Saturday, October 31, 2015


FROM TEMPLE TALK WITH Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Chaim Richman  TRUTH ABOUT KERRY AND ARAB-ISLAMIC MURDERERS.transcript-oct 20,15

The connection connection is very very obvious why all the sudden they have to burn down Joseph still it's the same logic as what's going on with the Temple Mount because because justice to as well as the tomb of the patriarchs as well as the Temple Bar the three places that are recorded in the Torah as being purchased by the children of his real in this land and they are the very crux of the matter they are very epitome of the covenant that we have and the sovereignty and the ownership of this land before the eyes of the whole world and that's why they have to they have to contradict that but again I start talking with the whole story about how it's always about blame the Jews and therefore when these things are not reported when they are reported with a reported in a very minor way or we're over the implication by the world press is always about how israel is killing the palestinian israel's killing them even though they happen to be palestinians that are that are in the middle of murdering jews by nice by bullet by car by whatever and we accidentally and we killed them because they're attacking us right the idea is it's all our fault everything is your fault in some of the logic is that this is what we deserve because this is where we are because its contested because we are occupiers and all that business

even though there is no Palestinian nation in this never was a Palestinian land it can't possibly be that we are occupying Palestine because there weren't any palestinian there was no Palestinian land that we were as a matter of fact Judea and Samaria and Gaza were occupied from 1948 to 1967 Judea and Samaria was occupied by Jordan and Gaza was occupied by each of those of the occupiers but nobody was complaining been about Palestinian rights nobody was talking then about the poor display displaced Palestinians and how they are refugees nobody was talking about it then because it wasn't Israel. anyway the idea is unfortunately this this mentality of blaming the jews and taking responsibility everything is our fault that we exist is so poisonous that is plenty of Jews who also who also subscribe to not only take out with his own no god but when I can change the status quo and the Temple Mount but you have these rabbis who upon in blogs and articles and any statements that the Jewish people should not be going to the temple and its totally ignorant and obnoxious and they're talking about how the position of the tour is that we shouldn't be going to the top of my head that we those Jews who risked it all and go to the temple mount in the name of all of israel in purity after having expertly mastered the complex Jewish laws about going to the temple and yes knowing exactly where to trade these rebels are saying that we are the ones who are causing the muslims 2 hate us and want to kill us because we're going to the tournament spray and that kind of statement from a rabbi is the height of absolute moral and intellectual bankruptcy and total ignorance that a rabbi could say that Jews who go to the temple mount are endangering the people of Israel. what does this say we all like gonna crawl into a hole and cower and cover up because maybe the arabs gonna try to kill it because we're jews because actually that's what they do because we're living as jews. if we can't live as jews if we can't do what we are what we are ent rusted to do if we cannot continue to bring the light into the world and to stand up for what it means to be a just and then what's it all worth what a total twisting of everything that it means to be a Jew and everything the Torah is all about that's what we're facing today. but again this is all on the backdrop of two amazing points of that are that are that are concentrically dissecting serendipitous perpendicular a manner that is partial left which is all about from coming forth and the month which is all about the deep rooted movement towards the dedication of the future temple it's all happening to you see what i'm saying it's all the timing is is exquisite and the whole thing with overall coming out into the world know is all because I was looking for someone to take responsibility for Humanity it didn't work and still no and that's why I'm appears on the world stage at this particular time because God is sick and tired of all the shenanigans of everything that went on from saddam's time and the flood and the generation of the tower and God is saying will someone please rise up and say I will teach humanity that there is a God. I will preserve that legacy that there's a reason for life and that's what I mean is I was one of the most unbelievable thing with less about it I was learning that the builders of the Tower of Babel were actually it was like the opposite of the beta mcdyess that that was like their idea of the Holy Temple they would like to try again to steal the chef and they were like that was like the Torah portion that we're reading this week and that begins in Genesis 12 and Genesis twelve-hour shifts to our goal for yourself from your land from your relatives from your father's house to the land that I will show you like you say everything behind us now I'm starting over again I brought you Adam I brought you those generations I prefer the people who brought you the flood well I'm starting again with you and I will make of you a great nation I will bless you and make your name great and you should be a blessing now I think it says here attention John Kerry I will bless those who bless you and him who curses you I will curse and all the families of the US jobless themselves by you so here you have this this Heinz ketchup here to who is this lurch right who is saying that he wants israel's guarantees in writing but here I have it in writing I have the Torah and my hands that is so ironic I have it in writing and you know it really just burns my blood about about the things that he he's been saying the past week right he says we welcome both israel's and joins commitment to continued maintenance of status quo at the Temple Mount and don't forget the quotation that we read from him earlier in the broadcast just give it to you one more time because it's so inspiring and so beautiful and so patriotic and so much of what America stands for the freedom to professor and practice one's beliefs is the birthright of every human being .the other thing that mister birthright of every human being ketchup hairdo said was you says ok he says I gotta find it's really important she says okay so he says we welcome both Israel and Jewish community continued maintenance of access code then he says we are not seeking a new change or outsiders to come in I don't think Israel Jordan wants that and we're not proposing it what we need is clarity and who are the outsiders are we the Jewish people the outsiders this is the place of the temple. the place where our forefathers prayed it is totally usurped destroyed ended and and historically bastardized by Islam and and and the muslims these are the same folks who brought us a couple of days ago this week that burning once again the ransacking the torching of the tomb of Joseph in shame in nablus. ok when they state started with their intifada war back way back when in 2004 they burnt down Joseph's Tomb to the ground and now once again after having beaten a group of Jewish worshippers who were and I quote unauthorized to be praying there the palestinian authority policeman fogs terrorists trained and financed by the CIA beat these Jews who came to prove it and they set Joseph's Tomb on fire in the pictures we place to this so horrible right they're always talking about and the PAA accords by the way with Israel about mutual respect of the holy places and all this kind of thing but as I mentioned in the video the brief idea that we made on the Temple Mount this week on the eight hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the earlier but I mentioned in that video the connection connection is very very obvious why all the sudden they have to burn down Joseph still it's the same logic as what's going on with the Temple Mount because because justice to as well as the tomb of the patriarchs as well as the Temple Bar the three places that are recorded in the Torah as being purchased by the children of his real in this land and they are the very crux of the matter they are very epitome of the covenant that we have and the sovereignty and the ownership of this land before the eyes of the whole world and that's why they have to they have to contradict that but again I start talking with the whole story about how it's always about blame the Jews and therefore when these things are not reported when they are reported with a reported in a very minor way or we're over the implication by the world press is always about how israel is killing the palestinian israel's killing them even though they happen to be palestinians that are that are in the middle of murdering jews by KNIFE by bullet by car by whatever and we accidentally and we killed them because they're attacking us right.the idea is it's all our fault everything is your fault in some of the logic is that this is what we deserve because this is where we are because its contested because we are occupiers and all that business even though there is no Palestinian nation.

ITS just so disturbing how people could be really totally unaware of what's going on and what it means also for the whole world as the specter of jihad basically jihad by immigration jihad by legislation is taking over the entire free world just a month ago we're all talking about the agreement between United States and European nations and Iran which I think President Obama is employed at that was gonna bring world peace and I think there's a connection here I don't think there's a disconnect I think that that was simply the you know the the preview of what's happening now and and will continue to happen in his direction as as as I could say Obama opened at the gates of hell with that deal and it's gonna be a big price to be paid for it right now the Jewish people are paying the price here in the land of israel but but that price is becoming more and more clear and scandalously clear that the United States ruined Libya and the same thing is happening in Syria and its all the policy of this open arms of the of the Arab Spring which has turned to basically inside the gates of hell so this is these are in separate isolated incidents and even though you know they keep referring to the to the terrorists to the people who denied and and shoot and then and run over to use here as as isolated as spontaneous as a lone wolf lone wolf there's absolutely no no no here there is a common denominator and that is the incitement that is being pumped out every day by the palestinian authority by Hamas by the israeli by the Islamic movement inside Israel and every day it's out there if you want to venture onto Arab language media social media you can see it there everything's translatable these days you can see it and when a thirteen year old kid sites go out with a knife and stabbed another 30 rock is not busy can't find a job it's not because he's frustrated with the occupation because there's so many settlements like not because he's too long of a wait to get to you know it's it's it's because he's been poisoned with this hatred of Jews from the day he was born 23 years ago is when they signed us since then the entire school system educational system media and and and mosques and every public institution in the palestinian authority has been built incitement and hatred and and dehumanization of Jews that is all is child knows and when he goes out with a knife today it's because he knows his family will be honored when he comes back dead or alive his family estate in the weather comes back dead or alive he will be a martyr in the eyes and in the palestinian compatriots and that the head of the palestinian authority hablas will praise him to no end for shedding His blood on behalf of who the hell knows what he said his blood on the glorification of death was reading a new ritual now among the palestinians of smelling you want to smell the blood of the martyrs the six just grows and grows by the way when they bury their martyrs they bury them along with soil from the temple mount how's that for the ultimate irony throw up right now take over please two minutes 46 look the fact is everything is perfect timing as we use these Torah portions about the emergency and promises that were made to him and his destiny really the name change that takes place in this distortion the covenant between the portions and the whole idea of preserving this legacy of the identity of God in the world. it's all that visiting the temple mount is actually getting smoother since those balconies or did the actual visited the temple has been going very well and again more and more people have been coming in accordance with Jewish law and reverence for the place to be seen there by God to pray there to exercise their right to pray once again despite all the violence despite everything that's been happening israel is still the safest place in the world and is no other place in the world that we'd like to be that we want to be that we want that we know we have to be in and we still want to encourage everyone more than ever to stand with Israel to come and visit and see for themselves what really is happening here what we are and what we are dealing with and to be part of the the blessing that Israel s go to your self be true to yourself as a land once in the land again the next time I get to let the hot 2 Mount Moriah the same command and I think the real meaning of less that is between you are between himself and what God created find who you really are meant to be and I think if we today stick with that they were going to be fine because we will break through to see through those debris to benefit aryan he was thrown into numerous ways to the God of Israel and that is the secret and that is the difference between those who was also on that simple thank you for being with us.Published on Oct 20, 2015