Tuesday, February 13, 2024



16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, (SLAVE) to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)

1 TIMOTHY 1:10
10 for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine

7 If someone is caught kidnapping a fellow Israelite and treating or selling them as a slave, the kidnapper must die. You must purge the evil from among you.

REV 9:21
 21 and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries (DRUG HIGHS) nor of their immorality nor of their thefts.

For if we go on willfully and deliberately sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice [to atone] for our sins [that is, no further offering to anticipate],


New Report Says Obama CIA Worked With International Spy Agencies to Get Trump-Victoria Taft | 7:01 PM on February 13, 2024

When the Trump-Russia operation began unraveling, it was clear that there was an international cast of characters involved in the frame-up. The operation to get Trump — in time to torpedo his election in 2016 and then subvert his presidency — involved the Hillary Clinton campaign, the CIA's John Brennan, who informed President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden of the operation, the FBI, which appeared to cover it up, a reputed Russian spy working for a Democrat think tank, a mysterious Maltese professor, an international honeypot, an Australian diplomat, and a British spy. It was the earthly equivalent of the Star Wars cantina scene. The "Six Ways from Sunday" crowd tried to trap Trump World into revealing that they were working with the Russians to win the election. When Trump won, the FBI continued the frame-up and attempted to hog-tie the Trump campaign in investigation after investigation during his presidency. Indeed, the Durham special counsel report said that the FBI had no — zero — reason to open the investigation into Trump but did it anyway. "Witch hunt" doesn't begin to do this operation justice. Those are some of the broad strokes of what we know. Now here's more of the story. An investigative report from Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, and reporter Alex Gutentag reveals that the Five Eyes spy agencies were tasked to spy on Team Trump to connect him to the Russians to defeat him in the 2016 election.The report appears to confirm previous reports that Western World's spy agencies were tasked by the CIA's Brennan to spy on "26 Trump associates" to "‘bump,’ or make contact with or manipulate. They were targets of our own IC [Intelligence Community] and law enforcement — targets for collection and misinformation.”It eventually became a frame-up. It was all an information operation run by our own clandestine spy agencies as well as used by the FBI to investigate, and it was, needless to say, all likely unconstitutional. The idea of using other spy agencies to spy on U.S. citizens without justification is still illegal. The report, which will be revealed over the next couple of days on Racket and Public Substacks and behind paywalls, reveals that Trump ordered the details of the Intelligence Community operation against him declassified before he left office. Unknown details about the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign and raw intelligence related to the IC’s surveillance of the Trump campaign are in a 10-inch binder that Trump ordered to be declassified at the very end of his term, sources told Public and Racket. If the top-secret documents exist proving these charges, they are potentially proof that multiple US intelligence officials broke laws against spying and election interference.Let's go to the tote board: The IC interfered with the 2016 and 2020 elections, and now the Biden Administration is interfering with the 2024 election. Obama had a hand in all of this interference. Gee, if this keeps up, Americans may lose faith in our law enforcement and other institutions. Kidding. We know they already have. And with good reason.Americans need an apology and for room to be made at the Washington, D.C., Gulag for this treason. I suggest we start with these three.

Michael Shellenberger-@shellenberger-FEB 13,24
FBI started spying on the Trump campaign after foreign governments "by chance" discovered evidence that his advisors were colluding with the Russians, the government says. But now, multiple credible sources tell us that the CIA asked foreign allies to spy on 26 Trump associates.CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say-United States Intelligence Community targeted 26 Trump advisors for foreign spy agencies to “reverse target” and “bump”by @Shellenberger @mtaibbi and @galexybrane

Last year, John Durham, a special prosecutor for the Department of Justice (DOJ), concluded that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) should never have opened its investigation of alleged collusion by then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and Russia in late July of 2016.Now, multiple credible sources tell Public and Racket that the United States Intelligence Community (IC), including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), illegally mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to target Trump advisors long before the summer of 2016.The new information fills many gaps in our understanding of the Russia collusion hoax and is supported by testimony already in the public record.Until now, the official story has been that the FBI’s investigation began after Australian intelligence officials told US officials that a Trump aide had boasted to an Australian diplomat that Russia had damning material about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.In truth, the US IC asked the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance to surveil Trump’s associates and share the intelligence they acquired with US agencies, say sources close to a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HSPCI) investigation. The Five Eyes nations are the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.After Public and Racket had been told that President Barack Obama’s CIA Director, John Brennan, had identified 26 Trump associates for the Five Eyes to target, a source confirmed that the IC had “identified [them] as people to ‘bump,’ or make contact with or manipulate. They were targets of our own IC and law enforcement — targets for collection and misinformation.”Unknown details about the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign and raw intelligence related to the IC’s surveillance of the Trump campaign are in a 10-inch binder that Trump ordered to be declassified at the very end of his term, sources told Public and Racket.If the top-secret documents exist proving these charges, they are potentially proof that multiple US intelligence officials broke laws against spying and election interference.CNN, Politico, The Guardian, and others reported in 2017 that the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the UK’s equivalent of the National Security Agency (NSA), was the “principal whistleblower” in the investigation into the alleged ties between Trump and the Russian government.“GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious ‘interactions’ between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence” wrote a team of reporters for The Guardian in April 2017.This intelligence sharing was supposedly just the result of “incidental collection.” Reported The Guardian, “It is understood that GCHQ was at no point carrying out a targeted operation against Trump or his team or proactively seeking information. The alleged conversations were picked up by chance as part of routine surveillance of Russian intelligence assets.”But now, sources say the GCHQ’s version of events is false. Instead, the US IC asked its foreign allies to target 26 members of Trump’s team, possibly to justify the FBI’s investigation.“They were making contacts and bumping Trump people going back to March 2016,” a source close to the investigation said. “They were sending people around the UK, Australia, Italy — the Mossad in Italy. The MI6 was working at an intelligence school they had set up.”The IC, a source said, considered the 26 Trump campaign people identified to “bump” or “reverse target,” or manipulate through confidential human sources (CHSs), to be easy marks because of their relative inexperience.Doing so was illegal, both because US law prohibits such intelligence gathering unless authorized by a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant and because the weaponization of the IC for political purposes constitutes election interference.Brennan, former President Barack Obama, under whom he served, and the CIA did not respond to requests by Public and Racket for comment. The Justice Department also declined to comment. But, the FBI and GCHQ did respond.“The allegations that GCHQ was asked to conduct ‘wire tapping’ against the then president-elect are nonsense,” said a GCHQ spokesperson. “They are utterly ridiculous and should be ignored.”However, in our email presenting the claims to GCHQ, we did not refer to "wiretapping" but rather to its UK spy agency’s broader alleged involvement in the scheme.Said the FBI, “The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that [Justice Department] Special Counsel [John] Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time. Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented.”But the new information provided by our sources should significantly alter the public’s understanding of how the US IC, including the FBI and CIA, began their illegal investigation into the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia.https://x.com/shellenberger/status/1757487541211774985?s=20

TOMORROW: Inside the Top-Secret Russia Collusion Binder The Intelligence Community Won’t Release-There are people in the replies suggesting that "we already knew this."No, we didn't. And no, you didn't. Only a tiny number of people knew about this until now.And, as we note in our story, "If the top-secret documents exist proving these charges, they are potentially proof that multiple US intelligence officials broke laws against spying and election interference."This is a massive scoop that upends what people knew about the origins of the Russia collusion hoax.In our piece, we describe how what has already been reported supports our new findings.


Speaker Johnson: Mayorkas ‘deserves to be impeached’by Rebecca Beitsch - 02/13/24 8:21 PM ET

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said Tuesday night that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas “deserves to be impeached” and defended a GOP case that has been criticized by the left and right.“From his first day in office, Secretary Mayorkas has willfully and consistently refused to comply with federal immigration laws, fueling the worst border catastrophe in American history. He has undermined public trust through multiple false statements to Congress, obstructed lawful oversight of the Department of Homeland Security, and violated his oath of office,” Johnson wrote.“Alejandro Mayorkas deserves to be impeached, and Congress has a constitutional obligation to do so … Since this Secretary refuses to do the job that the Senate confirmed him to do, the House must act.”The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) described the impeachment articles as not containing “a shred of evidence or legitimate Constitutional grounds.”Republicans in the articles accuse Mayorkas of “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law,” claiming he violated immigration laws by failing to detain a sufficient number of migrants. But no administration has ever detained all migrants, and immigration law experts who have weighed the claim determined Mayorkas did not violate any laws and is making the same tough choices past administrations have grappled with about whom they have the resources to detain.Similarly, GOP claims he lied to Congress rest largely on testimony he’s given where he’s maintained the government has operational control of the border, which Republicans dispute.Republicans have pointed to his testimony about the Secure Fence Act, which defines operational control of the border as a status in which not a single person or piece of contraband improperly enters the country. No secretary of Homeland Security has met that standard of perfection.“I do, and congressman, I think the secretary of Homeland Security would have said the same thing in 2020 and 2019,” Mayorkas said in a 2022 exchange when asked if he met the standard. In a July hearing, Mayorkas said: “With respect to the definition of operational control, I do not use the definition that appears in the Secure Fence Act. And the Secure Fence Act provides statutorily that operational control is defined as preventing all unlawful entries into the United States. By that definition, no administration has ever had operational control.”Mayorkas has argued the law puts the onus on the secretary to maximize their resources to have the most effective results possible.Some conservative legal scholars have been highly critical of the GOP’s impeachment case for Mayorkas.Alan Dershowitz, who represented former President Trump in his first impeachment trial, accused House Republicans on Tuesday of using “double standards” in backing “vague” charges against Mayorkas when they refused to do so for the former president. Any backers, he said, are “distorting the Constitution.”DHS on Tuesday criticized the passage of the articles.“House Republicans will be remembered by history for trampling on the Constitution for political gain rather than working to solve the serious challenges at our border. While Secretary Mayorkas was helping a group of Republican and Democratic Senators develop bipartisan solutions to strengthen border security and get needed resources for enforcement, House Republicans have wasted months with this baseless, unconstitutional impeachment,” DHS spokesperson Mia Ehrenberg said in a statement.“Without a shred of evidence or legitimate Constitutional grounds, and despite bipartisan opposition, House Republicans have falsely smeared a dedicated public servant who has spent more than 20 years enforcing our laws and serving our country. Secretary Mayorkas and the Department of Homeland Security will continue working every day to keep Americans safe.”

West Virginia AG urges Harris to invoke 25th Amendment to remove Biden-by Nick Robertson - 02/13/24 1:28 PM ET (MY COMMENT BYE BYE BRAIN DEAD BIDEN)

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey (R) called on Vice President Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment against President Biden on Tuesday, claiming that the president is not physically able to perform the duties of the job.Morrisey argued Biden’s mental health is a serious concern after a 388-page special counsel report was released last week describing the president as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” Biden has aggressively fought back against that characterization.“President Biden’s cognitive decline is of great concern to Americans, especially during these times that our nation is facing crisis after crisis both here and abroad,” Morrisey wrote. “We need a president who is mentally fit.”The Republican attorney general said the report “paints a clear picture of a President who is not up for the job.”The report followed a yearlong probe into classified documents from Biden’s time as vice president that were found at his old office and his private home in Delaware.The 25th Amendment was passed by Congress in 1965 in order to clarify presidential succession following the assassination of former President Kennedy. It also included a section allowing the vice president and the Cabinet to remove a president from office if they are deemed physically incapable. The power has never been used, but was floated by anti-Trump critics following the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, including by former Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who dismissed the solution as not quick enough.A number of other Republicans have also brought up using the 25th Amendment against Biden in recent weeks, including Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-N.Y.). Trump himself floated the idea last September.The calls underline a focus on Biden’s age among both lawmakers and the general public. Criticism has mounted against Biden in recent weeks following a series of memory gaffes.Biden and his campaign have brushed off the concerns, while a majority of Americans in most polls believe the president is too old to run for reelection.



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