Wednesday, March 06, 2024



JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE


TAPE 1 - REV CH 1 - 4:6
TAPE 2 - REV CH 4:7-8 TO 9:31
TAPE 3 - REV CH 10:1 TO 14:1
TAPE 4 - REV CH 14:2 TO REV 18:25
TAPE 5 - REV CH 19:1 TO REV 22:20

TAPE 1 - DAN 1:1 TO DAN 3:30
TAPE 2 - DAN 4:1 TO DAN 6:28
TAPE 3 - DAN 7:1 TO DAN 9:27
TAPE 4 - DAN 10:1 TO DAN 12:13



DISEASES-ANIMAL TO HUMAN (500 million Dead )

7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,(2 billion) of (8 billion) to kill with sword,(WEAPONS)(500 million) and with hunger,(FAMINE)(500 million) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES)(500 million) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE)(500 million).


1 PET 5:8
8 Be sober,(NOT DRUGED UP OR ALCOHOLICED) be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (DRUGS) were all nations deceived.

21 Neither repented they of their murders,(KILLING) nor of their sorceries (DRUG ADDICTS AND DRUG PUSHERS), nor of their fornication,(SEX OUTSIDE MARRIAGE OR PROSTITUTION FOR MONEY) nor of their thefts.(STEALING)

Province ends enhanced masking in long-term care homes-Recent trends indicate a sustained decline in the transmission of respiratory illnesses, including influenza, COVID-19, and RSV, making masking for long-term care employees, caregivers and visitors optional-BayToday Staff-about 20 hours ago-MAR 5,24

The Ministry of Long-Term Care is ending enhanced masking measures in long-term care communities, effective immediately, as recent trends indicate a sustained decline in the transmission of respiratory illnesses, including influenza, COVID-19, and RSV.To varying degrees, the move makes masking for long-term care employees, caregivers and visitors optional.In November 2023, amid a rise of outbreaks in congregate settings, long-term care homes across the province implemented enhanced masking measures under instructions from the Ontario government. The Ministry of Long-Term Care mandated all staff, students, support workers and volunteers to wear a mask when in resident areas indoors.See related: Smile! Long-term care staff, visitors can now go without masks-It was short-lived but in the wake of the pandemic, from June to November 2023, masks were only required when direct care was being provided to residents. The masking policies put in place for the respiratory illness season were in step with those instituted in Ontario hospitals and other health-care settings.With the lifting of the measures, the guidance for all Sienna Senior Living long-term care communities, including North Bay's Waters Edge Care Community states masking for caregivers and visitors is optional, though recommended, in all areas of the home. This means that caregivers and visitors may join in for dining and sharing a meal or beverage in communal areas.Masking for team members, volunteers, students, and support workers is optional and self-determined, based on a point-of-care risk assessment. Every health care worker will complete a point-of-care risk assessment before every resident interaction and task to determine whether there is a risk to the health care worker or other individuals and determine the appropriate IPAC measures to be taken, which may include a mask or other protective equipment.Residents or substitute decision-makers may request that a staff member wear a mask when providing care, in alignment with the Residents’ Bill of Rights.Masking and other personal protective equipment requirements will continue when a long-term care community is declared in outbreak or when a resident is under additional precautions. These precautions will be directed by the home’s IPAC lead, outbreak management team and local public health unit. And, as always, these measures will periodically be reviewed by the Ministry of Long-Term Care to determine the best course of action, while considering residents’ physical health and overall well-being.

Health-34 Deaths, 302 Serious Injuries: RSV Vaccines Aren’t Even a Year Old but Some Experts Say It’s Time to Pull Them From the Market-by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. | Children's Health Defence-March 6th 2024, 6:38 am

It’s been less than a year since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended two new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines — yet CDC data and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) already show reports of 34 deaths, 302 serious adverse events and according to news reports this week, a safety signal for Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS).Reported cases include several instances of severe adverse events in newborns, including the death of a 27-day-old baby who was wrongly administered the vaccine, and in pregnant women and people in age groups for which the RSV vaccines were not approved.The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Pfizer’s Abrysvo and GSK’s Arexvy RSV vaccines for adults ages 60 and older — but not for children or babies.Abrysvo is also approved for pregnant women, targeting RSV prevention in babies. The FDA approved Abrysvo and Arexvy in May 2023.According to CDC data, approximately 9.65 million RSV vaccine doses — 6.58 million Arexvy doses and 3.06 million Abrysvo doses — were administered as of Feb. 16.Introducing Next Level Foundational Energy from Dr. Jones Naturals starting at 30% off! This cutting-edge dietary supplement is designed to elevate your energy levels and support your overall well-being.Members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) presented the data on deaths and adverse events related to the RSV vaccines at a Feb. 29 meeting.Yet, ACIP — and news media reports — primarily focused on GBS safety signals, glossing over deaths and the administration of the vaccines to unauthorized age groups.Instead, CDC officials claimed it’s too early to determine if the RSV vaccines caused the adverse events and reiterated that the shots are safe, according to The Associated Press (AP).Experts who spoke with The Defender disputed the CDC’s reassurances. Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief scientific officer for Children’s Health Defense (CHD), said “34 deaths in 10 months should be sufficient to pull the RSV vaccines from the market. But the FDA will not do that — nor will there be full investigations regarding these deaths.”“I am greatly concerned with the excessive application of the RSV vaccine,” said cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough. “We are beginning to see the tip of the iceberg in terms of serious side effects.” “The Wuhan Cover-Up” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Order Now-CDC creating ‘illusion of safe and effective’According to the CDC data presented at the Feb. 29 ACIP meeting, of the 34 deaths reported as of Feb. 16 following RSV vaccination, 22 were linked to Arexvy and nine to Abrysvo. In three instances, the report listed “no brand name.”Yet, discrepancies in the data are evident, as the public-facing VAERS database indicates only 29 RSV vaccine-related deaths as of Feb. 23. And according to Albert Benavides, founder of, three more “hidden” deaths reported after RSV vaccines are listed in VAERS, but the vaccine name is unlabeled.Benavides, who identified discrepancies and contradictions in VAERS data and has called attention to the existence of two parallel VAERS databases — one that is public-facing and one that is not — said, “It is simply gross and despicable the CDC and FDA are allowed to pass off this data obfuscation as pharmacovigilance.”He added: “VAERS administration is simply not publishing all legitimate reports received.”One of the deaths recorded in VAERS involved a 27-day-old baby from New York — even though the RSV vaccines are not approved for children. According to the report, which was entered into the VAERS database on Jan. 8, the newborn was vaccinated at a doctor’s office “and he passed away right there.” The date of death was unspecified.Other RSV vaccine-related death reports included:A report involving a foreign woman of “unknown” age but who was pregnant. She received Abrysvo Dec. 27, 2023, and died Jan. 1, 2024.A 67-year-old New Jersey man who received Arexvy Oct. 14, 2023, and died two days later — a death acknowledged by GSK as “related to Arexvy.”A 69-year-old Florida man who received Arexvy concurrently with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine Sept. 28, 2023, and died two days later. According to the VAERS report, an EKG on the date of his death was “grossly ‘abnormal’” despite no known cardiac history and an “unremarkable” cardiac exam two months prior.A 70-year-old California man who received Arexvy concurrently with a flu vaccine on Sept. 5, 2023. Increased coughing and fever began “less than 24 hours later” and lasted for four days, until “the patient was found deceased at home.”A 73-year-old Virginia male who eceived Arexvy Jan. 24 and was diagnosed with GBS. Symptoms began 11 days after vaccination. He died Feb. 15.    A 75-year-old Virginia woman who received Arexvy Jan. 4, died two hours later.A 76-year-old Michigan man who received Arexvy Jan. 11, sustained tachycardia and difficulty breathing, and died of acute sepsis and pneumonia Jan. 15.A 77-year-old Pennsylvania man who received Arexvy Jan. 4 and soon experienced “seizure-like activity” despite no history of seizures. He died Jan. 6.An 81-year-old California man who received Arexvy and a flu vaccine Sept. 18, 2023. He sustained severe cardiopulmonary arrest and died five hours later.An 81-year-old New Mexico woman who received Arexvy concurrently with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, and pneumonia, adenovirus and flu vaccines, on Oct. 19, 2023. On Oct. 29, 2023, she sustained a hemorrhage and later died.An 85-year-old Colorado man who received Abrysvo and a flu vaccine on Sept. 11, 2023. Two days later, he “developed symptoms of shingles in his eye” and later “developed meningitis/encephalitis that led to a host of other complications that ultimately led to his death” on Dec. 21, 2023.According to Benavides, other deaths likely related to RSV vaccination are “hidden” within VAERS, with details such as the vaccine name listed as “unknown” in some reports.This includes the Jan. 8 death of a preterm newborn in Texas. According to VAERS, the baby was “not breathing” hours after vaccination and subsequently died. The vaccine lot number listed in the VAERS report corresponds with Abrysvo.Benavides said mislabeled reports hide the true extent of adverse events:“Not publishing legitimate reports is one of their Vegas tricks. They delete legitimate reports after publication, purposely delay published reports, allow reports to be published without critical data fields like age, date of vaccination or death, even when reports are properly documented in the summary narrative.“It’s not a stretch to believe VAERS administration is systematically and actively scrubbing data fields that were present on initial submission to create the illusion of ‘safe and effective.’”Two other RSV vaccine-related reports in VAERS list Beyfortus — a monoclonal antibody for RSV administered to babies — in the write-up.These reports include a male born prematurely in New York who received Beyfortus and the hepatitis B vaccine at birth, and died of “fluid buildup in the lungs.” Another report lists an Arkansas male of “unknown” age who died of cardiac arrest on Feb. 14, although this was deemed unrelated to the “Beyfortus vaccine received” the prior day.Although Beyfortus is not a vaccine, it is classified as such in some instances. The ACIP recommended adding Beyfortus to the childhood vaccine schedule — giving it a liability waiver — but excluding it from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). RFK Jr. and Brian Hooker’s New Book: “Vax-Unvax” Order Now-‘Startling’ number of Guillain-Barré cases following RSV vaccinationVAERS lists 3,834 adverse events relating to the RSV vaccines as of Feb. 23, with approximately two-thirds of the reports pertaining to Arexvy. A total of 302 reports are classified as serious adverse events, with slightly over half connected to Arexvy.Yet, the ACIP meeting and subsequent news stories largely focused on a single safety signal: a higher-than-normal incidence of GBS in RSV vaccine recipients.According to The New York Times, GBS causes the immune system to attack the nerves, leading to paralysis and death in severe cases. According to AP, “An estimated 3,000 to 6,000 people develop G.B.S. in the U.S. each year,” mostly older adults.“Rare cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome have been linked to other vaccines, including those against influenza and shingles,” the Times reported. The Times did not mention incidences of GBS connected to COVID-19 vaccination.AP reported that health officials estimate “About two cases of Guillain-Barré might be seen in every 1 million people who receive a vaccine.” CDC data indicate the GBS incidence rate for Abrysvo recipients was 4.6 cases per million people.GBS incidences were lower for Arexvy, but according to AP, officials are also performing “follow-up tracking” in people who received this particular vaccine.“These data suggest a potential increased risk” from the RSV vaccine, said Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, director of CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, in remarks quoted by AP.“Given that the RSV vaccine was first approved in the U.S. on May 3, 2023, the number of VAERS reports for GBS, death and atrial fibrillation are indeed startling,” Hooker said.According to VAERS, 34 GBS cases related to RSV vaccination were recorded. Most were in the 65-79 age group, but at least two cases were reported in people under age 60, even though the RSV vaccines are not approved for those age groups. CDC data presented at the Feb. 29 ACIP meeting said 23 GBS reports have been “verified.”From these “verified” reports, 15 involved Abrysvo, 14 patients were male, seven received a COVID-19 vaccine at the same time they received the RSV shot, the median age was 71 and one patient died.The ACIP presentation referred to one GBS report “in a non-pregnant female patient aged 50s years” who received Abyrsvo. VAERS includes reports of other GBS cases in patients in age groups not authorized to receive the RSV vaccines.In one instance, a 6-month-old girl from California received Abrysvo and several other vaccines at a military site on Nov. 30, 2023. She sustained “life threatening” cardiac arrest. The RSV vaccine “was given by mistake,” according to her VAERS report.And a 28-year-old Kentucky female who received Abrysvo on Dec. 1, 2023, soon developed “facial weakness,” despite “no history of similar symptoms.” She was hospitalized for seven days and diagnosed with GBS.The ACIP also referenced 58 cases of atrial fibrillation, three cases of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, two cases of transverse myelitis and one case of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome and acute encephalitis following RSV vaccination.Risks of RSV vaccines evident during clinical trials-Despite the deaths and safety signals connected to the RSV vaccines, CDC officials at the Feb. 29 ACIP meeting adopted a reassuring tone regarding the vaccines’ safety.“Due to the uncertainties and limitations, these early data cannot establish if there is an increased risk for GBS after vaccination,” Shimabukuro said, according to the Times.According to AP, “CDC officials also presented estimates that the vaccines have prevented thousands of hospitalizations and hundreds of deaths from RSV, and that current data indicates the benefits of vaccination outweigh the possible risks.”“R.S.V. vaccines may prevent an estimated 120 to 140 in-hospital deaths and about 25,000 outpatient visits per million doses administered,” the Times reported.“Pfizer is committed to the continuous monitoring and evaluation of the safety of Abrysvo” and is conducting four safety studies examining the risk of GBS, said Reema Mehta, Pfizer’s vice president of risk assessment and safety, in remarks quoted by AP.“There are limitations to all of these data, and further analysis by FDA, CDC and the vaccine manufacturers are needed to confirm and quantify any potential risk,” said Alison Hunt, a GSK spokesperson, in remarks quoted by the Times.Experts noted the contradiction of CDC officials identifying safety signals from VAERS, after a Feb. 15 U.S. House of Representatives hearing where CDC and FDA officials downplayed the role of VAERS in the detection of safety signals.Dr. Daniel Jernigan, director of the CDC’s National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, claimed at the hearing that VAERS is “not intended to determine if a vaccine is causing an adverse event.”Saying that such criticisms were “a ploy to remove emphasis” from adverse events, Hooker said, “VAERS inaccuracies are only in under-reporting, not misreporting.”“The [2011] Lazarus study conducted at the request of CDC shows that perhaps 1% of all vaccine adverse events are captured by VAERS and that the true vaccine adverse event rate is around 1 in 39,” he said.According to Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist and biological warfare expert, “The FDA and CDC have enormous amounts of data on well over 100 million Americans” but “refuse to study the data.”According to AP, public health officials were aware of GBS instances identified during clinical trials and “different systems were watching for signs of problems.”Nass said there is little evidence that RSV vaccines are saving lives in either babies or the elderly.” But, she said, “There was good evidence, even in the pre-marketing data, that the RSV vaccines caused neurologic complications, including GBS.”“Why would anyone take an RSV vaccine that has a reasonable chance of causing a neurologic illness to prevent colds? The answer is that they are not being told the truth,” Nass said, calling for RSV vaccines to not be licensed or used until their safety is proven.McCullough said RSV “is like a mild cold and easily treated at home. He said the risk of “fatal paralysis, cardiac side effects and vaccine death far outweigh the occasional case of RSV, which we have been managing for many years in internal medicine.”“I do not recommend the new RSV vaccine to older adults,” he said.



JAMES 5:1-3
1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.

REVELATION 18:10,17,19
10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.(IN 1 HR THE STOCK MARKETS WORLDWIDE WILL CRASH)
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed:(CONFISCATED) their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

MARK OF THE BEAST (engraved microchip in your hand or forehead)

16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, (SLAVE) to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM

1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.
2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

I KNOW THIS MARK WILL BE A MICROCHIP IMPLANT UNDER THE SKIN. LETS LOOK UP WHAT THE WORD MARK SAYS IN REVELATION 13:16-18, 14:9,11, 15:2, 16:2, 19:20, 20:4-ALL THESE VERSES FROM THE BOOK OF REVELATION SPEAK OF THIS DICTATORS MARK. NOW LETS SEE WHAT IT MEANS FROM STRONGS EXAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE OF THE BIBLE. UNDER MARK PAGE 684.MARK UNDER MARK. THE OLD TESTAMENT IS UNDER HEBREW AND THE NEW TESTAMENT IS UNDER GREEK. SO WHEN WE LOOK UNDER REVELATION 13:16-17 WE SEE IT IS UNDER GREEK, SO WE GO TO GREEK IN THE BACK SECTION AND GO TO 5480 TO SEE WHAT IT SAYS THIS MARK WOULD BE. SO LETS GET TO IT.MARK IN STRONGS GREEK 5480 XAPAYUA CHARAGMA, KHAR-AG-MAH: FROM THE SAME AS 5482: A SCRATCH OR ETCHING, I.E STAMP (AS A BADGE OF SERVITUDE), OR SCULPTURED FIGURE-(STATUE):-GRAVEN, MARK FROM 5482 XAPAE CHARAX, KHAR-AX; FROM XAPAOOW CHARASSO (TO SHARPEN TO A POINT; AKIN TO 1125 THROUGH THE IDEA OF SCRATCHING); A STAKE, I.E (BYIMPL.) A PALISADE OR RAMPART (MILITARY MOUND FOR CIRCUMVALLATION IN A SIEGE): - TRENCH FROM 1125 YPAPOE GRAPHO, GRAF-0; A PRIM. VERB; TO "GRAVE", ESPEC. TO WRITE; FIG. TO DESCRIBE:-DESCRIBE, WRITE (-ING, -TEN).G5516-GO TO G4742-666 - STRONGS NT 4742: στίγμα - στίγμα, στιγματος, τό (from στίζω to prick; (cf. Latinstimulus, etc.; German stechen, English stick, sting, etc.; Curtius, § 226)), a mark pricked in or branded upon the body. According to ancient oriental usage, slaves and soldiers bore the name or stamp of their master or commander branded or pricked (cut) into their bodies to indicate what master or general they belonged to, and there were even some devotees who stamped themselves in this way with the token of their gods (cf. Deyling, Observations, iii., p. 423ff); hence, τά στίγματα τοῦ (κυρίου so Rec.) Ἰησοῦ, the marks of (the Lord) Jesus, which Paul in Galatians 6:17 says he bears branded on his body, are the traces left there by the perils, hardships, imprisonments, scourgings, endured by him for the cause of Christ, and which mark him as Christ's faithful and approved votary, servant, soldier (see Lightfoots Commentary on Galatians, the passage cited). (Herodotus 7, 233; Aristotle, Aelian, Plutarch, Lcian, others.)



Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.


In Sweden, cash is almost extinct and people implant microchips in their hands to pay for things-More than 4,000 Swedes have gone the microchip route as cash use fades and the government scrambles to figure out the effects on society and the economy-Liz Alderman, The New York Times-Published Nov 23, 2018

Few countries have been moving toward a cashless society as fast as Sweden. But cash is being squeezed out so quickly — with half the nation’s retailers predicting they will stop accepting bills before 2025 — that the government is recalculating the societal costs of a cash-free future.The financial authorities, who once embraced the trend, are asking banks to keep peddling notes and coins until the government can figure out what going cash-free means for young and old consumers. The central bank, which predicts cash may fade from Sweden, is testing a digital currency — an e-krona — to keep firm control of the money supply. Lawmakers are exploring the fate of online payments and bank accounts if an electrical grid fails or servers are thwarted by power failures, hackers or even war.“When you are where we are, it would be wrong to sit back with our arms crossed, doing nothing, and then just take note of the fact that cash has disappeared,” said Stefan Ingves, governor of Sweden’s central bank, known as the Riksbank. “You can’t turn back time, but you do have to find a way to deal with change.”Ask most people in Sweden how often they pay with cash and the answer is “almost never.” A fifth of Swedes, in a country of 10 million people, do not use automated teller machines anymore. More than 4,000 Swedes have implanted microchips in their hands, allowing them to pay for rail travel and food, or enter keyless offices, with a wave. Restaurants, buses, parking lots and even pay toilets depend on clicks rather than cash.Consumer groups say the shift leaves many retirees — a third of all Swedes are 55 or older — as well as some immigrants and people with disabilities at a disadvantage. They cannot easily gain access to electronic means for some goods and transactions, and rely on banks and their customer service. And the progress toward a cashless society could upend the state’s centuries-old role as sovereign guarantor. If cash disappears, commercial banks would wield greater control.“We need to pause and think about whether this is good or bad, and not just sit back and let it happen,” said Mats Dillén, the head of a Swedish Parliament committee studying the matter. “If cash disappears, that would be a big change, with major implications for society and the economy.”Urban consumers worldwide are increasingly paying with apps and plastic. In China and in other Asian countries rife with young smartphone users, mobile payments are routine. In Europe, about one in five people say they rarely carry money. In Belgium, Denmark and Norway, debit and credit card use has hit record highs.But Sweden — and particularly its young people — is at the vanguard. Bills and coins represent just 1 per cent of the economy, compared with 10 per cent in Europe and 8 per cent in the United States. About one in 10 consumers paid for something in cash this year, down from 40 per cent in 2010. Most merchants in Sweden still accept notes and coins, but their ranks are thinning.Among 18-to-24-year-olds, the numbers are startling: Up to 95 per cent of their purchases are with a debit card or a smartphone app called Swish, a payment system set up by Sweden’s biggest banks.Ikea, whose flat-box furniture is a staple of young households, has been experimenting to gauge the allure and effect of cashless commerce. In Gävle, about 100 miles north of Stockholm, managers decided to go cashless temporarily last month after they realized that fewer than 1 per cent of shoppers used cash — and Ikea employees were spending about 15 per cent of their time handling, counting and storing money.Patric Burstein, a senior manager, said the cashless test had freed employees to work on the sales floor. So far, around 1.2 of every 1,000 customers have been unable to pay with anything but cash — and mainly in the cafeteria where people tend to spend change. Rather than bother with bills, Ikea has been offering those customers freebies.“We said, ‘If you want a 50 cent hot dog, be my guest, take it. But next time maybe you can bring a card,'” said Burstein, 38. The test so far suggests that cash is not essential and, instead, may be costly, he said. “We’re spending a lot of resources on a very small percentage that actually need the service,” he said.The nearby branch of the Swedish National Pensioners Organization has led protests against the experiment, in part, because many retirees like to go to the Gävle Ikea for a bite to eat.“We have around 1 million people who aren’t comfortable using the computer, iPads or iPhones for banking,” said Christina Tallberg, 75, the group’s national president. “We aren’t against the digital movement, but we think it’s going a bit too fast.”The organization has been raising money to teach retirees how to pay electronically, but, paradoxically, that good effort has been tripped up by an abundance of cash. When collections for training are taken in rural areas — and the seniors donate in cash — the pensioner in charge must drive miles to find a bank that will actually take the money, Tallberg said. About half of Sweden’s 1,400 bank branches no longer accept cash deposits.“It’s more or less impossible, because the banks refuse to take cash,” she said.About half of Sweden's 1,400 bank branches no longer accept cash deposits-Banks have propelled the cashless revolution by encouraging consumers and retailers to use debit and credit cards, which yields banks and credit card companies lucrative fees. That includes the bank-developed Swish smartphone app.Sweden’s banks have cut back on cash in part for safety reasons after a rash of violent robberies in the mid-2000s. The national psyche is marked by an infamous helicopter heist in Västberga in 2009, when thieves landed on the roof of a G4S cash service depot and stole millions — a drama now being turned into a Netflix film. Last year, only two banks were robbed compared with 210 in 2008.In recent years, banks have dismantled cash machines by the hundreds. So little cash is used now that it has become expensive to track and maintain, said Leif Trogen, an official at the Swedish Bankers’ Association.There are two proposals by Swedish authorities to keep cash at hand. Parliament wants just the biggest banks to handle cash. The central bank is holding out for all banks to keep money flowing. Swedbank, SEB and other big Swedish financial institutions are fighting the lawmakers’ demands, saying it would place an undue burden on them to provide greater access.“The demand for cash is decreasing at an ever faster pace,” Trogen said. “Therefore, it is fundamentally wrong to legislate to influence the demand for cash.”The central bank has plans to roll out a pilot version next year of a new type of Riksbank money — the digital krona, or e-krona — that could replace physical cash or at least help calm the current cash conundrum. An e-krona would mean that the functions of a currency backed by the state would remain, even in an all-digital world that is fast approaching.Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, noted last week that several central banks were “seriously considering” digital currencies.“While the case for digital currency is not universal, we should investigate it further — seriously, carefully and creatively,” she said.Ingves, the central bank governor, said, “This is not a war on cash, but no one has argued that this evolutionary motion is going to stop.”The New York Times.


EUROPEAN UNION-KING OF WEST-DAN 9:26-27,DAN 7:23-24,DAN 11:40,REV 13:1-10

16 And he(FALSE POPE) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:(CHIP IMPLANT)
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(6-6-6) A NUMBER SYSTEM

12 And the ten horns (NATIONS) which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.(SOCIALISM)
13 These have one mind,(SOCIALISM) and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse:(PEACE) and he that sat on him had a bow;(EU DICTATOR) and a crown was given unto him:(PRESIDENT OF THE EU) and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.(MILITARY GENIUS)

9 Even him,(EU WORLD DICTATOR) whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion,(THE FALSE RESURRECTION BY THE WORLD DICTATOR) that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

16  Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.
17  Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.

37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.(THE EU AND ITS DICTATOR IS GODLESS)
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.(DICTATOR COMES FROM NEW AGE OR OCCULT)
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;(MURDERERD) and his deadly wound was healed:(COMES BACK TO LIFE) and all the world wondered after the beast.(THE WORLD THINKS ITS GOD IN THE FLESH, MESSIAH TO ISRAEL)
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints,(BEHEAD THEM) and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.(WORLD DOMINATION)
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.(WORLD DICTATOR).

Ursula von der Leyen: from 'Green Deal' to EU defence hawk-By Jerome CARTILLIER-Brussels, Belgium (AFP) March 6, 2024

Ursula von der Leyen has navigated back-to-back crises as head of the European Commission, from Covid to the Ukraine war. But she may need to reinvent herself on the campaign trail to win a new term at the EU's helm.The first woman to hold the top EU post, von der Leyen has come to embody an institution long cast as faceless, projecting renewed European assertiveness on the world stage.But her bulldozing dynamism has at times put her at odds with EU capitals.The 65-year-old German conservative is walking a tightrope as the flagship achievement of her first term -- the European "Green Deal" -- turns politically toxic, under fire from farmers who have been staging protests and part of her own camp.Reading the shifting public mood, von der Leyen has pivoted from climate concerns since announcing her bid last month, positioning herself instead as champion of a hawkish new European security outlook."The threat of war may not be imminent, but it is not impossible," she told European lawmakers in a sombre address that spoke of "shattered" illusions and the need for the EU to "wake up" to a perilous new security reality.During her first term the commission chief worked to expand the bloc's international role, and also pushed -- overstepped, her critics would say -- the boundaries of her own job.She has on occasion infuriated EU leaders, like last October, when while visiting Tel Aviv she backed Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas, without stressing that any military response must be bound by international law.- 'Made her mark' -Von der Leyen was a relative unknown outside Germany when she was tapped for the top EU job in 2019, in a surprise deal between Paris and Berlin.When first appointed, the welcome in Brussels -- the city where she was born and lived until her early teens -- was cool to say the least. She secured the European Parliament's backing by just nine votes."VDL," as she is nicknamed in EU circles, still has her detractors.Operating from the 13th floor of the Berlaymont, the commission's hulking headquarters where she also has her sleeping quarters, she relies on a tight-knit coterie of advisors -- a practice that rubs many the wrong way.But von der Leyen has made her mark in Brussels."There were a couple of major inflexion points where she managed to do the things that were needed and made herself visible doing them," summed up one European diplomat.When Europe was brought to its knees by the Covid-19 pandemic, von der Leyen steered a groundbreaking 750-billion-euro ($815 million) recovery plan.After Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, she was resolute in her support for Kyiv, setting to work on reducing Europe's energy dependency on Moscow.- Biden 'trusts her' -Beyond the bloc's borders, she has provided -- to some extent -- an answer to the old question attributed to Henry Kissinger: when the US president needs to speak to Europe, who does he call? For Ian Bremmer, founder of the Eurasia Group risk consultancy, von der Leyen built a "very good" relationship with President Joe Biden."Biden trusts her, he likes her," Bremmer told AFP. "They coordinate well."Though the mother of seven has long championed women's rights, von der Leyen's gender has seldom been an issue in office -- save for an infamous incident known as Sofagate.During a visit to Istanbul in April 2021, the commission chief found herself relegated to a sofa during a meeting with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Charles Michel, her European Council counterpart, when both men took seats in a pair of armchairs.The scene went viral, and von der Leyen pulled no punches afterward, telling lawmakers: "I have to conclude, it happened because I am a woman."Von der Leyen started out in local German politics in the 1990s, kickstarting a rapid rise: she was once viewed as a presumptive successor to Angela Merkel until her star dimmed at home following a rocky stint as defence minister.Three months from European elections that will reshuffle the political cards in Brussels, von der Leyen -- while by no means a shoo-in for a second term -- is seen as having a strong shot.But even if the European People's Party (EPP), which will formally tap her as its candidate Thursday in Bucharest, remains the biggest force in parliament, the choice of a commission chief is famously subject to horse-trading among EU capitals.That can be an unpredictable process, as shown back in 2019 with the surprise appointment of a low-profile German politician named... Ursula von der Leyen.

Macron urges Ukraine's allies not to be 'cowards' By Francesco FONTEMAGGI, Jan FLEMR

Prague (AFP) March 5, 2024-French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday urged Ukraine's allies not to be "cowards" in supporting the country to fight off the Russian invasion.He added that he "fully stood behind" controversial remarks made last week not ruling out the deployment of Western troops to Ukraine, which sent a shockwave around Europe."We are surely approaching a moment for Europe in which it will be necessary not to be cowards," Macron said on a visit to the Czech Republic, which is pushing a plan to buy weapons outside Europe for Ukraine.Speaking later after meeting his Czech counterpart Petr Pavel, he asked: "Is this or is it not our war? Can we look away in the belief that we can let things run their course?""I don't believe so, and therefore I called for a strategic surge and I fully stand behind that," Macron said.Most of Macron's European allies said they would not send troops to Ukraine after his comments on February 26.French officials also insisted that any such forces could be sent to back operations such as de-mining rather than fighting Russian forces."We want no escalation, we've never been belligerent," Macron said Tuesday.Germany's defence minister said Macron's quotes were not helpful."We don't need really, from my perspective at least, discussions about boots on the ground or having more courage or less courage," Boris Pistorius said at a press conference in Stockholm after meeting with his Swedish counterpart Pal Jonson."This is something which does not really help solve the issues we have when it comes to helping Ukraine," he added.- Cash for shells - Pavel, a former NATO general, agreed that Ukraine's allies should seek "new ways" to help, adding that the West would not cross "the imaginary red line" by getting involved in combat operations.He suggested NATO countries could for instance train Ukrainian soldiers in Ukraine, which would be "no violation of international rules".The presidents also commented on Prague's plan to collect money to buy ammunition for Ukraine outside Europe, first presented by Pavel at a security conference in Munich last month.Around 15 nations have voiced support for the plan to buy 500,000 rounds of 155-millimetre ammunition and 300,000 122-millimetre shells worth about $1.5 billion.Macron reiterated Tuesday that France backed the plan but did not say how much it might contribute. The Netherlands has already pledged to donate 100 million euros ($108.5 million).Paris has so far tended to funnel defence spending into its domestic industry, and favoured European weapons production for EU money.Macron did throw his weight behind using revenues from frozen Russian assets in Europe to fund Ukraine's defence, estimating them at 3-5 billion euros ($3.25-$5.4 billion) per year, but said the capital should remain untouched."We are not in favour of doing things forbidden in international law and opening a debate that I believe would weaken Europe," he said.- Nuclear power bid -Macron and Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala signed a bilateral cooperation plan for 2024-2028, hailed by the French leader as a "foundation for long-term industrial and strategic partnership".Macron also addressed a nuclear forum in the Czech capital, attended by several French energy companies including the power giant EDF, nuclear fuel distributor Orano and nuclear reactor producer Framatome.EDF and South Korea's KHNP are in contention for the Czech Republic's multibillion-euro tender to build up to four new units at its Temelin and Dukovany nuclear power stations.Macron said EDF's bid, to be submitted in April, had the "full support of France"Earlier on Tuesday, Orano signed a deal with the Czech state-run power group CEZ to enrich uranium for the Dukovany plant, replacing Russia's TVEL in this capacity.

Hungarian president signs Sweden's bid to join NATO-by AFP Staff Writers-Budapest (AFP) March 5, 2024

Hungary's president on Tuesday signed the law on Sweden's bid to join NATO, a final technical step before the Nordic country becomes the alliance's 32rd member.Hungary's parliament ratified Sweden's bid on February 26, ending more than a year of delays that frustrated other alliance members in the face of Russia's invasion of Ukraine."Tamas Sulyok, the president of the republic, today signed the decision taken by the National Assembly on February 26, 2024, regarding Sweden's membership in NATO," a statement on the presidential website read.Sweden, which has been militarily neutral for two centuries, will then be invited to accede to the Washington Treaty and officially become NATO's 32nd member.Russia's invasion of Ukraine two years ago prompted Sweden and neighbouring Finland to apply to join the trans-Atlantic bloc, ending their longstanding stance of non-alignment.Every NATO member has to approve a new country's membership.Finland joined in April last year, but Sweden's bid was stalled by both Hungary and Turkey, with Ankara approving Stockholm's candidacy only in January.Though repeatedly saying it supported Swedish membership in principle, Hungary kept prolonging the process, asking Stockholm to stop "vilifying" the Hungarian government.After a meeting between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Swedish counterpart Ulf Kristersson in Budapest, the Hungarian leader announced that the two had clarified "our mutual good intentions".Hungary also signed a deal to acquire four Swedish-made fighter jets, expanding its fleet of 14 Jas 39 Gripen fighters.Hungary refuses to back Dutch PM for NATO chief-Budapest (AFP) March 5, 2024 - Hungary's foreign minister on Tuesday said the country would not support Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte to become the next NATO secretary general.Rutte is largely believed to be the frontrunner to lead the alliance and replace current NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, after the United States, Britain and Germany expressed support for his potential candidacy.Hungary, however, would not support Rutte, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told reporters when asked, saying Budapest's backing would be "bizarre"."We definitely cannot support the election of a person to the position of NATO secretary general who previously wanted to force Hungary to its knees," he said.In 2021, Rutte said Hungary should not be part of the EU after the central European country passed a law banning the promotion of LGBTQ content to minors.For the past two years, the NATO alliance has navigated a challenging security enviroment in the face of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.A successor for Stoltenberg -- the former Norwegian prime minister who has overseen NATO for a decade -- is expected to be announced before a July summit in Washington.No decision is confirmed until consensus is reached on one candidate, according to NATO rules.Rutte, 57, is currently serving as prime minister in a transitional capacity after the party of far-right leader Geert Wilders won the most seats in the Netherland's general election last November, but has yet been able to form a government.Hungary's nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban hailed "winds of change" after Wilders' win.Orban's government last month became the last to approve Sweden's bid to join NATO, ending more than a year of delays that frustrated other alliance members.Hungary is also the only EU member state that has maintained close ties with the Kremlin following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

EU proposes vast defence boost, spurred by Russian war in Ukraine-By Marc BURLEIGH

Brussels, Belgium (AFP) March 5, 2024-EU officials on Tuesday unveiled an ambitious proposal to massively boost weapons production and procurement in the bloc to shift from a reliance on US arms and in reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.The European Commission says the 27-nation bloc is facing a new "security paradigm" with an expansionist Russia operating a wartime economy as it presses into year three of the conflict with Kyiv."To counter the return of high-intensity war on our border, we have decided to kick up a gear," EU internal market commissioner Thierry Breton told reporters in announcing the new initiative.The European Defence Industrial Strategy aims, over the long term, to give incentives to European arms manufacturers to invest more, make their production more agile and -- for the first time -- to collectively catalogue what they have available."We must take more responsibility for our own security, while, of course, remaining fully committed to our NATO alliance," said European Commission Vice President Margrethe Vestager."We need to get that transatlantic balance right, irrespective of electoral dynamics in the US," she told reporters, in a nod to Republican White House hopeful Donald Trump casting doubt on the US commitment to its NATO allies should he win reelection."An improved ability to act will make us a stronger ally," Vestager said.The question of financing the ambitious initiative is problematic for a continent that has trimmed defence investment for decades following the collapse of the Soviet Union.- Funding questions -Breton has spoken of an ultimate need for some 100 billion euros ($110 billion) for the European Union to rival the Pentagon and US defence industry.To kickstart the project, the commission plans to set aside 1.5 billion euros from the EU's current budget that runs to 2027 -- an amount Vestager acknowledged "is not a lot of money" given the scale of the initiative."But it can still work as an incentive, as a bonus... because the real funding for a stronger defence comes from member states and that funding will increase over the years to come," she said.Some countries, such as France, back an idea of EU bonds to finance a buy-European weapons production base, similar to what was done to finance economic recovery from the Covid pandemic.But "frugal" countries such as Germany are against that, concerned it will centralise budget power in Brussels and override national sovereignty over defence issues.There is also a debate over using money generated from frozen Russian assets in the EU to help fund the initiative, though the bloc's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said that "is still not decided and there are different views" among member states.- 'Kick up a gear' -While the EU and member countries have supported Ukraine financially and with military weapons and equipment, arms production has come up short with the bloc missing a target to give Kyiv a promised one million artillery shells.Breton said the bloc was now providing Ukraine around 80,000 shells per month.The EU's 27 member countries spent more than 100 billion euros on defence purchases between Russia's February 2022 invasion of Ukraine and June last year, Vestager said."Almost 80 percent of that was spent outside of the European Union, and the US alone accounted for more than 60 percent of this spending. This is no longer sustainable," she said.The EU's proposed strategy aims to have trade of weapons within the bloc reaching 35 percent of total value of the EU defence market by 2030.Member states will also be encouraged to procure European weapons to a level of at least 50 percent of their defence budgets by 2030 and 60 percent by 2035.A defence industrial readiness board would be created to bring together member countries, the commission and the EU's top diplomat, currently Borrell, to coordinate.One mechanism would be set up for common arms procurement across the bloc, and another to support defence cooperation including through potential tax breaks.Importantly, Ukraine would be treated as a "quasi member" of the initiative, which would open the way for it to more easily purview and tap arms production and supplies in the EU -- should its war against Russian troops be ongoing then.

12 Now this will be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the peoples who have gone to war against Jerusalem; their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, and their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongue will rot in their mouth. 13 It will come about in that day that a great panic from the Lord will [a]fall on them; and they will seize one another’s hand, and the hand of one will [b]be lifted against the hand of another. 14 Judah also will fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the surrounding nations will be gathered, gold and silver and garments in great abundance.

Ignored by 'Oppenheimer,' atomic test victims speak out-White Sands, United States, March 6 (AFP)

Mar 06, 2024-Wesley Burris was fast asleep in bed when the world's first atomic bomb exploded just 25 miles from his front door.A blinding light filled the home in the New Mexico desert, before the impossible force of the blast shattered its windows, spraying glass across the four-year-old boy and his brother."It was so bright, I couldn't see," Burris recalls. "I can remember asking, 'Dad, what happened? Did the Sun blow up?'"The events of 5:30 am on July 16, 1945 are now best known to millions from their dramatic re-enactment in the Oscar-tipped movie "Oppenheimer."But they loom large in the actual memory of Burris, who is now 83 years old and still living just a few miles from the secret location where scientists and military chiefs gathered on that historic morning.While the film presents the Trinity test site as a vast, empty desert, Burris and his family were among thousands who lived within a 50-mile (80-kilometer) radius.And like all of their neighbors, the family had no clue what was going on -- or why a giant mushroom-shaped cloud was spreading across their horizon."We weren't scared from it. Because it didn't kill us right there," he told AFP. "We had no idea what it was."Fast-forward eight decades, and Burris knows all too well the true deadliness of that explosion, which sent radioactive material 50,000 feet (15,000 meters) into the air.The test took place amid thunderstorms, despite scientists' warnings, in the race to have the bomb ready for a key World War II summit with the Soviets.Torrential rains brought toxic debris straight back down, where it irradiated the desert dust, the water supplies and the food chain.Burris has lost his brother to cancer. His sister had it too, as does her daughter.And he himself has skin cancer, which he tries to treat with traditional Native American medicine.Despite all this, no New Mexican affected by radiation from the Trinity test has received a dime in compensation."We were guinea pigs," said Tina Cordova, a cancer survivor who runs the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium, calling for justice."But they come back and check on guinea pigs. Nobody's ever come back to check on us."- 'Oppenheimer' -For campaigners like Cordova, Christopher Nolan's "Oppenheimer" has at least introduced the concept of the Trinity test to millions of people around the world."But it didn't go far enough," she told AFP.The film is the overwhelming favorite to sweep multiple Oscars on March 10, including best picture."Wouldn't it be remarkable if during the Academy Awards, any one of them said, 'I want to acknowledge the sacrifice and suffering of the people of New Mexico,'" said Cordova."They knew about us when they made the film -- they just chose to ignore us again."Cordova -- one of five generations in her family diagnosed with cancer since 1945 -- hopes such recognition could finally put pressure on the US Congress to extend compensation to her state.The clock is ticking.The current Radiation Exposure Compensation Act does support those who lived near sites where nuclear tests were later conducted in Nevada, Utah and Arizona. But even that expires in June.And a bid to broaden its scope to include those exposed to the very first atomic explosion, having been approved by the US Senate last year, was ripped out of a giant defense bill in December by the House of Representatives, over concerns about its cost."This shouldn't be how we live. We hold bake sales and garage sales and enchilada suppers so that we can raise the money to help these families," said Cordova."Maybe the Pentagon should have to have a bake sale every week to meet their budgetary demands, the same way we have to."According to "First We Bombed New Mexico," a new documentary following Cordova's campaign, the families affected by radiation are "mostly Hispanic and Native."- 'Bunch of lies' -Burris was not impressed by the recent "Oppenheimer" movie."Yeah, I've seen it, but that film is a bunch of lies," he said."How many people died out here? They never said nothing about that."But he has long become resigned to being brushed aside by history.Way back in July 1945, his family were eventually told an ammunition explosion had occurred.Compounding the mystery, two strange men with binoculars were spotted watching the explosion from trucks parked near their front yard."They wouldn't tell us anything," he recalls.A few years later, another group of men appeared near the home, wearing white suits and masks.His brother approached them, asking why they were digging a hole in the ground and collecting samples."They said, 'You need to get out of here. This will kill you,'" recalled Burris."And he said, 'Where am I going (to go?) We live right here in this house.'"

Christopher Nolan rebuilt Los Alamos 'in secret' for 'Oppenheimer' Abiquiu, United States, March 2 (AFP)

Mar 02, 2024-An entire town filled with nuclear laboratories, built from scratch in the remote mountains of New Mexico, with every single person involved sworn to secrecy? It is not just the plot of "Oppenheimer," but also the story of how Christopher Nolan's Oscar-nominated movie about the invention of the atomic bomb was made."This is the most I've ever spoken about it," said David Manzanares, field producer for Ghost Ranch, as he took AFP on a recent tour of the location for the movie's Los Alamos scenes."It definitely took on the air of secrecy," he recalled.A few miles from the nearest paved road, through gates marked "RESTRICTED AREA," many of the wooden homes, offices, security checkpoints and even a chapel built for the film remain standing.The buildings line a dusty street that is bookended by stunning purple-hued mountains.The real Los Alamos -- an hour's drive away -- is now a modern town that remains home to a giant, top-secret government lab charged with safeguarding the US nuclear stockpile. Its historic buildings were used for several interior scenes.But Nolan selected this far corner of the southwestern US state to double as the town for exterior scenes, constructing a 1940s-era replica of its main street.The British filmmaker famously insists on using authentic, practical sets to inspire his actors.The movie's atomic bomb test was shot with minimal computer effects, and real Los Alamos scientists were hired as extras.This meant the replica of the town had to be built at full-scale, offering Nolan the possibility of filming from every angle at a moment's notice.But until a month after the film premiered last July, Manzanares and his Ghost Ranch team were not even allowed to acknowledge that the movie had been shot there."There was no conversation, there was no posting" allowed, he said."That's just the way business is conducted on a Christopher Nolan shoot."- Mesas -In mid-October 2021, Manzanares was contacted by a friend who works as a location manager for movies, asking if he knew of any pristine sites with wide, sweeping vistas.The friend could not say what the project was, but shared that it was set in 1940s New Mexico -- enough for Manzanares to hazard a guess, given the buzz already surrounding Nolan's next big film.Ghost Ranch fit the bill, and the following month, Nolan himself came to check it out."He loved it right off the bat," recalled Manzanares.Nolan gave his blessing, before adding a complication: "Oh, by the way, we need a double of it."The movie first needed to shoot a scene of Cillian Murphy's titular scientist showing a US army general (Matt Damon) an empty, proposed site for the Manhattan Project's new base.The following day, they would need to get the cameras rolling on the Los Alamos town set itself.Having found two sufficiently similar-looking "mesas" -- the elevated rock shelves that make up northern New Mexico's distinctive mountains -- the production set to work.Crews worked through multiple blizzards that winter to get the set ready in time for eight packed days of shooting, with the A-list cast hunkered down at a hotel down the road.The secrecy applied to "everyone, even the actors," recalled Manzanares."They would get pages, they'd go to their hotel room and read, but they couldn't take the script out."- Rattlesnakes -The secrecy surrounding "Oppenheimer" was not entirely unusual for a film of its scale and fame.Media outlets are hungry for any on-set photos, production gossip or script fragments, any of which can spoil a major movie before its premiere.Once the Los Alamos scenes were complete, the fake town's "laboratories" were removed, as were telephone poles that would soon have blown down in gusty winds.But producers agreed to leave around a dozen wooden structures standing -- the first time a movie production filmed at Ghost Ranch has been allowed to do so.That meant the set needed to remain secret for more than a year after filming wrapped.The site will eventually be used for other movies, such as Westerns.But before then, from next month, the ranch owners will start offering an "Oppenheimer Tour."They hope to capitalize if -- as expected -- the movie wins multiple Oscars, including best picture, on March 10.Employees are currently working to prepare the remote site, which was left to the elements for months."We went up there, we found rattlesnakes and black widows," said Ghost Ranch tours manager Julia Haywood."It is perfectly safe now," she added.

Op-ed: Day 152 of the war-We’re living in the most worrying period for Jews since World War II-And there’s rarely been a time when Israel’s existence, imperiled from without, and hobbled from within, has been so manifestly necessary-By David Horovitz-Today, 5:08 pm
Around the world, spiking antisemitism.Vast “pro-Palestinian” demonstrations — in the Arab world but, especially, in the West — at which many urge not only support for Gazans mid-war but would deny the only Jewish state its right to exist. Physical attacks on Jews in ostensibly enlightened countries. Jewish kids in the US choosing universities based on how courageous they feel they might need to be to identify as Jewish, much less Zionist, there. A Jewish actress in London’s West End starring in a reworked Shakespearean play about antisemitism being told it is not safe for her to leave the theater because of dangerous protests outside.Jews everywhere more wary than they were five months ago — more wary than they were in decades — about publicly identifying as Jews.And this all began after October 7, when the terrorist army of a virulently antisemitic Islamic government invaded Israel from neighboring territory, slaughtered 1,200 people and kidnapped 253 more, and would have kept on killing throughout the country if it could.And it has all intensified since then, because the Israeli government — having failed once to keep its people safe from murderous enemy attack — recognized that it needed to ensure the Hamas terrorist government was prevented from pursuing its avowed agenda of slaughtering Jews again and again and again until Israel is destroyed.I grew up half a century ago in a London with a mild undertone of antisemitism — a London where the price of attending a Jewish school in a fairly working-class neighborhood was an occasional confrontation with thuggish kids from the non-Jewish school down the road, where the organized Jewish community generally didn’t stick its neck out, where Margaret Thatcher’s handful of Jewish cabinet ministers mostly preferred not to highlight their Jewishness.Now, the undertone is an overtone, and London — where tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands of protesters, either hate-filled, ignorant or both, march through the city center every weekend — is emblematic of the global rise in hostility to Jews.When I first visited the US, in the mid-1980s, I marveled at the easy self-confidence, pride and sense of belonging among American Jews and their leadership. Now, that confidence is dissipating; the environment is changing.We had thought, after World War II, that much of humanity had recognized the evil it could demonstrably do, recoiled, and largely determined that it must not happen again. We had thought that, at least in our lifetimes and for a few generations to come, the oldest hatred had been marginalized. We were wrong.Two generations ago, most of my father’s family fled Nazi Germany for London just in time — a year before the Frankfurt synagogue founded by my great-grandfather was burned down on Kristallnacht. No governments in purportedly reasonable countries are endorsing antisemitism and the targeting of Jews. But there is growing empathy in some government quarters for the obsessive and skewed hostility to Israel, and for policies that would weaken the only Jewish state’s capacity to defend itself against its avowedly genocidal enemies.I don’t think there’s been a more worrying period for the Jewish people since World War II.And there’s rarely been a time when Israel’s existence, imperiled from without, and hobbled from within, has been so manifestly necessary.Politicking as Israel burns-At the risk of major understatement, we have a deeply problematic government.Because it failed us on October 7, when it simply refused to accept all the evidence that Hamas was bent on Israel’s destruction rather than Gaza’s governance and was about to invade.Because it had divided and weakened us, in the nine months before the war, by seeking to subjugate our court system to its political majority and thus to shatter core protections and radically constrain our democracy.Because it includes coalition parties and ministers with racist, expansionist agendas that are anathema to the Israeli mainstream and that had undermined identification with Israel in many quarters worldwide well before October 7 and the Israeli military fightback.Because, by its very nature, it reduces Israel’s credibility among international leaders and in international public opinion as regards the immensely complex conduct of the war against Hamas — a war being fought in a near-impossible urban environment, against an amoral enemy. The nature of the coalition heightens abiding concerns from all of Israel’s allies regarding noncombatant casualties — concerns especially exacerbated when things go terribly wrong, as with the dozens of deaths in the attempted delivery of aid in a convoy last Thursday.Because it is proving abidingly unable to practically govern a traumatized country that needs competent leadership, amid the prolonged and draining campaign against a Hamas that is still holding 130 hostages and is leveraging them with every ounce of cynicism to try to survive the war.We have a deeply problematic government and, in Benjamin Netanyahu, we have an ever more contentious prime minister — the man at the top of the hierarchy who nonetheless refuses to acknowledge that he bears prime responsibility for the catastrophe that unfolded under his watch. As Wednesday’s publication of the devastating state commission of inquiry report into the disaster at Mount Meron reminded us, there’s a pattern to his avoidance of responsibility.For a few, short shell-shocked weeks after October 7, the prime minister curbed his instinct for division, and focused on overseeing the IDF’s response to Hamas and the effort to deter still more potent enemies on other borders. But for months now, he has avoided shaping a strategy for Gaza, and resisted the US vision for a post-Hamas era, because it would risk destroying his coalition and his hold on power. And thus Israel is en route to sole and colossal responsibility for over two million Palestinians, in a territory where Hamas’s war machine extended to most every neighborhood, above and below ground, much of which now lies in ruins.It took him weeks, until Tuesday, to muster common sense and declare that the Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem would remain open, subject to security assessments, to Muslim worshipers when Ramadan begins next week. He dodged and dithered before finally rejecting pressure from his radically irresponsible police minister Itamar Ben Gvir to impose sweeping restrictions on Israel’s Arab citizens — even as Hamas is bent on stirring up friction at the mount, especially among an Arab Israeli community whose identity with the state appears to have been deepened by October 7 but for whom access to Al-Aqsa is acutely sensitive.He refuses to advance a genuine effort to ensure that the fastest-growing sector of the Israeli demographic, the ultra-Orthodox community, shares the burden of responsibility by performing military or other national service, even at this hour of vital need, with their fellow Israelis fighting and falling in battle — again, because it would risk the collapse of his coalition.And he has lately taken to asserting, at the press conferences where he calls for unity while spreading discord, that anybody who wishes to see him ousted via elections while the war is ongoing is siding with the enemy. How so? Because, he claims, the greatest dream of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran is to see Israel plunged into bitter political campaigning mid-conflict.It is legitimate to assert that Israel cannot afford a divisive political campaign at the height of a war that could well expand to multiple new fronts; it is unacceptable to depict anybody who thinks differently as traitorous.This week, politicking while Israel burns, Netanyahu reportedly went to extreme lengths to complicate a visit to the US and UK by his war cabinet colleague, and most potent political rival, Benny Gantz. A prime minister might be expected to encourage, brief and steer a senior colleague in an emergency coalition on a trip to meet some of the most senior officials in the capital of Israel’s most essential ally. But Netanyahu, openly at odds with President Joe Biden and unable to secure a White House invitation of his own, instead reportedly ordered Israel’s ambassadors in both countries not to accompany Gantz to his meetings, and the embassies in Washington and London not to assist Gantz, including as regards his security on today’s UK leg of his visit.Some of these reports almost defy belief, and the Prime Minister’s Office has denied parts of them. But the fact is that Mike Herzog, Israel’s envoy to the US, was not in evidence at Gantz’s DC meetings.It may seem petty to even write about this kind of self-destructive small-mindedness amid the current crises, but that’s the point: narrow personal and political self-interest still hold sway — for Netanyahu and much of the government.Witness, for further example, newly installed Foreign Minister Israel Katz’s pompous and ill-conceived decision to recall Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, for consultations in protest at ostensible UN efforts to downplay the UN’s own, long-delayed report into systematic rape, gang rape and sexual abuse by Hamas on October 7 and against the hostages since. The report risibly does not directly specify Hamas as responsible for the crimes, but it independently validates Israel’s evidence — and this from within a UN so perpetually hostile to Israel. If ever there was a moment to highlight a UN stance on Israel, rather than denounce it, the release of this report was that moment. But, hey, nobody really knows who Katz is or cares much about him, and he has to make an impact if he is going to advance his goal of becoming prime minister one day.A human meat grinder? There was a sentence in an op-ed by Thomas Friedman in the New York Times last week, titled “Israel Is Losing Its Greatest Asset: Acceptance,” that I can’t get out of my head. Arguably the most resonant columnist, in the world’s most resonant newspaper, Friedman wrote: “So the whole Israel-Gaza operation is starting to look to more and more people like a human meat grinder whose only goal is to reduce the population so that Israel can control it more easily.”Read that again, and remember that Friedman has the ear of the US president. In defiance of parts of his own base, amid an intensifying reelection battle, Biden has continued to resist demands for an immediate end to the war, and continued to give Israel the practical military and diplomatic means to wage it until Hamas has been defanged.Who are the “more and more people” to whom Friedman is referring and whose false and despicable assessment is tantamount to an accusation of genocide?

US calls on Iran to dilute its entire stockpile of near-weapons-grade uranium-Statement to IAEA comes after watchdog said in confidential report that Tehran’s uranium stock enriched up to 60% had fallen slightly
By Reuters Today, 7:04 pm-MAR 6,24

VIENNA — The United States called on Iran on Wednesday to dilute all of the uranium it has enriched to up to 60% purity, close to the weapons-grade level of roughly 90%, in a statement denouncing many of Tehran’s recent nuclear moves.The International Atomic Energy Agency said in a confidential report to member states last week that Iran’s stock of uranium enriched to up to 60% had fallen slightly in the past quarter as it had diluted, or “downblended,” more of its most highly enriched material than it had produced.Iran still has enough of that material, if enriched further, to fuel two nuclear weapons by a theoretical IAEA definition, and enough for more bombs at lower enrichment levels, the report seen by Reuters showed.“Iran should downblend all, not just some, of its 60% stockpile, and stop all production of uranium enriched to 60% entirely,” the United States said in a statement on Iran to a quarterly meeting of the 35-nation IAEA Board of Governors.It is not clear why Iran downblended the material. It denies seeking nuclear weapons and says it has the right to enrich to high levels for civil purposes. Western powers say there is no credible civil justification for enriching to such high levels.“We continue to have serious concerns related to the stockpile of highly enriched uranium that Iran continues to maintain,” the US statement said.“No other country today is producing uranium enriched to 60% for the purpose Iran claims and Iran’s actions are counter to the behavior of all other non-nuclear weapons states party to the NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty),” it added.The United States also condemned various moves by Iran, many of which the IAEA has also criticized, such as barring some of the IAEA’s most experienced and expert inspectors last year.Israel has long warned it will not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons.Times of Israel staff contributed to this report.

Philippines' Marcos sees Chinese actions in South China Sea with 'great alarm'-by AFP Staff Writers-Manila (AFP) March 6, 2024

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos said Wednesday that he sees Chinese actions in the South China Sea with "great alarm", after recent confrontations described by a Filipino military commander as "the worst" in two years.The latest incidents involving Philippine and Chinese vessels took place on Tuesday in waters around Second Thomas Shoal in the Spratly Islands where the countries have contested maritime claims.Manila said that China Coast Guard ships caused two collisions with Philippine boats and water cannoned one of them, leaving four Filipino crew members injured.The Philippine vessels were part of a regular mission to deliver provisions to a handful of Filipino troops stationed on a grounded navy vessel at Second Thomas Shoal."We continue to view with great alarm this continuing dangerous manoeuvres and dangerous actions that are being done against our seamen, our coast guard," Marcos told reporters."I think that we cannot view this in any way but in the most serious way," he said."Once again, we will make our objections known and hope that we can continue to communicate to find a way so that such actions are no longer seen."Manila summoned a Chinese representative over the incidents on Tuesday.Beijing expressed "strong protests" over the run-in with the Philippine vessels, Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said Tuesday.- 'Worst in two years' -Philippine Vice Admiral Alberto Carlos, who was on board the supply boat water cannoned by the China Coast Guard, said the force of the water "shattered the windshield" and injured four personnel."In the last two years, I think this is the worst because it resulted in personal injuries," Carlos, chief of the Armed Forces Western Command, told reporters.The incident happened a day after Philippine foreign minister Enrique Manalo called on China to "stop harassing us" as he defended Manila's strategy of publicising Chinese manoeuvres in the South China Sea.AFP was among media outlets on board one of the Philippine Coast Guard ships that escorted the supply mission.Tuesday's collisions and water cannoning came after similar incidents in December."It is China that is deliberately stirring up trouble and maliciously inciting hype and not the Philippines," said Jonathan Malaya, assistant director-general of the Philippines' National Security Council."The South China Sea is wide enough for both our nations to peacefully co-exist as we have done for centuries."China claims almost the entire waterway, brushing aside competing claims from a host of Southeast Asian nations and an international ruling that has declared its stance baseless.

ASEAN, Australia decry actions that 'endanger peace' in South China Sea-By Steven TRASK-Melbourne (AFP) March 6, 2024

Southeast Asian and Australian leaders on Wednesday warned against actions that "endanger peace" in the South China Sea, following fresh confrontations between Beijing and the Philippines in contested waters.Simmering tensions in the trade corridor threatened to boil over this week, when Chinese boats in the Spratly Islands were accused of hounding Philippines vessels.Beijing on Wednesday accused the United States of using the Philippines as a "pawn to stir up trouble in the South China Sea" as hostilities between the Asian nations escalate over their territorial dispute.China claims almost the entirety of the South China Sea as its own, ignoring legal precedents and competing claims from a host of Southeast Asian nations.The festering dispute poses one of the region's most vexing security challenges, looming large during a three-day summit between Australia and the 10-nation ASEAN bloc."We encourage all countries to avoid any unilateral actions that endanger peace, security and stability in the region," read a joint declaration hammered out between ASEAN members and Australia."We recognise the benefits of having the South China Sea as a sea of peace, stability and prosperity," the statement added.As the summit kicked off on Monday morning, Philippine foreign minister Enrique Manalo delivered a simple request to Beijing: "Stop harassing us".The following day, Chinese coast guard boats were accused of badgering a flotilla of Philippine ships sailing a resupply mission.The Chinese vessels were involved in two separate collisions, the Philippines coast guard said, and blasted one of the resupply boats with a water cannon.Images taken in the aftermath showed the water cannon had shattered windows on the control bridge of one of the Philippine vessels.Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos said he viewed the Chinese actions with "great alarm" while a Filipino military commander described the confrontations as "the worst" in two years.Bound to act by consensus, the ASEAN forum has long struggled to make inroads on the overlapping claims staked throughout the South China Sea.But the fraught atmosphere hanging over the region has some nations now pushing for the bloc to take a firmer stance.Close United States ally Australia has proven increasingly willing to speak out against China."I am very concerned and Australia is concerned about any unsafe and destabilising behaviour in the South China Sea," Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on the summit's sidelines."We need to make sure that activity in the South China Sea alleviates any tensions and doesn't add to it," he added.- Gaza ceasefire -ASEAN and Australian leaders also threw their weight behind a renewed international push to secure a ceasefire in Gaza, a thorny issue that divided opinions behind closed doors."We urge for an immediate and durable humanitarian ceasefire," said the leaders of 11 nations after days of diplomatic wrangling over the text.With the Muslim holy month of Ramadan around the corner, the United States and a growing list of nations have been stepping up efforts to secure some kind of pause in fighting.Singapore had baulked at an earlier suggestion the statement condemn "the use of starvation" in the Gaza Strip, language that would have infuriated Israel.Diplomats also argued over whether the statement should call for a total ceasefire -- or a perhaps more temporary "humanitarian" pause.- Myanmar crisis -The surging conflict in junta-ruled Myanmar also continued to frustrate ASEAN leaders, whose efforts to resolve the crisis remain largely fruitless.Junta leaders have essentially ignored the bloc's five-point peace plan, painstakingly pulled together in 2021."We strongly condemn the continued acts of violence and call for immediate cessation," the joint declaration read, referencing what it termed Myanmar's ongoing "political crisis"."We call for effective humanitarian assistance, and inclusive national dialogue."Laos, a communist state with ties to crucial Myanmar ally China, is chairing ASEAN for the first time since 2016.ASEAN's 10 member states are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar.Although Myanmar remains a member, political representatives and military leaders from its ruling junta have been banned from high-level meetings.

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