Tuesday, June 25, 2013



The American (called President Barry Soetoro AKA) Barack Husein Obama,has approved $450 MILLION in emergency aid, 200 battle tanks, and 20 fighter jets - not to nations freindly to us,and not to our strongest and most important ally, Israel.But to a nation committed to Israels destruction,a nation situated right-next door to Israel,an unstable nation headed by a shariah-loyal Islamic dictatorship:Yes EGYPT,which hates Jews,Christians,and Christianity!

In fact we are already sending $1.5 BILLION to egypts military every year (not to mention the extra $500 MILLION sent to the Palestinians to whom our President has promised Jerusalem) This is totally against Gods Word.930 Times GODS WORD SAYS this Holy City belongs to the JEWS.If you think this is to bizzare to be true,think again:President Obama has already released $250 MILLION of our taxpayer funds to the Egyptians for their emergency needs-as well as for much of their terrorist deeds.

This means some of Americas most sophisticated weaponry can now easily be turned on israel - and on Christians living inside Egypt -as well as U.S assets given to Jew-despising, Christian hating Muslims.At a time when the U.S government has cut its own budget,when we are borrowing mountains of money from communist China,the Obama administration plans to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to those who would annihilate the Jewish people and topple Christianity.THIS LUNACY (in the words of one Congressman) puts the mideast in a greater state of turmoil than ever in our lifetime.Many say that the Egyptian leadership,emboldened by U.S support,willplunge us into even more radical anti-Christian persecution Globally.