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Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol-October 25, 2021 ( ago)

In a House hearing on Thursday, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) questioned AG Merrick Garland about a mysterious man, Ray Epps, instructing protesters to enter the US Capitol building on January 5, and who later shepherded crowds towards the Capitol on January 6. I questioned Attorney General Garland about whether there were Federal Agents present on 1/6 and whether they agitated to go into the Capitol. Attorney General Garland refused to answer. — Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) October 21, 2021-The story of the mystery man, Ray Epps, featured in Rep. Massie’s video above is in fact far more shocking than even the good Congressman implies in the hearing. It’s a story so strange, and so scandalous at every turn, that it threatens to shatter the entire official narrative of the “Capitol Breach” and expose yet another dimension of proactive federal involvement in the so-called “insurrection” of January 6th.If Revolver News’s previous reporting points to a proactive role of the federal government in relation to the conspiracy cases against Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, the Ray Epps story that follows suggests a similar, yet more egregious, explicit, direct and immediate degree of federal involvement in the breach of the Capitol itself. Here is a transcript of Thomas Massie’s exchange with the Attorney General, just in case you skipped past the video above. Rep. Massie: As far as we can determine, the individual who was saying he’ll probably go to jail, he’ll probably be arrested, but they need to go into the Capitol the next day, is then directing people into the Capitol the next day, is then the next day directing people to the Capitol. And as far as we can find. You said this is one of the most sweeping in history. Have you seen that video, or those frames from that video? AG Garland: So as I said at the outset, one of the norms of the Justice Department is to not comment on pending investigations, and particularly not to comment on particular scenes or particular individuals.  Rep. Massie: I was hoping today to give you an opportunity to put to rest the concerns that people have that there were federal agents or assets of the federal government present on January 5 and January 6. Can you tell us, without talking about particular incidents or particular videos, how many agents or assets of the federal government were present on January 6, whether they agitated to go into the Capitol, and if any of them did?  AG Garland: So I’m not going to violate this norm of, uh, of, of, of, the rule of law. [Looks down and away]  I’m not going to comment on an investigation that’s ongoing.There is good reason why AG Garland ran from Massie’s question faster than he could find words — and why he couldn’t even keep eye contact as he was dodging Massie’s gaze.After months of research, Revolver’s investigative reporting team can now reveal that Ray Epps appears to be among the primary orchestrators of the very first breach of the Capitol’s police barricades at 12:50pm on January 6. Epps appears to have led the “breach team” that committed the very first illegal acts on that fateful day. What’s more, Epps and his “breach team” did all their dirty work with 20 minutes still remaining in President Trump’s National Mall speech, and with the vast majority of Trump supporters still 30 minutes away from the Capitol.Secondly, Revolver also determined, and will prove below, that the the FBI stealthily removed Ray Epps from its Capitol Violence Most Wanted List on July 1, just one day after Revolver exposed the inexplicable and puzzlesome FBI protection of known Epps associate and Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes. July 1 was also just one day after separate New York Times report amplified a glaring, falsifiable lie about Epps’s role in the events of January 6. Lastly, Ray Epps appears to have worked alongside several individuals — many of them suspiciously unindicted — to carry out a breach of the police barricades that induced a subsequent flood of unsuspecting MAGA protesters to unwittingly trespass on Capitol restricted grounds and place themselves in legal jeopardy.Corroborating Ray Epps’s Identity-Identifying the individual in Thomas Massie’s video as Ray Epps was a surprisingly quick and easy task for the Internet.It took less than a week after January 6 for online researchers to track Epps down and confirm his identity. Researchers uncovered his personal Facebook profile, where Epps shared his life story on Mark Zuckerberg’s social media app, under his real name.On Facebook, Epps posted photos of himself boating, on horseback, and bear-hunting with a crossbow.That’s a pretty big bear to hunt with a crossbow. And in many respects, Epps is quite an impressive figure. He served in the US Marines and ultimately worked his way up to full Marine Sergeant, according to his previous public title “SGT USMC” (Sergeant, US Marine Corp) and his private Facebook nostalgic musings.Researchers went on to locate Epps’s ranch in Arizona, his events business, his private holding company, along with every publicly discoverable record imaginable. They even found his Facebook likes, religious affiliation, and preferred insurance agents and plumbing services, which we’ll avoid reporting in the interest of sparing unnecessary private details.Epps, who grew up in Arizona and still lives there today, was contacted directly by local newspaper Arizona Central on January 11 — less than a week after January 6, and just three days after Epps was added to the FBI Most Wanted List, a detail upon which we will elaborate later on in this report.AZ Central, which published its contemporaneous article on Epps under the original headline, In video, Trump supporter says, ‘We need to go into the Capitol’, first confirms his attendance at the Capitol protest:A Queen Creek man who acknowledges he was in Washington, D.C., for last week’s rally by President Donald Trump also appears to be shown in videos taken the night before talking about plans to go inside the U.S. Capitol. In one video that has been widely viewed on Twitter, he can be heard saying, “I don’t even like to say it because I’ll be arrested. I’ll say it. We need to go into the Capitol.”  Ray Epps told The Arizona Republic in a brief telephone interview Monday that he had traveled to the capital for the event, and that he had been advised by an attorney not to speak about it.“I think the truth needs to get out,” he said. A video online appears to show him saying, “We’re here to defend the Constitution” and “We need to go into the Capitol. Epps didn’t stop at simply confirming his presence at the Capitol. Epps effectively corroborated on record that he was the exact same man telling Trump supporters they needed to go inside the Capitol. Asked about it, he first told The Republic he would need to see the video. When read a transcript of the comments, he said, “The only thing that meant is we would go in the doors like everyone else. It was totally, totally wrong the way they went in.” [AZ Central]The video below compiles shortened versions of five separate exchanges involving Epps at various hours during the night of January 5 and afternoon of January 6.As you process the video above and the information to follow, it is important to keep in mind: Ray Epps is a free man. He has never been arrested or charged. Nearly 10 months after January 6, the FBI and Justice Department still refuse to comment on whether Epps has ever been served a search warrant.But we do know that at least rank-and-file FBI investigators were intensely interested in Ray Epps in the immediate aftermath of January 6.By January 8, the FBI Capitol Violence Most Wanted List featured a big fat friendly face shot of Ray Epps. The FBI’s Washington Field Office, in a tweet the same day, called for the public’s help in identifying Epps. Epps, dressed in full camo with a bright red “Trump” hat, is the FBI’s “Suspect 16” in the bottom-left quadrant of both images reproduced below:For your edification, we matched FBI Suspect Photo #16 to the timestamp 0:48 of the full barricade breach source video:There are currently 486 suspects in the FBI’s Capitol Violence Most Wanted list. The fact that Ray Epps was one of the first 20 suspects the FBI ever publicly featured on its “be on the lookout” boards and “Most Wanted” lists reveals just how high a priority the FBI’s rank-and-file investigators considered Epps to be.So to recap, on January 8, the FBI begged the public’s help to identify the mysterious “Person #16.”Then, a funny thing happened: the public actually delivered.Initially, swarms of left-wing researcher accounts, Antifa groups, and partisan non-profits leapt into Crowdsourced Internet Detective mode. They assigned Epps’s identity various hashtags and tracked his movements throughout January 5-6. The primary three hashtags assigned to Epps were: #CrowdControl, because of the way Epps was always controlling every crowd he was a part of on both January 5 and January 6; #FedBoomer, because of the shocking video (analyzed below) of Epps being shouted down as a “Fed” by Trump supporters for proposing to enter the Capitol; and  #BigMagaCamo, which came to be Epps’s final, neutral descriptor name. It is under the #BigMagaCamo moniker that virtually all left-wing databases, shared Google spreadsheets and multimedia archives retain most of their Ray Epps information.Within days of the riot at the Capitol, archives quickly swelled with videos and images of Epps.Ray Epps played two roles in virtually every encounter during his Commando Capitol Tour on January 6.First, Epps instructed his commandos and the crowds at his attention to rush into the Capitol and let nothing stop them. Second, Epps assiduously protected cops and law enforcement so no local or federal officers would be harmed during the precision breaches.If you want to see what this walking philosophical paradox looks like in action, here’s a clip of Epps patrolling the very front police lines of the Capitol’s Western Plaza at approximately 3:15 p.m at the height of the day’s mania — nearly two and a half hours after Epps and his “breach team” appeared to coordinate the toppling of the Capitol’s west-side police barricades. This was also nearly a full hour after the US Capitol building itself had already been breached. With Epps’s stated mission of breaching the Capitol accomplished, and hundreds of Trump supporters already inside, Epps’s mission magically switched to calming the crowd down, assuring them “We already made our point,” and ensuring that no more of his apparently fellow officers got hurt that afternoon: So on January 8, 2021, the FBI begged the public for information regarding the identity of Suspect 16, Ray Epps, and even offered a cash reward.The public obliged, and in less than three days, Ray Epps was identified as Suspect 16. Researchers corroborated his identity with troves of unassailable direct evidence, including an effective confession from Epps himself to his own local newspaper.Then, for nearly six months, amidst the biggest manhunt in American history, the FBI did nothing with this information. As the FBI did nothing on Epps, it was simultaneously investigating, arresting, raiding and imprisoning hundreds of completely benign MAGA moms and social media trolls — mostly for minor misdemeanor trespassing charges.Then, on July 1, between the hours of 3:37 a.m. and 5:55 p.m., the FBI finally took action on Ray Epps. But not to prosecute him, or to announce a sweeping investigation or FBI SWAT raid on Epps’s house for all of his phones and electronics. Instead, someone at the FBI quietly and stealthily purged every trace of Ray Epps from the Capitol Riots Most Wanted database.Using the Wayback Machine from, we see that from January 8, 2021 until 3:37 a.m. on July 1, every archived version of the website shows Ray Epps as Suspect 16. The below photo is just a snapshot sample from February 16, 2021 — but users can view the Web Archive themselves to witness the Ray Epps purge occurring sometime between 3:37 a.m. and 5:55 p.m. on July 1. That would be during the FBI workday.On, July 1, Ray Epps, Suspect 16, was disappeared, as if he never existed.Now let’s be clear: Ray Epps was not purged because he was arrested. If Epps was arrested, the FBI Wanted List would have the caption “ARRESTED” affixed to his picture, as you can plainly see is done for all other arrested suspects in the database itself.Further, the searchable Justive.Gov Capitol Breach Cases database confirms there are no case dockets or filings for any “Epps” at all.To anyone checking the January 6 FBI Most Wanted List today, “Suspect 16” is just a ghost. Only obsessive, fastidious Wayback Machine users spending hours pouring through archived screenshots could ever forensically confirm Ray Epps was ever really a Wanted Man.The question then arises: what prompted the FBI’s six-month slumber on Epps, and then their sudden purger on July 1?Well, they panicked. Two major media reports (discussed below) came out on June 30, each of which touched the Ray Epps “Third Rail” from different angles, and the FBI likely realized it was no longer safe to maintain a digital record acknowledging they ever knew who this guy was. Then, the FBI hoped no one would notice the purged files, or would either politely look away or actively assist with their cover-up.Let’s spell out the chronology a bit more before discussing the two pieces that likely prompted the FBI’s freakout.First, while left-wing and Antifa accounts had been all over Ray Epps since Week 1, Epps did not come to right-wing and pro-Trump researchers’ attention until June 17, when a viral Twitter thread highlighted a series of shocking, verifiable livestream video timestamps where Epps instructed Trump supporters to go into the Capitol and then was shouted down on suspicions he was a Federal agent.Just three days prior to the publication of the Epps Twitter thread, Revolver published a June 14 report on FBI operatives embedded within the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers on January 6th, which created a national narrative igniting a firestorm around the issue.With Revolver’s piece catching national attention, the Epps Twitter clips posted on June 17 intensified right-wing interest in how it could be possible that Epps remained unindicted. After all, the Justice Department, in its hundreds of arrests, claims to still be stumped by the lack of evidence that anyone had actually pre-planned the storming of the Capitol.On June 30th, the New York Times published a piece entitled Inside the Capitol Riot: An Exclusive Video Investigation. This is the first of the two aforementioned June 30th publications that caused major problems for the FBI’s narrative.The New York Times analysis purported to be “the official record” of what happened at the Capitol that day. But there were a few problems with “the official record” produced by the New York Times. For one, it told an outright lie about Ray Epps: One of the biggest questions hanging over the aftermath of Jan. 6 was whether the riot was planned and carried out by organized groups. By identifying and tracking key players throughout the day, we found that most — even some at the forefront of the action — were ardent, but disorganized Trump supporters swept up in the moment and acting individually. The first person to enter the Capitol building, for example, was a 43-year-old husband and father from Kentucky named Michael Sparks. He has no known affiliation with any organized groups. Ray Epps, an Arizona man seen in widely-circulated videos telling Trump supporters on multiple occasions to go into the Capitol, also seemed to have acted on his own.The NYT appears to be running cover for the FBI by referencing Epps’s appearance in “widely-circulated videos” and concluding that he “seemed to have acted on his own.”This media malpractice NYT cover-up lie could not be further from the truth.Below, we see Epps give explicit instructions, mere minutes before the very first breach of a police barricade on January 6. He gives these instructions to a still-unindicted, still “FBI Wanted” ex-Marine commando nicknamed “MaroonPB” who is antagonizing police officers with a blazing bullhorn.After receiving instructions from Epps, MaroonPB replies, “Noted” — which, last we checked, means “stipulated”, “understood” or “agreed.” This is an explicit verbal agreement between two or more people — the opposite of the NYT’s claim that Epps “acted on his own.”In case it wasn’t clear enough already, Epps also says “One more thing” — stipulating he gave the man a set of instructions before adding others. And those next instructions were, “When we go in, leave this here,” likely in reference to MaroonPB’s cannister of bear spray.Amazingly, on June 30th, the NYT’s “Insurrection” obsessives, trying to decipher a secret “dog whistle” between President Trump, Stephen Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, and Roger Stone and the tens of thousands of MAGA protesters in DC that day, were now poking their own eyes out to avoid acknowledging actual coordination, caught on tape, between unindicted persons apparently orchestrating the opening act of the Capitol attack.In any case, the NYT story must have created a real public relations headache for the FBI. How could the New York Times tell tens of millions of people that Epps was a key instigator in the “Makeup of the Mob” if the FBI had already known about Epps for 6+ months and even had his mugshot on the Most Wanted list? Perhaps the Times would have done the FBI a much bigger favor if they had simply not referred to Epps at all.Could it be that the FBI decided they’d just purge Epps from the list, never tell anyone, and pretend they had never seen all the videotapes, the images, the message boards, the newspaper confession, and so on? As long as no one blew up Ray Epps’s name any further, the whole thing might blow over.Also on June 30th, Revolver published a bombshell report exploring the extraordinary degree of federal protection afforded to founder and leader of the Oath Keepers militia, a man named Stewart Rhodes. This is the second of the aforementioned two pieces that likely triggered the FBI’s freakout.A recent Revolver update on the inexplicable FBI protection of Stewart Rhodes recaps the strange situation.Prosecutors argue it was: Rhodes who established the Oath Keepers conspiracy; hodes who recruited people into the conspiracy; Rhodes who organized and gave key instructions to the conspirators;Rhodes who suggested the use of illegal weapons such as “collapsible batons”;Rhodes who activated the conspiracy in real-time on January 6 via text messages and phone calls to his lieutenants from 1:38 – 2:40 p.m..; Rhodes who waited on the Capitol steps for the completion of the conspiracy from approximately 3:30-4:00 p.m..; and  Rhodes who later congratulated everyone on a conspiracy well done at 7:14 p.m.Furthermore, The Oath Keepers indictment cites 18 phone calls as evidence of coordination of a common conspiracy (for those following along, these calls are in paragraphs 105, 107, 108, 113, 114, 116, 118, 122, 123, 125, 126, 130, 134, 135, 138, 174, 175, and 176). Stewart Rhodes is the person either calling or being called in 10 of these 18 calls. Put another way: Rhodes makes or receives 55% of all phone calls in a massive conspiracy case spanning 16 defendants. When you combine phone calls involving Rhodes and those involving the mysteriously unindicted Person Ten, who Rhodes appointed his ground commander for the day, that number rises to 100% of all phone calls.So what exactly does the curious case of Stewart Rhodes have to do with Ray Epps? Students of FBI history should quickly absorb the lesson that infiltrating Feds are like roaches: whenever you spot one, it is guaranteed there are dozens of others nearby. Feds simply never, ever, operate alone. This is how you end up with at least 12 FBI informants in a tiny “right-wing” Michigan militia plot from October 2020 (that’s just informants, not even agents), 15 informants in the “right-wing” 2016 Malheur plot, dozens in the 2014 Bundy Ranch affair — including six FBI undercover agents posing as fake documentarians shooting a fake documentary — and the list goes on.You’ll be shocked, then, to learn that the Oath Keepers sport an eye-poppingly long history of FBI infiltration.And lo and below, Ray Epps and Oath Keepers kingpin Stewart Rhodes are old pals in the organization. In fact, Stewart Rhodes was Ray Epps’s old boss. Back in 2011-2012, Epps was the Arizona state chapter leader of the Oath Keepers — the biggest Oath Keepers chapter in the country — while Rhodes was and remains the national leader. (See, e.g., archived proof of Epps as Arizona Oath Keeper President here, here and here.) Reason Magazine’s Radley Balko even interviewed Ray Epps while Epps was running the Arizona Oath Keepers a decade ago: This week I also spoke with Ray Epps, a retired Marine sergeant from Mesa, Arizona and president of the Arizona chapter of Oath Keepers, the controversial organization of police and military personnel who have vowed not to enforce laws they believe are unconstitutional. After hearing about Guerena’s death, Epps drove to Tucson to investigate.Oddly, Stewart Rhodes’s website deleted several historical blog posts featuring events run by Ray Epps, where Epps was listed as both President and Press Contact.The Wayback Machine’s automatic archiving process suggests Stewart Rhodes’s posts concerning Ray Epps were effectively dormant from 2011 until 2021. Then, at approximately 3 p.m. on January 27, 2021, there is an update showing the page had been 404’d.January 27 is less than three weeks after Ray Epps was added to the FBI’s January 6 Most Wanted List. January 27 is also the same day the very first criminal indictment against the Oath Keepers was unsealed and made available to the public.Here you can see Ray Epps and Stewart Rhodes marching side by side at a march they organized, while Epps was in charge of Arizona. They are the duo chatting with each other immediately after the flagbearers:Here you can see Ray Epps and Stewart Rhodes together at a memorial service.And here you can see a joint hometown buffet the duo hosted in Arizona.While a precise timeline of Epps’s Oath Keeper relationship is not yet known, several data points are revealing.Public property records show Ray Epps lived in Arizona in 2009, and returned to Arizona in 2011. For a brief period in 2010, Epps appeared to maintain a residence in Las Vegas, Nevada. Given that this is exactly where Stewart Rhodes was living at the time, and that Epps returned to Arizona to become Stewart Rhodes’s top lieutenant as President of the Oath Keepers’ largest state chapter, Arizona, it seems quite plausible that Epps and Rhodes were early associates at the very outset of the Oath Keepers as an organization.Now, let’s tell the story of Ray Epp’s journey through the 1/6 universe.Epps’s Actions On January 5We will now review a series of clips which run from approximately 10:30 p.m.- midnight on the evening of January 5. The scenes depicted in the following clips all occurred in the newly named Black Lives Matter Plaza at 16th St NW in DC — just blocks from the White House.There, Trump supporters from around the country who had flown in for the protest gathered together. They had just been separated from Antifa/BLM counter-protesters, some of whom had been violently attacking Trump supporters that strayed from the main crowd. Some Trump supporters, including isolated women, were beaten senseless and bloody on the street, and the crowd was particularly agitated as a result. You’ll hear the forthcoming clip begin with a Trump supporter saying “They’re not Americans, they’re terrorists,” referring to the Antifa/BLM group that attacked them.There was a very West Side Story feel to the two gangs being separated by a police line. But on the Trump side, Ray Epps held court, and he instructed the Trump crowd to redirect their energies away from counter-protesters, and join his plot to go inside the Capitol the next day instead.The Trump crowd immediately identified Epps’s proposal to storm the Capitol as something only a Fed would propose. This freeze frame of MAGA faithful pointing fingers at Epps while calling him a Fed is as telling as it is humorous:January 6, after all, was scheduled as a Trump rally. In the 323 rallies before Trump took office, and the 168 rallies thereafter, there had never been a single instance of rioting or pre-planned illegal activity.Lawbreaking was 0 for 491 at Trump rallies before January 6.Perhaps this extraordinarily track record of physical restraint explains why Epps’s arrest-bait proposal stood out like a sore thumb, and why he was quickly shouted down.But that above encounter was not the first time on January 5 that Epps held court in a crowded gathering, demanding everyone in earshot rush the Capitol the next day. In the following clip, from slightly earlier in the evening, Epps gives the same exact spiel, almost as if his lines were practiced and rehearsed. Note how Epps deploys the same preface of “I probably shouldn’t say this because I’ll probably get arrested” before making his same Capitol-invasion pitch, and delivers the same theatrical pause after “in” when he tells them: “We need to go in to the Capitol.”In every instance, Epps barges into other people’s conversations, wholly unwanted, to make his appeal.Trump supporters became so hostile towards Epps that they became openly disrespectful. This disrespect, in turn, elicited a sympathetic rejoinder from other Trump supporters, who appealed that Epps should be “thanked for his service.” After all, Ray Epps had been telling everyone within earshot that night that he had been a Sergeant in the Marines — which naturally appeals to the charity and gratitude that most Trump supporters extend toward any man or woman who has served the country in uniform.Notably, reverence towards military sergeants and elite commandos induces an “obedience” effect in normal citizens looking for leadership on who to follow and what to do in the midst of a chaotic situation. Oath Keeper and Army Green Beret veteran Jeremy Brown, whose incredible and scandalous arrest Revolver covered in a previous report, was solicited by federal agents just weeks before January, and was offered a cash reward to become a confidential FBI informant to turn on the Oath Keepers. Below, Brown provides audio from his recorded agents meeting, and then explains the “obedience” effect he knew his becoming an informant would have induced on those around him.And this brings us back to Marine Sergeant Ray Epps. Some protesters in the plaza were mad at Biden. Some were mad at BLM and Antifa. Some were mad at George Soros. Some were mad about Covid restrictions. Some were mad about election fraud. Some weren’t even mad — they just loved Trump and thought the event looked fun.Yet Epps was insistent that everyone stay focused on a common mission: storming the Capitol. On multiple livestreams, Epps moves from group to group throughout the plaza, barging in and insisting everyone “stay focused” on “what we’re here for” — which he would then explain meant going inside the US Capitol building. When asked to give a reason for his crazy plot, Epps would continually fall back on his catch-all rationale: “It’s about the Constitution.”In another clip, a young woman with a bullhorn addresses the Trump crowds’ grievances with various left-wing adversaries, including BLM, George Soros, and Covid tyranny. At that moment, Epps rushes in to stop and refocus her towards — you guessed it — storming the Capitol. This sequence immediately precedes the “Fed! Fed! Fed!” shout-down earlier, so while some of the action occurs off-camera in this livestream, you can see the context of how Epps was interacting with the crowd. Also below, note how Epps insisted on just “one minute” to make his pitch, but the crowd, already agitated with him, said they would only give him “30 seconds.”This same cycle repeated itself again and again during Epps’s 90-minute excursion in the plaza, as he moved from group to group, getting them “focused” on the mission for the next day. Whenever a different speaker or conversationalist aired a different grievance against any MAGA adversary, Epps would insist: “We’re here for another reason.”Here’s another example:Taking a closer look at the above clip, some careful readers might note that the man standing next to Ray Epps, who appears to say Epps sounded like “some Undercover Agent type shit,” is a man named John Sullivan.Sullivan is an interesting character in his own right and germane to the story at large.In the aftermath of 1/6, many Republicans were quick to blame the most incendiary and violent elements of 1/6 on Antifa or BLM. To support their hunch, Republicans especially cited the stand-out anecdote of John Sullivan.John Sullivan was the very peculiar character who filmed the vivid scene of Ashli Babbitt’s shocking death. As Babbitt lay bloody, helpless, and slowly dying, draped in a Trump 2020 flag, Sullivan’s high resolution livestream served as the world’s focal lens on the apex tragedy of the day’s events.The first videos you likely saw of Babbitt’s death had a watermark in the bottom right reading “Jayden X.” The watermark is still present in the iconic “broken glass” photo that was circulated widely on network news reports.“Jayden X” is one of several noms de plume of John Sullivan.Conservative politicians and MAGA supporters were quick to make the case that John Sullivan was an Antifa activist. That left-wing radical fixation dominated, for example, the March 3, 2021 Senate investigation hearing.Indeed, John Sullivan had purported to be a BLM/Antifa activist in at least two major US cities throughout 2020 before donning a MAGA hat and raiding the Capitol on January 6. Naturally, the MAGA world was shocked a hardcore left-wing riot-activist later turn-up inside the US Capitol building, recording an HD livestream, while shouting such things as “Let’s burn this shit down,” “We did this shit,” and “We took this shit.” Security guards also accused Sullivan of defacing statues while inside the Capitol. I studied video shot by Sullivan (Jayden X) in the Capitol and compiled some moments of him zealously celebrating the invasion & instigating the mob all the way up to Ashli Babbit's shooting. Watch with audio on. No committed BLM activist would say or do this – and he isn't one — Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) January 14, 2021 John Sullivan even smashed a window of the Capitol — perhaps by accident — while inside: John Sullivan (arrested) breaks Capitol-building window while pounding on it too hard. After completing this video I found this incident is in his affidavit, but here it is clarified. Source Affidavit @RebellionBaby @MaxBlumenthal — John Kriby (@johnkriby1) January 27, 2021And despite being detained on January 6 and questioned for an hour by both the Metropolitan PD and the FBI, John Sullivan was inexplicably released that very night.But John Sullivan was not exactly a BLM or Antifa activist in good standing. Amazingly, Sullivan had been kicked out of and permanently banned from multiple Antifa communities because Antifa cell leaders suspected John Sullivan of being an undercover FBI-handled agent provocateur sent to land them in jail.Republicans, despite being brutalized repeatedly by sociopathically corrupt FBI factions within the counterintelligence bureau at least dozens of times during Trump’s tenure in office, never seemed to ask themselves, until Revolver’s June 14 report, this question: What if the provocateurs, infiltrators and escalators of illegal activities weren’t coming from Antifa or BLM? What if they were coming straight from the FBI? As Revolver has repeatedly stressed: unlike Antifa or BLM, the FBI has actually done all of this before.So to recap, months before January 6, John Sullivan was banned from Antifa groups on suspicions of being a fed:🚨#SeattleProtests Community Alert: We have reason to believe that a likely infiltrator/agent provocateur by the name of John Sullivan, or “Activist John,” is attempting to insert himself in the Seattle protest community. (sorry babe, long thread) (1/23) #seattleprotestcomms — Rebellion Baby (@RebellionBaby) November 26, 2020 You can read the above entire thread here.In it, the pseudonymous author succinctly lists out typical behavioral patterns of infiltrators/agents provocateurs to watch out for, which served as the basis for ousting John Sullivan: New to the community, yet ignores existing safety standards. Eager to take on sudden leadership roles. Burned bridges or untraceable ties from prior communities. Lacking references. Moves quickly through different orgs and leaves a wake of discourse or drama. Charismatic/zealous, but acts without conviction. Grandiose plans of actions that are highly illegal/risky, but they want YOU to do it. Gravitates towards other abusers and grifters.Poor opsec/infosec, lack of interest in protecting comrades’ anonymity.Suspicious social media presence – new accounts, high # of follower w/ low engagement, or circular engagement within a few similar accounts. Spending doesn’t match stated source of income.Lashes out and makes accusations when confronted. Prioritizing personal financial or reputational gain. Grifting/profiteering, lack of transparency, centering their own story or “brand.” Eager to talk to press. [P]olice, or fed connections (personal, professional, familial).All twelve of these red flags apply to key figures in the 1/6 story who are far more significant than John Sullivan. Ten of these twelve red flags apply to Ray Epps, and virtually all of them appear to apply to Ray Epps’s former Oath Keeper boss, the still-unindicted, still-uninvestigated, still FBI-protected Stewart Rhodes.Sullivan also claimed to be a member of the media documenting the events of January 6th. CNN and NBC even paid him tens of thousands for his footage. It is worth remembering, however, that the FBI has a rather shocking history of deploying undercover agents and assets to pose as fake documentarians, to shoot fake “documentaries” and fake “exclusive footage” during high-profile right-wing protests and events.For example, the high-profile Bundy Family Ranch stand-off in April 2014, Stewart Rhodes and his Oath Keepers rocketed to national celebrity for leading the “scouts-out” perimeter of the ranch, which was the buffer zone between the Bundy family and the FBI. But unbeknownst to the Bunch ranchers where the Oath Keepers arrived, the FBI had sent in a fake documentary crew, with real Feds, shooting real footage, but with a fake documentary purpose — as a means of securing exclusive access, incriminating interviews and evidence about the Bundy Ranch participants: Now, here in the comforts of the Bellagio, six documentary filmmakers trained bright lights and high-definition cameras on Ryan [Bundy]. They wanted to ask about the standoff. Wearing a cowboy hat, Ryan fidgeted before the cameras. He had told this story before; that wasn’t the reason for his nerves… [S]omething seemed off to Ryan about this interview in the Bellagio. While the family’s newfound fame had attracted fresh supporters to their cause, it had also inspired suspicion. With a federal investigation looming, who among these new faces could they really trust?  Among the more recent figures in the Bundy orbit was this mysterious documentary film crew. The director, Charles Johnson, was middle-aged, with a silver goatee, slicked-back hair, and a thick southern accent. His assistant, who identified herself as Anna, was tall and blond. A website for their company, Longbow Productions, listed an address in Nashville, Tennessee, but the Bundys could find no previous examples of their work. As the cameras recorded, Ryan’s skepticism was plain. At times, his right eye rolled back into his head, the result of a childhood accident that paralyzed half of his face, and his gaze shifted to figures outside the shot. “There’s been a lot of red flags in the community about Longbow Productions,” one of his companions explained to the film crew. “No bullshit, straight talk. … It’s almost like you’re trying to make us incriminate ourselves.” With a conspicuously placed copy of the U.S. Constitution poking out of his left breast pocket, Ryan turned his gaze to Johnson. “We really do want to work with you, if that’s really what’s going on,” he said. But his family needed to know, “Is this just a mole project to garner information that will then be given to the feds?” Johnson insisted the project was a legitimate endeavor. “I want a truthful documentary.”“Alrighty,” Ryan said. “Let’s proceed.”“Quiet on the set,” Johnson told his crew.Ryan should have trusted his instincts. Johnson and his colleagues were not documentarians. They were undercover FBI agents posing as filmmakers. By the time they sat down with Ryan, Johnson and his team had spent eight months traveling to at least five states to film interviews with nearly two dozen people about the Bundy standoff, all part of an FBI effort to build criminal cases against the Bundys and their supporters. The story of the FBI’s fake documentary crew, revealed in more than 100 hours of video and audio recordings obtained by The Intercept, offers an unprecedented window into how federal law enforcement agents impersonate journalists to gain access to criminal suspects. The raw material produced by the FBI was presented under seal in the U.S. District Court in Nevada, where Ryan Bundy, his father, Cliven, and his brothers, as well as more than a dozen supporters, were charged with conspiracy, assault, weapons offenses, and other crimes related to their standoff with the government. [Intercept] Note the similarities: The same phenomenon of 100s of hours of mystery footage kept under seal and not being released; The same criminal charges the FBI was seeking (conspiracy to obstruct a federal proceeding);The same political group being targeted (constitutional conservatives, right-wing militias and patriot groups); and Even the very same right-wing agent provocateur “militia leaders” (e.g., Stewart Rhodes) who organized armed resistance paramilitaries in both cases but magically evaded all Justice Department attention in both aftermaths.Right now, John Sullivan is facing wrist-slap charges, was released immediately without bail. He then quickly breached those release conditions, but was given a highly unusual free pass by the judge.It’s hard to find a genuinely peaceful MAGA protester who has been treated so kindly by the Justice Department. For example, the aforementioned Oath Keeper and Green Beret veteran Jeremy Brown is being held behind bars, his bail denied until trial, simply for standing 100 feet too close to the Capitol steps. To reiterate, Brown — unlike John Sullivan — never even went inside the Capitol on January 6.Turning back to the Ray Epps – John Sullivan video clip above, it is remarkable to see Epps — a man kicked out of two group conversations by Trump supporters on accusations of being a Fed — and John Sullivan — a man kicked out of two cities by Antifa groups on accusations of being a Fed — sharing the same video frame, in the same group conversation, on the same night.And in that clip, Epps proposes such cartoonishly illegal activities that even John Sullivan jokes Ray Epps is on “some undercover agent type shit.”The simultaneous presence of both Epps and Sullivan at the same place, at the same time, in the exact same conversation circle, suggests the possibility these two were not there by accident, but rather were instructed or encouraged by handlers to go out and — as FBI Special Agent Impola instructed his assets in the Michigan Plot — “Maximize Attendance.”Epps’s singular focus on storming the Capitol was as remarkable as it was out-of-step with the agenda of everyone around him.In this clip, for instance, Ray Epps senses that some Trump supporters may be antagonizing police, and he rushes over to back them away. Later in the conversation, some Black Lives Matter members approach the crowd of Trump supporters, and Ray Epps makes the same pitch to the BLM supporters about their common purpose with Trump supporters, and the 1/6 protest being “about the Constitution.” Epps’s strange behavior, naturally, drew antagonism from some on the Trump side, who were confused as why Epps was kissing up to BLM. Indeed, Ray Epps was a man on a mission. And that mission appears to involve not hurting cops or get in tangles with BLM and Antifa. That mission appears to be to get as many Trump supporters as possible to storm the Capitol. While a bit outside the chronology and embedded above, the following clip from approximately 3pm on January 6 is revealing in how it shows Epps — in full #CrowdControl mode — patrolling the police line to back Trump supporters off the officers. Epps curiously tells them, “we already did what we came here to do.”Epps’s Actions On January 6: 10:24am-12:50pm-Now we will take a look at the first known clip of Epps on January 6. This recording is taken at 10:24 a.m. with a GPS position at the Washington Monument. Given that President Trump spoke from 12:10 p.m. until 1:00 p.m., this puts Epps on the outside entrance to Trump’s National Mall speech hours before it had started.In this clip, Epps bellows that “After the speech, we are going to the Capitol. Where our problems are.” Before Epps departs for the Capitol himself, he wants to make sure he has done everything in his power to maximize attendance at the Capitol after President Trump’s speech. Note also how no one else around him, in the thousands in the crowd, is doing anything remotely provacateuring, or even mentioning the Capitol as a site of possible unrest.Described below, Epps appears to have led the “breach team” that took down the very first police barricades of the day, overran the very first police officers, and opened the floodgates for thousands of Trump supporters to walk onto restricted Capitol grounds past the barricades. Because those barricades were quickly removed, and there was no other signage or reason to know that those ordinarily public grounds were restricted for the day, Ray Epps was part of the initial squad that led men like Jeremy Brown — charged for misdemeanor trespassing — to unwittingly walk into a booby trap.At some point after 10:24 a.m., Epps begins walking eastward from the Washington Monument. The next public video of Epps shows him at the Capitol grounds’ western entrance at approximately 12:50 p.m., inching his way forward to the front of the police barricade line.Remember: Trump’s speech didn’t even end until 1 p.m. The front line of the early Epps crowd would overrun the barricades while Trump — a 25-minute walk away from the Capitol — still had 20 minutes left in his speech. That means this early crowd who arrived at the Capitol at 12:50 p.m. could not have even listened to Donald Trump for more than a few minutes at the National Mall.Epps’s Actions On January 6: 12:50pm – The Leader Of “Breach Team 6”We now come to perhaps the two most important clips of this report: the footage that appears to depict Epps directing a number of men in the very first attack on the Capitol that fateful day.Researchers refer to the gang who took orchestrated this kick-off attack as #BreachTeam6. The nickname is wordplay on the elite “Seal Team 6” said to have carried out the 2011 raid on Osama Bin Laden.Researchers have assigned nicknames to all the main characters involved in Breach Team 6. Many, if not most, remain mysteriously unnamed, unidentified and unindicted ten months after the fact.Our main character, Ray Epps, AKA #BigMAGACamo,appears to be the team leader of Breach Team 6 on the ground.To be clear: the claim that this ~12:50 p.m. attack was the very first attack on January 6, kicking off the entire “riot,” is not a claim made by Revolver. It’s the claim made by the The New York Times, the Justice Department, and all other “official” pundits of the 1/6 commentariat.The New York Times — always covering up the real story and misleading its readers in the most shocking ways possible — tells the story as if it starts with the pushing of the barricades by a young man named Ryan Samsel, who we will cover below:And here’s the NYT’s written summary describing the Breach Team 6’s handiwork: The eastern crowd had remained largely behind the barricades, but all that changed with the arrival of rioters from around the side of the building. This more violent group was the trigger that put the entire mob over the edge, spurring them to push easily through a line of officers and surround the Capitol on every front.As you will see, this is an unconscionable act of deception by the New York Times in order to create a deceptively edited video timeline to support their demonstrably false claim that “Ray Epps… seemed to have acted on his own.”In this clip, which we played above but will now be analyzed in depth, Ray Epps is providing instructions to a man the FBI still lists in its Most Wanted database as “Suspect 273.” Researchers give Suspect 273 the moniker “#MaroonPB”, as he is seen marching with Proud Boys both on January 6 and at the earlier December 12 and November 14 Stop The Steal rallies, and is wearing maroon during the Capitol raid.In the below clip, the words of MaroonPB are depicted in white, and the words of Ray Epps are in yellow:Just minutes later, Ryan Samsel will “kick off the riot” by being the first person to shove the police barricades. But just 2.6 seconds (yes, we timed it) before Samsel kicks off the January 6 riot, he lends his ear to Ray Epps, who whispers something in turn.We will conclude our report with an in-depth analysis of these clips, and briefly tell the stories of “MaroonPB” and Ryan Samsel. Ray Epps and MaroonPB-The still-unidentified man known as MaroonPB is no small player in the major events of January 6. According to the FBI, MaroonPB coordinates the breaches of both sides of the US Capitol building, directs members of his team into restricted areas, physically removes police barricades, and even runs around the US Capitol building, entering Senators’ offices, armed with bear mace the whole time. He penetrated the doors of the Capitol just seven minutes before Ashli Babbitt was shot, according to the FBI:On January 6th, this individual can be seen communicating with others and initiating breach of the West side of the U.S. Capitol. He then moves to the East side to assist with the breach, moving barricades and directing people inside the restricted area. 273 enters into Capitol at approximately 2:38 PM at the East doors, seen with a can of mace/bear spray, and posing while holding Trump flag. Call 1-800-CALL-FBI or visit to submit information.This is all stipulated by the FBI, and he is on tape taking orders from Ray Epps just minutes before he kicks it all off. And yet the FBI has issued no arrests, and not even the announcement of a search warrant.Here is a highlight video of MaroonPB’s incredible swath of illegal activities in tour of crazy at the US Capitol on January 6:Let’s note a few things off the top:Just like Ray Epps, MaroonPB repeatedly cites the exact same “It’s about the Constitution” line. We know from FBI FOIA records that the FBI masquerades with copies of Oath Keeper pocket constitutions for use by its agents and assets in militia infiltration operations, and both Epps and MaroonPB cite “the Constitution” with the same lackluster conviction — using the words as a nebulous conservative catch-all with no logical connection as to why a citizen should temporarily enter an off-limits federal building.Just like Ray Epps, MaroonPB is ex-military. Both men are former Marines. Whereas Ray Epps was a Marine Sergeant, MaroonPB’s younger age suggests and subordinate role suggests that MaroonPB looked up to Ray Epps, and possibly even had a prior acquaintanceship related to their common military branch or common government network.Also, note that MaroonPB seems to hop from breach to breach throughout January 6, being in the lead at multiple different breach locations the very minute they are happening for the first time — on both sides of the Capitol.With all these actions and calls to invade the Capitol, MaroonPB is practically Ray Epps’s Mini-Me.We have created a similar “Where’s Waldo” type compilation for Ray Epps here:But perhaps the shocking fact about MaroonPB is this: It is inconceivable — one might say verging on genuinely impossible — that the FBI does not know who MaroonPB is.On July 30 — three months ago — the FBI tweeted out the same overwrought public cry for help to identify MaroonPB. This is the exact same ploy they used for Ray Epps — until the public actually succeeded in identifying Epps, and the FBI responded by wiping all trace of Epps faster than they wiped the log books and cameras for Jeffrey Epstein’s prison cell.The FBI already has in its MaroonPB file what can only be described as the world’s most perfect, well-preserved, crystalline set of doxxing information any domestic intelligence service in the world could possibly pray to the Surveillance State Gods for.The FBI “Wanted” page for him has several big fat full face shots, maskless, complete with unmistakably unique knuckle tattoos, as well as two full tattoo sleeves.You can literally read his knuckle tattoos. That’s how HD and pristine these photos are. That shirt says “Marines” by the way, just like Ray Epps, and just like Ryan Samsel (discussed below).The FBI even has multiple side profiles and 4K HD headshots of our Most Wanted Man smiling for the camera, complete with his already-doxxed network of Proud Boys with whom MaroonPB marched in November, again in December and finally again on January 6.Do we need to spell out how easy it should be for the FBI to identify this man? There is even a dazzling video archive of MaroonPB — already sent to the FBI by left-wing researchers in case they missed it — with dozens of detailed videos tracking MaroonPB’s every association and every move from January 5-6, as well as November and December. It’s not like the man Ray Epps was ordering around is a low-priority target. In addition to MaroonPB working with Epps and Breach Team 6 to cause multiple police barricades to be overrun, we have MaroonPB hurling himself through the main Columbus doors of the Capitol at 2:38pm, just two minutes ahead of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys:We have him chilling out in Senators’ offices.So with the US intelligence and security state’s panopticon’s facial ID programs, its infinite phone sweep and search warrant access, its pervasive shakedown powers, as well as a completely ridiculous quantity of high resolution photos and 4K HD videos of MaroonPB trouncing about face-unmasked, knuckle tatts bared, arm tattoo sleeves rolled, do you really think the FBI does not know the identity of this man? Yet this man, who on video claims to be one of “about a dozen or so” of the earliest barricade-breachers, is still chilling on the Most Wanted list, despite pulling the almost impossible hat trick of initiating two separate Capitol door breaches, trouncing through Senators officers, and being Platinum Tier Most Wanted Hall-Of-Famer for helping kick the entire Capitol riot off in the first place.Other than Ray Epps and a small handful of others, it’s hard to find a man with a more decorated “insurrection” resume than the young man smiling down on you from the safety of the FBI Most Wanted list.Here’s a question we’d like to see Merrick Garland dodge: Mr. Garland, is there now, and has there ever been, any individual(s) who appeared on the Capitol Violence Most Wanted List whose activities at the Capitol turned out to be part of their work as agents or assets of a US government agency? Garland cannot fall back on that question probing to an ongoing investigation. We’re not asking about an investigation. We’re asking a process question related to the FBI’s decision-making process for adding individuals to its Most Wanted list.We know from the past that the FBI does put people on the Most Wanted List who later turn out to be the FBI’s own informants and operatives. Just a few short years ago, the FBI put crime boss Whitey Bulger atop the FBI Wanted List for 11 separate murders — while simultaneously listing him in their own special access internal files as a confidential government informant, who regularly reported to a Special Agent handler, despite being a “Wanted” man. The FBI’s internal files on Bulger were only accessible by the FBI Field Office’s Special Agent-in-Charge and a small handful of select assistants — meaning the FBI’s rank-and-file thought Bulger was a top criminal they were pursuing, while the upper ranks stymied investigations because Bulger was a confidential human source they were protecting.If the FBI rather recently reserved the #2 slot on the Most Wanted List (behind only Osama Bin Laden) for one of its own insider confidential operatives, and compartmentalized access to that knowledge such that even most of the FBI didn’t know what was going on at the time, can anyone possibly trust the FBI to report accurate information on January 6? Is this why the information coming out of the FBI out January 6 is constantly so schizophrenic and self-contradicting? A few last data points on Ray Epps’s mad-lad MaroonPB:Amazingly, the FBI says MaroonPB was wielding the exact same brand of bear spray, Frontiersman, that the FBI and New York Times falsely accused George Tanios of wielding against Officer Brian Sicknick back in March.It was Revolver News’s exhaustive forensic analysis showing there was no plume of bear spray, and that the New York Times had simply falsely drawn a white box around an empty strip of air which the FBI then concurred with in court filings, that forced the New York Times to retract its false bear spray story and an appeals court to ultimately overrule George Tanios’s denial of bail.But here is MaroonPB with an actual can of actual Frontiersman bear spray, spraying an actual plume at the December 12 MAGA march, as well as him with bear spray again on January 6:This bear spray appears to be what Ray Epps is referring to at 0:24 when he points down at MaroonPB’s pants and says: “One more thing: when we go in, leave that here. We don’t want to get shot.”And indeed, in subsequent shots of MaroonPB in the Capitol and after this initial breach, the bear spray is gone from his right pocket. Yet again, MaroonPB seems to have followed Ray Epps’s explicit instructions.Ray Epps and Ryan SamselAt 12:53 p.m., the “Big Bang” sequence of January 6 explodes. It’s the exact moment of the first police barricade breach, and the start of the riot:As noted above, the New York Times and the Justice Department blame Ryan Samsel for starting the riot, and ignore the fact that just 2.6 seconds earlier, Samsel appeared to be taking explicit directions from Ray Epps—just like MaroonPB was.Let’s slow this clip down and focus in. Samsel is several bodies ahead of Epps when the clip starts. Epps then comes to the front line, actually grabs Samsel from behind, stops him, freezes him in place with his hand, then speaks directly into Samsel’s ear with his arm around him.While most of the sound is inaudible, you actually can hear between 0:49 – 0:50 of the source clip, Epps appears to say something like “We go West” — although it may be “We go up” or some similar phonetic variation. If “We go West” is indeed the words indicated from Revolver’s preliminary attempt at audio isolation (note: we do not yet assess a high confidence level to the audio, this is preliminary) that would be quite revealing. Both Epps and Samsel travel together all the way up to the Western Plaza to the front police lines there, as seen in our Where’s Waldo compilation.Here is why that is so significant:The FBI identified Samsel as Most Wanted Suspect # 51, and researchers refer to him as #WhiteHoodie.Samsel is one of just a small handful of men involved in the “breach team” that have actually been arrested. Samsel’s arrest came fairly quickly, just three weeks after January 6. The strange and continuing inability of the FBI to identify or charge the overwhelming majority of the “breach team” leaders, and their monomaniacal focus on Samsel, suggests the fix may have been in for Samsel days or weeks in advance—much like the fix was in for troubled defendant Adam Fox in the 46% Fed-saturated Michigan Plot.And Samsel, a 37 year-old Pennsylvanian, does appear to be a quite troubled man. Nevertheless, the story of what has happened to him in prison after January 6 is rather telling.According to Samsel’s attorney, Samsel has been subjected to what can only be described as an American-soil Abu Ghraib-style torture and beatdown: Prison guards zip-tied Samsel’s hands before breaking his bones and giving him life-long injuries, including a shattered orbital floor, a broken orbital bone, a broken jaw, and a broke nose. His right eye was rendered useless and he may end up permanently blind on that side All of this from torture-beatings by prison guards.On top of it, Samsel’s legal scalp has been hoisted for ceremonial victory parades by the Justice Department. Even the typically prosecution-maximalist New York Times reporter Alan Feuer appeared confused as to why the Justice Department so theatrically singled out Samsel for a special press release simply for upgrading his charges in April:Curiously, despite Samsel’s noted connections to the Proud Boys, and the FBI affidavit’s stipulation that Samsel was coordinating by phone with others about his plans in the days leading up to January 6, the DOJ has opted to quarantine Samsel from the Proud Boys case, and not pursue conspiracy charges against Samsel at all.Left-wing commentators such as the journalist Marcy Wheeler are perplexed as to why Samsel is relegated to an isolated case, when he appears so patently connected to the Proud Boys and alleged “conspiracy” networks.One possible answer has apparently never occurred to the left-wing commentariat: the Justice Department doesn’t want any of the discovery record — and potentially the Fed network summoned around Samsel — to taint parallel prosecutions.The New York Times appears to have accidentally given the game away on Samsel being trailed by confidential informants in the days before January 6. While their September 25 article was called “Among Those Who Marched Into the Capitol on Jan. 6: An F.B.I. Informant,” there were at least two FBI informants they revealed.In a detailed account of his activities contained in the records, the informant, who was part of a group chat of other Proud Boys, described meeting up with scores of men from chapters around the country at 10 a.m. on Jan. 6 at the Washington Monument and eventually marching to the Capitol. He said that when he arrived, throngs of people were already streaming past the first barrier outside the building, which, he later learned, was taken down by one of his Proud Boy acquaintances and a young woman with him.This second sentence — “the first barrier, which, he later learned, was taken down by one of his Proud Boys acquaintances and a young woman with him” — appears to be a direct reference to Ryan Samsel (#WhiteHoodie) and his girlfriend, Raechel Genco, also known as #WhiteHoodieGF — as Samsel took down “the first barrier” with his girlfriend at his side.This means the FBI was already aware of Ryan Samsel, his friend network, his Proud Boy associates, and very likely all coordination efforts among them for days, if not weeks, ahead of January 6.And this was the squad that allegedly committed the day’s very first illegal acts.Conclusion-In our previous reporting on FBI involvement in the events of January 6th, we have been careful to distinguish the case of “Federal foreknowledge” from that of “Federal incitement.”The case of “mere” Federal foreknowledge of the so-called “siege on the Capitol” is bad enough, and amounts to a national scandal in its own right. Indeed, if elements of the federal government knew in advance of conspiracies to “siege the Capitol” or otherwise disrupt the Senate proceeding on 1/6, the natural question arises as to why they did nothing to stop it. Given that the government and their allies in the Regime media have framed 1/6 as a 9/11-caliber domestic terror event, the possibility that elements of the federal government knew about it in advance, and yet sat back and let it happen for political purposes, is incredibly damning. This would amount to nothing less than the government conspiring, for the most malicious of political reasons, to falsely cast tens of millions of law-abiding patriotic Americans as domestic terrorists.Given the magnitude of its implications, it is well worth repeating that federal foreknowledge is a virtual certainty. Just weeks ago the New York Times itself begrudgingly acknowledged the presence of a Proud Boys militia member and informant who was texting his FBI handler thought the entire day on 1/6, as well as several days in advance. The Times notes that the presence of this informant, and likely many more, suggests that “federal law enforcement had a far greater visibility into the assault on the Capitol, even as it was taking place, than was previously known.”Revolver News’s ground-breaking investigative reporting on 1/6 has from the very beginning suggested something far darker than federal foreknowledge. Instead of simply having “visibility” in advance to the events of 1/6 and doing nothing to stop it, Revolver has pointed to overwhelming evidence suggesting a much more proactive, participatory role on the part of the federal government.Our first piece noted that while many minor militia members and fellow-travelers face serious conspiracy charges, several more senior militia members involved in the same activity (often more egregiously so) and referenced in the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys conspiracy charging documents remain mysteriously unindicted.We later refined this thesis in an extremely deep dive investigative report exploring the extra-ordinary federal protection and selective non-prosecution of Stewart Rhodes, none other than the founder and leader of the Oath Keepers militia — the key “boogeyman” militia group from the standpoint of both the government and the media. It would be one thing if the feds had low-level informants in Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, but the extraordinary federal protection of the founder and head of the main militia group imputed to 1/6 suggests a far more active and participatory role in 1/6 than simply sitting back and letting it happen on purpose.As dark and scandalous as this is, the notion that the federal government’s agents would take a proactive and participatory role in 1/6 tracks far closely with what we now know to have been the role of federal agents and informants in the so-called Michigan Kidnapping Plot, just months before the so called 1/6 “insurrection.”Given this background, we are in a better position to understand where this latest piece on Ray Epps fits into the broader narrative collapse of 1/6. If Revolver News’s previous reporting points to a proactive role of the federal government in relation to the conspiracy cases against Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, the Ray Epps story seems to suggest a similar, yet more egregious, explicit, direct and immediate degree of federal involvement in the breach of the Capitol itself. Indeed, there is one individual who is on tape encouraging the crowd to go into the Capitol the evening before 1/6. That very same individual is seen throughout 1/6 corralling people toward the Capitol “where our problems are.” And that very same individual is on camera whispering into the ears of the men who committed the very first illegal acts of 1/6 by breaking down the barricades. And yet, just like Oath Keeper founder and head Stewart Rhodes, this individual, whom we now know to be Ray Epps, so far has enjoyed an inexplicable protection from prosecution.Even more damningly, Revolver has confirmed that the FBI scrubbed Epps from their public Most Wanted database just one day after Revolver News’s damning investigative report on Epps’s fellow Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes.The story of Epps and other suspiciously un-indicted apparent accomplices such as “Maroon PB” suggest a far more extensive degree of proactive federal involvement in 1/6 than even Revolver News had originally anticipated.And yet, tying it all back to AG Merrick Garland, it all makes sense. The 1/6 prosecutions are not the first time Garland oversaw high profile militia prosecutions from a lofty perch in the DOJ. More specifically, Merrick Garland oversaw the Oklahoma City Bombing prosecutions, which are riddled with so many disturbing unanswered questions that it would be outside the scope of this report to address them. Suffice it to say here that Merrick Garland was the top domestic extremism prosecutor for the Justice Department, who worked with the FBI on several key right-wing militia cases, right as the Justice Department was kicking its militia infiltration operations into high gear. The first such infiltration operation was known formally as “Patcon”:Starting in April 1991, three FBI agents posed as members of an invented racist militia group called the Veterans Aryan Movement. According to their cover story, VAM members robbed armored cars, using the proceeds to buy weapons and support racist extremism. The lead agent was a Vietnam veteran with a background in narcotics, using the alias Dave Rossi. … Code-named PATCON, for “Patriot-conspiracy,” the investigation would last more than two years, crossing state and organizational lines in search of intelligence on the so-called Patriot movement, the label applied to a wildly diverse collection of racist, ultra-libertarian, right-wing and/or pro-gun activists and extremists who, over the years, have found common cause in their suspicion and fear of the federal government.It is interesting to note that the Feds’ lead agent was a military man and Vietnam vet, especially given Epps’s similar pedigree. A careful study of the history of Fed infiltration into militia groups reveals a pattern of using ex-military personnel to conduct such operations.What’s still more interesting, however, is how mainstream “domestic extremism” expert JM Berger describes the nature of the PatCon operations, and associated infiltration operations in the 90s that would have taken place under Merrick Garland’s tutelage: In 1990, the FBI began picking up on rumors about an effort to reconstitute a notorious terrorist-criminal gang known as The Order.  … To prevent the rise of a “Second Order,” FBI undercover agents would become it.Very interesting. To prevent the rise of a dangerous domestic terrorist group, the FBI would have to become one, hence the establishment of the honey-pot militia organization “Veterans Aryan Movement” and dozens of other spin-off honeypot Fed militia groups.Given the damning evidence in this and previous Revolver reports, there is increasingly little doubt that key agencies in the federal government — and key figures such as AG Merrick Garland — take the same approach to infiltration operations today as they did in the 90s. In order to defeat the boogeyman of right-wing “patriot” militia groups, the government has to become them. In order to preempt the fictional possibility of a right-wing insurrection, then, we might say the feds had to become that insurrection.In light of the overwhelming weight of evidence, this damning conclusion seems unavoidable. We don’t expect a straight answer from AG Garland or FBI Director Wray on this matter just yet, and neither should you. Such answers only come with sufficient pressure, and such pressure only arises from repeated exposure.What we can guarantee is that Revolver News will continue to expose the lies behind the government and regime media’s false narrative of 1/6. There is so much more to be revealed, and we’re just getting started.Stay tuned for the next major piece, coming very soon.

Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6-December 18, 2021 (1d ago)

Six weeks ago, Revolver News published a blockbuster investigative report on Ray Epps — a man who, more than any other individual, appears to be the key unlocking the question of active federal involvement in the so-called “Capitol Siege” of January 6th.Out of all of the thousands of January 6’s protesters, and the thousands of hours of publicly available footage from that fateful day, Ray Epps has turned out to be perhaps the only person nailed dead to rights confessing on camera to plotting a pre-planned attack on the Capitol. On both January 5 and January 6, Epps announced multiple times, at multiple locations, his upcoming plot to breach the US Capitol. He then spent hours attempting to recruit hundreds of others to join him. On top of it all, Epps was seen leading key people and managing key aspects of the initial breach of the Capitol grounds himself.Watch: It would be one thing if Epps’s repeated calls on January 5 to “go into the Capitol” had simply amounted to bluster. But Epps followed through on his stated mission to shepherd others inside. In clips 4-6 of the above compilation, we see Epps actively orchestrate elements of the very first breach of the Capitol barricades at 12:50 p.m, while Trump still had 20 minutes left in his rally speech.It is noteworthy that this Ray Epps breach occurs just one minute after Capitol Police began responding to reports of two “pipe bombs” located at DNC and GOP headquarters, respectively. Rather conveniently, the already-handicapped Capitol Police thus had still-fewer resources with which to respond to the barricade breach in question.While the “pipe bombs” turned out to be a dud, the Ray Epps breach proved fateful. Today, the official stories told by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the US Justice Department all depict the apparent Ray Epps-orchestrated 12:50 p.m. initial breach of metal barricades as the “Big Bang” event of January 6.In large part, this description is hardly an exaggeration. Indeed, it was the 12:50 p.m. breach of the Capitol grounds, in conjunction with a handful of suspicious individuals ripping down fencing and signage, that set in motion the conditions allowing for 1/6 to turn from a rally into a riot. In this report, we will blow open this network of still-unindicted key operators who appear to have been at work either with or around Ray Epps during the initial Capitol grounds breach. You, dear reader, will be scandalized — though perhaps unsurprised — to learn that none of the actors covered in this report have received attention in the mainstream press, despite their active and indispensable roles in the events of 1/6.As we explained in detail in our previous report, the FBI originally put Ray Epps’s face on its Capitol Violence “Most Wanted List” on January 8, 2021, just two days after 1/6. They offered a cash reward for information leading to his arrest. In fact, rank-and-file FBI agents initially deemed Epps’s role as an apparent riot organizer so important that they named him Suspect #16—one of the first 20 high-profile FBI targets in a database now packed with more than 500 suspects.Then, six months later on June 30, 2021, both Revolver News and The New York Times published inconvenient stories that encouraged a more aggressive interrogation of the “Ray Epps third rail,” leading reasonable people to wonder why this publicly identified man on the Most Wanted List still had no charges filed against him.The FBI responded to these important media stories the very next day. But their response was to quietly purge all online Ray Epps files from their website, then switch to a posture of “What? Who? Ray Epps? Never heard of him.”Agents of the FBI Field Office in Phoenix (where Epps lives) have gone so far as to explicitly deny knowledge that Ray Epps even exists. Instead of pursuing Epps, FBI agents have instead pursued journalists who had the temerity to ask Epps in person if he was a government operative. “I understand that, but I can’t say anything,” is all Epps would tell them.Here’s a quick visual synopsis of this timeline:The sham Congressional January 6 Commission seems to be going along with the charade of Ray Epps denialism. For all of its recent gesticulations about Mark Meadows’s benign text messages, the Commission has yet to express even a basic interest in Ray Epps or his communications leading up to and on January 6.But the specter of Ray Epps, and the ominous questions his immunity raises, loom too large to be memory-holed by poorly coordinated efforts of government denial. In light of the above, it is both amusing and symbolically appropriate that despite the FBI’s attempt to purge Epps’s face from its “Wanted” database (and public denials of his existence from authorized agents), the FBI DC Field Office still features Ray Epps as a “Wanted” man in its current pinned Twitter image (look closely and you’ll find it).If Epps turns out to have been some kind of government operative, which at present is the only clean and simple explanation for his immunity, it is game over for the official “MAGA insurrection” narrative of 1/6. Epps was the day’s loudest riot recruiter, and its apparent leader of the very first breach of Capitol grounds. If Ray Epps is a Fed, the “Insurrection” becomes the “Fedsurrection” in one fell swoop.These are the stakes at play in unraveling the Ray Epps enigma.But it is imperative to note that if Epps was just a cog in a much larger federal operation, he would not have been deployed alone. Historically speaking, when Feds have orchestrated fake mobs of fake protesters, or contrived fake conspiratorial plots, the Feds’ own assets have commonly comprised between 16% to 25% of the plot’s participants, at least in its key respects. Indeed, the FBI once flew in 1,600 rowdy spooks to infiltrate a single convention with just 10,000 protesters.In recent times, attacks blamed on right-wing militias have blown past the 16% mark on the Fed Saturation Index and have been clocking in at a whopping 25-50%. As Revolver has previously noted: Students of FBI history should quickly absorb the lesson that infiltrating Feds are like roaches: whenever you spot one, it is guaranteed there are dozens of others nearby. Feds simply never, ever, operate alone. This is how you end up with at least 12 FBI informants in a tiny “right-wing” Michigan militia plot from October 2020 (that’s just informants, not even agents), 15 informants in the “right-wing” 2016 Malheur plot, dozens in the 2014 Bundy Ranch affair — including six FBI undercover agents posing as fake documentarians shooting a fake documentary — and the list goes on.So if Ray Epps was instructed by the government to play his part in various recruiting, breaching and crowd control efforts that day, we would expect many other informants to be set up around him.To test this hypothesis, Revolver spent the past six weeks comprehensively mapping Ray Epps’s network of interactions on January 6, and profiling the key people around him who complemented his efforts. We did a deep dive into other key figures involved in the initial breach of the Capitol grounds, as well as figures who played an instrumental role in fence removal and crowd control. In short, we investigated key players whose early actions on 1/6 turned the rally into a riot.The bad news for Fedsurrection Deniers is the results are in, and they look even worse for the FBI than Revolver’s already low expectations. For brevity, we profile five of the most egregious cases in this report, and tell the story of how they crossed paths and interacted with, and in some cases coordinated with Ray Epps to make 1/6 possible. Some of these cases are so wild as to constitute Epps-sized scandals unto themselves.But first, it important to note that Feds at the mere informant level are seldom told by their handlers of the presence of other government informants around them. From each individual informant’s perspective, the agitators around them would look as lawless to them as they did to the crowd.This exact strange situation played out in the climax of the Whitmer Kidnapping Plot. The car that prosecutors say “cased” the Governor’s house had five passengers—two homeless patsies, and three secret Feds. But only the agent-level Fed in the car had total operational awareness. Each of the two informants in the car probably thought the other was a legitimate insurrectionist.So it is not necessary for all or any of the individuals covered in this report to know each other or to have affirmatively “worked together” to have formed a “team” through collective effort. A simple text message from a federal handler to “Be at the Peace Monument at 12:45 p.m. and flush out the crazies” would be all that’s needed for a large ring of provocateurs to simultaneously be in the same place, at the same time, contributing to the same breach.So now, without further ado, we will tell the true, documented story of 1/6 that the Regime doesn’t want you to hear, involving key unindicted figures the Regime would prefer that you never heard of.If there were such a thing as an unbiased January 6 Commission that sought to piece together the accurate timeline and narrative of events on 1/6, the following study would be the sort of thing it would publish.Revolver makes no facial allegation about any of the individuals below. However, some very serious, shocking and time-sensitive questions are raised by this report. To that extent, our accusations and demands are aimed squarely at the US Justice Department.FBI Director Chris Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland have an awful lot of explaining to do.The Booby Trap that Turned a Rally into a RiotBefore we get acquainted with the key unindicted players operating around Ray Epps, let’s quickly touch upon the basic facts of the initial breach of the Capitol grounds.The “Big Bang” moment that kicked off the riot was when a small “breach team” of just a few dozen people violently knocked over the first set of metal barricades between 12:50-12:53 p.m. They forced back the police, and therefore opened a clean walkway entrance to the crowd behind them.We will hereafter refer to this location of barriers as the “Ray Epps breach site,” and the collection of individuals responsible for this critical initial breach as the “Ray Epps breach team.” Clips from that breach scene, with Ray Epps standing front and center giving out directions, are republished below for convenience.Watch:This same breach team then proceeded to haul the metal police barricades off to the side, tear down “Restricted Area” signage, and systematically remove protective fencing from the Capitol lawn. Ordinarily, with no barriers in place, this entire area is open to the public.To get a geographical sense of the Ray Epps crime scene, the below image shows where the Capitol’s rear barricades and fencing were first attacked. This area is also known as the Peace Monument.The tactical importance of this breached location is that it was the very first walkway entrance into the Capitol grounds that every Trump supporter would arrive at first as they walked from the Trump rally to the Capitol.The Ray Epps Breach Team had the amazing foresight to pry open the one walkway entrance that no one could avoid.As you can see from the above, both the Pennsylvania Ave and the Constitution Ave exits from the Trump speech intersect at the exact Peace Monument barricade targeted in advance by the Ray Epps Breach Team. If any of the eight other walkway entrances into the Capitol grounds had been toppled instead, tens of thousands of marchers would have been met by police and metal barricades, instead of an open gate.The Ray Epps breach team thus set up a booby trap by pushing back the police, then hauling away the “restricted area” signage, the chain fencing, and the metal barricades—all while tens of thousands were still at the Trump rally. Without police present or “do not enter” signs prominently visible, people leaving Trump’s speech and arriving at the Capitol entrance would have no idea it was illegal to walk through the gate, or onto the lawn, or up to the Capitol steps. After all, this entire area is ordinarily open to the public.Instead, they heard friendly music and saw the main walkway to the Capitol grounds wide open. These unwitting Trump supporters had no idea they had just crossed an invisible tripwire that would later subject them to federal prosecution for trespassing.Watch:Moreover, the giant main component of Trump protesters would not arrive at this Capitol entrance until 50 minutes after the Ray Epps Breach Team opened up the walkway—Trump had 20 minutes left in his speech, and it took 30 minutes to walk to the Peace Monument. This giant component arrived at the entrance and saw hundreds of people already inside the Capitol grounds. They would no longer stage their protest back behind the fencing, because the Breach Team booby-trappers had already hauled most of it away before they got there. The giant component therefore walked all the way up to the Capitol building itself.As we described in more detail in our October 10 report, the Ray Epps Breach Team thus set up what may amount to the largest legal booby-trap in American history.Indeed, when the DOJ indicted Oath Keeper Jeremy Brown in September for “trespassing on restricted grounds” (18 US Code § 1752), the Justice Department explained that any January 6 protester who stepped foot within the red line below had committed a federal crime and could be kept in prison without bail until a criminal trial 12+ months away.But how did this happen? Who exactly pulled it off? And how does it all trace back to Ray Epps? Setting Up The Booby Trap-In our October 10 Revolver report, we showed January 6 footage of one dark-complected man coolly and methodically cutting down and then rolling up “restricted area” fencing around the Capitol lawn. He had no Trump gear on, and made sure to wear dark sunglasses on a cloudy day. He was not angry. He was dispassionate, calm, and professional, like he was just there to do a job.Watch:Here’s another picture to make perfectly clear what he was doing, and how strange and methodical it was:This man remains unindicted. In fact, the FBI does not even appear to even be looking for him. He is wholly absent from the FBI Capitol “Most Wanted List.” There is no reward for information leading to his arrest.For perspective, the FBI’s “Most Wanted List” features plenty of MAGA grandmas and teens who committed no property crimes or physical damage at all. For instance, you can still win a cash reward for information leading to the arrest of FBI “Most Wanted” Suspect # 342:Despite the FBI’s lack of interest in this brazen booby-trapper seen rolling up restricted area fencing, online researchers have stayed on the case. They have dubbed this individual “#FenceCutterBulwark”, with “Bulwark” being the brand name of his fire-retardant jacket, designed for professional use in the oil and gas industry. You’ll see more fire-retardant jackets among the unindicted below.FenceCutterBulwark was waiting right next to the Ray Epps Breach Site at 12:31 p.m. That’s a full 20 minutes before the breach kicked off. There, he was doing nothing except looking out past the fencing he would later take down.Moreover, 12:31 p.m. is 17 minutes before the large group of 220+ marching Proud Boys arrived at the Peace Monument from their lunch break. Here’s why that matters:The official January 6 story, as parroted by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and HBO, is that the Proud Boys’ arrival at the Peace Monument at 12:48 p.m. is what sparked a sudden breach. But the fact that FenceCutterBulwark and other key operators (until now ignored by mainstream media) were already waiting in place while the Proud Boys’ were still a mile away eating lunch suggests a more sinister possibility: foreknowledge of an imminent breach at this exact location.If it were just FenceCutterBulwark hanging out near the breach site before the Proud Boys’ arrival, we might chalk it up to coincidence. But the presence of multiple key breach figures waiting here seems too much to be coincidental. In the below video, continuously recorded between 12:40-12:50 p.m., you will see Ray Epps already in position at the exact walkway entrance the breach team will pry open, at least six minutes before they arrive (in fact, we know he was there 45 minutes before they arrived too).Watch:But it’s not just Ray Epps and FenceCutterBulwark who appear to have been waiting for the Proud Boys.Perched right across from FenceCutterBulwark at 12:31 p.m. is the man widely regarded by online researchers as the most infamous of all unindicted January 6 riot leaders—a man unmentioned in the mainstream press but elevated to legendary status online as “#NWScaffoldCommander.”Don’t let looks deceive you: This extremely peculiar middle-aged man with glasses, a nerdy mask and a blue ballcap has been assigned more notoriety by deep researchers than arguably any other person of the thousands they have indexed. NWScaffoldCommander’s frenetic whirlwind of activities, and apparent role as “the ringleader” of the breach, have made him the subject of Russiagate-level rumor and speculation that he was privy to a January 6 “master plan.”NWScaffoldCommander (we’ll call him just “ScaffoldCommander” for short) gets his name from being the ostensible “commander” of the prominent “media tower” that overlooked the Capitol’s back terrace on January 6. You’ve probably seen this tower in pictures—it’s the tall temporary structure built in November 2020 so that media crews could properly film the January 2021 inauguration ceremony. Here’s what it looks like without people around:And here’s what it looked like on January 6, with ScaffoldCommander and his crew controlling it:As you can see, this tower is the most perfect “command post” that anyone seeking to monitor and direct the Capitol crowd could possibly hope for. It stands front and center, everyone can see it, and the man high atop it can see and scream down to all.One can only imagine the damage a highly aggressive and monomaniacally focused breach leader could do from this perch if he had zero scruples, a plan to attack the Capitol, and an extremely loud megaphone.If you’ve seen any mid-day January 6 footage, you have probably seen ScaffoldCommander in action without knowing it.From high atop the tower between 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m, ScaffoldCommander issued the iconic bellows and non-stop commands that are loud and clear on almost every video clip from January 6 filmed in that time interval. For nearly 90 minutes straight, he bombards the otherwise leaderless crowd below him with endless variations on a single instruction: “Don’t just stand there. Keep moving forward!”Watch:But once the crowd had continuously “moved forward” for over an hour, and the very first handful of rioters entered the building, ScaffoldCommander suddenly threw the switch: “Okay we’re in! We’re in! Come on! We gotta fill up the Capitol! Come on! Come now! We need help We gotta fill up the Capitol! They got in.”This clip below is checkmate. It should make ScaffoldCommander one of the top criminal suspects on the entire FBI Capitol Most Wanted List (spoiler alert: he isn’t even on the list, and no charges have been filed, and the FBI to date has still never acknowledged his existence).Watch:For perspective, it’s important to step into the shoes of January 6 rallygoers to see just how dominant and pervasive ScaffoldCommander’s influence was over the crowd’s psychology the entire time.Rallygoers could hear his confident and constant commands with total clarity all the way back at the entrance to the Capitol lawn. For new entrants arriving at the Capitol grounds, ScaffoldCommander’s voice would be the first and loudest voice they heard. ScaffoldCommander even mixed in damsel-in-distress type appeals so new arrivals would perceive that “moving forward” would be doing their part to rescue innocent Trump supporters who “need your help”.Watch: His high-pressure megaphone instructions were a constant mental and social pressure on a captive audience who was there for an entirely different reason: to peacefully participate in what they were told was a lawful Trump rally. But a loud, authoritative voice literally coming from “on high,” pleading that people “need your help,” and asking you to simply and lawfully “move forward,” creates a strong suction effect to comply with authority.One attendee described this unnatural pressure in a vividly detailed Twitter thread a few days after January 6. She fingered ScaffoldCommander as “the ringleader” of the operation.Another attendee who was later arrested said he was just following the instructions of the man with the bullhorn yelling “Patriots move forward.” That would be ScaffoldCommander. But the FBI affidavit refuses to mention the tower commander with a giant bullhorn shouting at tens of thousands of people to “Fill up the Capitol” for 90 minutes straight because, according to the FBI, he doesn’t exist.But the clip below is, perhaps, the dead giveaway into what was truly going on. Here, a second man in the tower — the similarly unindicted “#TowerManMale19” — begins to read a prepared, hand-printed speech out loud to the crowd. The speech was sappy and idealistic, waxing philosophical about how cancel culture is bad and election processes need reform. But ScaffoldCommander had no interest in letting the bullhorn be used to communicate Trump-aligned concerns or election-related solutions.He quickly grew angry and chastised his tower associate for losing focus: “Tell them to move forward! That’s all they need to know right now! Tell ’em to move forward!”Watch:The statement “that’s all they need to know right now“ seems to all but confirm that ScaffoldCommander had a two-stage breach plan, which he stuck to with monomaniacal focus. For the first 70 minutes, the only objective was to move the pawns “forward” up the board, until as much pressure as possible had been placed on the building itself. Then, once a single breacher had made it inside, he immediately hit the Bullhorn Bait-And-Switch: “Move forward” gave way to his real imperative—“Fill up the Capitol.”And yet the whole time, he never gave a reason. He was simply a man on a mission.We have seen this type of singular dedication before in Ray Epps—a man who was loud and insistent, aggressive but lacked conviction, had a lust for action but wanted others to do it.Here’s a fun supercut we put together of Epps telling other protesters “We need to go inside the Capitol”—and that everything besides that singular objective was “losing focus,” “a distraction”, “doesn’t matter,” and “not what we’re here for.”  This is effectively a mirror of what ScaffoldCommander was doing on the bullhorn above him.Watch:At one point, after being rhetorically blown out by kids two generations his junior, who took turns brutally mocking his Capitol attack plan, Epps tried at last to come up with a good reason. But it didn’t go well. When forced to think on his feet, he mindlessly babbled that “We need to go inside the Capitol” because “The Capitol is our enemy.”Watch:Epps was reduced to claiming that the building itself was the enemy. That’s what motivated the whole shebang. Everyone else was in town for a Trump rally, and Epps flew 2,300 miles from Arizona because of a vendetta against neoclassical architecture.But even more important than the cognitive and attitudinal similarities between Epps and ScaffoldCommander are the operational ones.Whether wittingly or unwittingly, Epps and ScaffoldCommander formed a two-man team the entire afternoon. By miraculous coincidence, Ray Epps stationed himself immediately below ScaffoldCommander at the media tower for the whole 90 minutes it took to move the crowd forward, then into the building.In the below video, you will see Ray Epps cordially interject himself into another man’s selfie video filmed from this spot. In the footage, Epps points back at the Washington Monument, where President Trump still had 7 minutes to go in his speech, and says: “It’s good to be on the right side of history.” You can see here that Epps chose the exact spot where the base of the command tower met the front of the Capitol police line. From there, Epps would have ultimate vision into both the rowdy vanguard front-line of the crowd, and a sense from the command tower crew of what was happening with the vast thongs of people behind him.Watch:At the 0:35 mark, Epps is practically underneath the command tower, just arms-length away:You can see from Ray Epps’s point of view just how close he is to the front of the Capitol building itself, where he has staked out a key position:At this point the clock read 1:03 p.m., so there were still 7 minutes left in Trump’s rally speech. Yet already, an enormous and growing crowd filled the horizon. That crowd was headed toward the very spot where Ray Epps is standing. Epps pointed back proudly to where Trump was speaking and beamed with a broad smile:Additional footage discovered by Revolver reveals just how extensive Epps’ directorial efforts were from this key spot where the media tower met the police line.In the clip compilation below, you will see Epps variously coordinating with a man in an orange ski mask, looking and pointing up at the media tower, retaking his spot by the tower, getting maced by police, then bellowing “Ahhh, I love it!” as he temporarily retreats from the officers’ gas attack.Watch:The beaten down crowd looked as if it would back off the police, but Epps would simply not be denied. He stepped straight up to the police officers who had just showered the crowd in pepper spray. Epps appeared to negotiate with the officers and struck a deal, whereby Trump supporters could come back up to the front step if they simply remained there peacefully. Epps then turned back to the crowd and told them “Guys: Listen Up. Up to the steps and stay there. We’re gonna stay there for a while.”Just like ScaffoldCommander above him, Epps was successfully getting the crowd to “move forward” below. In fact, at the end of this clip, you can even hear ScaffoldCommander scream “move forward” as Epps instructs the crowd to return to the top of the steps.Watch:The sequence is so remarkable it’s worth highlighting its beginning, middle and end again. First, the cops spray the crowd off the steps:Then, Epps steps up to negotiate with police:Then, like Moses returning from the mountaintop, Epps pronounces to the crowd that their Promised Land is forward at the front step of the police line:This all happened just 30 minutes before the Capitol building itself was breached. There were by then tens of thousands of people behind Epps. The following screenshot, from when the crowd broke out in The Star-Spangled Banner behind Epps, provides a sense of the dizzying volume of human flesh impacted by how Ray Epps and ScaffoldCommander were coordinating the front line.So we have ScaffoldCommander directing the body of the crowd from the tower above, and Ray Epps directing the vanguard front-liners at the police line below. Yet neither one of them has been prosecuted, nor is either presently “Wanted” by the FBI.But what makes the ScaffoldCommander-Ray Epps affair complete is that they appeared to work in tandem from start to finish the entire day on 1/6. Both set up positions at the initial 12:50 p.m. “Big Bang” breach site, and they did so before the Proud Boys arrived. The official story, you will recall, says that the Proud Boys group caused the riot. Again, we must point out how bizarre it is that so many individuals (so far Epps, ScaffoldCommander, and FenceCutterBulwark) who turn out to be key players in the Capitol breach show up in the same area so early on in the day.Indeed, while Ray Epps was with others antagonizing police at the front of the barricades, ScaffoldCommander was antagonizing police on the lawn just meters away. This coincided almost exactly with the arrival of the Proud Boys marchers to the Peace Monument at 12:45 p.m., as if they knew the time for action was drawing near.Watch:ScaffoldCommander then immediately leapt into action to help with fence removal as the Ray Epps Breach Team toppled the first barricades at 12:53 p.m.There are clear face shots of ScaffoldCommander, and he is in view for hours.It is unsettling enough that law enforcement seems to be protecting key operators like ScaffoldCommander and FenceCutterBulwark. But the story gets stranger still.ScaffoldCommander and FenceCutterBulwark were actually not the first to start removing barricades and fencing. In fact, they did not “activate” until Ray Epps’s Breach Team set off the initial attack at the Epps breach site at 12:50 p.m.About 30 feet south of Ray Epps, right around the time the breach occurred at 12:50 p.m., a smaller squad of men were beginning the process of fence and barricade removal, out of sight of the walkway police.Below is a video of one of the very first booby-trappers, dubbed “#BlackSkiMask.” Cell phone metadata confirms a timestamp of 12:53 p.m., meaning BlackSkiMask’s efforts to open up the lawn overlapped with the precise minute that Epps took on the police.You’ll note a familiar pattern: the crowd is begging BlackSkiMask to stop breaking the law, just like they rejected Ray Epps the night before.Watch:As the above video ends, BlackSkiMask sees Ray Epps and his team have successfully breached the police line. He then runs over to the walkway Epps has just cleared. From there, BlackSkiMask begins methodically dumping the police barricades over the side of the walkway wall. This clean removal process will create the impression to the 15,000 people already walking from the Trump speech that no police barricades were ever there in the first place.BlackSkiMask is the individual you will see at 0:24 say: “We’re taking that s**t today.”Watch:In Part 1, we described how the official story says an individual named Ryan Samsel started the riot by pushing the barricades first.But in the above video, you can see that BlackSkiMask quickly ends up ahead of Ryan Samsel in rushing up to the second police barricades (and both are behind Ray Epps). BlackSkiMask seemed, much more than Samsel, to know what the game plan was for the next phase of the breach.BlackSkiMask has still not been arrested. He remains on the FBI Capitol Most Wanted List, as Suspect #148.But there’s just one problem with this situation: the FBI knows exactly who BlackSkiMask is already. And for some reason, they’re still not prosecuting him.The feds don’t just have an ID on BlackSkiMask, they have an entire police report—and a shocking one at that. Just one day before January 6, BlackSkiMask was yanked out of a bus by dozens of police officers who suspected his vehicle was packed with guns and bombs. His bus was stopped just in front of the US Justice Department.Yes, read that again. You’re probably wondering why you’ve never heard of this January 5 guns-and-explosives bus anywhere in regime media. We’ll get to that below, but first watch BlackSkiMask and his two bus buddies being interviewed after their colorful vehicle from North Carolina was swarmed by downtown DC police. BlackSkiMask (who begins speaking at 0:48 below) appears reticent to give specifics on what happened, but says police pulled them all out of the vehicle, questioned them, and asked for their DNA swab samples to match their identities to prints found on firearms and potential explosives.Watch:The details of this video means there must be — as a matter of law — a filed police report with BlackMaskSki’s real legal name on it, sitting in federal law enforcement’s possession. And yet for some strange reason, 11 months after January 6, the FBI is not prosecuting this man for any of the myriad felonies and conspiracy charges any US Attorney could present as a lay-up indictment. Instead, BlackSkiMask remains protected in the strange purgatory of the FBI Capitol Most Wanted List—just like Ray Epps was before the public found out his identity, after which the FBI purged and deleted his files, then denied all knowledge of his existence.The existence of a police report means you don’t even need all the crystal-clear 4K HD face shots of BlackSkiMask floating around, showing his face, his build, and his associates from every angle.Now ask yourself: had you ever heard about this gun-filled, possibly bomb-filled “Hippies for Trump” bus the feds stopped in front of the Justice Department before Revolver just told you about it?You probably didn’t, because the event went completely unreported by DC media the day before January 6, and in the aftermath that followed. The only contemporaneous report Revolver found was a single blue-check Twitter account, whose tweets on the bizarre event are reproduced in screenshots and videos below.First the bus drives slowly past DC Police Headquarters at 2:10 p.m, then is quickly stopped and swarming with agents in at least eight separate police cars and vans:Video:By 2:57 p.m. police were standing top of the bus taking the roof apart, with bomb-sniffing K-9 dog squads at the bus’s base:Video:So this happened in broad daylight, with traffic stopped for likely over an hour, right in the heart of downtown DC, the day before January 6. A man from this bus is one of the very first “insurrectionists” on the scene in the Capitol, and is removing barricades before the official story says the illegal activities started.And yet, today, the search engine results for BlackSkiMask’s terror scare are effectively nonexistent—you have to read local North Carolina papers to eek out scant details.How could there be a total media blackout on January 5 about a guns-and-explosives cache discovery in a bus parked in front of the US Justice Department, just one day before the major Trump rally and all-important Senate certification vote? DC is a 93% Democrat-voting bastion. Authorities would normally be stampeding toward the closest press podium to give frothing DC journalists all the salacious details of a catch like this. The responding officers would all be given promotions and medals. We are talking about busting a bus-full of “Trump supporters” with guns and explosives in broad daylight, parked in front of the Justice Department. Why was there total radio silence? Who ordered the story squashed? Did top brass in DC or federal law enforcement intervene to keep the story quiet—that way the next day’s events on January 6 would more convincingly look like they took DC police completely be surprise?Remember, this was January 5. We know then-Capitol Police Chief Stephen Sund made an urgent request for back-up personnel on January 4, but was denied.  He pled to have a “state of emergency” declared at the Capitol on January 4, but was denied. Yet the very next day, on January 5, guns and explosives rolled past DC police headquarters, parked at the Justice Department, got swarmed by dozens of officers, agents and bomb-sniffing dogs, and the Capitol Police Chief’s support requests still got denied? Did the Capitol Police even know about the guns-and-explosives bus? Was the incident kept hidden from them too? We know with high probability BlackSkiMask’s colorful bus was headed for the Capitol rally. It had the words “Stop The Steal” and “Trump 2020” graffiti’d on it in bright paint:The fact that BlackSkiMask, one of the very first January 6 breach team operators alongside Ray Epps, was pulled out of this bus, shaken down for DNA samples, mysteriously let go, and remains an unprosecuted face on the “Most Wanted List” 11 months later raises extraordinary questions for the Justice Department as to whether BlackSkiMask is being protected just like Ray Epps.Based on the badge on his tactical gear (see also his extraordinary comms equipment), it appears BlackSkiMask is from Texas. Like Ray Epps traveling 2,300 miles from Arizona, we are talking about “Trump supporters” who flew thousands of miles for a Trump rally but skipped the actual rally to commit a pointless barricade break-in instead.But even BlackSkiMask was not the first person to trespass onto the restricted Capitol lawn while the Ray Epps Breach Team was leading the frontal assault. That “first on the field” distinction, some Capitol researchers believe, belongs to yet another unindicted man, also missing from the FBI’s “Wanted” list. We will now close out our roster of key unindicted breach figures with one final profile of this man, dubbed “#BeCivilGuy.”The name comes from the man’s strange actions after Ray Epps & Co. overran the barricades. BeCivilGuy appears to shout “follow me” and “move down,” as in “move down” the walkway to the next police barricade. He repeatedly and quite muscularly implored the crowd to “Be Civil” as they as did so. He is the man with the blue and white bullhorn at the 0:06 second mark, a few seconds before ScaffoldComander throws his hands up and shouts “Come on!”One has to wonder, were these megaphones simply handed out as standard issue? How come so many key operators using blue-and-white megaphones and are still unindicted, 11 months later?But we digress. If all you saw was the above video, you’d think BeCivilGuy was just being helpful by urging people to “Be Civil.”But there’s a big problem with that theory: BeCivilGuy was the first guy who broke upfield toward the second police line, way past the “Restricted Area” fencing — and he did so before Ray Epps & Co. breached the first police line at 12:50 p.m., and before any fencing came down from the efforts of BlackSkiMask and his team.How do we know that? See the below image, which is from just 30 seconds before Ray Epps & Co. will breach the first police line and streams of people will shoot up the walkway. You will see BeCivilGuy is first and farthest up the field. At this moment in time, no breach has happened yet, no officers have been harmed or forced back, and there is no guarantee that the Trump rally will get out of hand that day, as no barricades have yet been pushed over.At this moment in time below, immediately before the breach, BeCivilGuy is the deepest “trespasser” of any of the tens of thousands of Trump supporters in DC.While BeCivilGuy did his Braveheart march up the lawn, breach operators like BlackSkiMask were far behind him, hugging close to the perimeter fences they had begun removing:Yet while everyone else was fixated left, at the drama of the Ray Epps Breach Team, BeCivilGuy was bolting right, toward a separate Capitol Police team. Here you see him approach them with his hands up trying to flag them down:Now remember, this is happening before the barricade breach would afford safety in numbers to people running up the lawn. Bystanders behind the perimeter fence openly warned that those on the lawn “don’t realize they will be shot.”So what explains BeCivilGuy’s bravery (or insanity)? What motivated him to illegally trespass way up the lawn by himself, then wave down a whole squad of Capitol Cops stationed at the second perimeter, before the first police perimeter line had even been breached yet?What kind of January 6 protester is so “extremist” he brings a giant bullhorn to the rally, then risks death as the first man to illegally bum-rush the Capitol lawn, but is also so “anti-extremist” he blows off Trump’s final speech in office, and uses his bullhorn to play hall monitor to a minor side crowd? And if he wanted to stop the crowd’s lawbreaking, why didn’t he tell the crowd to “move back” behind the first barricades, instead of telling them “come down” to the inner perimeter of the next police line? If you didn’t know any better, you’d think BeCivilGuy was some kind of undercover plainclothes Secret Service agent who knew a breach was about to happen — and he rushed up the lawn to warn U.S. Capitol Police.But one can only imagine what would happen to The Narrative if “the very first insurrectionist to illegally invade the hallowed Capitol grounds” was just an undercover Fed with foreknowledge.We don’t know whether that’s true with BeCivilGuy, and ultimately, only the Justice Department can tell us. But a subsequent sequence in which he’s the star raises unsettling questions.In the below clip, BeCivilGuy rushes in to stop another man from breaking a window at the Western Plaza. The full context of the window-breaking is available here with an incredible clip of the crowd yet again urging Capitol protesters to refrain from breaking the law. For our purposes, BeCivilGuy’s appearance begins at 0:20, but we’ve left in the first 20 seconds for context.Watch:Three important things deserve mention:First, note how professional BeCivilGuy is with his physicality. He has no fear at all seizing a beefy ski-masked man wielding a crowbar by the scruff of his neck, neutralizing him, and dressing him down. At 0:23 above, you’ll see BeCivilGuy actually pat down the man’s chest before seizing his collar, as if his instinctive second nature was to do a law enforcement “pat down” on the perp to see if he has more weapons or a firearm. BeCivilGuy, like Ray Epps, is an absolute “alpha” at crowd control. In a word, he seems professional.Second, and much more importantly, BeCivilGuy was not trying to stop people going in the Capitol. This sequence happened at 2:56 p.m. The Capitol had been already breached more than 40 minutes earlier, first at 2:12 p.m. The front main entrance to the Capitol was already wide open, with hundreds simply walking in the front door and staying within the velvet ropes, by 2:25 p.m.And we know BeCivilGuy knows this, because at 0:39, BeCivilGuy points to the other side of the Capitol and reassures the window-breaker’s associate that “We’re getting in. We’re getting in.” BeCivilGuy either wanted, or was fine with, Trump supporters going inside the Capitol. He just wanted people to do so peacefully.This is effectively a carbon copy of the strange modus operandi of Ray Epps.As we described in our October report: If you want to see what this walking philosophical paradox looks like in action, here’s a clip of Epps patrolling the very front police lines of the Capitol’s Western Plaza at approximately 3:15 p.m at the height of the day’s mania — nearly two and a half hours after Epps and his “breach team” appeared to coordinate the toppling of the Capitol’s East-side police barricades. This was also nearly a full hour after the US Capitol building itself had already been breached. With Epps’s stated mission of breaching the Capitol accomplished, and hundreds of Trump supporters already inside, Epps’s mission magically switched to calming the crowd down, assuring them “We already made our point,” and ensuring that no more of his apparently fellow officers got hurt that afternoon:Watch:Ray Epps told his local Arizona newspaper just five days after January 6 that going into the Capitol “peacefully” meant “we would go in the doors like everyone else”—and not break windows doing so. BeCivilGuy seems to be following the exact same playbook, or perhaps instructions, as Ray Epps.As AZCentral reported: When read a transcript of the comments, [Epps] said, “The only thing that meant is we would go in the doors like everyone else. It was totally, totally wrong the way they went in.”To compound the mystery, even the man BeCivilGuy stops from breaking the Capitol glass at 2:56 p.m. is unindicted. He remains safe in the bosom of the FBI Capitol Most Wanted List, as Suspect #283, despite a full face doxx and thousands of hours of footage the Feds could use to track his movements and associates. You’d think he’d be a priority given he’s smashing windows with a crowbar and frequently seen speaking into an earpiece.However, at this point, too little information about this man dubbed “#CarharttWasp” is known to form an educated opinion into how he fits into the larger picture. We simply point out his interaction with BeCivilGuy, because of the latter’s role in being first up the field in the Ray Epps Breach Team.Ray Epps Saw It All Coming-Any simple study of Revolver’s Ray Epps video library confirms, beyond all reasonable doubt, that Ray Epps had advance knowledge of a Capitol perimeter breach that would occur where and when it did, on January 6.In one telling exchange on January 5, after Ray Epps told the crowd “We need to go into the Capitol”, a young man insulted Epps, then finally hurled invective: “You’re not gonna do sh*t. You’re not gonna storm the Capitol, you’re not gonna do anything.”A funny thing then happened: Epps looked up and away, beamed with a cocky, knowing smile, and then raised his hand in a gesture that indicated: “Keep talking kid, you just watch and see.”Watch:Epps was absolutely oozing with confidence. He appeared to know something the rest of the crowd did not.Ray Epps was then up bright and early recruiting people to fall into his booby-trap.In our Part 1 report, we described how prior to Epps leading the Big Bang Breach Team at 12:53 p.m., he parked himself at the entrance to the Washington Monument at 10:24 A.M.. This was the site where hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters were making their way early in the morning to get coveted lawn positions to hear their President speak.Watch:But 10:24 A.M. was an odd time for Ray Epps to be staked out at the entrance to Trump’s speaking venue. Trump was not scheduled to speak until noon, and we know from Epps’s 12:50 p.m. breach activities that he did not stick around for Trump’s speech.Revolver has discovered multiple additional recruiting missions that Ray Epps was engaged in, dipping early into the 9 a.m. hour. Notice below how Ray Epps used the same damsel-in-distress language as ScaffoldCommander did, by saying: “We need your help!” Epps also made sure people knew “The Capitol is in that direction” so they wouldn’t take an unconventional or circuitous path, and thereby miss the precise walkway entrance the breach team would pry open while the masses were still at Trump’s speech.Watch:This means Epps came to the Trump speech early in the morning with the sole intention of recruiting a mob to follow on the heels of the Capitol breach team he would personally oversee while Trump was speaking—the very breach team we have covered in this report whose operators would remove the fencing, signage and barricades before the masses would arrive at the Capitol.Let’s put this all in context:Ray Epps flew 2,300 miles from Phoenix, Arizona to Washington, DC for a Trump rally, supposedly as a Trump supporter.Epps arrived at the rally entrance more than two hours early, camped out to constantly shout recruiting instructions about coming to the Capitol after the speech, but then skipped out on the speech itself, because he was too busy personally orchestrating the Big Bang Breach Team that kicked off the riot and tore down the fencing, barricades and signage, which made rallygoers totally unaware of the legal booby trap they had walked into.So if Ray Epps was acting on instructions from a government handler from any federal agency (FBI, ATF, Pentagon, DHS, DEA, anything), we now are talking about perhaps the single most egregious caught-on-camera intelligence operation in our lifetimes.Synthesis: We Now Know How They Did It-It increasingly appears that we now know how rogue elements of federal agencies pulled off the January 6 Fedsurrection. If the Ray Epps Breach Team hypothesis is correct, a group of government-sponsored provocateurs were all instructed separately by handlers to arrive at the Peace Monument before 12:45 p.m., where they front-ran the arrival of the Proud Boys, who would serve as the scapegoat for the breach. Then, post-breach, key operators such as Epps and ScaffoldCommander directed the crowd to “move forward,” while others removed barricades, fencing and signage.There is simply no way the FBI did not know the Proud Boys march would end up at the Peace Monument just after 12:45 p.m. That march was led by Proud Boy leader Joe Biggs. Biggs is an FBI informant who says he “spoke often” with his bureau contacts. Biggs’s Proud Boy boss Enrique Tarrio was also an FBI informant. And the FBI was reading their cell phone group chat messages ahead of time.Epps, for his part, may not have understood any of the bigger picture. If the former Oath Keeper state chapter president is indeed a longtime government informant, as it fully appears, he may be very much used to getting text messages from an agency contact telling him “Hey, go to this right-wing event and test the crowd for troublemakers. We’re looking to flush out the crazies.” Certainly, Epps made it sound like he was no novice to crowd control at large-scale protest events. His Facebook profile picture was a previous mass march on Washington, and he was fond of telling those around him he’s “been doing this a long time.”Watch:Moreover, we know Ray Epps feels morally conflicted about what happened. He may still consider himself a patriot, and realized only later he was used like a pawn. How else can one synthesize Epps’s cryptic and tortured quasi-confession to the AZ Central just five days after January 6, where he was torn between the statements “I think the truth needs to get out” and “they were supposed to go in the doors like everyone else.”What “truth” did Ray Epps mean, when he said “the truth needs to get out”?  Why did Epps believe the crowd “was supposed to go in” the Capitol a certain way—i.e., through the front Columbus entrance doors, rather than breaking and entering the rear Capitol windows? Who was Ray Epps working for, and who told him how things were “supposed” to go? From AZCentral: A Queen Creek man who acknowledges he was in Washington, D.C., for last week’s rally by President Donald Trump also appears to be shown in videos taken the night before talking about plans to go inside the U.S. Capitol. In one video that has been widely viewed on Twitter, he can be heard saying, “I don’t even like to say it because I’ll be arrested. I’ll say it. We need to go into the Capitol.” Ray Epps told The Arizona Republic in a brief telephone interview Monday that he had traveled to the capital for the event, and that he had been advised by an attorney not to speak about it. “I think the truth needs to get out,” he said.He said he would be putting out a statement on Tuesday and added, “I didn’t do anything wrong.” A video online appears to show him saying, “We’re here to defend the Constitution” and “We need to go into the Capitol.” Asked about it, he first told The Republic he would need to see the video. When read a transcript of the comments, he said, “The only thing that meant is we would go in the doors like everyone else. It was totally, totally wrong the way they went in.”On top of the evidence above, consider this perspective. The Feds paid their bottomless roster of secret operatives a whopping $548 million in 2020 alone for sting jobs all over the country. 20 percent of their informant roster is made up of “longtime informants,” who effectively make a career out of it. It’s even quite banal for longtime informants to be explicitly authorized in advance to go out and commit crimes, with federal handlers granting permission for informants to carry out 22,800 crimes in the 2011-2014 reporting period alone.So if Ray Epps and others were granted permission by the handlers ahead of time to participate it crimes, it would not be a “big deal” inside the bureau: it would be standard operating procedure. The FBI even gave key government informant and Three Percenters chapter founder Steve Robeson authorization to commit crimes during the Whitmer Kidnapping Plot hoax.We don’t have public data on the volume of pre-authorized crimes beyond 2014, but we do know that FBI Director Chris Wray began doubling his “right-wing extremism investigations” in April 2020 (seven months before 1/6), the FBI and DHS issued threat assessments naming right-wing domestic extremist groups as the nation’s #1 top-priority law enforcement and terrorism threats in the summer of 2020, and that the FBI is bound by DOJ guidelines to proportion its informant roster to its threat assessments. So if January 6 turns out to be the biggest Fed-fest in US history, we can see clearly now in retrospect how “the table was set.”Conclusion: The Time Is Now For Full-Court Legal and Legislative Action-You know the fix is in because we do not have Ray Epps’s phone records from January 6.A full and complete record of every text message, every phone call, and every wire conversation Ray Epps made on January 5-6 would tell us exactly who else was privy to the Capitol breach plan. It would also very likely tell us which federal agencies were giving the orders, and which agents in particular were handling the many disparate members of the breach team.The sham January 6 House Select Committee has now subpoenaed over 100 civilian cell phone records. But you know the fix is in because they have stayed away from subpoenaing the cell phone records of Ray Epps. And Ray Epps is just chilling at home these days, under the apparent protection of the Phoenix FBI.We know that in the FBI-orchestrated “Whitmer Kidnapping Plot,” just three months before January 6, key FBI informants received text messages from handlers to “maximize attendance” of the patsies at locations where their presence would be construed as an “overt act” in furtherance of a conspiracy (“agreement” and “overt act” are the two legal elements of a federal conspiracy charge).Congressional Republications must now demand the phone records and full and complete account of Ray Epps’s relationship with the federal government. Subpoenas should be flying at Sean Kaul, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the Phoenix FBI Field Office, faster than Merrick Garland can run from an honest question.January 6 defense lawyers: you must seek court-ordered subpoenas for discovery production related to the federal government’s records on such individuals as Ray Epps and ScaffoldCommander. If Ray Epps is a Fed, and your client walked through the Peace Monument gate or was induced to trespass because of the Big Bang Breach Team’s booby trap, you have an entrapment case and a potential affirmative defense. The Justice Department is legally required under Brady to provide you with all potentially exculpatory evidence related to that defense, and you should be prepared to play tapes of Ray Epps to the jury showing how the riot started in the first place.If ScaffoldCommander is a Fed, and your client was induced to “move forward” and be thrust into a breaching throng, you have an entrapment case. “Fill up the Capitol” is a direct order. That goes far beyond the “strong suggestive language” that government informants are required to stay within in order to avoid entrapment.Finally, Ray Epps, if you’re reading this: We know that you are conflicted, and that you want to the truth to come out. You can still be a hero.Simply come forward, and tell the world your story.What really happened on January 6?

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