Thursday, February 15, 2024



Jesse Watters: The Obama-Biden White House Launched An Illegal Preemptive War Against Democracy, Trump-Posted By Tyler Stone-On Date February 15, 2024

FOX News' Jesse Watters talked about President Barack Obama, FBI, and CIA working to investigate Donald Trump's campaign in 2016:JESSE WATTERS: According to this report Obama's CIA director John Brennan asked our English-speaking allies to target the Trump campaign. Handing these foreign intelligence agencies a target list of 26 Trump associates. These 26 Trump associates were to be bumped, meaning they would be approached by assets, bumped into. And these interactions and relationships would be reported to the FBI as suspicious. These were people the CIA considered easy marks like George Papadopoulos, a 20-year-old.Foreign spies didn't discover evidence of Trump-Russia collusion and turned it over to the Feds. Foreign spies were assigned by Obama's CIA to create a false impression of collusion, to trigger an FBI counterintelligence investigation. Obama's CIA worked with Hillary's foreign agents in London to hatch the hoax which led to the FBI investigation, the illegal wiretapping, the Mike Flynn sting. And when Trump got wind of it, the Comey firing. Then Comey leaks the memos which triggered the Muller investigation. The Muller investigation was designed to cover up for Obama and Hillary and tee-up impeachment.It failed on impeachment, but the cover-up worked. Until now. New reporting by Matt and Michael revealed that House investigators had discovered the root causes, but their investigation and all of their documents were confined to secure rooms in Langley. When Trump was leaving office in those hectic final days, he attempted to declassify this material which started a battle between former CIA director Gina hospital, the Department of Justice and the National Archives. The report says someone may have taken this binder of material exposing the entire intelligence community out of Langley. And it may have been what the FBI was looking for when they raided Mar-a-Lago. Others say that is not true. But the point remains. The Obama Biden white house, their CIA and FBI director launched an illegal preemptive war against democracy, got caught, and have been covering it up for eight years. Shellenberger and Taibbi also said redacted FOIA documents suggested that Biden has been conspiring against Donald Trump with the intelligence committee to prosecute the former president in federal court. Which would be an impeachable offense.

Taibbi: Same People That Cooked Intel Report Russia Interfered With Election Also Surveilled Trump Aides In 2016-Posted By Ian Schwartz-On Date February 14, 2024

Racket News editor Matt Taibbi on Wednesday told FOX News host Jesse Watters about a "broad political espionage campaign" involving the same people in the intelligence community that cooked the intel assessment that Russia interfered with the election.JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: The point remains that the Obama-Biden White House, their CIA and FBI director launched an illegal preemptive war against democracy, got caught, and have been covering it up for eight years. Shellenberger and Taibbi also said redacted FOIA documents suggested that Biden has been conspiring against Donald Trump with the intelligence committee to prosecute the former president in federal court. Which would be an impeachable offense. Matt Taibbi is the Racket News editor-in-chief and "Griftopia" author. So this is great reporting. It's hard to verify because we were told that this special counsel, Durham, was going to get to the bottom of it. Are you saying he missed this? MATT TAIBBI, RACKET NEWS: We were told that the scope of the Durham investigation was limited to a few areas and that he wasn't looking at this particular direction. The information that we have, the investigation that was conducted by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, what they found was a broad political espionage campaign and there were two main conclusions that are at the center of our reports.One is that at least 26 Trump aides and associates were improperly and without predication placed under surveillance in election year of 2016. And the other one is that these same folks cooked the intelligence for the January 6, 2017 intelligence community assessment saying that Russia interfered, I'm sorry, conducted an influence campaign to help Donald Trump. It is a WMD-style story. They suppressed dissenting opinions and created a false narrative.WATTERS: There is a lot of debate over this binder. Is there a binder? What's in the binder? Is it redacted? Who has it and where is it? Is that why they conducted the [Mar-a-Lago] raid? What is going on with these materials? TAIBBI: Well, it's a difficult story because we heard multiple versions of what the binder is, how many binders there are. We heard there are as many as three. But we do know a couple of concrete things. We know that only a share of the investigation only got out. People are aware of the Nunes memo which led to the investigation of FISA. We also know that there was a report done into the origins of that intelligence community assessment which supposedly never left a vault on the grounds of Langley. That is like a 17- or 20-page report that was confirmed by multiple sources.Apart from that we were told there were numerous other investigative materials that may or may not be these binders that stories are referring to. But we know there is a lot of stuff that didn't get out. That there were thousands of hours of investigation and their conclusions have not yet been declassified.WATTERS: This would just be another reason why they want to do everything they can to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House because he will blow the lid off of that. He tried to and wasn't able to at the end. I am interested in your reporting that there heavily redacted FOIA documents that suggest that Joe Biden has been collaborating with the intelligence committee to prosecute these federal cases against Donald Trump. We will see how that shakes out. Matt, great reporting to you and [Michael] Shellenberger. I suggest everybody go to her website, your Substack, and read it for yourself. Thanks again.Report: Deep state is scrambling to find a missing top-secret binder that shows how Obama's CIA set up the Russia hoax @shellenberger @mtaibbi— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) February 14, 2024

Watters: Obama's CIA Agents Worked With Hillary's Foreign Agents In London To Take Down Trump-Posted By Tim Hains-On Date February 15, 2024

FNC's Jesse Watters discusses what new reporting from Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger says about the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion story:JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS: In the 1950s, President Dwight Eisenhower announced that he was naming the first civilian director in the history of the CIA. His name was Allen Dulles. Dulles has had one order: eliminate communism. But under Dulles, the CIA morphed into Washington's most powerful agency built up by a league of ruthless assassins, operating under the orders to protect capitalism from the Soviet menace.Dulles became power-hungry. Just months into his term, Dulles greenlighted "Operation PB-Success," a coup to take out Guatemala's democratically elected leader, Jacobo Arbenz, and replace him with a military dictator. Why? To serve as a vanguard for corporate interests. You see, they needed to protect the profits of the United Fruit Company. They were under threat of having their land confiscated under the Arbenz administration.And the CIA has never shied away from government overthrow. From Iran to the Congo to South Vietnam -- the CIA's never changed. Until very recently, when they began interfering in American elections. And when it happened, it was called a conspiracy theory.DONALD TRUMP: The biggest scandal was when they spied on my campaign. They spied on my campaign.60 MINUTES HOST: There's no real evidence of that.' TRUMP: Yes there is, it is all over the place. Leslie, they spied on my campaign, and they got caught.60 MINUTES HOST: Can I say something? You know, this is "60 Minutes" and we can't put on things we can't verify.DONALD TRUMP: You won't put it on because it is bad for Biden.60 MINUTES HOST: We can't put on things we can't verify.DONALD TRUMP: Leslie, they spied on my campaign. It's been totally verified.60 MINUTES HOST: No.DONALD TRUMP: It's been, just go down and get do the papers. They spied on my campaign. They got caught.JESSE WATTERS: Barack Obama said everything was done by the book.BARACK OBAMA: I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI. Not just in this case, but in any case.JESSE WATTERS: Now, Obama isn't the first politician to lie and won't be the last. Last night, we brought you a bombshell report from journalists Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi. They allege Obama's CIA not only was involved in the Russia hoax, they started it.MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER: The story as you mentioned was that, oh, we were just informed by foreign intelligence about this. Our sources tell us a very different story, which is that this was initiated by the US government. It came from within the US government's intelligence community including the CIA.JESSE WATTERS: According to this report, Obama's CIA director, John Brennan, asked our English-speaking allies to target the Trump campaign, handing these foreign intelligence agencies a target list of 26 Trump associates. These 26 Trump associates were to be bumped, meaning they would be approached by assets -- bumped into -- and these interactions and relationships would be reported to the FBI as suspicious.These were people the CIA considered people easy marks, like George Papadopoulos, 20-year-old. Foreign spies didn't discover evidence of Trump-Russia collusion and turn it over to the feds. Foreign spies were assigned turned Obama's CIA to create a false impression of collusion, to trigger an FBI counterintelligence investigation.Obama's CIA worked with Hillary's foreign agents in London to hatch the hoax, which led to the FBI investigation, the illegal wiretapping, the Mike Flynn sting. And then when Trump caught wind of it, the Comey firing. And then Comey leaked the memos which triggered the Mueller investigation.Now, the Mueller investigation was designed to cover up for Obama and Hillary, and tee up impeachment. It failed on impeachment, but the cover-up worked -- until now.New reporting by Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger reveal that House investigators had discovered the root causes, but their investigations and all of their documents weres confined to secure rooms in Langley.And when Trump was leaving office in those hectic final days, he attempted to declassify this material, which started a battle between former CIA director Gina Haspel, the Department of Justice, and the National Archives.The report says someone may have taken this binder of material exposing the entire intelligence community out of Langley, and it may have been what the FBI was looking for when they raided Mar-a-Lago.Others say that's not true, but the point remains that the Obama-Biden White House, their CIA and FBI director, launched an illegal preemptive war against democracy, got caught, and have been covering it up for eight years. Shellenberger and Taibbi also said redacted FOIA documents suggested that Biden has been conspiring against Donald Trump with the intelligence committee to prosecute the former president in federal court. Which would be an impeachable offense. Matt Taibbi is the Racket News editor-in-chief and "Griftopia" author. So this is great reporting. It's hard to verify because we were told that this special counsel, Durham, was going to get to the bottom of it. Are you saying he missed this?

Shellenberger: Missing Classified Docs On Obama Launching Trump-Russia Allegations Could Have Been Reason For FBI Mar-a-Lago Raid-Posted By Tim Hains-On Date February 14, 2024

Report: Deep state is scrambling to find a missing top-secret binder that shows how Obama's CIA set up the Russia hoax @shellenberger @mtaibbi Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) February 14, 2024-Reporter Michael Shellenberger speaks with FNC's Jesse Watters about his Substack piece titled: "CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say."

JESSE WATTERS: This is a Fox News Alert. Brand new details about how Obama's CIA targeted Trump and started the entire Russia hoax. For years, we were told that tips from an Australian diplomat tipped off the FBI after a random conversation with Papadopoulos, a no-name 20-something.  But according to new reporting by Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi, the whole thing was a CIA set up. Former Cia Director John Brennan identified 26 Trump associates to be targeted by the Five Eyes intelligence alliance and then those interactions were the targets and were targeted by the FBI as suspicious. And that's how the FBI launched the Russia collusion hoax.The details of this entire operation have been stored in a top secret binder in a secret room in Washington. Trump ordered the whole thing declassified and now, the rumor is that the binder might be missing.Joining me now, one of the reporter who broke this story, Michael Shellenberger.Michael, explain how this all started with the CIA picking these 26 Trump people.MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER, AUTHOR: Yes, good to be with you, Jesse.Well, obviously this is an extremely serious story and serious allegation by multiple credible sources that Public and Racket, that's Matt Taibbi's publication have spoken to, these are people that are close to the House Intelligence investigation of how the Russian collusion hoax began.The story as you mentioned was that, oh, we were just informed by foreign intelligence about this. Our sources tell us a very different story, which is that this was initiated by the US government. It came from within the US government's intelligence community including the CIA that they asked the so-called Five Eyes nations intelligence agencies, that's the other English-speaking nations including Britain and Australia, to spy on 26 Trump associates, or at least they had a list of the 26 associates that were identified.This is new information. Some people have theorized about this and speculated about it. We feel very confident that our sources were in a position to know and are very credible in this report. It's obviously a very serious allegation because this is illegal spying and it is illegal election interference.WATTERS: Okay, so you are reporting that the CIA got these allies to bump these 26 Trump associates, create interactions and then call these interactions suspicious and let the FBI know they were suspicious and that starts the whole thing.What about this binder that encapsulates this whole thing and no one knows where is it right now or Trump has it? What is that? SHELLENBERGER: Well, Jesse, we will have a piece tomorrow that is specifically about the binder, but as a friend of the show and of yours on this, I will say there has been widespread speculation that this Binder was the reason or a reason for the FBI raid of Mar-A-Lago and we will be discussing that tomorrow.But obviously, if this Binder contains what we have been told that it contains, which may include raw intelligence, information showing that the US government, the CIA and the intelligence community of the US government initiated the Russia collusion hoax, that it did not occur in the way that the official story including the Durham investigation had portrayed it, then that's extremely serious information.And maybe, if the FBI then went to get it in order to continue the cover-up of this information, that obviously adds an even more dramatic wrinkle to this, again, we will have more to say about it tomorrow, but this is a huge, huge story.I mean, I can't -- I have been thinking about it in the history of the United States of America, have we ever had something like this where the intelligence community was weaponized against a political candidate and using our foreign allies to do it, I can't think of a more important or dramatic story.WATTERS: Yes, and then going to great lengths by using FBI raids to cover it up. That's just an absolute incredible development. Great reporting to you and to Matt and we look forward to your report tomorrow.Thank you so much.SHELLENBERGER: Thanks, Jesse.

Missing binder at center of new claim that CIA drummed up spy operation on Trump’s 2016 campaign-By Susan Ferrechio - The Washington Times - Wednesday, February 14, 2024

FBI agents raiding former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in August 2022 may have been hunting for a 10-inch binder of declassified information detailing how former CIA Director John O. Brennan ordered the initial spying operation into Mr. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.A new bombshell report upends the Obama administration’s explanation for how and why it began Crossfire Hurricane, its secret counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign.The authors suggest that the FBI may have been trying to keep the information secret in its sweeping search for the binder.“There has been widespread speculation that this binder was the reason, or a reason, for the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago,” the report’s co-author Michael Shellenberger told Fox News.Mr. Shellenberger wrote the report with two other independent journalists. They relied on a source close to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence who said committee staffers uncovered evidence that Mr. Brennan asked the Five Eyes intelligence alliance to spy on 26 Trump campaign associates in the months leading up to the election.Mr. Brennan allegedly made the request in March 2016 when he led the spy agency and when Mr. Trump had greatly expanded his lead in the Republican presidential primary.The report contradicts the FBI’s explanation that it began spying on Mr. Trump’s campaign in July 2016. The agency has said it started the investigation only after receiving unsolicited information from foreign allies who had discovered, incidentally, that Mr. Trump’s advisers were working with Russians to damage Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.The source said Mr. Brennan, not randomly discovered evidence of collusion, spurred the investigation.House Republicans have long accused the Obama administration of illegally and baselessly spying on the former president.“The only thing we got wrong about it is, it was worse than we thought,” said House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican.The Washington Times contacted the FBI, and a spokesperson declined to comment.“If the top-secret documents exist proving these charges, they are potentially proof that multiple U.S. intelligence officials broke laws against spying and election interference,” Mr. Shellenberger and the journalists reported.The day before leaving office, Mr. Trump moved to declassify the binder containing information about the FBI’s secret Crossfire Hurricane investigation and its origins.The CIA has kept much of the information in the binder secret, according to the source, and the location of the binder is unknown, even to the former president, say those connected to him.America First Legal, led by Mr. Trump’s former White House policy director, Stephen Miller, sued the National Archives and Records Administration for the material in March 2023 on behalf of reporter John Solomon.The government argued that access to the material should be denied because “the record received from the White House on January 20, 2021, was not the same as the ‘binder’ that existed at the White House” and Mr. Trump’s staff “altered the collection and transferred a different, diminished set of materials” to the Department of Justice.The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has not ruled on the matter. America First Legal has asked the court to grant access to information to determine how the Justice Department and National Archives handled the records after Mr. Trump left office.Special prosecutor John Durham investigated the origins of Crossfire Hurricane for four years and concluded in a report in May that the FBI lacked “any actual evidence of collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russians to justify launching their secret investigation.Allegations that Mr. Trump colluded with Russians to win the presidency, and even claims that Mr. Trump was a Russian agent or was acting on behalf of President Vladimir Putin, dogged most of his presidency.After months of negotiations, the FBI raided Mr. Trump’s Palm Beach mansion on Aug. 8, 2022, to retrieve boxes of documents that he took from the White House when he left office.The agents spent hours scouring the property and seized 36 items, including boxes and containers holding classified records.Special counsel Jack Smith later filed charges against Mr. Trump. The former president faces 40 criminal counts related to retaining national defense information under the Espionage Act and obstruction.Two weeks after the raid, RealClearInvestigations reported that the 30 agents who conducted the Mar-a-Lago search came from Washington and were from the same counterintelligence division that conducted the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.• Kerry Picket contributed to this report.• Susan Ferrechio can be reached at

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