Sunday, July 21, 2024




Biden drops out of the 2024 presidential race-The president announced his decision in an open letter shared to social media Sunday.Yahoo News Staff-Updated Sun, July 21, 2024 at 2:17 PM EDT

California Governor Gavin Newsom addressed Biden's decision to step down from the 2024 presidential race."President Biden has been an extraordinary, history-making president — a leader who has fought hard for working people and delivered astonishing results for all Americans," he wrote on X. "He will go down in history as one of the most impactful and selfless presidents."David Artavia-Biden's granddaughter Naomi calls him 'the most effective president of our lifetime'Biden's eldest granddaughter Naomi, the daughter of Hunter Biden, said she's "nothing but proud" of her grandfather after he announced his decision to step down from the 2024 presidential race."I’m nothing but proud today of my Pop, our President, Joe Biden, who has served our country with every bit of his soul and with unmatched distinction," she wrote on X. "Not only has he been — and will continue to be — the most effective president of our lifetime, but he has likely already cemented himself as the most effective and impactful public servant in our nation’s history."She continued, "Our world is better today in so many ways thanks to him. To the Americans who have always had his back, keep the faith. He will always have ours."I’m nothing but proud today of my Pop, our President, Joe Biden, who has served our country with every bit of his soul and with unmatched distinction. Not only has he been—and will continue to be—the most effective president of our lifetime, but he has likely already cemented…— Naomi Biden (@NaomiBiden) July 21, 2024-David Artavia-"It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President," Biden wrote in an open letter shared on social media. "And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term."Biden added that he will address the nation later this week to discuss his decision "in more detail.""For now, let me express my deepest gratitude to all those who have worked so hard to see me reelected," the statement read. "I want to thank Vice President Kamala Harris for being an extraordinary partner in all this work. And let me express my heartfelt appreciation to the American people for the faith and trust you have placed in me."Biden continued, "I believe today what I always have: that there is nothing America can’t do — when we do it tougher. We just have to remember we are the United States of America." Biden (@JoeBiden) July 21, 2024-Biden pulls out: How rare is it for sitting US presidents to withdraw? Biden is the first sitting president since 1968 to drop out of a presidential race. But in previous decades, others have quit after seeing public support plummet.By Al Jazeera Staff-Published On 21 Jul 202421 Jul 2024-After weeks of mounting pressure, United States President Joe Biden on Sunday dropped out of the November presidential election.Biden’s withdrawal from the race opens up questions over who might replace him on the Democrat ticket less than four months before the vote. Biden himself endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for the party’s nomination, but the Democratic National Convention, scheduled for August, is where Biden’s successor as standard bearer might well be decided.The pressure on the president to pull out started building up from within his party following a disastrous performance in the presidential debate on June 27, when he mumbled his answers and appeared to lose his train of thought at times. In recent days, a flood of Democratic leaders, including members of Congress and influential supporters of the party, have called on him to step aside from the race. On Thursday, it was announced that he was suffering from COVID-19.Yet, Biden had the delegates needed to secure his nomination at the party’s August convention.So, just how rare is this moment in US history? We press rewind to look at previous incumbents who have dropped out – or been forced out – of presidential elections they had hoped to win.1968 election: Lyndon B Johnson-Before Biden, no incumbent eligible for another term had opted out of the election in nearly half a century.Back in 1968, Democrat Lyndon B Johnson was the sitting President. He had served as the vice president to John F Kennedy following the 1960 election and then had taken charge as president after Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963. Johnson then won the 1964 election.At the start of 1968, Johnson was the frontrunner for his party’s nomination, but only narrowly won the New Hampshire primary against anti-Vietnam war challenger Eugene McCarthy.His approval ratings were in free fall, as popular sentiment against the Vietnam war grew. By March 10, his approval rating had fallen to 36 percent, the lowest it had been in his presidency.Then, on March 31, about seven months before the election, Johnson, announced on national television that he would not be seeking re-election. He was 60 at the time.Johnson’s VP Hubert Humphrey eventually replaced him on the ticket and Republican challenger Richard Nixon won the election.2nd December 1963: American President Lyndon Baines Johnson addresses the nation on his first thanksgiving day television programme, broadcast from the executive offices of the White House.1952 election: Harry S Truman-Like Johnson would some years later, Truman came to the top job via the vice presidency. He was VP to Franklin Roosevelt until the latter’s death in early 1945, when Truman took charge. He served the remainder of that term, won the election in 1948, and was eligible to run for his second full term in the 1952 election.Indeed, Truman started the primary season as the incumbent seeking re-election. But by February 9, 1952, his approval rating had cratered to 22 percent, an all-time low.On March 29, 1952, Truman announced that he would not be running again. Initially reluctant, Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson ran in place of Truman and lost to Republican Dwight Eisenhower.(Original Caption) President Truman's address to the nation on the Korean War was broadcast and telecast from the projection room of the White House last night, July 19. The President called upon the people for hard work and steady effort to win the Korean War.1884 election: Chester Arthur-Arthur was the running mate of Republican James Garfield who won the presidency in 1880. Garfield was assassinated in 1881 and Arthur assumed office in his place. While he was president, Arthur contracted a kidney disease, which remained unknown to the public.He lost the support of his strongest allies by going against the patronage system, signing a law that banned kickbacks in the civil services and made merit the criteria for determining salaries and promotions.During the Republican nomination convention in June 1884, when he was seeking re-election, Arthur lost his nomination to James Blaine.In the November 4 election, Democrat Grover Cleveland defeated Blaine.1868 election: Andrew Johnson-Democrat Johnson was the running mate of Abraham Lincoln on the National Union Party Ticket in 1865.The same year, Lincoln was assassinated and Johnson took his place.He was impeached in May 1868 and convicted by a Republican Congress. He was convicted of violating the Tenure of Office Act after he removed Republican Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.Johnson failed to be nominated by the Democrats, who nominated Horatio Seymour. In the election, Republican Ulysses Grant defeated Seymour.1856 election: Franklin Pierce-Sitting Democratic President Pierce was the first full-term president of the US to not be nominated by his party for a second term. This decision came on June 2, 1856, five months before the November 4 election.Pierce had bled support among northern Democrats since the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, which allowed the two new states to decide on the legality of slavery in their territories. This upset anti-slavery northern Democrats.At the Democratic National Convention, those tensions came to a head. The party dumped Pierce’s candidature and instead chose James Buchanan as their nominee. Buchanan won the election.Engraved portrait of Franklin Pierce, 14th President of the United States whose actions exacerbated the conditions that lead to the American Civil War, 1834. From the New York Public Library.1852 election: Millard Filmore-Filmore was the Vice President of conservative Whig Party President Zachary Taylor who died in 1850, a little more than a year after assuming office.The Whig Party convention in June 1852 did not choose Filmore and instead went with Winfield Scott to run in the November 2 election. This followed a split between the supporters of Filmore and Secretary of State Daniel Webster.Scott lost the election to Democrat Franklin Pierce.1844 election: John Tyler-Tyler was the running mate of Whig President William Henry Harrison who took office after winning the 1840 election.Harrison died of an acute illness in 1841. Following this, Tyler was sworn in as president – it was the first time a VP was taking over as president mid-term after the death of an incumbent.During his presidency, Tyler lost support within his party and was expelled by the Whigs in 1842. In 1844, he nonetheless sought re-election after his drive for the annexation of Texas – which would have expanded the territorial ambit of slavery while risking war with Mexico – divided the nation.However, the Democratic Party picked James Polk. The Whig party, meanwhile, denied Tyler its nomination at the party’s national Convention, picking Henry Clay instead. On August 20, 1844, Tyler dropped out of the race.Polk won the election against Clay.circa 1845: US statesman John Tyler (1790 - 1862), the 10th President of the United States of America. Elected as vice-president to William Henry Harrison, he became President upon his death.Source: Al Jazeera.

LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun,(HEATING UP-SOLAR ECLIPSES) and in the moon,(MAN ON MOON-LUNAR ECLIPSES)
and in the stars;(ASTEROIDS ETC) and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear,(TORNADOES,HURRICANES,STORMS) and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:(DESTRUCTION) for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.(FROM QUAKES,NUKES ETC)

And here are the bounderies of the land that Israel will inherit either through war or peace or God in the future. God says its Israels land and only Israels land. They will have every inch God promised them of this land in the future.
Egypt east of the Nile River, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, The southern part of Turkey and the Western Half of Iraq west of the Euphrates. Gen 13:14-15, Psm 105:9,11, Gen 15:18, Exe 23:31, Num 34:1-12, Josh 1:4.ALL THIS LAND ISRAEL WILL DEFINATELY OWN IN THE FUTURE, ITS ISRAELS NOT ISHMAELS LAND.12 TRIBES INHERIT LAND IN THE FUTURE.

Fires sparked by rockets burn 50 dunams in Banias reserve-Rockets hit empty school, preschool in north after IDF strikes arms depot in Lebanon-No injuries in Hezbollah attacks on evacuated communities; Lebanese media report massive secondary explosions after strikes on arms cache-By Emanuel Fabian-and ToI Staff Today, 7:20 pm

An empty school and preschool were hit in rocket barrages fired from southern Lebanon toward Israeli communities on Sunday, as several fires sparked by Hezbollah missile attacks raged in the north of the country.There were no injuries as the rocket struck a school in Kibbutz Dafna in the Upper Galilee, which has been largely evacuated of civilians since cross-border attacks from the Lebanon-based terror group began on October 8.Another rocket hit the yard of a preschool in Kibbutz Hanita in the Western Galilee, similarly causing no casualties.Hezbollah took responsibility for the attacks, saying that they came “in response to the Israeli enemy’s attacks that targeted civilians in the town of Adloun, injuring several of them,” referring to overnight IDF strikes on terror targets in Lebanon.Rocket and drone alert sirens rung out across northern communities near the border with Lebanon several times throughout the day on Sunday, with impacts and shrapnel from interceptor missiles sparking fires in the Golan Heights, potentially increasing risk of damage, due to the blazing summer temperatures.Earlier in the day, the IDF carried out a drone strike on a Hezbollah cell spotted in southern Lebanon’s Houla, while two Hezbollah weapon depots were struck by Israeli fighter jets in southern Lebanon overnight Saturday, which the IDF said were used to store rockets and other weaponry.Lebanese media reported that one of the strikes targeted the southern coastal village of Adloun, some 30 kilometers (some 18.5 miles) north of the border, hitting an arms depot and causing a series of secondary explosions that hit nearby villages with shrapnel.Overnight, two Hezbollah weapon depots were struck by Israeli fighter jets in southern Lebanon, the IDF says.According to the military, the sites were used to store rockets and other weapons.— Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian (@manniefabian) July 21, 2024-The state-run National News Agency, or NNA, said that three people were slightly wounded in the nearby village of Kharayeb and hospitalized.The agency did not provide additional details about the arms depot, but it was believed to belong to Hezbollah, which has a wide presence in the area. The explosions lasted more than an hour after the airstrike, NNA reported.As Hezbollah attacks on northern Israel continued over the weekend, some 50 dunams were burned in a fire at the Banias nature reserve, caused either by rockets or shrapnel from interceptor missiles. Two teams of firefighters tackled the blaze near Kibbutz Snir in the Galilee Panhandle, close to where the borders of Israel, Lebanon, and Syria meet.Also Saturday, Hamas said cells in Lebanon fired rockets from toward an IDF post in the northern village of Shomera in retaliation for the “Zionists massacres” in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian terror group has carried out such attacks from Lebanon over the past several months, though they are rare.Meanwhile, the government unanimously approved former IAF Vice Admiral (res.) Eliezer Marom to oversee the rehabilitation of Israel’s northern communities that have been harmed during the fighting against Hezbollah.The appointment was initially made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in June, when he also simultaneously appointed Maj.-Gen. (Res.) Yiftach Ron-Tal to lead the rehabilitation in the south.Since October 8, Hezbollah-led forces have attacked Israeli communities and military posts along the border on a near-daily basis, with the group saying it is doing so to support Gaza amid the war there.So far, the skirmishes have resulted in 12 civilian deaths on the Israeli side, as well as the deaths of 18 IDF soldiers and reservists. There have also been several attacks from Syria, without any injuries.Hezbollah has named 373 members who have been killed by Israel during the ongoing skirmishes, mostly in Lebanon but some also in Syria. In Lebanon, another 67 operatives from other terror groups, a Lebanese soldier, and dozens of civilians have been killed.Lazar Berman and Agencies contributed to this report.

DF working to bring more vaccines into Strip for Gazans-IDF to give booster vaccinations to soldiers after polio virus found in Gaza sewage-Health Ministry says it will monitor situation in Israel; no cases of polio have been detected so far in the Gaza Strip, according to the World Health Organization-By Diana Bletter-Today, 6:22 pm-JUL 21,24

The IDF announced Sunday that it had begun a campaign to offer polio vaccination boosters to all soldiers serving in the Gaza Strip.The move comes after traces of poliovirus type 2 were found in sewage samples in the Gaza Strip last week. No cases of polio have been detected so far in the Gaza Strip, according to the World Health Organization.The wide-scale vaccination campaign is for all forces in regular service as well as reserves and is not compulsory.“The IDF will work in coordination with the Health Ministry to ensure the health of IDF soldiers and the public, and will continue to carry out inspections in the Gaza Strip,” a spokesperson said.IDF soldiers were also instructed to take preventive actions and maintain personal hygiene.Alongside the vaccination campaign for soldiers, the IDF is working with international organizations to bring more vaccines into the Strip for Gazans.Polio is primarily spread through fecal-oral contamination, sometimes by drinking contaminated water, poor sanitation, or poor control of sewage.It is a highly infectious disease, mostly affecting young children, that attacks the nervous system. It can lead to paralysis and in some cases death.According to a statement by WHO, the war between Israel and Hamas has disrupted routine immunization programs in Gaza, and children are at increased risk for diseases such as polio.The heat, accumulating garbage, sewage and lack of clean water are accelerating the spread of diseases, according to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA.In Israel, approximately 95% of all children receive polio vaccines, and the country has largely wiped out the disease, according to the Health Ministry.The polio vaccine is thought to give lifetime immunity, but in the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults who are at increased risk of exposure receive a one-time booster dose of IPV (inactivated polio vaccine) to maintain immunity. The IDF does not have figures on how many soldiers are not vaccinated at all.The polio vaccination regimen involves four IPV shots given before the age of 18 months and another when the child is in second grade. Babies and toddlers are also given two oral polio vaccine (OPV) doses taken by drops into the mouth to provide full protection and prevent the shedding of the virus through the stool into the sewage system. It also prevents young children from infecting others.A Health Ministry spokesperson said the ministry conducts regular tests for polio in the sewage system in Israel.The ministry “continues to monitor the situation to prevent the risk of the spread of the illness in Israel,” the spokesperson said.

IAF: Some fighter jets could be downed in war with Hezbollah-IAF issues footage of strike on Houthi-controlled port, says it’s girding for reprisal-Dozens of jets hit fuel depots, cranes used to unload shipments * Probe finds deadly Houthi drone flew 2,600 km to hit Tel Aviv; in vital minutes, radar operators were tracking UAV from Iraq-By Emanuel Fabian-Today, 5:14 pm-JUL 21,24

The Israeli Air Force on Sunday released footage showing its airstrikes a day earlier against the Houthi-controlled port of Hodeida in western Yemen, which came following a deadly drone attack on Tel Aviv Thursday overnight carried out by the Iran-backed group.The video showed missiles launched by IAF fighter jets striking four large container cranes at the port used to unload shipments.The IAF also released footage showing fighter jets being refueled amid the operation, dubbed “Outstretched Arm,” as well as the arrival of some of the aircraft back at Israeli airbases following the strike.The strike, carried out by dozens of Israeli aircraft, targeted fuel depots and energy infrastructure at the port, in addition to the cranes.The Israeli strike group included F-15, F-16, and F-35 fighter jets, reconnaissance aircraft, and refueling planes — the latter of which was due to the target being some 1,800 kilometers (1,100 miles) from Israel, making it one of the farthest-ever actions carried out by the IAF.According to the military, the strike on the fuel depot was a major blow to the Houthi economy, and the cranes being taken out of service prevents the group from bringing in more Iranian weapons via the port that have been used to target Israel, along with commercial and military ships in the Red Sea.Saturday’s strike on Hodeida Port used more force than the IAF needed, aimed at sending a message of deterrence as well as causing financial damage to the Iran-backed group and impeding its ability to import weapons.Strikes carried out by an American-led coalition in Yemen have only targeted Houthi military infrastructure, and not sites that are also used by civilians, such as the Hodeida Port, which is also used to bring in humanitarian aid to the war-torn country in addition to the Iranian weapon shipments.The IAF believed that the strike would project a message to Israel’s enemies, especially Lebanon’s Hezbollah, that Israel is capable and willing to target dual-use civilian-military infrastructure, and carry out what could be considered disproportionate responses to attacks.Anticipating a response-Meanwhile, the IAF was on high alert for reprisals in response to the airstrike. The IAF has assessed that not only the Houthis would ramp up attacks following the strike in Yemen but other Iran-backed groups in the region as well, including those in Syria and Iraq, and Hezbollah in Lebanon.Following Friday’s Houthi drone attack on Tel Aviv, which killed resident Yevgeny Ferder, 50, the IAF assessed that the Iran-backed group in Yemen would continue to carry out attacks on Israel regardless of an Israeli response.According to the Israeli military, Yemen’s Houthis have in the past nine months fired over 220 ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones at Israel, the latest on Sunday morning — mostly toward the southernmost city of Eilat — in solidarity with the Gaza Strip, where Israel is battling Hamas terrorists.The vast majority of the Iran-backed group’s projectiles have been intercepted by US forces stationed in the Red Sea and Israeli air defenses and fighter jets, or have missed their target. Before the attack on Tel Aviv early on Friday, only one Houthi projectile, a cruise missile, had successfully struck Israel, hitting an open area near Eilat in March.Until Friday’s deadly attack in Tel Aviv, Israel chose not to respond to those attacks, preferring that a United States-led coalition continue to strike the Houthis, mostly in response to the Iran-backed group’s attacks on commercial and military ships in the Red Sea.The military said Sunday there was no change to instructions for Israeli civilians, although it was anticipating a response by the Houthis.Israel’s air defenses are not “hermetic,” military officials said, warning that there would likely be more successful drone attacks on the country, but adding that the IAF is doing everything to prevent them.The IAF also said it was unfazed by the fact that social media clips had shown the Israeli fighter jets, refueler tankers, and spy planes as they headed toward Yemen in the afternoon hours of Saturday — which may have given the Houthis an early warning that an attack was coming.IAF officials viewed the social media footage, as well as the fact that the strike was carried out in broad daylight, as a form of deterrence against Israel’s enemies.Israel acted alone in the strike with no American military involvement.An Israeli military official said US Central Command had been updated ahead of the attack, and in turn updated its allies in the region.Houthi drone flew 2,600 kilometers to reach Tel Aviv-The Iranian-made drone launched by the Houthis at Tel Aviv early Friday morning traveled more than 2,600 kilometers (1,600 miles) to reach Israel, according to an Israeli Air Force probe.The modified Iranian-made Samad-3 took a non-direct flight path. This may have contributed to it not being classified as a threat by air defense troops, which resulted in it not being intercepted and striking a residential building in Tel Aviv.According to the IAF investigation, the explosive-laden drone apparently flew west from Yemen over the Red Sea, reaching Eritrea, before then flying north over Sudan and Egypt and reaching the Mediterranean Sea. The drone then turned to approach Tel Aviv from the west.It was only at this point that the drone showed up on Israeli radar, as an unidentified target. The army can now say the drone was tracked for six minutes while it approached Tel Aviv from the direction of the sea, before dropping in and out of radar for several minutes after that, according to the probe.The drone, according to the probe, was in the air for some 16 hours, flying at a speed of between 80 and 100 knots, or 148-185 kilometers per hour.The IAF was aware of such capabilities in the hands of the Houthis, but had no specific prior information on the attack itself.More radar operators after failure to recognize threat-The probe found that if the target had been classified as a suspected drone when it was first identified, the IAF would have had enough time to engage it, using fighter jets or ground or sea-based air defense systems. Instead, the target was not classified as a threat due to a human error by the air defense soldiers, and it impacted Tel Aviv.Human operators who analyze the IAF’s radar were at the time focused on tracking a drone launched by another Iran-backed group, from Iraq. That drone was shot down by fighter jets. The IAF has explained that the operators also frequently see targets drop in and out of radar, which in some cases are birds or distortions caused by clouds. Additionally, the IAF’s focus had been on targets approaching Israel from the north, east, and south, and less so from the west.Following the attack, the IAF doubled the number of operators analyzing radar systems so that targets are not missed and are correctly classified. It has also increased aerial patrols, especially in the Mediterranean, to better detect incoming threats.Fighter jets face threat in an all-out war with Hezbollah-Separately, assessments described to The Times of Israel on Sunday showed that in the event of an all-out war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Israeli Air Force would need to take risks to combat Hezbollah’s air defenses.The IAF has assessed that some fighter jets may be shot down, and risks will need to be taken to obtain aerial superiority during the first days of a major conflict.So far, amid ongoing skirmishes along the border, Hezbollah has shot down at least five Israeli drones, and in one case, fired missiles at Israeli jets without success.The IAF has knowledge of the Iranian-made anti-aircraft systems that Hezbollah possesses, and has repeatedly made efforts to target them amid the ongoing fighting.Since October 8, Hezbollah-led forces have attacked Israeli communities and military posts along the border on a near-daily basis, with the group saying it is doing so to support Gaza amid the war there.Other Iran-backed groups, in Iraq and Syria, have also claimed to have launched dozens of drones and cruise missiles at Israel during the ongoing war sparked by Hamas’s devastating October 7 terror onslaught.Iran itself also carried out an unprecedented attack on Israel in April with hundreds of drones and missiles, almost all of which were intercepted.The Israeli military has detailed plans ready for the event of an escalation with Hezbollah, although Israel’s political leadership has not yet made a decision on launching a major offensive in Lebanon. Regardless, the IAF has said it maintains readiness in the event of a sudden escalation as a result of Hezbollah’s actions.

Believed used from era of King Josiah almost 3,000 years ago-Solving mystery, archaeologists find vast moat that protected Jerusalem’s biblical kings-Researchers say fortification required major engineering and resources, separated Temple Mount and king’s palace from rest of Jerusalem; discovery accords with biblical references-By ToI Staff Today, 1:59 pm-JUL 21,24

Archaeologists have solved a 150-year-old mystery in the City of David, discovering a massive moat that was used to fortify and protect the Temple Mount and the king’s palace in biblical-era Jerusalem, the Israel Antiquities Authority and Tel Aviv University announced on Sunday.The city’s northern fortification eluded archaeologists for a century and a half as they could not trace its full route. But recent excavations of the Givati Parking Lot, adjacent to the Old City walls, have revealed a moat that split the City of David in half, separating the palace and Temple Mount from the rest of the city.The vast moat, which was at least nine meters deep and 30 meters wide, the IAA said in a press release, was “one of the monumental fortifications that protected the kings of Jerusalem.”“It is not known when the moat was originally cut, but evidence suggests it was used during the centuries when Jerusalem was the capital of the Kingdom of Judah, almost 3,000 years ago, beginning with King Josiah,” said excavation directors Prof. Yuval Gadot and Dr. Yiftah Shalev. “During those years, the moat separated the southern residential part of the city from the ruling Acropolis in the north — the upper city where the palace and the temple were located.”According to the researchers, the fortification altered the natural topography of Jerusalem and required significant engineering skills and resources.  “The creation of the moat was a large-scale, monumental operation, designed to change and modify the natural topography to demonstrate the power of Jerusalem’s rulers to those who entered its gates,” the IAA said in the press release. “Following the dramatic discovery, we reexamined the past excavations reports written by the British archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon, who excavated in the City of David in the 1960s, in an area located slightly east of today’s Givati Parking Lot,” said Gadot.“It became clear to us that Kenyon noticed that the natural rock slopes towards the north, in a place where it should naturally have risen. She thought it was a natural valley, but now it turns out that she had uncovered the continuation of the moat, carved to the west. The connection of the two uncovered sections creates a deep and wide moat that extends across at least 70 meters, from west to east.”He added that the discovery corresponds to references in the Bible to the topography of the area. In one such reference in the first Book of Kings (11:27), King Solomon is described as building the construction, which was dubbed the “Millo.”: “… Solomon built up the ‘Millo’ and closed up the breach in the wall of the City of David his father.”The results of the excavation are set to be presented at the City of David’s Jerusalem Studies Experience conference in August.IAA director Eli Escusido said that “the excavations in the City of David never cease to amaze.”“Once again, discoveries are being revealed that shed new and vivid light on the biblical literature. When you stand at the bottom of this giant excavation, surrounded by enormous hewn walls, it is impossible not to be filled with wonder and appreciation for those ancient people who, about 3,800 years ago, literally moved mountains and hills,” he said.

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