Officials have said 53 more are hospitalized.Noting that the attack targeted the LGBTQ community, Obama said this was a “sobering reminder” that an attack on any American is an attack “on all of us.”“No act of hate or terror will ever change who we are or the values that make us American,” he said.Sounding resigned, the president said this was a “further reminder of how easy it is for people to get their hands on guns.”Obama also expressed his condolences to the families affected by the tragedy: “May God give them the strength to bear the unbearable.”The American flag over the White House was flying at half-mast, on the president’s orders, CNN reported.