Tuesday, March 05, 2024


 JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)


DISEASES-ANIMAL TO HUMAN ( 500 million Dead )

7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,(2 billion) of (8 billion) to kill with sword,(WEAPONS)(500 million) and with hunger,(FAMINE)(500 million) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES)(500 million) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE)(500 million).


1 PET 5:8
8 Be sober,(NOT DRUGED UP OR ALCOHOLICED) be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (DRUGS) were all nations deceived.

21 Neither repented they of their murders,(KILLING) nor of their sorceries (DRUG ADDICTS AND DRUG PUSHERS), nor of their fornication,(SEX OUTSIDE MARRIAGE OR PROSTITUTION FOR MONEY) nor of their thefts.(STEALING)


Energy Ministry finalizing revolutionary plan for Gaza border area energy independence-As March 18 deadline nears, officials discussing with other stakeholders what to include in Tekuma Administration Gaza Envelope rehabilitation-By Sue Surkes-5 March 2024, 10:04 pm

The Energy Ministry is finalizing a potentially revolutionary plan, to be submitted to the government by March 18, to turn the newly renamed Tekuma region along the Gaza border into a flagship for energy independence and renewable energy.The NIS 3 billion ($836 million) initiative focuses on harnessing solar energy to produce a massive five gigawatts of power, the ministry announced at last week’s Eilat Eilot Renewable Energy conference in the Red Sea city.Most of the renewable energy would be earmarked for the center of the country, where the majority of the population lives.The plan, if approved, would eventually enable each home, community, and even some local authorities in the Tekuma region, to manage their electricity supply and demand in an emergency, potentially setting a precedent for electricity decentralization in this and other areas of the country in the future.It would also help Israel reach its 2030 goal of generating 30 percent of power from renewable sources. By the end of last year, it had only installed 5.5 gigawatts of a planned 17 gigawatts nationwide by the end of the decade.Among local proponents of a decentralized system was the late head of the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, Ofir Libstein, who was killed on October 7 while fighting Hamas terrorists.Under the plan, half the power would come from expanding the electricity grid, and the other half from solar panels and solar energy storage.Just under 300 megawatts of renewable energy are installed in the area so far.Tal Avishai, the Energy Ministry’s director of long-term policy and the strategic projects division, is coordinating the plan with a myriad of bodies.These include the Tekuma Administration, government ministries, planners, local authorities and green groups, as well as residents.Tal Avishai, the Energy Ministry’s director of long-term policy and the strategic projects division. (Shiran Urich)Avishai explained at the conference last week that there will be a section on energy within the Tekuma Administration’s report to the Prime Minister. She said, “We’re in discussions with the administration and the other partners to agree on what will be included in [our] program, mainly in light of budget limitations.”Avishai told The Times of Israel that while providing housing and dealing with physical and mental health issues were uppermost in people’s minds concerning the Gaza border communities, energy was the infrastructure that would enable the region to bounce back.The long-term plan would enable a home, community or even some local authorities to manage their electricity systems independently while remaining connected to the national grid.Green planning from the start-The ministry wants to ensure that the massive rebuilding effort would immediately incorporate what was necessary for renewable energy and subterranean infrastructure, Avishai explained. This ranged from constructing energy-efficient buildings based on green building codes and installing charging stations for electric cars to placing agro-voltaic solar panels in the fields. These follow the sun and assist crop growth, while also generating power, and are currently being piloted all over Israel with different crops and in different conditions.But she stressed that there was no intention of forcing the plans on the Tekuma region. “We want to enable, to remove obstacles, to incentivize,” she said.Dr. Jenia Gutman, of the Environmental Protection Ministry, who lives in a Negev kibbutz, warned against sacrificing agricultural land — the heart of the region — for solar farms.Likewise, Iris Berkowitz, of the Southern Region Planning Authority, said at the conference that it was crucial to listen to the residents because energy development would have visual, environmental and other implications.Fighting decentralization-The bodies that operate Israel’s centralized electricity infrastructure have resisted growing calls over the years to decentralize electricity management.Their plans to expand the current grid (separate, independent grids are illegal) include generating solar energy in massive fields in the relatively sparsely-populated north and south of Israel, and sending the power to central Israel, where most people live.This requires building billions of shekels of new infrastructure, changing regulations and contending with bureaucracy. Progress is so slow that many of those wanting to install solar panels are being told there is no room available on the grid.A wake-up call came on October 7, the date on which Hamas terrorists unleashed hell on Gaza border communities. Since then, calls have only increased to strengthen energy resilience by diversifying the power supply through thousands of separately owned solar panels and reducing Israel’s dependence on just three natural gas wells in the Mediterranean Sea.The Tamar platform, close to the southern coastal port of Ashkelon, was closed during the initial stage of Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas, for fear of rocket attack, and the other two would be particularly exposed should full-scale war break out with the Iran-backed Hezbollah on the Lebanese border.Furthermore, since October 7 — when Hamas sent hails of rockets into Gaza border communities and thousands of Hamas terrorists invaded communities, where they murdered 1,200 people in grisly circumstances and from where they kidnapped 253 to the Gaza Strip — power lines have been destroyed and the disadvantages of a centralized system have been further exposed.It took time for electricians from the Israel Electric Company to come and carry out repairs.As Moshe Shitrit, responsible for licenses at the Israel Electric Authority (the regulatory body), told last week’s conference in Eilat, electricity in some places was not restored for two months.But many area kibbutzim were able to get the switches working much faster than others because they enjoyed recognition as “historic distributors.”This is a track open to kibbutzim, a few universities and some Druze towns.  It enables a kibbutz, for example, to be recognized as a single customer by the Israel Electric Company, much like a private home. The IEC supplies power to the kibbutz, which then decides how to allocate it, and has electricians managing it.Today, 15 out of 24 Gaza border kibbutzim have the status. Two more are in the process of acquiring it.In Kibbutz Kfar Aza, for example, which suffered one of the worst Hamas onslaughts on October 7, the kibbutz electrician was able to carry out a wiring bypass to return electricity to a neighborhood where the grid had fallen because he understood how the system worked.Historic distributors have the added advantage of being able to install generators and solar panels, up to a certain ceiling of electricity, without having to secure permits.

The report 'is only validating the Israeli narrative' Journalists accuse UN sexual violence envoy of enabling Israeli attacks-Sex crimes official under fire in press conference after presenting report that indicates widespread rape on October 7 but doesn’t directly accuse Hamas of perpetrating the crimes-By Lazar Berman-Today, 6:24 pm-MAR 5,24

Journalists at a Monday press conference at which a UN report accusing Hamas of rape was presented accused the organization’s special representative on sexual violence in conflict of enabling Israeli attacks in Gaza.PassBlue reporter Dwan Clancy asked the UN’s Pramila Patten if she was concerned that the report “is being weaponized as a way to continue violence in Gaza.”Al-Quds Al-Arabi UN Bureau Chief Abdelhamid Abdeljaber said the report “is only a validation of the Israeli narrative.”Nabil Abi Saad from AlAraby TV asked if Patten had seen the bodies of the Israeli victims, and whether she had talked to released Israeli hostages who, according to Abi Saad, had praised Hamas.There was also frustration in Israel over the report, which indicated that rape and gang rape likely occurred during the October 7 Hamas onslaught against southern Israel. Despite affirming earlier reports of widespread Hamas rapes, the report did not directly accuse Hamas of carrying out the sexual violence.The 24-page report did mention Hamas 10 times, but only talked about “sexual violence linked to the attacks committed by Hamas and other armed groups.When describing the specific attacks, the report refrained from noting who had perpetrated them: “There are reasonable grounds to believe that multiple incidents of rape, including gang rape, occurred in and around the Nova festival site during the October 7 attacks.”However, Dr. Cochav Elkayam-Levy, chair of the Israeli Civil Commission on the October 7 Crimes by Hamas Against Women and Children, was broadly supportive of the report’s portrayal.“Hamas is mentioned in [Monday’s UN] report,” she told Channel 12. “Despicable acts by Hamas and other groups are cited. The report itself presents a horrifying picture of the cases that we knew about…. that we gathered material about.“The very fact that the report succeeded in describing this constitutes a colossal [allegation of] responsibility against Hamas. It will be hard for them to evade this,” she said.Still, shortly after the report emerged, Foreign Minister Israel Katz recalled UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan for consultations, saying on X that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was “acting to soften the serious report that he himself ordered on the sexual offenses of Hamas, trying to keep Hamas from being held responsible and not ordering that the Security Council be immediately convened to discuss the report and recognize Hamas as a terror group, with all the sanctions that entails, while calling for an unconditional release of all hostages.”Guterres’s spokesman denied that he was attempting to suppress the report.The report will be debated in the UN’s annual April meeting on sexual violence in conflict.The report, based on more than two weeks of meetings on the ground, stated that there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that terrorists committed rape and sexual abuse during their murderous rampage on October 7, and that there is an even higher standard of evidence to indicate that hostages kidnapped by Hamas that day were subject to rape in captivity.Presenting the report at UN Headquarters in New York, Patten said that there was “clear and convincing information that sexual violence including rape, sexualized torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment” was committed against hostages being held in captivity in the Strip by Hamas.“The mission was a difficult one in terms of what we heard and the details,” said Patten at the press conference. “We saw a catalog of the most extreme and inhumane forms of torture and other horrors,” she said, noting that her mission “was neither intended nor mandated to be investigative in nature.”The team said a “fully-fledged investigation” would be required to establish the overall magnitude, scope and specific attribution for the sexual violence.Patten said that based on her evidence-gathering, there are reasonable grounds to believe that “rape and gang rape” occurred during the October 7 attacks in at least three locations: the Supernova music festival site, Kibbutz Re’im, and along the nearby Route 232.In most such instances, she said, evidence shows that victims were “first subjected to rape and then killed,” noting as well “two incidents” pointing to the rape of women’s corpses.The music festival grounds, Patten said, was the site of “brutal mass murders,” noting that many bodies were found extensively burned or disfigured, and that there was also a “recurring pattern of victims found fully or partially undressed, bound and shot.”Patten noted that “some allegations” of sexual violence from Kibbutz Be’eri were determined to be unfounded, including a story about a pregnant woman’s fetus being cut out of her body, while other allegations could not be verified.She added that interviews in the West Bank of both male and female Palestinian detainees pointed to “cruel, inhuman and degrading” treatment by Israeli security forces, including “sexual violence in the forms of body searches [and] threats of rape.”In response to the report, Erdan lambasted the international body for taking so long to recognize what happened in Gaza-adjacent communities on October 7.Israel has railed at international women’s groups that ignored evidence of Hamas’s weaponization of sexual violence during the attacks.It took about eight weeks for UN Women, a women’s rights group under the tutelage of the UN, to post, and shortly thereafter delete, a condemnation of the October 7 onslaught itself. Another week would go by before the agency registered the existence of “disturbing reports of gender-based and sexual violence on October 7.”The delayed response sparked outrage among Jewish and Israeli feminist groups, rallying to the hashtag “#MeToo_UNless_UR_A_Jew” and charging the UN body’s silence was motivated by antisemitism.The campaign gained traction by December, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and United States President Joe Biden both publicly castigating international women’s groups for ignoring mounting evidence that Hamas had used rape as a weapon of war. Later that month, the New York Times ran a damning report on the extent of sexual violence during the October 7 attacks.Amy Spiro and AFP contributed to this report.

Tucker Carlson Compares US to Roman Empire-by RT-March 5th 2024, 10:19 am-Rome fell after its legions became dominated by non-citizens, the journalist said, likening it to the migrant crisis in America

Allowing illegal migrants into the US military as a means of granting them citizenship will lead the country towards inevitable collapse, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson said in a video posted on X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday.In the clip, Carlson recalled the fall of the Roman Empire, stating that while historians have long debated the reasons for the collapse of one of history’s most powerful empires, one fact has been “pretty obvious.”“The roman military, its legions, became dominated by non-citizens, who in the end, because they weren’t loyal to Rome, turned against Rome’s citizens,” he explained. Carlson went on to say that this course of events was similar to what is currently happening in the US, which has been “flooded” with illegal aliens – over 7.2 million since President Joe Biden entered office, according to the White House’s official estimates. “That number is greater than the population of 32 states,” he noted.But the main issue, according to the former Fox News host, is that instead of deporting these people, Congress is entertaining the idea of enlisting them into the US military. One such proposal is the Courage to Serve Act introduced by Pat Ryan, a Democratic congressman from New York.The bill would offer “qualified and vetted migrants” an expedited path towards citizenship if they serve in the military, Ryan said, noting that the US military missed its recruiting goals by around 41,000 in 2023.Carlson, however, vehemently rejected the idea, arguing that the military’s struggle to meet recruiting goals is the result of intentionally alienating white American men who have always made up the majority of the country’s fighting force.But instead of addressing these issues and figuring out why young Americans don’t want to join the armed forces, Calrson claimed that Congress has decided to “allow an invasion of the country, not use the military to stop it, and then populate the military with people who are invading the country and hope for the best.”Former US President Donald Trump warned last month that America would collapse if Joe Biden remains in office following this year’s presidential election, suggesting that the country will have over 18 million illegal migrants by the end of the year.“With four more years of Biden, the hordes of illegal aliens stampeding across our borders will exceed 40 to 50 million people,” Trump claimed, saying healthcare, education, and social security will collapse under the pressure.


Netanyahu overrules Ben Gvir: Temple Mount access on Ramadan to be like previous years-Rejecting restrictions on Israeli Arabs, PM says freedom of worship will be maintained, with weekly review, amid worries Hamas, Iran may stir up violence; far-right minister fumes-By ToI Staff 5 March 2024, 11:57 pm

Israel will not reduce the number of worshipers allowed to pray on the Temple Mount in the first week of Ramadan from the levels in previous years, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office announced Tuesday amid serious concerns over efforts by Hamas and its backer Iran to stir up violence at the flashpoint site and in Jerusalem in general during the Muslim holy month.The premier’s office said that a “situational assessment around security and safety” will be made every week and that “a decision will be made accordingly.”“Ramadan is holy for Muslims, and the sanctity of the holiday will be preserved this year, as it is every year,” Netanyahu’s office pledged, effectively dismissing restrictions sought by far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, including on Arab Israelis’ access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound atop the mount.This year’s Ramadan comes amid tinderbox tensions stemming from the ongoing war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, triggered by the group’s shock October 7 attack, when thousands of terrorists rampaged through southern Israel, killing some 1,200 people and taking 253 hostages.Internal tensions have mounted over the issue as the security establishment has been split on arrangements for access to the Temple Mount, where hundreds of thousands of Muslim worshipers are expected to seek prayer time during the holy month, which will begin on March 10 or 11.The Temple Mount is the holiest place in Judaism, where two biblical Temples once stood, and Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third-holiest shrine in Islam, making the site a central flashpoint of the Israeli-Arab conflict.Hundreds of thousands of Muslims crowd the site for prayers each Ramadan, as religious fervor is heightened. While Israel has imposed restrictions on Palestinian access during times of heightened security tensions, it has refrained from imposing those rules on the country’s Muslim minority.Officials have expressed worries that the sensitive period could amplify tensions stemming from the war in Gaza, which has ignited worldwide Muslim anger toward Israel.In a session headed by Netanyahu on preparations for the holy month, and preceding the announcement, the prime minister said: “Israel’s policy has always been and will always be to maintain the freedom of worship for all religions. We of course have always acted this way during the Ramadan holiday and we will act like this now.”The session was attended by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Foreign Minister Israel Katz and war cabinet minister Gadi Eisenkot, as well as Ben Gvir.IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi was also at the session, as were the heads of the National Security Council, the Shin Bet, the Israel Police and other senior security and political officials.“We will do everything to maintain the freedom of worship on the Temple Mount, while appropriately maintaining security and safety needs, and we will allow the Muslim public to celebrate the holiday,” Netanyahu said.Following the announcement, Ben Gvir accused Netanyahu of “endangering” Israelis.“The decision to allow a similar ascension to the Temple Mount on Ramadan as in previous years shows that Netanyahu and the limited [war] cabinet think that nothing occurred on October 7,” he said. “The decision endangers the citizens of Israel and may allow an image of victory for Hamas.”Ben Gvir also took to X, formerly Twitter, with criticism of the decision, writing that “Hamas celebrations on the Temple Mount” are not the “total victory” Israel promised to achieve over the Gaza terror group.MK Mansour Abbas, chairman of the Islamist Ra’am party, thanked Netanyahu for the “responsible decision” and called on the “Arab public to exercise their right to pray and observe the commandments during the holy month, while maintaining the law and public order.”Abbas was traveling to Jordan on Tuesday at the invitation of King Abdullah II “to discuss the issues of the war and the status quo at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in preparation for the holy month of Ramadan,” he told Ynet Monday when three Arab lawmakers from other parties also held discussions with Abdullah on the subject in Amman.Netanyahu’s decision came just two days after sustained disagreements on the matter among security chiefs were reported by Channel 12.According to the report, at the meeting Sunday to cover security arrangements for the upcoming fasting month, Gallant, Halevi and Bar said Israel should avoid creating an environment that might motivate lone-wolf terrorists to carry out attacks, amid intelligence information pointing to “considerable efforts” being made by Iran to foster unrest.The trio argued that the maximum possible number of worshipers should be permitted to access the Temple Mount, in line with its capacity, and that no restrictions be placed on Arab Israelis, the unsourced report said.The Temple Mount compound, which is mostly a large outdoor area, has a capacity of some 400,000 people, though daily attendance is usually much lower.However, Israel Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai was looking to limit attendance to 50,000-60,000 people and for only Arab Israelis over 40 to be allowed access “in the initial stage” of Ramadan, the report said. Shabtai told the meeting that younger Arabs, whether Israeli or from East Jerusalem, are the main “agitators” and should therefore be barred.Ben Gvir, who oversees the police, was only looking to allow a few thousand on the mount at any one time, with heavy restrictions on Arab Israelis, the report said. Ben Gvir has been saying since last month that Palestinians should be barred altogether.In February, a US official and an Israeli official told The Times of Israel that the Biden administration was highly concerned that Ben Gvir, through his policies and actions, could spark unrest at the Temple Mount during Ramadan.    

US makes second Gaza aid airdrop, in joint operation with Jordan and Egypt-Over 36,000 meals dropped in northern Gaza, ‘an area of great need,’ US military announces; Biden says US pulling out every stop for more humanitarian assistance in enclave-By Agencies and ToI Staff Today, 8:12 pm-MAR 5,24

The United States military, in coordination with Jordan, Egypt and France, airdropped more than 36,000 meals into northern Gaza on Tuesday — the second such delivery of aid since Saturday, when the US dropped some 38,000 meals in the war-torn Palestinian enclave.In a post on X, formerly Twitter, US President Joe Biden said: “The United States is committed to pulling out every stop to get more aid to those in Gaza who desperately need it. We won’t stand by. We won’t let up.”Airdrops by the US and other countries are aimed at supplementing what officials say is an insufficient supply of aid being brought in by ground to Gaza, where the United Nations and associated aid agencies have warned that famine is “almost inevitable.”“US Central Command and the Royal Jordanian Air Force conducted a combined humanitarian assistance airdrop into Northern Gaza on March 5, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. (Gaza time) to provide essential relief to civilians affected by the ongoing conflict,” the military command said in a statement Tuesday.“US C-130s dropped over 36,800 US and Jordanian meal equivalents in Northern Gaza, an area of great need, allowing for civilian access to the critical aid,” CENTCOM said, adding that “we continue planning for follow-on aid delivery missions.”The US has been working to get aid into Gaza through as many channels as possible, the State Department said Monday, describing the situation as “simply intolerable.”State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller told a daily briefing with reporters that Washington was “optimistic” about the potential of a maritime aid corridor to Gaza that it has been working on and US military’s airdrops were also set to continue. “Our goal is clear, to establish a comprehensive aid strategy that includes air, land and sea routes to maximize the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza and ensure that aid is distributed to everyone in Gaza who needs it,” Miller said.Israel has also said it is prepared to let in more aid to Gaza through the two checkpoints on the southern edge of the territory it has permitted to open, and has pointed the finger at the UN and other aid agencies for failing to distribute it more widely.Israel, which checks all trucks entering Gaza from both crossings, has blamed the UN for not delivering the aid fast enough after they are cleared, and for leading to a general fall-off in deliveries over the past month.The UN has said it is becoming more difficult to distribute aid inside the enclave amid a breakdown of civil administration and law and order. The flow of aid from Egypt has almost dried up in the past two weeks, and a collapse in security has made it increasingly difficult to distribute the food that does get through, according to UN data and officials.The humanitarian crisis in Gaza drew renewed international attention last week after dozens of Palestinians who had surged to pull goods off an aid convoy were killed in chaotic scenes.Hamas claims at least 115 Palestinians were killed and hundreds more wounded on Thursday as they swarmed aid trucks that entered the city.The terror group accused Israeli troops of shooting at the crowd of thousands, while the IDF says many of the casualties were trampled in a chaotic crush for the food aid, and that its troops only fired at a few individuals who rushed toward them in a threatening manner.The IDF has promised a thorough investigation of the incident.The delivery of aid to Gaza has been a point of contention in the devastating five-month war, triggered by the unprecedented shock Hamas attack on October 7, when thousands of terrorists rampaged through southern Israeli communities, killing some 1,200 people and taking 253 hostages.The US has consistently pressured Israel to increase the delivery of aid since the war started, following the October 7 massacre.Before the war with Hamas, Gaza relied on 500 trucks with supplies entering daily.An Israeli official told The Times of Israel on Tuesday that Israel has begun testing bringing in aid through the border between Israel and northern Gaza. Until now, all aid has been checked at Kerem Shalom, at Gaza’s southern end, then sent in through the crossing there or through the Egyptian-controlled Rafah crossing.Getting trucks safely into the northern Gaza Strip is a priority for Israel, the official explained, and though the number of trucks entering the Strip from the south reached new highs this week, almost all have been cleaned out before they make it to the north.The UN has said a quarter of Gaza’s 2.3 million people face starvation. Aid officials have said that airdrops are not an efficient means of distributing aid and are a measure of last resort.

Biden aides to Gantz: Gaza aid convoy disaster shows need for viable post-war plans-US officials say incident wouldn’t have occurred if more was done to get aid to Gazans, warn it could portend Strip’s future if Israel won’t advance clear alternative to Hamas rule-By Jacob Magid-Today, 4:36 am-MAR 6,24

Top aides to US President Joe Biden told visiting war cabinet minister Benny Gantz during meetings this week that the recent disaster in northern Gaza in which dozens of desperate Palestinians were killed while rushing a convoy of humanitarian aid highlighted for Washington how Israel has failed to properly plan for the war, two US officials told The Times of Israel on Tuesday.Last Thursday’s incident would not have happened if Israel were doing more to ensure humanitarian aid was reaching civilians, according to the US officials. The pair spoke on condition of anonymity regarding the messages that US Vice President Kamala Harris, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, White House Mideast czar Brett McGurk, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stressed to Gantz during closed-door meetings on Monday and Tuesday.Hamas claimed that at least 115 Palestinians were killed and hundreds more wounded as they swarmed aid trucks that entered Gaza City at 4:30 a.m. The terror group accused Israeli troops of shooting at the crowd of thousands. The IDF said it was investigating the matter but that many of the victims were trampled to death in a chaotic crush for food aid and that its troops only fired at a few individuals who rushed toward them in a threatening manner.The US officials argued Tuesday that the administrative vacuum in northern Gaza that was exposed by the deadly stampede offers a window into what the entire Strip will look like after the war, if Israel won’t put forward a viable alternative to the Hamas rule it’s seeking to dismantle.The Biden administration has sought to advance a broader regional initiative that would see Gaza rehabilitated by neighboring Arab states, including Saudi Arabia, which would also normalize relations with Israel on the condition that Jerusalem take steps to establish a time-bound, irreversible pathway for a Palestinian state led by a reformed Palestinian Authority governing over both the West Bank and Gaza Strip.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has all but rejected the proposal, declaring that he will not allow Gaza to become “Fatahstan” — a reference to PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s political party and highlighting his long-held effort to buck international efforts to establish a Palestinian state. Instead, he is seeking to install local clan leaders unaffiliated with Hamas or Fatah to provide services for Gazans instead of the terror group, while leaving Gaza politically cut off from the West Bank.One US official said the plan would backfire and lead to Israel indefinitely occupying the Gaza Strip. Israeli leaders insist they aren’t interested in this outcome, but this is the “inevitable result” of the Netanyahu government’s strategy, said the official.“The Israelis continue talking about receiving support from Arab states, thinking it’ll come, regardless of whether or not there’s a pathway to a Palestinian state, no matter how many times we explain that it’s not going to happen,” the US official added.Netanyahu, Gantz and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant have each presented post-war plans for Gaza that envision countries such as the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia assisting in the revitalization and de-radicalization of Gaza, while making no mention of any political horizon for the Palestinians.A top Emirati official said already in December that Abu Dhabi will condition its financial and political support for the reconstruction of Gaza after the Israel-Hamas war on the advancement of a US-backed initiative toward a two-state solution. The message has been echoed by Riyadh as well.“The Israelis could be left alone with this entire mess,” the US official warned.Building on this point, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said Tuesday that while the US supports Israel’s military objective of defeating Hamas, this is insufficient on its own.US Vice President Kamala Harris (2nd right) hosts Minister Benny Gantz (2nd left) at the White House on March 4, 2024 (Office of VP Kamala Harris)-“We’re also going to have to defeat the ideology behind Hamas and that is not something that can be accomplished on the battlefield. It’s something that we have learned in the United States in our long history with counterterrorism… Ultimately you have to beat that idea with a better idea — a broader political resolution that will address the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people,” Miller said during a briefing.The US officials said that the administration’s anger over the level of aid entering Gaza appeared to be resonating and that they expected new steps to be taken by Israel in the coming days to ensure that more humanitarian assistance reaches Palestinian civilians. The main US request has been that Israel open additional crossings, particularly into northern Gaza, in order to flood the enclave with aid, with the aim of minimizing the impact of looters or gangs trying to sell it on the black market.As for the changes the administration wants to see in Israeli planning for the day after, the second US official said it was too early to tell whether Jerusalem would alter its strategy.“Minister Gantz isn’t the one making the final decision at the end of the day, so the impact of his trip in that regard will be limited, particularly given Prime Minister Netanyahu’s displeasure over the whole thing,” said the second US official.Netanyahu fumed upon learning of Gantz’s planned visit, viewing it as an effort to undermine his authority. An Israeli official said he ordered the Israeli embassy in Washington not to provide assistance to the visiting war cabinet minister, who polls indicate would be able to unseat Netanyahu if elections were held today.The US officials said the Biden aides also pressed Israel on its plan to expand its ground offensive into the southern Gaza city of Rafah. Gantz presented the IDF’s initial proposals for evacuating the over one million Palestinians currently sheltering in Rafah to areas further north before launching the operation to dismantle the remaining Hamas battalions, but the US officials said they remained unconvinced of their viability.According to readouts from the State Department and Pentagon, Blinken and Austin expressed alarm during their respective Tuesday meetings with Gantz regarding the humanitarian situation in Gaza.Blinken “emphasized the need for Israel to act urgently to enable the delivery of humanitarian assistance to Gaza and to improve the distribution of that aid inside Gaza. The current situation is unacceptable and unsustainable,” US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller says during a press briefing.“While the United States is doing everything it can to increase deliveries into Gaza, Israel must take additional steps as well,” Miller said.Blinken also “reiterated that the United States continues to support Israel’s right to ensure that the terrorist attacks of October 7 can never be repeated,” his spokesman added.Meanwhile, the Pentagon said the defense secretary “expressed strong concerns over the humanitarian situation in Gaza and requested Minister Gantz’s support in enabling more humanitarian assistance and distribution into Gaza.”Austin reaffirmed the US demand for Israel to present a “credible and implementable plan for protecting civilians and addressing the humanitarian situation” before launching its major ground incursion into Rafah.While Gantz didn’t issue any readouts on his Tuesday meetings, his office said the war cabinet minister conveyed “his appreciation for the administration’s support for Israel during these times” in his Monday sit-down with Harris.“In the meeting, Gantz reiterated the imperative of completing the mission of removing the threat Hamas poses to Israel, finding a sustainable solution to ensuring humanitarian aid reaches civilians and not the Hamas terror group, and the importance of completing all of the operation’s military objectives in Gaza in a manner that enables stability and prosperity for the region entirely,” the Israeli readout said.“Gantz stressed the importance of forming an international mechanism to oversee the humanitarian effort in coordination with countries of the region as soon as possible and as part of the wider normalization effort,” his office continued. “Minister Gantz emphasized to VP Harris Israel’s supreme commitment to secure the return of the hostages and finally conveyed his gratitude for the significant pressure the US is applying to advance the matter, particularly during these days.”After meeting with congressional leaders on Tuesday afternoon, Gantz departed for London where he will meet with UK Foreign Minister David Cameron before returning to Israel on Wednesday night.The London visit was equally infuriating for Netanyahu, who also ordered Israel’s embassy in the British capital not to provide Gantz with any assistance, according to Channel 12. As a result, the network said Gantz will be forced to rely on British police to provide him with a security detail.


GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

2554. chamas - Strong's Concordance - chamas: to treat violently or wrong - Part of Speech: Verb - Transliteration: chamas -Phonetic Spelling: (khaw-mas') - Definition: to treat violently or wrong - make bare, shake off, violate, do violence, take away violently, wrong -A primitive root; to be violent; by implication, to maltreat -- make bare, shake off, violate, do violence, take away violently, wrong, imagine wrongfully.

GENESIS 16:11-12
11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her,(HAGAR) Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael;(FATHER OF THE ARAB/MUSLIMS) because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.
12 And he (ISHMAEL-FATHER OF THE ARAB-MUSLIMS) will be a wild (DONKEY-JACKASS) man;(ISLAM IS A FAKE AND DANGEROUS SEX FOR MURDER CULT) his hand will be against every man,(ISLAM HATES EVERYONE) and every man's hand against him;(PROTECTING THEMSELVES FROM BEING BEHEADED) and he (ISHMAEL ARAB/MUSLIM) shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.(LITERAL-THE ARABS LIVE WITH THEIR BRETHERN JEWS)

ISAIAH 14:12-14
12  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,(SATAN) son of the morning!(HEBREW-CRECENT MOON-ISLAM) how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14  I (SATAN HAS EYE TROUBLES) will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.(AND 1/3RD OF THE ANGELS OF HEAVEN FELL WITH SATAN AND BECAME DEMONS)

JOHN 16:2
2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.(ISLAM MURDERS IN THE NAME OF MOON GOD ALLAH OF ISLAM)

Then Isawthat the second angel had a sickle in his hand,such asis used in harvesting. The second angelsaid, “Harvest time has come in Israel and the countries all the wayto Iran.” Isawthose countriesin a fewsplitseconds. “All of Turkey and those other countries that have refused me and refused my message of love shall hate each other and kill one another.” I saw the angel raise the sickle and come down on all the Middle East countries.I saw Iran, Persia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, all of Georgia – Iraq, Syria,Lebanon,Jordan, Israel, all of Asia Minor – full of blood. Isaw blood all over these countries. And I saw fire; nuclear weapons were used in many of those countries. Smoke rising from everywhere. Sudden destruction – men destroying one another. I heard these words, “Israel, Oh Israel, the great judgment has come.”The angel said, “The chosen, the church, the remnant, shall be purified. The Spirit of God shall prepare the children of God.” I saw fires rising to heaven.The angel said, “This is the final judgment My church shall be purified, protected and ready for the final day. Men will die from thirst. Watershall be scarce all over the Middle East. Rivers shall dry up, and men will fight for water in those countries.” The angelshowed me that the United Nationsshall be broken in pieces because of the crisisin the Middle East. There shall be no more United Nations. The angel with the sickle shall reap the harvest.


ZECHARIAH 14:12-13
12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet,(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB) and their eyes shall consume away in their holes,(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB) and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.(DISOLVED FROM ATOMIC BOMB)(BECAUSE NUKES HAVE BEEN USED ON ISRAELS ENEMIES)(GOD PROTECTS ISRAEL AND ALWAYS WILL)
13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the LORD shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour.(1/2-3 BILLION DIE IN WW3)(THIS IS AN ATOMIC BOMB EFFECT)

03-King James Bible-For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.

The right hand was a symbol of strength-Exodus 15:6, ” Your right hand, O LORD, is majestic in power. Your right hand, O LORD, shatters the enemy.”

15 But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much people. Shall he prosper? shall he escape that doeth such things? or shall he break the covenant, and be delivered?
16 As I live, saith the Lord God, surely in the place where the king dwelleth that made him king, whose oath he despised, and whose covenant he brake, even with him in the midst of Babylon he shall die.
17 Neither shall Pharaoh with his mighty army and great company make for him in the war, by casting up mounts, and building forts, to cut off many persons:
18 Seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant, when, lo, he had given his hand, and hath done all these things, he shall not escape.
19 Therefore thus saith the Lord God; As I live, surely mine oath that he hath despised, and my covenant that he hath broken, even it will I recompense upon his own head.
20 And I will spread my net upon him, and he shall be taken in my snare, and I will bring him to Babylon, and will plead with him there for his trespass that he hath trespassed against me.
21 And all his fugitives with all his bands shall fall by the sword, and they that remain shall be scattered toward all winds: and ye shall know that I the Lord have spoken it.
22 Thus saith the Lord God; I will also take of the highest branch of the high cedar, and will set it; I will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one, and will plant it upon an high mountain and eminent:
23 In the mountain of the height of Israel will I plant it: and it shall bring forth boughs, and bear fruit, and be a goodly cedar: and under it shall dwell all fowl of every wing; in the shadow of the branches thereof shall they dwell.
24 And all the trees of the field shall know that I the Lord have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the Lord have spoken and have done it.

PSALMS 83:3-7
3 They (ARABS,MUSLIMS) have taken crafty counsel against thy people,(ISRAEL) and consulted against thy hidden ones.
4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
5 For they (MUSLIMS) have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:(TREATIES)
6 The tabernacles of Edom,(JORDAN) and the Ishmaelites;(ARABS) of Moab, PALESTINIANS,JORDAN) and the Hagarenes;(EGYPT)
7 Gebal,(HEZBOLLAH, LEBANON) and Ammon,(JORDAN) and Amalek;(SYRIA,ARABS,SINAI) the Philistines (PALESTINIANS) with the inhabitants of Tyre;(LEBANON)
8 Assyria (SYRIA) also has joined with them; They have helped the children of Lot. Selah
9 Deal with them as with Midian, As with Sisera, As with Jabin at the Brook Kishon,
10 Who perished at En Dor, Who became as refuse on the earth.
11 Make their nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb, Yes, all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna,
12 Who said, “Let us take for ourselves The pastures of God for a possession.”
13 O my God, make them like the whirling dust, Like the chaff before the wind!
14 As the fire burns the woods, And as the flame sets the mountains on fire,
15 So pursue them with Your tempest, And frighten them with Your storm.
16 Fill their faces with shame, That they may seek Your name, O Lord.
17 Let them be [e]confounded and dismayed forever; Yes, let them be put to shame and perish,
18 That they may know that You, whose name alone is the Lord, Are the Most High over all the earth.

And here are the bounderies of the land that Israel will inherit either through war or peace or God in the future. God says its Israels land and only Israels land. They will have every inch God promised them of this land in the future.Egypt east of the Nile River, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, The southern part of Turkey and the Western Half of Iraq west of the Euphrates. Gen 13:14-15, Psm 105:9,11, Gen 15:18, Exe 23:31, Num 34:1-12, Josh 1:4.ALL THIS LAND ISRAEL WILL DEFINATELY OWN IN THE FUTURE, ITS ISRAELS NOT ISHMAELS LAND.12 TRIBES INHERIT LAND IN THE FUTURE.

Mideast Starbucks franchisee firing 2,000 employees due to Gaza war boycott-Alshaya Group says it is reducing staff numbers because of ‘difficult trading conditions’ after pro-Palestinian activists targeted the brand-By AP and ToI Staff Today, 7:47 pm-MAR 5,24

The Middle East franchisee of Starbucks said Tuesday it has begun firing around 2,000 workers at its coffee shops across the region after the brand found itself targeted by activists during the ongoing Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip.The Kuwait-based Alshaya Group, a private family firm holding franchise rights for a variety of Western companies including The Cheesecake Factory, H&M and Shake Shack, issued a statement acknowledging the firings at its Middle Eastern and North African locations.“As a result of the continually challenging trading conditions over the last six months, we have taken the sad and very difficult decision to reduce the number of colleagues in our Starbucks MENA stores,” the statement read.Alshaya later confirmed it was firing about 2,000 employees, as first reported by Reuters. Many of its employees in the Gulf Arab states are foreign workers hailing from Asian nations.Alshaya runs about 1,900 Starbucks branches in Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. It had employed more than 19,000 staff, according to the Seattle-based company. The layoffs represent just over 10 percent of its staff.Since the beginning of the war on October 7, which began with Hamas’s unprecedented attack on Israel’s south, in which terrorists murdered some 1,200 people and kidnapped 253, Starbucks has found itself alongside other Western brands targeted by pro-Palestinian activists over the war. The company prominently has been trying to counter what it describes as “ongoing false and misleading information being shared about Starbucks” being spread online.“We have no political agenda,” Starbucks said. “We do not use our profits to fund any government or military operations anywhere — and never have.”In October, Starbucks sued Workers United, which has organized workers in at least 370 US Starbucks stores, over a pro-Palestinian message posted on a union social media account.Starbucks said it was trying to get the union to stop using its name and likeness, as the post also drew protests from pro-Israel demonstrators. Boycotters also felt the company wasn’t adequately supporting Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.Starbucks revenue rose 8% to a record $9.43 billion for the October-December period. But that was lower than the $9.6 billion analysts had forecast, likely in part because of activist boycotts.Starbucks isn’t the only brand targeted by activists in the war. Others have called for a boycott of McDonald’s after a local franchisee in Israel announced in October that it was providing free meals to Israeli soldiers.

As rockets fly at north, Gallant says Israel nearing military option against Hezbollah-Damage caused to home, store in Kiryat Shmona in attack claimed by Lebanese terror group; defense minister warns daily fire risks ‘dragging parties to dangerous escalation’By Emanuel Fabian-Today, 5:00 pmUpdated at 7:56 pm

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Tuesday told the United States special envoy to the region, Amos Hochstein, that Hezbollah’s continued attacks on Israel were bringing the country closer to a decision regarding military action in Lebanon, as the terror group launched fired fresh rockets and missiles at the north.“We are committed to the diplomatic process. However, Hezbollah’s aggression is bringing us closer to a critical point in the decision-making regarding our military activities in Lebanon,” Gallant said, according to a readout provided by his office.During the meeting at Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv, Gallant also warned Hochstein that Hezbollah was “dragging the parties to a dangerous escalation,” his office said.According to the readout, Gallant and Hochstein spoke about Hezbollah’s daily rocket, missile, and drone attacks, as well as efforts to reach an agreement that would see the Iran-backed terror group withdraw from the border and end the hostilities, to enable some 80,000 displaced residents of northern Israel to return to their homes.During a meeting in Beirut on Monday, Hochstein said that a war between Israel and Hezbollah would not be containable, and added that the US was optimistic about restoring stability in southern Lebanon and northern Israel.Underlining the threat in the north, rocket sirens sounded in several towns near the border moments after Gallant’s office published its statement on his meeting with Hochstein, with two projectiles striking Kiryat Shmona.Police and the Kiryat Shmona municipality said that damage was caused to property in the rocket attack — one projectile hit a home and another struck a clothes store — but that there were no reports of injuries. The city has largely been evacuated due to the terror group’s daily attacks.Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the rocket strike, as well as eight other attacks on northern Israel, including rocket fire at an IDF base near the border community of Zarit.Footage showed a cloud of black smoke rising from an area near the border following the claimed attack on the IDF base.The IDF later said it had carried out airstrikes on a series of Hezbollah targets in south Lebanon.Among the targets was a Hezbollah compound in Ayta ash-Shab that the IDF said was used to fire two anti-tank missiles at the Biranit army base earlier on Tuesday. No injuries were caused in the attack, the IDF said.The IDF said it also struck a Hezbollah command center in Jabal al-Batam, rocket launch positions in Matmoura, and buildings used by the terror group in Majdal Zoun, Houla, and Kafra.In Houla, four civilians were killed by an Israeli airstrike, a Lebanese security source told the UK-based Qatari outlet Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.Israel has been bracing for war with Hezbollah since October 7, when its allied terror group Hamas started a war by launching an unprecedented attack on the south of Israel in which terrorists killed some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and kidnapped 253.Since October 8, Hezbollah-led forces have attacked Israelicommunities and military posts along the northern border with rockets, missiles, and drones on a near-daily basis, with the group saying it is doing so to support Gaza amid the war there.So far, the skirmishes on the border have resulted in seven civilian deaths on the Israeli side, as well as the deaths of 10 IDF soldiers and reservists. Other attacks from Syria and Iraq have not caused any injuries.Hezbollah has named 232 members who have been killed by Israel during the ongoing skirmishes, mostly in Lebanon but some also in Syria. In Lebanon, another 37 operatives from other terror groups, a Lebanese soldier, and at least 30 civilians, three of whom were journalists, have been killed.

Hezbollah fires heavy rocket barrage at Kiryat Shmona after IDF strikes in Lebanon-Terror group says volley of 30 projectiles a response to civilian deaths in Israeli airstrike; indirect negotiations to end hostilities due to begin during Ramadan-By Emanuel Fabian-5 March 2024, 11:23 pm

The Lebanese Hezbollah terror group fired a large barrage of rockets at the northern Israeli city of Kiryat Shmona on Tuesday evening, in what it said was a response to a deadly Israel Defense Forces airstrike in southern Lebanon earlier in the day.According to the IDF, some 30 rockets were fired at Kiryat Shmona, with at least 10 of the projectiles being successfully intercepted by the Iron Dome air defense system.One rocket struck the yard of a home in the nearby community of Kfar Blum, causing minor damage, local authorities said.The remainder of the rockets hit open areas, and there were no reports of injuries.Sirens sounded in Kiryat Shmona and several nearby communities.Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the barrage, saying it was in response to an IDF strike in the southern Lebanon village of Houla, which killed three civilians according to the terror group and media reports.Multiple Iron Dome interceptions seen over Kiryat Shmona, following a rocket barrage from Lebanon. pic.twitter.com/XPC9KJpb8e— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) March 5, 2024-In response, the IDF said fighter jets struck a Hezbollah rocket launching position in southern Lebanon’s Taybeh, from which the terror group fired a barrage at Kiryat Shmona this evening.Additionally, an anti-tank missile launch position in Aarab El Louaizeh, also used in attacks on Kiryat Shmona, was struck by an aircraft, the IDF says. Earlier, the IDF says it struck a building used by Hezbollah in Dibbine, and additional infrastructure in Ayta ash-Shab.Earlier, the IDF said it had carried out strikes in Houla on Tuesday afternoon, targeting a building used by Hezbollah.Strikes were also carried out against a Hezbollah compound in Ayta ash-Shab that the IDF said was used to fire two anti-tank missiles at the Biranit army base, a Hezbollah command center in Jabal al-Batam, rocket launching positions in Matmoura, and additional buildings used by the terror group in Majdal Zoun and Kafra, according to the IDF.Those strikes came following an earlier Hezbollah barrage on Kiryat Shmona, which caused damage to a home and a store, and numerous missile and rocket attacks on IDF positions along the Lebanon border. There were no reports of injuries in the attacks.Earlier Tuesday, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told the United States special envoy to the region, Amos Hochstein, that Hezbollah’s continued attacks on Israel were bringing the country closer to a decision regarding military action in Lebanon.“We are committed to the diplomatic process. However, Hezbollah’s aggression is bringing us closer to a critical point in the decision-making regarding our military activities in Lebanon,” Gallant said, according to a readout provided by his office.Indirect talks on an end to the hostilities along the Lebanese-Israeli border were set to begin during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which starts next week, Lebanon’s caretaker prime minister Najib Mikati said Tuesday.Mikati told local broadcaster Al Jadeed that Lebanese officials were studying a verbal proposal suggested by Hochstein, who was in Beirut on Monday to push a diplomatic solution to exchanges of fire between Hezbollah and Israel.During the meeting in Beirut, Hochstein said that a war between Israel and Hezbollah would not be containable, and added that the US was optimistic about restoring stability in southern Lebanon and northern Israel.Israel has been bracing for war with Hezbollah since October 7, when its allied terror group Hamas started a war by launching an unprecedented attack on the south of Israel in which terrorists killed some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and kidnapped 253.Since October 8, Hezbollah-led forces have attacked Israeli communities and military posts along the northern border with rockets, missiles and drones on a near-daily basis, with the group saying it is doing so to support Gaza amid the war there.So far, the skirmishes on the border have resulted in seven civilian deaths on the Israeli side, as well as the deaths of 10 IDF soldiers and reservists. Other attacks from Syria and Iraq have not caused any injuries.Hezbollah has named 233 members who have been killed by Israel during the ongoing skirmishes, mostly in Lebanon, but some also in Syria. In Lebanon, another 37 operatives from other terror groups, a Lebanese soldier and at least 30 civilians, three of whom were journalists, have been killed.Reuters contributed to this report.

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