Friday, January 22, 2021



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Published: May 6, 2020-This nurse didn't just create a replacement N95 mask – hers filters more-By American Heart Association News

As Tommye Austin made her way around the COVID-19 unit, she saw patients on ventilators fighting for each breath. She heard nurses, respiratory therapists and other workers talking about how anxious they were about being exposed to the coronavirus, and perhaps spreading it to their loved ones.As the boss of those nurses, Tommye wanted to put them at ease.Her glimpse of the illness and the fear verbalized by the front-line staff was enough for her to equate the pandemic to war. And, she thought, just like soldiers need proper gear, her crew needed quality personal protective equipment, particularly N95 respirator masks.Her San Antonio, Texas, hospital was well stocked. But with a surge of cases expected in May, Tommye worried whether there would be enough respirator masks, especially with every hospital in the world seeking them.Then she remembered what her late husband always said: "If you can't find something and you can't buy something, you make it."So that's what Tommye did. – The name N95 comes from the fact the masks filter 95% of airborne particles, such as viruses. Lab results show Tommye's masks block 96.5%. – N95s weren't intended for all-day use, so they tend to carve painful, unsightly marks into noses, cheeks and chins. Hers don't. - With nowhere for exhaled carbon dioxide to escape, N95 wearers sometimes suffer dizziness or headaches. Hers have an air pocket so the C02 floats away.The "TM 2020" – the letters stand for "Tommye Mask" – took about 10 days to create. And 24 hours to become an internet sensation.Yet the full story of these potentially lifesaving masks is about more than a nurse-scientist building a better mousetrap. It's also the tale of a woman who likes embroidering her unusually spelled name onto everything she can to honor her late husband.Tommye's resume is crammed with credentials: R.N., Ph.D., MBA and NEA-BC (Nurse Executive Advanced-Board Certified).Her title is senior vice president and chief nurse executive. Last year, the industry publication Modern Healthcare ranked her the nation's 38th most influential clinical executive. She's on the local board of the American Heart Association and Batz Patient Safety Foundation, and she volunteers with the March of Dimes.In her rare free time, she's usually at her sewing machine – or, as she calls it, "my fancy computer with a needle." Quilts and throws are her specialties.Even with all her skills, the challenge of designing an N95 equivalent is something she would've outsourced to her husband, Fermon Austin.Although he never went to college, Fermon had the mind of an engineer. He once built a machine to remove corn from its husk just to see if he could. He was a do-it-all, blue-collar worker who died last April 2 at age 64 due to heart failure. They were married 15 years and together for 20.One day early in their relationship, Tommye thought she was helping Fermon by purchasing air conditioning filters for their home in Manvel, Texas."He had a hissy fit," she said, laughing. "He was like, 'Why did you buy these cheap things? They're not electrostatic!' And I was like, 'What's the difference?'"He explained that electrostatic filters were worth the higher price because they carry a charge that zaps more gunk from the air. So, when Tommye went shopping for materials for this project, "I remembered the word 'electrostatic.'"At about $25 each, Tommye started with 12 filters. She bought three different models, cut through their paper and wire frames, and got to work."The efficiency of each model was around the same, but one was more pliable," she said. "It gave your mask a nice shape and was very breathable."That was more than aesthetic. Her biggest challenge was getting the mask to fit snug over the nose and mouth – but not so tight that it would damage the skin. And it still had to leave room for carbon dioxide to escape.For more than a week, Tommye came home from work and tinkered practically all night. Her initial $300 purchase was supplemented by another $2,000 worth of gear.With each iteration, the only way to test for comfort and safety was by strapping it onto her head and testing the mask herself."My nephew, Charles, is staying with me," she said. "I told him, 'If Auntie is not awake in 15 minutes, you need to call 911.'"As she closed in on a prototype, she struggled with the final piece of the comfort-safety puzzle. Then she extended the fabric on the nose and pleated that extension. Voila – more air pocket, no added bulk.On April 16, a San Antonio TV station ran a story about Tommye's masks.By the next day, her masks had been showcased by Fox News and the New York Post. The hospital was so inundated with requests for details that it posted step-by-step instructions later that week. At that point, Tommye only had the instructions in her head.Although the TM 2020 is meant for non-commercial purposes, Tommye has received over 1,500 offers from people willing to buy them. Messages have come from as far as Indonesia and South Africa. On Fridays, she mails masks at no cost to selected people, such as a woman with 10 relatives who are health care workers, three of whom have COVID-19.Tommye recently was speaking with Tamara Hebert Powell, a friend since elementary school in Rockdale, Texas; their moms grew up together, too. Tamara mentioned that her daughter, Brittany, a nurse in Houston, had been using the same N95 mask for nearly two months.They spoke on a Saturday. Brittany got a TM 2020 in the mail Monday."That's Tommye," Tamara said. "She's extremely smart but also compassionate and empathetic. The caring spirit she shows with family and friends is the same way she treats her staff and patients."More than 2,400 of Tommye's masks have been made. The goal is 6,500.Now the big irony: Only Tommye and a few others are wearing them at her hospital. Everyone else is following protocol by using their mask toolkit. She's quick to note that all along her design was meant to be a backup. The staff has access to barrier/surgical masks, N95 respirator masks, face shields, hospital-issued scrubs and plenty of food.She's even more proud of the fact that her staff has been kept safe from COVID-19, which she's come to call "the invisible monster.""This is some bad stuff," she said. "It hits all ages. People don't realize how bad it is."Thanks to Tommye and Fermon Austin, and the TM 2020s, many people will never find out.If you have questions or comments about this story, please email

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Arizona’s Maricopa Board of Supervisors Is Playing Games – Trying to Block a LEGITIMATE Forensic Audit of 2020 Election Ballots – Why? By Joe Hoft-Published January 22, 2021 at 5:41pm

What is going on in Arizona?  After finally obtaining the right to audit the ballots in Maricopa County, those in power refuse to move forward and allow an audit by a legitimate forensic auditor.Their actions show their desire to hide invalid ballots rather than identify any issues with the 2020 election in Arizona.We reported on December 30th that concerned citizens in Maricopa County in Arizona got together to look into the election fraud in their state.  They performed data analysis and found between 160,000 to 400,000 ‘Phantom’ Ballots and performed door to door canvasing and found up to 30% of the addresses they looked at were fraudulent.  Their results were shocking.  Liz Harris introduced the project :The Arizona legislature held a hearing in December to discuss the various findings and accusations related to the election in Maricopa County and soon after the hearing the Senate subpoenaed the county.  The County Board of Supervisors, who oversee the election in the county, sued the Senate to prevent the audit.  Below are the Maricopa Board of Supervisors:But then the following occurred:The county sued [weeks ago], claiming the Legislature lacked authority to examine ballots. But on Wednesday, the county dropped its opposition, acknowledging the Legislature’s authority. Fann said the county has agreed to turn over all requested materials, provided the auditor is certified by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and that only authorized parties will have access to the data.Unfortunately this was all another ruse to prevent an adequate review of the ballots and images in Maricopa County. According to an interview with Liz Harris, what the Board is not saying is that they want to select who performs the audit of their ballots because they can then prevent the things they don’t want reported through this auditor selection process.  Hickman, Sellers and Gates are all Republicans.  Gallardo is a Democrat.Harris asks, “Why would the the Board of Supervisors do this?“Harris says that she is afraid the people of Arizona won’t understand the fact that these same people who prevented the forensic audit in the first place want to mandate that the auditor be from the same group that blessed the Dominion machines (the US Election Assistance Commission).   She says, “Why does the Board not want to find fraud if there is fraud that exists.We at the TGP have recommended for months that inventor and expert, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, should be forensically auditing all the swing states results. Pulitzer is willing to do this basically for free.  He has a process and therefore there is no reason not to use this outsider to review these results of ballots, unless of course you are trying to hide something! At the state level, there have also been roadblocks.  Karen Fann, the President of the Senate, Warren Peterson, Chair of the Arizona Judiciary Committee, and Michelle Ugenti-Rita, the Senator involved in Election issues, all need to step to the plate.Why not have Pulitzer perform the audit alongside the chosen auditor by the Board of Supervisors, since Pultizer will do it basically for free? Americans are upset.  There is an incredible amount of evidence of fraud in Maricopa County Arizona alone.  Americans need to see the evidence that the election was fair and free.
Right now it looks like it was not – at least not in Arizona for sure.Americans demand an official audit of the ballots!

President Trump Gives Permission for US Troops to Stay at Trump Hotel in Washington DC-by Jim Hoft-Published January 22, 2021 at 8:54am

As reported earlier by Cristina Laila – A military source in DC told TPUSA Chief Creative Officer Benny Johnson that for the last week his battalion had been sleeping on the floor in the Senate cafeteria in preparation for Biden’s sham inauguration.One day after Biden’s inauguration, 5,000 soldiers were moved to a cold parking garage.There is one power outlet and one bathroom for 5,000 soldiers. MILITARY SOURCE IN DC:“For the last week my battalion has been sleeping on the floor in the Senate cafeteria. Today the Senate kicked us out & moved us to a cold parking garage.5000 soldiers.1 power outlet.   One bathroom. This is how Joe Biden’s America treats solders.” — Benny (@bennyjohnson) January 22, 2021More than 20,000 troops protected Joe Biden’s sham inauguration on Wednesd.Virtually no one showed up to see senile Joe slur his way through his swearing-in ceremony.The military felt completely abandoned by the DC elites.This morning OANN reported that President Trump gave permission for the troops to stay at his lavish Trump Hotel in Washington DC.Trump loves the troops.It’s just too bad Democrats stole his military vote.Via Jack Posobiec.SCOOP: Trump has given permission for the troops to stay at Trump Hotel DC if any of them need, per advisor @OANN — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) January 22, 2021-Biden and Pelosi called up the troops for selfies, then discarded them like stage props— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) January 22, 2021-WATCH:Wow! Donald Trump has opened up his hotel to DC police!— JT Lewis (@thejtlewis) January 22, 2021.

The Life and Crimes of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden that the mainstream media doesn’t want you to read-The fact that the Hunter Biden disk drive was with the FBI for several months with no action taken shows the level of corruption that is seeping American institutions.2 November, 2020-Satyanarayana Dosapati

Why is Biden so soft on China? Referring to CNN in one of his speeches Donald Trump called them ‘crazy and stupid bastards‘ for their myopic narrative that Trump will lose even as the polls show Trump is narrowing the margin [1]. This type of language is also used by Joe Biden but leaving the epithet aside, those who are following the news of Hunter Biden’s hard drive will be ‘crazy and stupid’ not to reflect what we are up against [2]. Media constantly pointed to Trump’s handling of the Wuhan virus but are deliberately leaving aside the news of Bidens’ role in empowering China that brought the pandemic in the first place-Looking the other way-We are not talking millions, we are talking about enriching themselves possibly billions of dollars by empowering countries like China at the cost of the US interests. It is about looking the other way while China builds up South China Sea Islands (SCI) as Chinese military posts that have become a threat to the South China sea by taking a billion and a half dollars in private equity and more [3] [4].We are talking about assisting China to grab the world’s precious metals mines in Africa that the world needs for building battery-powered cars (nickel), strong military equipment/infrastructure (molybdenum), and the only other alternative rest of the world now has is the moon! It is about actively helping China steal precious American technology, nuclear, and many other areas of defence emboldening China to grab and steal land, sea, and air rights.Billions of US taxpayer money given away as part of private deals with little accountability in every country, Biden has responsibility whether it is China, Ukraine, Russia, or Iraq.The Billion Dollar investment-Two weeks after Biden’s official trip as VP to China with Hunter in 2013, China invested 1.5 billion dollars (initially 1 billion) into Hunter Biden’s firm (Rosemont Seneca private equity)! Joe Biden went to China to discuss the China takeover & military buildup on the South China Sea Islands and high tariffs for American businesses. While little progress was made on those, his son was rewarded handsomely.Secret Empires-Conservative Peter Schweiger in his book, ‘Secret Empires‘ did not spare Republicans and even Trump particularly, the potential conflict of interest of his son-in-law Jared Kushner and the many international deals of Trump and his children. But what boggles your mind is the enormous corruption of Biden as Vice President using his son Hunter Biden and John Kerry as Secretary of State using his stepson Christopher Heinz and a friend of his son Devon Archer, under Obama timeline.Particularly with China, where these people created a series of LLCs with multi-billion dollar private equity deals with companies owned by the Chinese Government as detailed in the Peter Schweger article, ‘The troubling reasons why Biden is so soft on China.’ Was Obama sleeping/golfing or even part of it, we will not get to know easily? Not just selling America, these people are selling off Ukraine to their oligarchs, money laundering with oligarchs in Russia, in Kazakhstan, all of whom are pouring millions into their coffers [5]. Even looting from the native American tribes in the US is not a far reach fone of their partners Devon Archer [6].The Three Amigos-Soon after Obama Presidency started in 2009, VP Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson Chris Heinz, Chris friend Devon Archer together formed a company called ‘Rosemont Seneca Partners’, that was the centerpiece of the corruption selling US interests to China and many other countries. Devon Archer was convicted of stealing from the financial interests of US Native American tribes.Russian oligarch (widow of Moscow Mayor and friend of Putin) wire transferred 3.5 million dollars to Hunter Biden in 2014 [7].-The Giveaways-Billions of US taxpayer money given away as part of private deals with little accountability in every country, Biden has responsibility whether it is China, Ukraine, Russia, or Iraq. It is not just the son of Biden, but his brother James Biden who got a 1.5 billion dollars contract to build homes in Iraq with zero experience in real estate and pocketed big amounts [8] [9]. Even his daughter too.We now see the truth of many allegations against Biden as a VP, where he took his son and partners to his trips to foreign countries who were having parallel discussions of their shady ventures with foreign authorities and striking deals while father Biden barters away American interests as part of those negotiation deals. The person convicted of selling American technology to China lived a few feet away from Biden’s home in Delaware. We are talking about a big-time sale in our country.Brotherly Love-James Biden, brother of Joe Biden secured a 1.5 billion dollar US Government contract (i.e., taxpayers money) to build homes in Iraq from the US in 2010 (for a company that hired him even though he has zero experience in real estate). China financed a $100,000 global spending spree for James Biden and his wife (per Senate Committee report).Secretary of State John Kerry sold US Government access to his stepson, Chris Heinz, helping China steal US technologies while enriching themselves.Sordid habits-What is worse is also the many pornography pictures of minor girls as young as 15 years among the 28,000 photos cache on the disk, videos of the sexual orgies of Hunter Biden with minor girls, a father of 4 daughters, which if only China had access it would have literally blackmailed Biden (as a President). Even Bidens have not disowned the hard drive which has thousands (40,000+) of emails on how Hunter was working closely with his father who is selling US access/policy, US taxpayers money, as Vice President under Obama to benefit themselves.Fifty-Fifty-What seems tragic is in his hunger for corrupt money, Joe Biden used his own son as the front person for all the corrupt activities, leaving his son a chronic drug and sex addict while moving into the shady world of international political corruption. This fact was revealed in Hunter Biden’s email to his daughter on how he was supporting the Biden family for 30 years and giving 50% to father Biden. Hunter was also involved with firms in Russia and Eastern European countries’ that were involved in prostitution and human trafficking (per senate committee report).Hunter Biden’s iPhone text message to his daughter Naomi on Jan 3, 2019, on how he is supporting the Biden family for 30 years and how he is giving Pop (i.e., Joe Biden) half of what he earns (taken from hard drive).It makes you wonder whether those of us who come for better opportunities from India with its history of political corruption and cronyism under Congress rule are eventually going to face a similar situation in this country, which will be felt by generations after us, perhaps in just one or two generations. Yes, America has a lot of resources and it will be a few decades before it becomes another second or third world country. It does not take long to turn a country into a banana republic.The fact that the Hunter Biden disk drive was with the FBI for several months with no action taken shows the level of corruption that is seeping American institutions. It is true that corruption at high levels is not new even in America and many Presidents fought against it and some contributed to it, but nothing seems the level of brazenness as that of Biden/Kerry and their family members.How China became a menace-If China has become such a menace today, it is not due to the small part played by these selfish people. If some express the possibility that the day Biden takes up Presidency, China may attack India, will go on a no-holds-barred spree in the South China sea and will follow up another virus in a year or two after the current virus subsides (if that suits them), there is an element of truth to it. While few democrats engage in such brazen corruption, every vote for any Democrat in this election will be strengthening the Bidens.China’s military build-up at South China Sea Islands like this, which Joe Biden as VP looked another way (in return for funds for his son’s companies) representing a mortal threat to Asia as well as the US.‘Secret Empires‘ audiobook is available on YouTube and I urge readers to listen to at least chapters 2,3,4 (chapter wise links given below) [10]. This book was published in 2018 and what we see in Hunter’s hard disk not just corroborates all the things he said but much more, much much more. The fact that the establishment that benefited most from China’s gold rush wants to suppress the contents of the hard drive, is precise because they are most damaging and most damning. Peter’s article in NY Post, a must-read, also summarizes the reason why Biden is so soft on China.Also, if anyone is interested in grey’ ed out sexual orgies of Hunter Biden from his disk, they are published on The Gateway Pundit‘ site by patriots [11], who want to inform the public so that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will not blackmail the US and other countries using them. Apparently, even Russians have Hunter orgy videos.Note: The article was first published on pgurus and has been reproduced here at the author’s request.

Hunter Biden Made Money on China’s Energy Company CEFC On Its Way Up and On Its Way Down-By Joe Hoft-Published December 22, 2020 at 10:30am

Hunter Biden and the Biden family were happy to make money from the Chinese at CEFC on their way up and on their way down.You can’t make this stuff up.  The Bidens made money on Chinese company CEFC when it went up and when it went down.We’ve already reported how the Bidens were involved with CEFC and how they brought New York Governor Cuomo into the scene as well:We also reported that the entire Hunter Biden fiasco with CEFC was what Carter Page was blamed for doing while Hunter Biden did it:Today we can report that the Bidens made money off of CEFC after they were taken over and were on their way down as well.  (Hat tip Yaacov Apelbaum.)-Patrick Ho (the Vice-chairman and Secretary-General of the CEFC) was busted in New York for international money laundering, conspiracy, and violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, his partner Hunter signed up to be his lawyer.  Hunter’s retainer was $1 million.Hunter, who is not a criminal attorney, ended-up hiring another attorney named Edward Y. Kim.  Not surprisingly, Kim spent a decade as a federal prosecutor with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) in the Southern district in NY.The outcome of all of this compilation of money and political influence was that out of his three year sentence, Ho ended up serving only a few months before he was released.This is life in today’s dual system of justice but Bill Barr says everything is fine.  Nothing to see here.

Biden to review ‘serious, growing national security threat’ from domestic groups-Move could see US law enforcement and intelligence pivot from focus on overseas terror toward the threats posed by American violent extremism-By Eric Tucker-JAN 22.21-Today, 11:16 pm

WASHINGTON (AP) —US President Joe Biden has directed law enforcement and intelligence officials in his administration to study the threat of domestic violent extremism in the United States, an undertaking being launched weeks after a mob of insurgents loyal to Donald Trump stormed the US Capitol.The disclosure Friday by White House press secretary Jen Psaki is a stark acknowledgment of the national security threat that officials see as posed by American extremists motivated to violence by radical ideology. The involvement of the director of national intelligence, an office created after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to prevent international terrorism, suggests that American authorities are examining how to pivot to a more concerted focus on violence from extremists at home.The threat assessment, coordinated by the national intelligence office, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, will be used as a foundation to develop policy, the White House said. In addition, the National Security Council will do its own policy review to see how information about the problem can be better shared across the government. And the administration will work on a more coordinated approach, with a focus on addressing social media and radicalization, she said.“The Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol and the tragic deaths and destruction that occurred underscored what we all know: The rise of domestic violent extremism is a serious and growing national security threat,” Psaki said, adding that the administration will confront the problem with resources, policies and “respect for constitutionally protected free speech and political activities.”The riot at the Capitol, which led last week to Trump’s second impeachment, raised questions about whether a federal government national security apparatus that for years has moved aggressively to combat threats from foreign terror groups and their followers in America is adequately equipped to address the threat of domestic extremism. It’s an issue that has flared periodically over the years, with different attacks — including a massacre at a Pittsburgh synagogue — renewing debate over whether a law specific to domestic terrorism is needed.It is unclear when the threat assessment will conclude or whether it will precipitate law enforcement and intelligence getting new tools or authorities to address a problem that officials say has proved challenging to combat, partly because of First Amendment protections.FBI Director Chris Wray said last fall that, over the past year, the most lethal violence has come from anti-government activists, such as anarchists and militia types.Law enforcement agencies are under scrutiny for their preparations for Jan. 6, when a violent mob of Trump supporters overran the police and stormed into the Capitol. More than 150 people are facing charges so far, including a man who was photographed wearing a “Camp Auschwitz” shirt, as well as QAnon conspiracy theorists and members of militia groups.

‘There will be a trial’: US House to send Trump impeachment article MondaySchumer announces speedy impeachment, rejecting Senate Republican leader’s proposal to push back start of trial to February to give former president time to prepare-By MARY CLARE JALONICK and LISA MASCARO-JAN 22,21-Today, 6:17 pm

WASHINGTON (AP) — US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to send the article of impeachment against Donald Trump to the Senate on Monday, launching the start of the former president’s trial on a charge of incitement of insurrection over the deadly Capitol riot.Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced the schedule Friday.“There will be a trial,” Schumer said. “It will be a full trial, it will be a fair trial”Trump is the first president to be twice impeached and the first to face a trial after leaving office.While the transmission of the article launches the trial, the schedule ahead remains uncertain.On Thursday, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell proposed pushing back the start of Trump’s impeachment trial to February to give the former president time to prepare and review his case.I have spoken to @SpeakerPelosi. The articles of impeachment will be delivered to the Senate on Monday.Make no mistake: There will be a full trial. There will be a fair trial. — Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) January 22, 202House Democrats who voted to impeach Trump last week for inciting the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol riot say a full reckoning is necessary before the country — and the Congress — can move on.But McConnell in a statement Thursday evening suggested a more expansive timeline that would see the House transmit the article of impeachment next week, on Jan. 28, launching the trial’s first phase. After that, the Senate would give the president’s defense team and House prosecutors two weeks to file briefs. Arguments in the trial would likely begin in mid-February.“Senate Republicans are strongly united behind the principle that the institution of the Senate, the office of the presidency, and former President Trump himself all deserve a full and fair process that respects his rights and the serious factual, legal, and constitutional questions at stake,” especially given the unprecedented speed of the House process, McConnell said.Schumer is reviewing the plan and will discuss it with McConnell, a spokesperson said. The two leaders are also negotiating how the new 50-50 Senate will work and how they will balance other priorities.A trial delay could appeal to some Democrats, as it would give the Senate more time to confirm President Joe Biden’s Cabinet nominees and debate a new round of coronavirus relief. Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware, a key ally of the president’s, told CNN that Democrats would consider a delay “if we are making progress on confirming the very talented, seasoned and diverse team that President Joe Biden has nominated.”Pelosi said Trump doesn’t deserve a “get-out-of-jail card” just because he has left office and Biden and others are calling for national unity.Facing his second impeachment trial in two years, Trump began to assemble his defense team by hiring attorney Butch Bowers to represent him, according to an adviser. Bowers previously served as counsel to former South Carolina Govs. Nikki Haley and Mark Sanford.Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina helped Trump find Bowers after members of his past legal teams indicated they did not plan to join the new effort. Trump is at a disadvantage compared to his first trial, in which he had the full resources of the White House counsel’s office to defend him.Pelosi’s nine impeachment managers, who will be prosecuting the House case, have been regularly meeting to discuss strategy. Pelosi said she would talk to them “in the next few days” about when the Senate might be ready for a trial.Shortly before the Jan. 6 insurrection, Trump told thousands of his supporters at a rally near the White House to “fight like hell” against the election results that Congress was certifying. A mob marched down to the Capitol and rushed in, interrupting the count. Five people, including a Capitol Police officer, died in the mayhem, and the House impeached Trump a week later, with 10 Republicans joining all Democrats in support.Pelosi said it would be “harmful to unity” to forget that “people died here on Jan. 6, the attempt to undermine our election, to undermine our democracy, to dishonor our Constitution.”Senator Mitch McConnell, the top Republican, walks to the chamber for the start of business as the minority leader, at the Capitol in Washington, Jan. 21, 2021. (AP/J. Scott Applewhite)-Trump was acquitted by the Republican-led Senate at his first impeachment trial. The White House legal team, aided by Trump’s personal lawyers, aggressively fought the House charges that he had encouraged the president of Ukraine to investigate Biden in exchange for military aid. This time around, Pelosi noted, the House is not seeking to convict the president over private conversations but for a very public insurrection that they themselves experienced and that played out on live television.“This year, the whole world bore witness to the president’s incitement,” Pelosi said.Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the No. 2 Senate Democrat, said it was still too early to know how long a trial would take or if Democrats would want to call witnesses. But he said, “You don’t need to tell us what was going on with the mob scene we were rushing down the staircase to escape.”McConnell, who said this week that Trump “provoked” his supporters before the riot, has not said how he will vote. He told his GOP colleagues that it will be a vote of conscience.Democrats would need the support of at least 17 Republicans to convict Trump, a high bar. While a handful of Senate Republicans have indicated they are open to conviction, most have said they believe a trial will be divisive and questioned the legality of trying a president after he has left office.Graham said that if he were Trump’s lawyer, he would focus on that argument and on the merits of the case — and whether it was “incitement” under the law.“I guess the public record is your television screen,” Graham said. “So, I don’t see why this would take a long time.”

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