Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Iran storing 12 times more enriched uranium than nuke deal allows-IAEA says Tehran has added over 300 kilograms of low-enriched uranium since late August.



7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,(2 BILLION) to kill with sword,(WEAPONS) and with hunger,(FAMINE) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE).


15 And the four(DEMONIC WAR) angels were loosed,

18 By these three was the third part of men killed,(2 BILLION) by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.(NUCLEAR ATOMIC BOMBS)



34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other shall be left.(half earths population 4 billion die in the 7 yr trib)

35 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.

36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.

37 And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.(Christians have new bodies,this is the people against Jerusalem during the 7 yr treaty)(Christians bodies are not being eaten by the birds).THESE ARE JUDGEMENT SCRIPTURES-NOT RAPTURE SCRIPTURES.BECAUSE NOT HALF OF PEOPLE ON EARTH ARE CHRISTIANS.AND THE CONTEXT IN LUKE 17 IS THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION OR 7 YR TREATY PERIOD.WHICH IS JUDGEMENT ON THE EARTH.NOT 50% RAPTURED TO HEAVEN.


37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.

42 Watch therefore:(FOR THE LAST DAYS SIGNS HAPPENING) for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.



ISAIAH 34:10

10  It (AMERICA-POLITICAL BABYLON) shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke thereof shall go up for ever: from generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever.


29  And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the LORD shall be performed against Babylon,(AMERICA-NEW YORK) to make the land of Babylon (AMERICA) a desolation without an inhabitant.

30  The mighty men of Babylon (AMERICA) have forborn to fight, they have remained in their holds: their might hath failed; they became as women: they have burned her dwellingplaces; her bars are broken.

031  One post shall run to meet another, and one messenger to meet another, to shew the king of Babylon (NEW YORK) that his city is taken at one end,

32  And that the passages are stopped,(THE WAR COMPUTERS HACKED OR EMP'D) and the reeds they have burned with fire, and the men of war are affrighted.(DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO)



1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

JEREMIAH 50:3,24

3 For out of the north (RUSSIA) there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.

24 I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon,(AMERICA) and thou wast not aware: thou art found, and also caught, because thou hast striven against the LORD. (RUSSIA A SNEAK CYBER,EMP ATTACK,THEN NUKE ATTACK ON AM

UN watchdog: Iran storing 12 times more enriched uranium than nuke deal allows-IAEA says Tehran has added over 300 kilograms of low-enriched uranium since late August, is also enriching at greater purity than permitted under 2015 pact-By AGENCIES-nov 11,20-Today, 7:32 

Iran continues to increase its stockpile of low-enriched uranium far beyond the limits set in a landmark nuclear deal with world powers and to enrich it to a greater purity than permitted, the UN’s atomic watchdog agency said Wednesday.The International Atomic Energy Agency reported in a confidential document distributed to member countries and seen by The Associated Press that Iran as of November 2 had a stockpile of 2,442.9 kilograms (5385.7 pounds) of low-enriched uranium, up from 2,105.4 kilograms (4,641.6 pounds) reported on August 25.The nuclear deal signed in 2015 with the United States, Germany, France, Britain, China and Russia, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, allows Iran only to keep a stockpile of 202.8 kilograms (447 pounds).The IAEA reported that Iran has also been continuing to enrich uranium to a purity of up to 4.5%, higher than the 3.67% allowed under the deal.Wednesday’s report confirmed that, in line with previous statements by Iranian officials, centrifuges had been installed at an underground part of the Natanz nuclear facility after another part of the site was damaged in an explosion in July which Iran blamed on “sabotage.”Iran has openly announced all violations of the nuclear deal in advance, which have followed the decision by the US to pull out unilaterally in 2018.The deal promises Iran economic incentives in exchange for the curbs on its nuclear program. Since the US withdrawal and imposition of new sanctions, Tehran has been putting pressure on the remaining parties with the violations to come up with new ways to offset the economy-crippling actions by Washington.At the same time, the Iranian government has continued to allow International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors full access to its nuclear facilities, a key reason the countries that remain parties to the JCPOA say it’s worth preserving.The goal of the agreement is to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon, something the country insists it does not intend to do.A widely cited analysis by the Washington-based Arms Control Association suggests that Iran now has more than double the material it would need to make a nuclear weapon. However, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told The Associated Press in an interview last month that his agency does not share that assessment.Before agreeing to the nuclear deal, Iran enriched its uranium up to 20% purity, which is a short technical step away from the weapons-grade level of 90%. In 2013, Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium was already more than 7,000 kilograms (7.72 tons) with higher enrichment, but it didn’t pursue a bomb.In the quarterly report distributed to members on Wednesday, the IAEA said it still has questions from the discovery last year of particles of uranium of man-made origin at a site outside Tehran not declared by Iran.The United States and Israel had been pressing the IAEA for some time to look into the Turquzabad facility, which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described to the UN in 2018 as a “secret atomic warehouse.”In the current report, the IAEA said the “compositions of these isotopically altered particles” found there were “similar to particles found in Iran in the past, originating from imported centrifuge components.” It said it found Iran’s response to questions last month “unsatisfactory.”“Following an assessment of this new information, the agency informed Iran that it continues to consider Iran’s response to be not technically credible,” the IAEA wrote this week. “A full and prompt explanation from Iran…is needed.”

UN rejects Iran’s explanations for nuclear material at site flagged by Israel-Atomic watchdog says Islamic Republic’s explanations are ‘not credible,’ demands answers on activity at Tehran warehouse dating back to early 2000-By AFP and TOI STAFF-Today, 8:22 pm

The UN’s nuclear watchdog said Wednesday that Iran’s explanations over the presence of nuclear material at an undeclared site in the country were “not credible.”Despite Iranian authorities providing some information about the site, “the agency informed Iran that it continues to consider Iran’s response to be not technically credible,” the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a report seen by AFP.“A full and prompt explanation from Iran regarding the presence of uranium particles of anthropogenic origin… at a location in Iran not declared to the Agency, is needed,” the report said.While the IAEA has not identified the site in question, diplomatic sources have indicated to AFP that it is in the Turquzabad district of Tehran, previously identified by Israel as an alleged site of secret atomic activity.The report did not provide any new information about two other locations where the IAEA took samples in September and where undeclared nuclear activity may have taken place in the early 2000s.The analysis of those samples is ongoing.Iran initially refused to allow inspectors access to the sites, sparking a standoff with the IAEA only resolved in late August during a visit to Tehran by IAEA director Rafael Grossi.Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the United Nations General Assembly on September 27, 2018, in New York City, and holds up a picture of what he said was a secret Iranian nuclear warehouse. (John Moore/Getty Images/AFP)-In a speech in 2018 at the UN General Assembly, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed the existence of the warehouse in Tehran, which he said held “massive amounts” of equipment and material that were part of a secret Iranian nuclear program.In that speech, Netanyahu claimed some 15 kilograms (33 pounds) of radioactive material had been recently removed from the atomic warehouse and squirreled away around Tehran, endangering the capital’s residents.The site may have contained as much as 300 tons of nuclear-related equipment and material in 15 shipping containers, Netanyahu added. He did not specify what nuclear material was contained at the site.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showcases material he says was obtained by Israeli intelligence from Iran’s nuclear weapons archive, in Tel Aviv on April 30, 2018. (Amos Ben-Gershom (GPO)-That speech came months after Israel’s disclosure that it had spirited away what it said was a “half-ton” of Iranian nuclear documents from Tehran, with Netanyahu saying both the archive and the warehouse were proof that Iran continues to seek atomic weapons despite the 2015 nuclear deal. “Iran has not abandoned its goal to develop nuclear weapons…. Rest assured that will not happen. What Iran hides, Israel will find,” Netanyahu told the UN.Iran has denied that the site was a nuclear facility or served any secretive purpose. In an initial response to Netanyahu’s UN speech, Iranian state media claimed the warehouse was actually a recycling facility for scrap metal.The report did confirm that Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium is now more than 12 times the limit set down in a 2015 deal with world powers.It said that as of November 2, “Iran’s total enriched uranium stockpile… was 2,442.9 kg.”The limit in the 2015 deal was set at 300 kilograms (661 pounds) of enriched uranium in a particular compound form, which is the equivalent of 202.8 kilograms of non-compound enriched uranium.Wednesday’s report confirmed that, in line with previous statements by Iranian officials, centrifuges had been installed at an underground part of the Natanz nuclear facility after another part of the site was damaged in an explosion in July which Iran blamed on “sabotage.”

Poll: More Saudis think Israel, rather than Iran, is region’s biggest threat-Survey also finds half of Bahrainis and third of Emiratis don’t think Jewish State has right to exist, suggesting Israelis’ affinity for Gulf states is not entirely reciprocated-By RAPHAEL AHREN -nov 11,20-Today, 8:31 pm  0

Saudis consider Israel, not Iran, the greatest threat to regional security, according to an opinion poll out of Jerusalem released Wednesday.The poll, which surveyed hundreds of people throughout the Gulf as well as in Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Morocco, the US and Germany, also showed recent normalization deals with Israel receiving a chilly reception, underlining gaps between the stances of authoritarian regimes in moderate Sunni states and their populaces.Asked which country threatens the stability of the Middle East the most, 33 percent of Saudis chose Israel, compared to 25% who chose Iran.In Bahrain, a majority Shiite country ruled by a Sunni elite which recently agreed to normalize ties with Israel, 24% chose Israel, compared to 18% who pointed to Iran.Respondents in Qatar, Morocco and the PA also flagged Israel as the greatest threat. Moroccans said Turkey was the second-largest threat to the Middle East, ranking Iran only third.Only Israelis (45%) and residents of the United Arab Emirates (27%) chose Iran as the main threat, though 17% of Emirati respondents still chose Israel.Both the US and Germany saw the US as the main instigator of instability in the Mideast, placing Iran second.The findings appear to contradict the view of virtually all Middle East analysts, who say that Sunni Arab states are getting closer to Israel, which they see as a strong ally in the joint fight against Shiite Iran.“Everyone in Israel thinks everyone in the Arab world considers Iran a huge threat, but I can tell you that not even Israelis are convinced Iran’s such a threat,” said Jerusalem-based pollster Mitchell Barak, who conducted the survey on behalf of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation said.The survey also showed that Iran is not perceived as constituting as big a regional threat as is often assumed. Asked to rank the Iranian threat from 1 (very low) to 10 (very high), Israeli respondents on average responded by 7.4. The number was significantly lower in Bahrain (3.8), Qatar (4.3), Morocco (5.3) the UAE (6) and Saudi Arabia (6.8).“Iran is really not considered such a great threat,” Barak said.The poll, which had a margin of error of 4-5% depending on the country, surveyed between 300 and 600 respondents in each place, though only 267 from Qatar were included.The data for the poll was collected via ads placed in cell phone apps in nine different countries. In some Arab states, such as Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain, public opinion is tightly controlled by the respective regimes, and some pollsters say gauging actual public opinion in many Gulf countries is difficult.In Bahrain, for instance, Barak’s company, Keevoon, had to make greats efforts to locate enough respondents to allow for a representative sample, including offering compensation.While online polls are generally considered less reliable than telephone or face-to-face surveys, the results generally dovetailed with previous surveys that also showed lower levels of support for normalization with Israel than telegraphed by slick official campaigns promoting the deals.Only 46% of respondents from the UAE and 31% from Bahrain said they have favorable impressions of Israel. Forty-three percent and 48% had unfavorable impressions, respectively.“Israelis like Emiratis and Bahrainis much more than they like us,” Barak said. “On Israeli social media channels I see what amounts to an Israeli-Gulf lovefest. But they don’t like us as much as we do.”Two-thirds of Israeli respondents had a good feeling about the UAE. One in two Israelis has a favorable view of Bahrain.Manama and Abu Dhabi recently signed normalization agreements, known as the Abraham Accords, and established formal diplomatic ties with Jerusalem, after decades in which they refused to recognize the Jewish state despite clandestine security cooperation.According to the survey, 86% of Israelis (and 72% of Israeli Arabs) support these agreements. By contrast, 69% of Emiratis and 46% of Bahrainis were in favor of the deals their respective governments made with Israel.The US administration brokered these deals and officials in Washington say a number of Arab states are keen to normalize relations with Israel as well. Some 52% of Qataris, 35% of Saudis and 17% of Moroccans expressed support for the Abraham Accords.Other Arab countries have an even worse view of the Jewish state, the poll found: Only 16% of Moroccans, 23% of Saudis and 28% of Qataris had a favorable view of Israel (70%, 65% and 59%, respectively, had an unfavorable view).The survey found 52% of Israeli respondents have warm feelings for Morocco. Forty-five percent of respondents said they view Qatar and Saudi Arabia favorably.The survey also showed there was only “lukewarm support” for Israel’s right to exist, Barak said.US President Donald Trump, center, with from left, Bahrain Foreign Minister Abdullatif al-Zayani, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan, during the Abraham Accords signing ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House, September 15, 2020, in Washington. (Alex Brandon/AP)-For instance, one in two Bahrainis and a third of respondents from the UAE disagreed with the assertion that Israel has a right to exist. The numbers were even higher in Saudi Arabia (62%), Qatar (57%) and Morocco (56%).The survey is the latest in a series of recent polls suggesting widespread disapproval of normalization in the UAE and Bahrain. A 2017 poll by the Washington Institute found that only around 15% of both Sunnis and Shiites in Bahrain supported diplomatic overtures to the Jewish state.In July 2020, just two months before normalization with Israel, a subsequent survey by the think tank found that 80% of Emiratis disagreed with the statement that “people who want to have business or sports contacts with Israelis should be allowed to do so.”Another survey from the Doha Institute’s recent Arab Opinion Index also indicated that many ordinary people in Arab states often disagree with their governments regarding Israel.“However, everyone likes the Palestinians,” Barak said during a Zoom presentation of his findings. Nearly three-quarters of Emiratis, Bahrainis and Saudis, and a whopping 80% of Qataris, have a favorable view of the Palestinian Authority.The survey, which was conducted in late October and early November, also attests to abiding support for Palestinian statehood in the Arab world, as 90% of Moroccans, 85% of Qataris, 81% of Emiratis and 72% of Bahrainis said they were in favor of the establishment of a Palestinian state.By contrast, only about a third of Israeli and 45% of American respondents backed the idea of a Palestinian state.

Navy takes helm of first new warship from Germany to guard gas rigs-INS Magen, first of four Sa’ar 6 corvettes, to sail to Israel where it will be outfitted with sensors, weapons, anti-missile batteries in coming months before deployment-By JUDAH ARI GROSS-nov 11,20-Today, 11:30 pm  0

The Israeli Navy on Wednesday received the first of four new Sa’ar 6-class corvettes from Germany — its first new missile ships in over a quarter-century — which will be used to defend Israel’s natural gas rigs and shipping routes.The ship, the INS Magen, will reach Israeli shores next month where it will be outfitted with sensors, weapons and communication systems, before being declared operational.“The INS Magen, the first of four new Magen-series ships for the Israeli fleet, will answer in the best way possible the future challenges on the naval front,” Israeli Navy commander Maj. Gen. Eli Sharvit said at the official hand-over ceremony in Germany.“The INS Magen will be armed with the best offensive and defensive systems, with fighting systems that are at the forefront of international military technology, the vast majority of which are products of Israeli industries,” Sharvit said.Commander of the Israeli Navy Maj. Gen. Eli Sharvit, right, salutes during a ceremony marking the hand-over of the Sa’ar 6-class corvette INS Magen to the Israeli Navy from Germany on November 11, 2020. (Israel Defense Forces)-The remaining three ships will be delivered to Israel over the next year.The Sa’ar 6-class vessels are being constructed by Germany’s Thyssenkrupp manufacturing conglomerate in the port of Kiel. The INS Magen was originally planned to be handed over to the Israeli Navy earlier this year, but this was delayed due to production issues caused by the coronavirus pandemic.The ceremony was presided over by Sharvit and the deputy director-general of the Defense Ministry, Avi Dadon, as well as a number of other senior defense officials, the military said.The INS Magen was the first new missile ship received by the Israeli Navy-in 26 years, since the Sa’ar 5-class INS Hanit was delivered in 1994.Israeli sailors on board the Sa’ar 6-class corvette INS Magen salute as the vessel is handed over to the Israeli Navy in a ceremony in Germany on November 11, 2020. (Israel Defense Forces)-The four Sa’ar 6 ships were ordered after the government tasked the navy with defending rigs built over natural gas deposits in Israel’s territorial waters.Each nearly 2,000-ton missile ship is equipped with two Iron Dome interceptor launchers — known as the Naval Dome — to intercept rockets and a Barak-8 battery to shoot down cruise and ballistic missiles.The ships are also covered in some 260 static radar arrays — known as a phased array — that allow them to detect incoming projectiles and aircraft in the sky, as well as ships and low-flying cruise missiles at sea level. In the past, a ship would have needed two separate radar systems, one to detect objects at sea level and one to scan the skies. That the 260 or so arrays stay in place also means that the ship is less easily detectable than vessels with radar systems that rotate.The Sa’ar 6 is large compared to the country’s existing vessels, but Navy officials say it is far smaller than the types of ships that perform the types of missions it is being tasked with. And though it has a helicopter landing pad on its back, is larger than the Israeli Navy’s other two classes of corvettes, the Sa’ar 5 and Sa’ar 4.5, it shows up as far smaller on radar, thanks to advancements in stealth technology in recent decades.Unlike its predecessors, the Sa’ar 6 is also specifically built to house both male and female sailors. The navy anticipates that roughly a quarter of the crew of the missile ships will be women.The navy sees the protection of the natural gas rigs as one of its highest priorities, believing that a direct strike on an operating extraction platform would be catastrophic. Defending Israel’s shipping lanes in the Mediterranean Sea, which are used to import over 90 percent of the country’s goods, are also seen as a major task.The Lebanese Hezbollah terror group has in fact identified Israel’s national gas rigs as a potential target, releasing a video in 2018 showing the Leviathan platform in gunsights and threatening to destroy them “within hours.”The threat from Hamas in the Gaza Strip, which fired a rocket toward Israel’s Tamar gas extraction platform in the 2014 Gaza war, is considered to be far less. The terror group is not believed to have advanced munitions capable of accurately striking a platform at sea. According to Israeli Navy calculations, Hamas would have to fire roughly 10,000 simple, unguided rockets at a gas rig to ensure one successful strike, making such an attack not technically impossible, but highly unlikely.The decision to purchase the Sa’ar 6 ships from the German industrial firm Thyssenkrupp, along with another deal with the company to buy submarines, is part of a graft investigation in Israel involving several leading Israeli businessmen, including close contacts of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as a former commander of the navy, Eli Marom.Netanyahu, who has been indicted on three other corruption charges, was not named as a suspect in that scandal — dubbed Case 3000 — and no current Israeli Navy officials have been connected to it either.The Israeli Navy refused to comment on the specific manner in which the tender was issued to Thyssenkrupp or other matters related to the purchasing process, but maintains that the Sa’ar 6 itself was a necessary ship to buy and that decisions over its specifications were made solely out of operational considerations.

International lawmakers to push social media giants on online anti-Semitism-Bipartisan task force of lawmakers from US, Israel, Australia, Canada and UK hear recommendations for actions they can take to address issue, hold big tech accountable

By JACOB MAGID 12 November 2020, 1:59 am

NEW YORK — An inter-parliamentary task force convened its first meeting Tuesday, with lawmakers hearing recommendations from panelists for how they can combat online anti-Semitism.The group included members from across party lines in national legislatures from the United States, Australia, Canada, Israel, and the United Kingdom.The meeting, on Zoom, opened with presentations from representatives of the American Jewish Committee, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs in Canada, B’nai Brith Canada, Canadian Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and the Online Hate Prevention Institute in Australia.Several panelists and lawmakers encouraged the task force to push social media companies like Facebook and Twitter to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism. The classification includes demonization of Israel alongside more traditional forms of anti-Semitism, which critics say limits free speech.During her presentation, AJC’s Holly Huffnagle recommended that the task force ask platforms to be transparent in the drafting of policies, algorithms and moderation systems, and that they abide by a set of core principals that will earn the public’s trust.She called for the formation of an inter-parliamentary system to gather and share new data quickly and for the recruiting of experts to advise the task force so that it will be equipped to recommend technical changes from social media giants.Huffnagle also urged the task force to expand its focus to non-mainstream social media platforms, arguing that much of the online anti-Semitism is taking place on fringe sites such as 8kun (previously 8chan) and other platforms based outside the US and other major countries.Twice during the meeting, Canadian MP Anthony Housefather read out anti-Semitic and anti-Israel tweets from Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei and lamenting Twitter’s refusal to flag or remove the posts as the site has done with tweets from US President Donald Trump.4. The Zionist regime is a deadly, cancerous growth and a detriment to this region. It will undoubtedly be uprooted and destroyed. Then, the shame will fall on those who put their facilities at the service of normalization of relations with this regime. — (@khamenei_ir) May 22, 2020“Amid this global pandemic, when more people are online, the urgency to act is even greater. We must expose online anti-Semitism and racism that goes unaddressed or inadequately addressed on social media platforms, especially as disinformation continues to rise,” Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz from Florida said during the meeting.The task force was announced in September and includes Wasserman Schultz, fellow Florida Democrat Ted Deutch, along with Chris Smith and Mario Diaz-Balart from the Republican party. From outside the US, Blue and White MK Michal Cotler-Wunsh represents Israel, MPs Anthony Housefather and Marty Mortantz represent Canada, MPs Josh Burns and Dave Sharma represent Australia and MPs Andrew Percy and Alex Sobel represent the United Kingdom.The group is set to convene again at the end of November.

IDF on alert for attack on 1st anniversary of killing Islamic Jihad leader-Military deploys additional Iron Dome batteries to south, flights diverted away from Gaza amid concerns Palestinian terror group may attack-By JUDAH ARI GROSS -NOV 11,20-Today, 2:58 pm

The Israel Defense Forces went on heightened alert Wednesday, sending additional air defenses to southern Israel, ahead of the one-year anniversary of the killing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad commander Baha Abu al-Ata, out of concerns the terror group may mark the occasion with an attack.In addition to more Iron Dome missile defense batteries deployed to the south, flights into and out of Israel appeared to have been directed to use Ben Gurion International Airport’s northern paths, keeping them farther from the Gaza Strip.These changes in air traffic routes — visible with civilian flight path tracking software — is generally seen when there is active fighting or expectations of it. A spokesperson for the Israel Airports Authority did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the matter.The precautionary moves came a day before the anniversary of Abu al-Ata’s death on November 12, 2019, which sparked a fierce round of fighting known in the military as Operation Black Belt. This week also marks the anniversary of an IDF intelligence operation that went awry on November 11, 2018, leading to a large exchange of fire between Israel and terror groups in the Strip, as well as a major, week-long campaign against Hamas in November 2012, known as Operation Protective Edge.Abu al-Ata was a prominent member of the Iran-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group, the commander of the Al-Quds Brigades’ units in the northern Gaza Strip, who the IDF believed was personally responsible for many attacks against Israel in the months before he was killed.He was killed, along with his wife, in a precision strike on the apartment in which he was staying in Gaza City’s Shejaiya neighborhood, following months of preparation by the military.Palestinian terror groups have been known to carry out attacks on the anniversaries of such conflicts.Though Israel is involved in ongoing talks with the Hamas terror group regarding a long-term ceasefire agreement, recent weeks have seen an uptick in violence emanating from Gaza.Last week, a drone was flown from the Strip into Israeli airspace before it was brought down by the Israeli military. The week before saw a rocket attack from the Strip, aimed at the Israeli city of Ashkelon. One projectile was intercepted, the other landed in an open field.Last month, the IDF also uncovered what it said was a Hamas attack tunnel dug from Gaza into Israel.Israel has fought three large campaigns against terror groups in the Strip since Hamas took control of the area in 2007, along with dozens of smaller exchanges of fire.


Tropical Storm Eta targets Florida west coast as it nears fourth landfall-By Gabriella Borter-NOV 11,20

(Reuters) - Tropical Storm Eta spun toward Florida’s west coast on Wednesday on its erratic path to a fourth landfall, threatening squall winds, storm surge and prompting the state’s governor to declare a state of emergency in 13 counties.Tropical Storm Eta targets Florida west coast-Eta, which had weakened slightly from hurricane strength to become a tropical storm, is the 28th named storm of the busiest Atlantic hurricane season on record, according to the Miami-based National Hurricane Center. Its fourth landfall was projected early on Thursday, north of Tampa Bay, after it already slammed Central America, Cuba and the upper Florida Keys.It had dropped nearly 18 inches of rain over parts of South Florida by Monday, moved southwest and then stalled over the Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday before making a northward turn. It was last moving on a northward trajectory at 12 miles per hour (19 kph).The storm was about 85 miles (135 km) southwest of Tampa, with maximum sustained winds of 70 miles per hour (110 kph)on Wednesday, the NHC said.The west coast of Florida faces “the multiple threats of a landfalling hurricane or tropical storm,” said Dennis Feltgen, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service, listing the heavy rainfall, storm surge and possible tornadoes in the forecast.“One is of course the wind, which could be at the very least gusting to hurricane force, and sustained tropical storm force winds. That’s enough to do some damage,” Feltgen said.“Even though it looks relatively calm out here, the weather can change in an instant,” Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said at a press briefing. “Remain vigilant.”She added there were no reports of flooding or street closures as of Wednesday afternoon and she believed the city could withstand the projected storm surge “safely.”Eta’s surge was expected to affect southern and western Florida and the Florida Keys into Thursday. The state’s west coast was under a storm surge warning from the Suwanee River to Bonita Beach, including Tampa Bay, where the water could rise up to five feet.Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency in 13 counties in Eta’s path and requested that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) also declare a pre-landfall state of emergency for those counties to mobilize resources.Parts of Broward County, on Florida’s east coast, were still severely flooded, with lakes overflowing and residential streets submerged. Rainfall totals from Eta could add up to 20 inches in some parts of South Florida, the NHC said.Reporting by Gabriella Borter; Editing by Bernadette Baum, Steve Orlofsky and David Gregorio.

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