Saturday, May 08, 2021



7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,(2 billion) of (8 billion) to kill with sword,(WEAPONS)(500 million) and with hunger,(FAMINE)(500 million) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES)(500 million) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE)(500 million).

WORLD OVER ALL CASES 158,240,1812 DEAD 3,294,706 AS OF SAT MAY 08,21

European Union says vaccine patents waiver is no "magic bullet"Jacob Knutson-Sat, May 8, 2021, 12:54 PM

European leaders ramped up their criticism of the United States' support for a proposal to waive certain patent protections for coronavirus vaccines, with European Council President Charles Michel saying Saturday that a waiver is not "the magic bullet,” AP reports.Why it matters: The leaders instead pressed President Biden to lift U.S. export restrictions on vaccines, arguing it would have a greater impact on vaccine production and distribution.Context: Proponents of the patent waiver proposal, which was introduced before the World Trade Organization by South Africa and India, say it will help increase vaccine production and deliver doses to the developing world.The proposal is working its way through the WTO, though all 164 member countries will have to consent to the decision and negotiations over it are expected to last for months, according to Reuters.What they're saying: “We don’t think, in the short term, that it’s the magic bullet,” Michel said of the waiver proposal during the second day of a European Union summit in Portugal, according to AP.“I see more risks than opportunities,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said. “I don’t believe that releasing patents is the solution to provide vaccines for more people.”“I’m very clearly urging the U.S. to put an end to the ban on exports of vaccines and on components of vaccines that are preventing them being produced,” French President Emmanuel Macron said.The big picture: While the U.S. has strictly limited the export of American-made vaccines, the EU has distributed about 200 million doses to countries outside of the 27-nation bloc, according to AP.Critics of the waiver proposal have warned that it could discourage drug companies from embarking on research for emergency vaccines and medicine in the future and could set a dangerous precedent.The waiver also might not fix the gaping global divide in access to vaccines as quickly as proponents expect, since a lack of funding, logistical support and manufacturing capacity could limit its impact, Axios' Caitlin Owens reports.Go deeper: U.S. could fill "vaccine diplomacy" void as other powers struggle-Like this article? Get more from Axios and subscribe to Axios Markets for free.

Congo leader visits Sudan, Egypt for talks on Nile dispute-SAMY MAGDY-Sat, May 8, 2021, 9:09 AM

CAIRO (AP) — Congo’s president, the current head of the African Union, met Saturday with Egyptian and Sudanese officials amid international and regional efforts to relaunch negotiations over Ethiopia’s disputed dam on the Nile River’s main tributary.President Felix Tshisekedi was received by Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, head of Susan’s ruling sovereign council, at the Khartoum's airport. The two leaders then headed for talks at the presidential palace. Sudan's Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok also attended the talks, according to a statement by the sovereign council.Foreign Minister Mariam al-Mahdi said Congo’s president has offered an initiative to break deadlock over the dam's dispute. She said the Sudanese authorities would study the initiative, without elaborating.Tshisekedi then flew to Cairo where he met with Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, the Egyptian leader's office said.U.S. envoy for the Horn of Africa, Jeffrey Feltman, also met with Gen. Burhan earlier in the day over the decade-long dam dispute. The impasse has exacerbated concerns of an escalation into a military conflict that could threaten the entire volatile region.Burhan reiterated Sudan’s call for a negotiated agreement on the filling and operation of the dam’s massive reservoir, the sovereign council said in a separate statement.Feltman visited Egypt and Eritrea last week and is scheduled to stop in Ethiopia as part of his regional tour.The latest round of African Union-brokered negotiations in Congo’s capital of Kinshasa in April failed to make progress on the issue.The dispute now centers on how quickly Ethiopia should fill and replenish the reservoir and how much water it releases downstream in case of a multi-year drought.Egypt and Sudan argue that Ethiopia’s plan to add 13.5 billion cubic meters of water in 2021 to the dam’s reservoir is a threat to them. Cairo and Khartoum have called for the U.S., the U.N, and European Union to help reach a legally binding deal. The agreement would spell out how the dam is operated and filled, based on international law and norms governing cross-border rivers.Egypt, which relies on the Nile for more than 90% of its water supplies, fears a devastating impact if the dam is operated without taking its needs into account. Ethiopia says the $5 billion dam is essential, arguing that the vast majority of its population lacks electricity.Sudan wants Ethiopia to coordinate and share data on the dam’s operation to avoid flooding and protect its own power-generating dams on the Blue Nile, the main tributary of the Nile.The Blue Nile meets the White Nile in Khartoum, before winding northward through Egypt into the Mediterranean Sea.

As India surges, Bangladesh lacks jabs, faces virus variants-JULHAS ALAM-Sat, May 8, 2021, 7:59 AM

DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) — India's surge in coronavirus cases is having a dangerous effect on neighboring Bangladesh. Health experts warn of imminent vaccine shortages just as the country should be stepping up its vaccination drive, and as more contagious virus variants are beginning to be detected.On Saturday, health authorities said that for the first time, a coronavirus variant originally identified in India was detected in Bangladesh, without providing further details. For weeks, South African variants have dominated the samples sequenced in Bangladesh. There are concerns that these versions spread more easily and that first-generation vaccines could be less effective against them.xperts say that declining infections in Bangladesh over the last two weeks compared to March and early April — for reasons that aren't fully understood — provided the perfect opportunity for the nation to scale up vaccinations.“This is the time to vaccinate, keep infections low and make sure that new variants don’t emerge here,” said Senjuti Saha, a scientist at the Child Health Research Foundation in Bangladesh, who is also sequencing the virus.However, India has banned the export of vaccines as it grapples with the crisis at home. The country’s Serum Institute was supposed to supply 30 million vaccine doses — 5 million doses a month — to Bangladesh by June. But the institute has only supplied 7 million doses and has suspended further shipments since February.“It's caused a real problem,” said Dr. A.S.M. Alamgir, a scientist with the government’s Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research.Fearing shortages, the government late last month stopped allowing people to register for a first vaccine dose, and the administration of second doses is also being hampered.The densely-populated country of 160 million is desperately seeking new avenues for vaccines other than India, and is attempting to produce Russian and Chinese vaccines at home by bringing technology from both countries. Bangladesh is expecting 500,000 doses of Chinese vaccines next week as a gift from Beijing, and has also sought help from the United States.Dr. Mustafizur Rahman, a scientist of the Dhaka-based International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research, said threats from new variants remained a big concern, especially when vaccines are not available.Although the border with India is closed to people, goods continue to cross. Virus sequencing in Bangladesh, like other countries including the U.S., has been scant. This means there could easily be blind spots.“We can’t rule out that the Indian variant would not make a new wave in Bangladesh. We have a porous border with India," Alamgir said.Since March of last year, when the first COVID-19 case was detected in Bangladesh, the country has reported 770,842 confirmed virus cases and 11,833 deaths.A nationwide lockdown has been extended until at least May 16, but many businesses, markets and local transportation remain crowded. Although inter-city travel is banned, tens of thousands are expected to leave the capital of Dhaka for their home villages to celebrate next week's Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr.“If we fail to maintain safety procedures across the country, the virus will make its natural progression, that’s for sure," he said.___Associated Press writer Aniruddha Ghosal in New Delhi contributed to this report.

Exclusive: Animals to have their feelings protected by law in Queen's Speech-Charles Hymas-Sat, May 8, 2021, 12:58 PM

Animals with a backbone will have a legal right to feel happiness and suffering in a Government drive to raise welfare standards in Tuesday's Queen’s Speech.An Animal Sentience Bill will enshrine in law that animals are aware of their feelings and emotions, and can experience joy and pleasure, as well as pain and suffering."Sentience” will apply to “vertebrate animals - anything with a spinal cord", Environment secretary George Eustice told The Telegraph in an exclusive interview below.An existing committee of experts and civil servants in Defra will be tasked with ensuring Government’s policies take into account animal sentience.Ministers were criticised in 2018 when the duty was not carried across into UK law from the European Union after Brexit.The Government wants to make the UK a world leader in animal welfare and laws that protect animals form the centrepiece of this week’s Queen’s Speech.As well as an Animal Sentience Bill, an Animals Abroad Bill will ban the import of trophies from animal hunting. A third measure - a Kept Animals Bill - will stop live animal exports and ban families from keeping primates as pets.The Government will also publish an animal welfare strategy which will raise the prospect of banning fur imports, microchipping all domestic cats and calling time on the cruel killing of pigs by gassing them with carbon dioxide.-Animal welfare is not at odds with caring about our rural communities-The Conservative government has certainly come a long way since the party first won power in 2010 on a pledge to offer a free vote on legalising fox hunting, writes Christopher Hope.his week’s Queen’s Speech will see the Tory government publish draft laws that enshrine in law the right of animals to feel pain, as well as bans on live animal exports, importing hunting trophies and keeping primates as pets.A separate animal welfare strategy document will set the direction of travel, raising the prospect of banning fur imports, microchipping all cats and calling time on the cruel killing of pigs by gassing them with carbon dioxide.It is some journey from “hoodie hugging” when David Cameron was leader in the 2000s to “bunny hugging” under Boris Johnson in the 2020s. And it has been witnessed at first hand by George Eustice, a party press officer in the 2000s and now the Environment secretary.When we met in his office at the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs late on Friday, I asked him if he thinks this lurch towards saving animals rather than hunting them with packs of dogs will sit well with the party’s traditional voters.He says: “I don't really see that there's an inconsistency between caring about animal welfare, wanting to promote that and believing in rural communities, and the values of the countryside.“I grew up on a family farm from a sixth generation farming family. I'm somebody who really understands the social capital that exists in our farming communities and rural communities.“And by having higher standards of animal welfare, there's nothing at all that is at odds with caring also about rural communities in the countryside.”For Mr Eustice, who grew up on his family farm with Guinea pigs, rabbits and a rescued Border Collie called Mono, the difference between then and now is that Boris Johnson wants to prioritise animal welfare.“There were always other priorities. Boris Johnson is the first Prime Minister, probably ever, to mention animal welfare on the steps of Downing Street. We've now got an occupant in Number 10 who really just wants to get some of these things done.”Critics claim that Mr Johnson’s love for animals comes from his fiancee Carrie Symonds, a passionate environmentalist. Mr Eustice says he has not talked to Miss Symonds “directly” about the new animal welfare laws.He says: “She [Miss Symonds] has long held views on this so there's no doubt about that - she's campaigned on animal welfare issues.“And it's not as though she's unique and alone in this. She is a Conservative she's passionate about animal welfare, as am I, as is the Prime Minister.”The most eye-catching of this week’s slew of animal welfare laws is an Animal Sentience Bill which will enshrine in law that animals are aware of their feelings and emotions, and have the same capacity to feel joy and pleasure, as well as pain and suffering.An existing committee of experts and civil servants in Defra will be tasked with ensuring Government’s policies will take into account animal sentience. Ministers had been criticised in 2018 when the duty was not carried across into UK law after Brexit.Mr Eustice says: “It would not make fishing illegal - people needn’t worry about that. It is much more than when we design policies, we have to have regard for animal sentience.”Mr Eustice admits some of the measures - such as the ban on bringing back hunting trophies to the UK and possible restrictions on fur imports - will not affect large numbers.The ban on keeping primates as pets, for example, is mainly targeted at the small number of people who have marmosets in homes (numbers grew after the Labour government removed restrictions in 2008 on the grounds that they are not dangerous).But it is all about “sending a signal”. He says: “It sends an important signal around the world and this is something that we want to try and stop.” Many of these changes - such the ban on live animal exports - are made possible by the UK’s exit from the European Union.“As a self governing country you gain some agility and also the self confidence to make these judgments for yourself.“And it does show that outside the EU, we can address areas of policy that some might consider, small niche areas of policy, but where you can make laws better or stronger.Mr Eustice admits that tackling the fall-out from the coronavirus pandemic is the Government’s number one priority.But he says: “That doesn't mean you have to stop work on every other front. How you treat animals, and the legislation you have to govern that, is a mark of a civilised society, and we should be constantly looking to improve and refine our legislation in this area.”It has been a busy week for Mr Eustice who last week had to defuse the row between French fishermen and Jersey’s government over access to their waters which led to the Navy sending in gunboats to ensure no one came to any harm.Mr Eustice is unrepentant.“It was an entirely legitimate response to a situation that you couldn't have predicted what might have come, and it's better always to have your assets on standby ready to react should they be needed.”And he is scathing of “disproportionate” threats to cut off Jersey’s power not least because France “would have to intervene in a commercial arrangement between EDF and Jersey”.He blames the French government for not telling its fishermen that they had to agree to new licensing agreements based on their historic catches with Jersey’s government.“It appears that some of the French industry hadn't quite appreciated what the European Commission had agreed in the Trade and Cooperation agreement,” he says.Jersey has now given the French fishermen until July 1 to ensure their paperwork is in order. Mr Eustice does not rule out sending in the Navy again.He says: “If the intelligence model - and an algorithm they follow - suggested that there was illegal fishing activity in Jersey waters, then some of those assets would be redeployed into that area to address that.”Mr Eustice is optimistic about the future of the Union - despite concern about buoyancy of support for the SNP - pointing out that “within Defra, we work very constructively with Scottish Government and with Welsh Government.His hope is that over time, as Brexit beds in, the calls from independence parties in the devolved administrations will die away.“They will accrue powers in everything from agriculture and environment to animal welfare policy powers that they never had before the devolved administrations will now again.“What will happen is over time once the tensions over Brexit heal ..., things will bed down the devolved administrations, all of them will realise that they can do things that they could never do as an EU member and the attraction of rejoining the EU will fade.”

Archaeologists discover remains of 9 Neanderthals near Rome-Sat, May 8, 2021, 1:09 PM

ROME (AP) — Italian archaeologists have uncovered the fossilized remains of nine Neanderthals in a cave near Rome, shedding new light on how the Italian peninsula was populated and under what environmental conditions.The Italian Culture Ministry announced the discovery Saturday, saying it confirmed that the Guattari Cave in San Felice Circeo was “one of the most significant places in the world for the history of Neanderthals.” A Neanderthal skull was discovered in the cave in 1939.The fossilized bones include skulls, skull fragments, two teeth and other bone fragments. The oldest remains date from between 100,000 and 90,000 years ago, while the other eight Neanderthals are believed to date from 50,000-68,000 years ago, the Culture Ministry said in a statement.The excavations, begun in 2019, involved a part of the cave that hadn’t yet been explored, including a lake first noted by the anthropologist Alberto Carlo Blanc, who is credited with the 1939 Neanderthal skull discovery.Culture Minister Dario Franceschini called the finding “an extraordinary discovery that will be the talk of the world.”Anthropologist Mauro Rubini said the large number of remains suggest a significant population of Neanderthals, “the first human society of which we can speak.”Archaeologists said the cave had perfectly preserved the environment of 50,000 years ago. They noted that fossilized animal remains found in the cave - elephant, rhinoceros and giant deer, among others - shed light on the flora and fauna of the area and its climactic history.

Big Chinese rocket segment set to fall to Earth-Jonathan Amos - BBC Science Correspondent-Sat, May 8, 2021, 5:59 AM

China Launches Space Station Core Module Tianhe-The rocket was launched to carry a Chinese space station section into orbit-Debris from a Chinese rocket is expected to fall back to Earth in an uncontrolled re-entry this weekend.The main segment from the Long March-5b vehicle was used to launch the first module of China's new space station last month.At 18 tonnes it is one of the largest items in decades to have an undirected dive into the atmosphere.The US on Thursday said it was watching the path of the object but currently had no plans to shoot it down."We're hopeful that it will land in a place where it won't harm anyone," US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said. "Hopefully in the ocean, or someplace like that."Various space debris modelling experts are pointing to late Saturday or early Sunday (GMT) as the likely moment of re-entry. However, such projections are always highly uncertaIN.Originally injected into an elliptical orbit approximately 160km by 375km above Earth's surface on 29 April, the Long March-5b core stage has been losing height ever since.Just how quickly the core's orbit will continue to decay will depend on the density of air it encounters at altitude and the amount of drag this produces. These details are poorly known.Our latest prediction for #LongMarch5B CZ-5B rocket body reentry is ?? 09 May 2021 04:19 UTC ± 8 hours along the ground track shown here. Follow this page for updates:— The Aerospace Corporation (@AerospaceCorp) May 7, 2021-Most of the vehicle should burn up when it makes its final plunge through the atmosphere, although there is always the possibility that metals with high melting points, and other resistant materials, could survive to the surface.

Business Insider-The Chinese rocket speeding back to Earth is so unpredictable it could land almost anywhere. One guess is around Turkmenistan late on May 8.Marianne Guenot-Fri, May 7, 2021, 6:54 AM

The US military and others are tracking a Chinese rocket piece due to re-enter the atmosphere soon.Experts have highlighted a huge swathe of the planet where the rocket could come down.Some say it will re-enter over Turkmenistan Sunday, but estimates differ by thousands of miles.Experts are tracking a large section of a Chinese rocket which is due to re-enter the atmosphere in the next two days or so.As the impact gets closer, calculations about the time and location of the debris re-entry are likely to improve. Until then, estimates will "continue to vary wildly," according to the US military.It is very difficult to predict where the rocket will land because it is thought to be making its descent in an uncontrolled way.Space-Track, a website run by the 18th Space Control Squadron, a branch of the US military that tracks space debris, said in a tweet on Friday that the rocket will reenter around 11:13 PM UTC, or 7:13 PM ET, on Saturday.According to the coordinates given in the tweet, the rocket would fall over Turkmenistan.-Space-Track (@SpaceTrackOrg) May 7, 2021-These estimates will "continue to vary wildly," Space-Track said, until it becomes clear when exactly the rocket will reach the atmosphere.On Thursday, it predicted the rocket would land in the middle of the Indian Ocean.That is because the rocket currently hurtling around the Earth on an orbit at about 18,000 mph, as it lowers towards the Earth at around 0.3 mph, Harvard Astronomer Jonathan McDowell said in a tweet.That means if the estimates of when the rocket would reach the atmosphere are off by even a half an hour, the rocket could be almost on the other side of the Earth.As of early Friday, the margin of error for Space-Track's estimate was at least 18 hours either way.Another body tracking the rocket, the Aerospace Corporation, a not-for profit-company that receives US funding, predicted on Thursday that the rocket would reenter the atmosphere on May 9 at 3:43 AM UTC, which is Sunday, at 11:43 PM, ET time.-The Aerospace Corporation (@AerospaceCorp) May 6, 2021-The rocket could hit the atmosphere anywhere along the yellow lines in the map above at that time, they say.So far, the only certainty is that the rocket would re-enter the atmosphere within a latitude of 41.5 degrees north and south of the equator, which covers an area as far north as New York City, and as far south as New Zealand.The "exact entry point of the rocket into the Earth's atmosphere cannot be pinpointed until within hours of its reentry," US Space Command, a branch of the US military that is tracking the object, said in a statement on Tuesday.The Space-Track Twitter page said it would publish estimates daily.The object that is being tracked is the core module of a Long March 5B rocket that was launched by China on April 29.Common practice is for these types of objects to fall back to Earth without reaching orbit, which makes it easier to predict where they will fall, Aerospace Corporation said in a blog post.But the core module of the Chinese rocket reached orbit, and is now circling the Earth on an elliptical pattern, slowly being pulled closer and closer to the atmosphere, Aerospace Corporation said.The object, which is thought to be around 22 tons, should mostly disintegrate upon reentry, but experts are concerned that some debris could survive and reach the surface of the Earth.A spokesperson for China's Foreign Ministry said on Friday that because of the design of the rocket, the vast majority of the devices will be burnt up and there is "a very low probability" of its re-entry causing harm.Chinese authorities plan to release information about the timing of the rocket's re-entry in "a timely manner," he said, according to the Associated Press .Read the original article on Business Insider


7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse:(CHLORES GREEN) and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,(2 BILLION) to kill with sword,(WEAPONS) and with hunger,(FAMINE) and with death,(INCURABLE DISEASES) and with the beasts of the earth.(ANIMAL TO HUMAN DISEASE).

15 And the four(DEMONIC WAR) angels were loosed,
18 By these three was the third part of men killed,(2 BILLION) by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.(NUCLEAR ATOMIC BOMBS)


34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other shall be left.(half earths population 4 billion die in the 7 yr trib)
35 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.
36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.
37 And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.(Christians have new bodies,this is the people against Jerusalem during the 7 yr treaty)(Christians bodies are not being eaten by the birds).THESE ARE JUDGEMENT SCRIPTURES-NOT RAPTURE SCRIPTURES.BECAUSE NOT HALF OF PEOPLE ON EARTH ARE CHRISTIANS.AND THE CONTEXT IN LUKE 17 IS THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION OR 7 YR TREATY PERIOD.WHICH IS JUDGEMENT ON THE EARTH.NOT 50% RAPTURED TO HEAVEN.

37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken,(IN WW3 JUDGEMENT) and the other left.
42 Watch therefore:(FOR THE LAST DAYS SIGNS HAPPENING) for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.



ISAIAH 34:10
10  It (AMERICA-POLITICAL BABYLON) shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke thereof shall go up for ever: from generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever.

29  And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the LORD shall be performed against Babylon,(AMERICA-NEW YORK) to make the land of Babylon (AMERICA) a desolation without an inhabitant.
30  The mighty men of Babylon (AMERICA) have forborn to fight, they have remained in their holds: their might hath failed; they became as women: they have burned her dwellingplaces; her bars are broken.
031  One post shall run to meet another, and one messenger to meet another, to shew the king of Babylon (NEW YORK) that his city is taken at one end,
32  And that the passages are stopped,(THE WAR COMPUTERS HACKED OR EMP'D) and the reeds they have burned with fire, and the men of war are affrighted.(DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO)

1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

JEREMIAH 50:3,24
3 For out of the north (RUSSIA) there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.
24 I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon,(AMERICA) and thou wast not aware: thou art found, and also caught, because thou hast striven against the LORD. (RUSSIA A SNEAK CYBER,EMP ATTACK,THEN NUKE ATTACK ON AM

53 Palestinians hurt in fresh Jerusalem clashes; Gazans riot along border fence-Violent protests held at Damascus Gate; hundreds of Palestinians set tires alight, hurl explosives at IDF at four locations along Strip’s security fence with Israel-By TOI staff-9 May 2021, 12:38 am

Palestinians clashed with Israeli police in Jerusalem on Saturday night and rioted along the Gaza border with Israel, amid a serious flare-up of violence over tensions surrounding the Temple Mount.According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, 53 Palestinians were hurt in riots at Damascus Gate outside the Old City, after protesters hurled bottles and rocks at Israeli security forces and the police responded with stun grenades and water cannons.The renewed clashes came a day after Jerusalem saw some of the city’s worst violence in years, with 200 Palestinians and 17 Israeli police officers wounded as hundreds rioted in the Temple Mount and cops broke into the compound to quell the unrest.On Saturday night, 90,000 Palestinians attended Laylat al-Qadr prayers at the Temple Mount, marking the Ramadan holiday’s holiest night. Worshipers at the compound chanted in support of the Hamas terror group’s military wing, which reiterated its threat to attack Israel over recent tensions in Jerusalem.“Strike Tel Aviv,” the Palestinian worshipers chanted. “In spirit and in blood, we will redeem al-Aqsa.” Similar calls were heard at the Damascus Gate.Palestinian demonstrators also set fire to a police barricade near Damascus Gate during the ensuing riot, which involved hundreds.Not far from Jerusalem’s Old City, renewed clashes broke out in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, the site of tensions over the pending eviction of several Palestinian families from homes claimed by nationalist Jews.Police said a small protest there turned into rioting that included “waving Palestinian flags and throwing rocks toward the forces.” The officers responded with riot dispersal means.Two Palestinian suspects were arrested after pepper-spraying Israeli officers, police said. The suspects were found to be carrying “means of attack,” it said, without specifying.Meanwhile, on the Gaza border, some 450 Palestinians at four locations along the fence separating the Strip from Israel set fire to tires and hurled improvised explosive devices at Israeli soldiers. The military launched flares over the area, as well as responding with tear gas and rubber-tipped bullets, Palestinian media reports said.The explosions from the IEDs could be heard in nearby Israeli towns along the Gaza border. “There is no danger and there is no change in the guidelines,” a spokesperson for the Sdot Negev Regional Council told residents.Saturday also saw at least 10 fires in southern Israel caused by balloons from Gaza carrying incendiary devices. There were no reports of any injuries or danger to nearby towns.Israel has boosted its security presence in all potential arenas of conflict, and is also deploying Iron Dome batteries near potential targets of Gaza rockets, while also making efforts behind the scenes to calm Palestinian spirits.The international community, including Israel’s Arab allies, condemned the Jewish state Saturday for security forces “storming” of Al-Aqsa during the clashes.The Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem has long been one of the main flashpoints of Israeli-Palestinian friction. The holiest place in Judaism — as the site of the two biblical temples — is also home to the Muslim holy sites of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock.Israel fears the potential for a major escalation of the conflict in the coming days, and was braced for more violence in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.On Saturday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with top security officials to assess the situation. “We are acting responsibly to ensure law and order in Jerusalem while maintaining freedom of worship at the holy sites,” Netanyahu said in a statement.Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi, and Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai announced on Saturday that troop levels would be bolstered in the West Bank and in Jerusalem respectively.Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh said Friday that Israel would “pay a price” for the clashes at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.Islamic Jihad, a terror group that often fires rockets from Gaza into Israeli territory, also threatened Israel over the Al-Aqsa clashes.The central committee of Fatah, the movement led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, warned Saturday night that “the continuation of the settler attacks on the holy places and the homes of Palestinian residents, their expulsion and expansion of settlements — will lead to an all-out conflict in all the Palestinian territories.”Tensions have been rising across Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza for the past several weeks.On Friday, three Palestinian gunmen opened fire on Border Police troops in the northern West Bank. Two of them were killed in the firefight and a third was critically injured. Israeli military officials said the three were en route to carry out a “major” terrorist attack on civilians inside Israel, with reports saying they were heading for Jerusalem.Israeli yeshiva student Yehuda Guetta was shot in a Palestinian terror attack in the West Bank on Sunday before he died of his wounds on Wednesday night. Israeli security forces arrested a suspect in his killing.On Wednesday 16-year-old Palestinian teenager Said Odeh was shot and killed by Israeli forces who said he was throwing Molotov cocktails at troops.n recent days, Palestinians have held demonstrations in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. Over 70 Palestinian residents are threatened with eviction and could be replaced by right-wing Jewish nationalists, in a legal battle being waged in the courts.An Israeli court has ordered the families to leave, as the property was owned by a Jewish religious association before 1948. A 1970 Israeli law allows Jews to reclaim property in East Jerusalem from before it fell into Jordanian hands; no similar law exists for Palestinians.Aaron Boxerman and Emanuel Fabian contributed to this report.

TV: Palestinians stocked rocks for Temple Mount riots, police caught unawares-Authorities said to have had no knowledge of caches of slabs, stones, and fireworks at Al-Aqsa compound, used by rioters during Friday’s mass unrest-By TOI staff-MAY 8,21-Today, 10:50 pm

In the days leading up to Friday’s mass rioting in the Temple Mount compound Palestinians had stockpiled stone slabs, rocks and fireworks around the site, according to a Saturday television report.The Channel 12 report indicated police would look into why it had not managed to get wind of the preparations for the violent clashes at the holy site.The clashes and riots at the compound that hosts the Al-Qasa Mosque followed prayers held there on the last Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. At least 200 Palestinians and 17 Israeli police officers were wounded during the events.Some of the stockpiled means were used during the Friday clashes, and there were fears they may be used again in the coming days, the report said.The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that at least 205 Palestinians were wounded in clashes throughout Jerusalem on Friday, mostly around the Temple Mount and by the Damascus Gate. Eighty-eight Palestinians were hospitalized, mostly for injuries with rubber-coated steel bullets, it said.Anger grew on Saturday with the circulation of a video in which a stun grenade is seen detonating inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque, after it was launched into the building by Israeli security forces. According to Channel 12 this was in response to attacks on the forces from within the mosque.Other images online appeared to show the riot police entering the main mosque building amid the violent clash.The international community, including Israel’s Arab allies, condemned the Jewish state Saturday for security forces “storming” of Al-Aqsa during the clashes.The Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem has long been one of the main flashpoints of Israeli-Palestinian friction. The holiest place in Judaism — as the site of the two biblical temples — is also home to the Muslim holy sites of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock.Israel fears the potential for a major escalation of the conflict in the coming days, and was braced for more violence on Saturday, the holiest night of Ramadan, in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.On Saturday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with top security officials to assess the situation. “We are acting responsibly to ensure law and order in Jerusalem while maintaining freedom of worship at the holy sites,” Netanyahu said in a statement.

Israel fears further escalation within days; Fatah warns of ‘all-out conflict’Military, police have acute alerts of potential terror attacks, Channel 12 says; many Palestinians reportedly view clashes as a ‘war for Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa’-By TOI staff-MAY 8,21-Today, 10:22 pm

Israel’s security establishment is preparing for several critical days in Jerusalem that could determine whether the country sees a return to calm or a major conflagration, according to media reports Saturday.Police and the military were bracing for renewed violence a day after Jerusalem saw some of the city’s worst violence for years, with 200 Palestinians and 17 Israeli police officers wounded as hundreds rioted in the Temple Mount and cops broke into the compound to quell the unrest.Channel 12 reported there are acute alerts of potential terror attacks in the West Bank and Jerusalem in the coming days, after a week that has seen a deadly shooting attack, a failed shooting attack on soldiers and repeated clashes in the capital that have left dozens of policemen and hundreds of Palestinians wounded.The network cited unnamed security officials as saying that with Saturday marking the holiest night of Ramadan and Sunday-Monday seeing Jewish celebrations of Jerusalem Day, the capital could potentially see an escalation in violence that would lead to a larger conflict.Israeli riot police clash with Palestinian worshippers at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem Old City on May 7, 2021.(Jamal Awad/Flash90)-The central committee of Fatah, the movement led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, warned Saturday night that “the continuation of the settler attacks on the holy places and the homes of Palestinian residents, their expulsion and expansion of settlements — will lead to an all-out conflict in all the Palestinian territories.”According to Channel 12, current discourse in the Palestinian street is of a “war for Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.” The network said that in the Gaza Strip, Hamas is currently avoiding firing rockets, but that could quickly change. In the meantime, the terror group is encouraging its West Bank operatives to carry out attacks there and inflame tensions.Israel has boosted its security presence in all potential arenas of conflict, and is also deploying Iron Dome batteries near potential targets of Gaza rockets, while also making efforts behind the scenes to calm Palestinian spirits.Meanwhile the Walla news site reported that the Israeli Air Force has been instructed to “refresh” its target bank in the Gaza Strip and be ready for a deterioration in the security situation there.Security officials are hoping to avoid bloodshed and deaths in the coming days that could spark wider unrest, Channel 12 said.At the same time far-right MK Itamar Ben Gvir on Saturday called to enable policemen “to defend themselves and use weapons including live fire” against “the terrorists in the Temple Mount and throughout the country.”He said policemen whose lives are endangered “should be firing and not dealing with riot dispersal measures.”Channel 12 reported that while Fatah and Hamas are both encouraging mass protests in response to events in the capital, Fatah is interested in keeping the events contained, and does not want serious escalation. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s organization is thus attempting to focus the outrage on the Palestinian street on Jerusalem alone, to keep the demonstrations limited in scope, as Hamas attempts to widen the front to the rest of the West Bank and Gaza.Tensions have been rising across Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza for the past several weeks.On Friday, three Palestinian gunmen opened fire on Border Police troops in the northern West Bank. Two of them were killed in the firefight and a third was critically injured. Israeli military officials said the three were en route to carry out a “major” terrorist attack on civilians inside Israel, with reports saying they were heading for Jerusalem.Israeli yeshiva student Yehuda Guetta was shot in a Palestinian terror attack in the West Bank on Sunday before he died of his wounds on Wednesday night. Israeli security forces arrested a suspect in his killing.On Wednesday 16-year-old Palestinian teenager Said Odeh was shot and killed by Israeli forces who said he was throwing Molotov cocktails at troops.In recent days, Palestinians have held demonstrations in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. Over 70 Palestinian residents are threatened with eviction and could be replaced by right-wing Jewish nationalists, in a legal battle being waged in the courts.An Israeli court has ordered the families to leave, as the property was owned by a Jewish religious association before 1948. A 1970 Israeli law allows Jews to reclaim property in East Jerusalem from before it fell into Jordanian hands; no similar law exists for Palestinians.Additionally, at the beginning of Ramadan, Palestinians repeatedly clashed with Israeli police in Jerusalem in protest of restrictions at the Damascus Gate area. Some videos also circulated on Palestinian social media showing young Arab men attacking Ultra-Orthodox passersby.In response, hundreds of Jewish extremists marched through Jerusalem’s downtown, chanting “Death to Arabs.” Others randomly attacked Palestinians across the city. This then led to severe clashes between police, Jews and Arabs in the city.On Friday Defense Minister Benny Gantz held an assessment of the security situation with senior officials from the military, police and Shin Bet.At the end of the meeting, the IDF said there would be a reinforcement of troop numbers as part of preparations for a potential escalation.“Extremists on both sides cannot be allowed to cause an escalation of the situation,” Gantz said in a statement. “Israel will continue to act to preserve freedom of worship at the Temple Mount and at the same time not allow terror to raise its head or harm public order.”Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai also held a “special” security assessment in light of the recent tensions in Jerusalem.A police statement said Shabtai ordered commanders, in particular in the Jerusalem area, to “significantly” boost their forces ahead of the most sacred night of Ramadan on Saturday evening and “another series of expected events over the coming days.” This apparently was referring to Jerusalem Day, a national holiday that begins Sunday night, in which Israel celebrates the unification of Jerusalem and religious nationalists hold parades and other celebrations in the city.“I stress here that the right to protest will be preserved but rioting will be answered firmly and with zero tolerance. I call on everyone to act with responsibility and restraint,” Shabtai was quoted saying in the statement.The Hamas terror group’s official media outlet said Gaza-based groups were calling for demonstrations near the border fence with Israel on Saturday in protest of Israeli actions in Jerusalem.According to the Ynet news site, it was thought that protestors will confront IDF troops at the border demonstrations, with comparisons made to the violent March of the Return protests.Saturday saw at least 10 blazes caused by incendiary balloons launched from the Strip.Hamas has rejected a message sent by Israel via Egyptian mediators calling to prevent a further escalation of violence and a potential deterioration into a wide-ranging conflict, a Lebanese newspaper reported on Saturday.According to the report, Hamas responded that “events on the ground” showed that Israel does not wish for a de-escalation and that therefore a truce between the sides was unlikely in the near future.According to Al-Arabiya, Egypt has urged Israel to halt the evictions of Palestinians from Sheikh Jarrah and has called upon Palestinian leaders to de-escalate tensions.Qatari mediators are also working to prevent rockets from Gaza from being fired at Israel in retaliation for the Jerusalem tensions, the Kan public broadcaster reported on Saturday night.Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh said Friday that Israel would “pay a price” for the clashes at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of Islam’s holiest sites. The hilltop on which it sits is the holiest place in the world for Jews as the site of the two biblical temples — making it a flashpoint for nationalist sentiment and violence between Israelis and Palestinians.Islamic Jihad, a terror group that often fires rockets from Gaza into Israeli territory, also threatened Israel over the Al-Aqsa clashes.Additionally, the Arab High Follow-Up Committee, a body that represents Arab Israelis, called for protests in Arab towns and cities across the country in response to the violence.The United States said Saturday it was “extremely concerned” by the events in Jerusalem, calling on officials from all sides to deescalate the tensions.“It is absolutely critical that all sides exercise restraint, refrain from provocative actions and rhetoric, and preserve the historic status quo on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount – in word and in practice,” the State Department said in a statement. “Leaders across the spectrum must denounce all violent acts.”Israel’s Arab allies, including Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, have all condemned its actions in Jerusalem.

Arabs across Israel protest Jerusalem clashes; cops block buses to Temple Mount-Massive traffic jams on main highway to capital after police stop worshipers for hours; officials assert some passengers planned to riot at the holy site-By TOI staff-MAY 8,21-Today, 8:53 pm

Arab Israelis protested throughout the country Saturday over the government’s actions in Jerusalem, including how it handled major violent clashes on the Temple Mount Friday and the potential eviction of dozens of Palestinians from an East Jerusalem neighborhood.Largely peaceful protests were held in numerous communities. Protesters briefly blocked traffic on a section of Route 65 in northern Israel. Five people were detained in Umm al-Fahm in the north over suspicions they threw rocks near the city’s police station. In East Jerusalem, two people were arrested on suspicion of throwing rocks at police officers.Several buses carrying Arab Israelis to Jerusalem’s Temple Mount were held up at a police checkpoint on the major Route 1 highway outside the city, which was bracing for further violence after seeing some of its worst clashes in years on Friday. Saturday night is Laylat al-Qadr, the most sacred night in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Worshipers were set to gather for nighttime prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.The move caused massive traffic jams in both directions on the main highway to the capital.Video showed passengers getting off the buses and marching along the highway, with some blocking traffic in both directions.Police said they stopped the buses because they had intelligence indicating some of the passengers were planning to riot on the Temple Mount. They said only “suspicious” passengers would be forced off, while others would be allowed to drive on. The blockages were eventually opened up after some three hours.The move to stop the buses faced harsh condemnation from Arab MKs. Meretz MK Issawi Frej blasted police for “preventing thousands of Israeli civilians from marking the holiest night in Islam, Laylat al-Qadr… trying to stop them from participating in one of the most important events in Islam.” He accused authorities of “on the one hand allowing [Itamar] Ben Gvir to create provocations in Sheikh Jarrah and on the other preventing Muslim citizens from reaching Al-Aqsa. They’re not trying to calm things down, but to inflame them.”On Thursday evening, Religious Zionism’s Ben Gvir, a far-right activist, set up what he declared to be a parliamentary office in the East Jerusalem neighborhood — a table under an awning with a sign — in response to what he said was a lack of protection for Jewish families in the area. This was followed by intense clashes between Jewish and Arab residents in the area.Labor MK Ibtisam Mara’ana tweeted that police were “terribly impeding the freedom of religion and freedom of movement of so many citizens.”Meanwhile, Saturday evening also saw Jewish demonstrators march through the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City while chanting, in an apparent show of force to locals.Jerusalem District Police Commander Doron Turgeman predicted Saturday that there would be attempts to provoke violence in the city after major clashes erupted Friday night on the Temple Mount between police and Muslim worshipers, amid rising Israeli-Palestinian tensions and as Ramadan comes to an end.“We won’t allow rioting,” he was quoted saying by Kan news.Friday saw some of the worst violence in Jerusalem for years, with 200 Palestinians and 17 Israeli police officers wounded.Police and the military were preparing for fresh violence on Saturday, and were on heightened alert in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza border, where mass protests were expected in the evening.According to the Haaretz newspaper, police believe the clashes on the Temple Mount were being led by Hamas operatives, and linked the recent violence at the Jerusalem holy site to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s decision to indefinitely delay legislative elections that were scheduled for later this month.Former prime minister Ehud Olmert told Kan news Saturday that “a kind of intifada is brewing, which is possible to prevent.” He warned of “extreme elements in the Jewish population who are fanning the fire and adding to the problem [in Sheikh Jarrah], which needs to be decided judicially.”On Saturday Defense Minister Benny Gantz held an assessment of the security situation with senior officials from the military, police and Shin Bet. At the end of the meeting, the IDF said there would be a reinforcement of troop numbers as part of preparations for a potential escalation.“Extremists on both sides cannot be allowed to cause an escalation of the situation,” Gantz said in a statement. “Israel will continue to act to preserve freedom of worship at the Temple Mount and at the same time not allow terror to raise its head or harm public order.”Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai also held a special security assessment in light of the recent tensions in Jerusalem.A police statement said Shabtai ordered commanders, in particular in the Jerusalem area, to “significantly” boost their forces ahead of the most sacred night of Ramadan on Saturday evening and “another series of expected events over the coming days.” This apparently was referring to Jerusalem Day, a national holiday that begins Sunday night, in which Israel celebrates the unification of Jerusalem and religious nationalists hold parades and other celebrations in the city.“I stress here that the right to protest will be preserved but rioting will be answered firmly and with zero tolerance. I call on everyone to act with responsibility and restraint,” Shabtai was quoted saying in the statement.Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and Arab Israelis were expected to hold mass protests on Saturday in the wake of the violence in Jerusalem on Friday night.Saturday saw at least 10 fires in southern Israel caused by balloons carrying incendiary devices. There were no reports of any injuries or danger to nearby towns.The Hamas terror group’s official media outlet said Gaza-based groups were calling for demonstrations near the border fence with Israel on Saturday in protest of Israeli actions in Jerusalem.In recent days, Palestinians have held demonstrations in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. Over 70 Palestinian residents are threatened with eviction and could be replaced by right-wing Jewish nationalists, in a legal battle being waged in Israel’s judicial system.An Israeli court has ordered the families to leave, as the property was owned by a Jewish religious association before 1948. A 1970 Israeli law allows Jews to reclaim property in East Jerusalem from before it fell into Jordanian hands; no similar law exists for Palestinians.Palestinians and their supporters have protested the pending evictions every night for the past week. Police have sought to disperse the protests with sound grenades and water cannons, leading to injuries and arrests.The families have asked the Israeli Supreme Court to consider an appeal, which it is scheduled to do on Monday.Additionally, at the beginning of Ramadan, Palestinians repeatedly clashed with Israeli police in Jerusalem in protest of restrictions at the Damascus Gate area. Some videos also circulated on Palestinian social media showing young Arab men attacking ultra-Orthodox passersby.In response, hundreds of Jewish extremists marched through Jerusalem’s downtown, chanting “Death to Arabs.” Others randomly attacked Palestinians across the city. This then led to severe clashes between police, Jews and Arabs in the city.

UAE, Bahrain pan Israel’s ‘storming’ of Al-Aqsa, amid international condemnation-Gulf states say Israel has responsibility to de-escalate, blast its ‘provocations’; nations also warn against pending evictions of Sheikh Jarrah Palestinians from their homes-By TOI staff and Agencies-MAY 8,21-Today, 6:13 pm

Israeli security forces advance amid clashes with Palestinian protesters near the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, on May 7, 2021 (Ahmad GHARABLI / AFP)-The international community, including Israel’s Arab allies, condemned the Jewish state Saturday for the violence in Jerusalem a day earlier that saw 200 Palestinians and 17 Israeli police officers wounded, as well as for pending evictions of Palestinians in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.The United Arab Emirates, which normalized relations with Israel last year and has so far had warm ties with the country, expressed “deep concern over the violence” in Jerusalem. It condemned “Israeli authorities’ storming of the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque” as well as plans to evict East Jerusalem residents.Abu Dhabi added that Israel must protect Palestinian rights to practice their religion. It said Israel had a “responsibility for de-escalation” and urged it to “end all attacks and practices that lead to continued tension.”Bahrain, which also established ties with Israel last year as part of the Abraham Accords, expressed “strong condemnation” over Israel’s actions on the Temple Mount, saying it must “stop these rejected provocations against the people of Jerusalem, and work to prevent its forces from attacking worshipers in this holy month.”The widespread clashes and riots in the Al-Aqsa compound followed prayers held there on the last Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.The Gulf nation also condemned the “Israeli plan to evict the citizens of Jerusalem from their homes,” referring to the situation in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, where over 70 Palestinian residents are threatened with eviction and could be replaced by right-wing Jewish nationalists, in a legal battle being waged in Israel’s Supreme Court.The Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem has long been one of the main flashpoints of Israeli-Palestinian friction. The holiest place in Judaism — as the site of the two biblical temples — is also home to the Muslim holy sites of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock.Saudi Arabia, which does not have formal relations with Israel but is widely reported to share close clandestine ties with Jerusalem, also rejected plans to evict Palestinians from their homes in Jerusalem, the Kingdom’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.Egypt’s Foreign Ministry said Israel “must stop all measures that violate the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.” It added that potential evictions were a violation of international law, and reduce the chances of a two-state solution.Turkey said it “strongly condemns the attacks by Israeli security forces against the Palestinians worshiping in Al-Aqsa Mosque.”On his official Twitter account, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan tweeted in Hebrew: “We strongly condemn the despicable Israeli attacks on… the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which unfortunately take place every Ramadan.”He said Turkey will “continue to stand by our Palestinian brothers and sisters under all circumstances.”Israel is facing growing international scrutiny over the pending evictions, which the United Nations on Friday said could be a “war crime.”Russia on Saturday said developments were “perceived with deep concern in Moscow. We strongly condemn attacks against civilians. It called on “all parties to refrain from any steps fraught with the escalation of violence.”The European Union called on local leaders “to act urgently to de-escalate the current tensions,” saying “violence and incitement are unacceptable and the perpetrators on all sides must be held accountable.”On Friday, the US urged all sides to act with restraint in Jerusalem, saying it was “critical” to restore calm amid several days of clashes in East Jerusalem.“The United States is extremely concerned about ongoing confrontations in Jerusalem… which have reportedly resulted in scores of injured people,” a statement from State Department spokesman Ned Price said. “There is no excuse for violence, but such bloodshed is especially disturbing now, coming as it does on the last days of Ramadan.”He said Washington was calling on Israeli and Palestinian officials to “act decisively to deescalate tensions and bring a halt to the violence.”The recent tensions have raised fears of sparking a wider conflict, with the Hamas terror group in Gaza warning of renewed violence over the issue.Israeli security forces were on high alert Saturday in preparation for fresh violence in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and along the Gaza border.Israel’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement Friday pushing back on criticism of the pending evictions and accused the Palestinian Authority and terror organizations of fanning the tensions.On Saturday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with top security officials to assess the situation. “We are acting responsibly to ensure law and order in Jerusalem while maintaining freedom of worship at the holy sites,” Netanyahu said in a statement.

Netanyahu, Lapid back security forces: ‘We won’t allow violence, terror threats’PM says Israel acting responsibly to ‘ensure law and order, maintain freedom of worship’; Joint List head blames far-right MK for ‘fanning’ tensions in Jerusalem-By TOI staff-MAY 8,21-Today, 5:07 pm

Yesh Atid chief Yair Lapid, who currently holds the mandate to form a new government, expressed support for Israeli security forces on Saturday, a day after some of the worst violence Jerusalem has seen in years, and as tensions also rose with Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.In a tweet, Lapid also wished the 17 officers who were injured in the clashes a speedy recovery.“The State of Israel won’t allow violence to rage within it and definitely won’t let terror organizations threaten it. Whoever wants to harm us needs to know he will pay a very heavy price,” Lapid said.He added: “This is the time for responsibility from all sides, particularly from public officials.”Lapid did not specify any officials by name.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met Saturday with top security officials to assess the situation; the IDF and police decided to boost their deployments ahead of further feared violence.“We are acting responsibly to ensure law and order in Jerusalem while maintaining freedom of worship at the holy sites,” Netanyahu said in a statement.Far-right MK Itamar Ben Gvir on Thursday night set up a “parliamentary office” in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, as clashes raged there between right-wing Jewish nationalists, police and Palestinians. Ben Gvir reportedly agreed to leave after being warned by Netanyahu’s office that his continued presence there could prompt Palestinian terrorists in Gaza to fire rockets at Jerusalem.Lawmakers from the predominantly Arab Joint List Party and left-wing Meretz have protested in the neighborhood — including on Friday — against the pending evictions of several Palestinian families, whose homes are claimed by right-wing Jews as part of a long-running legal battle.Joint List chief Ayman Odeh on Friday accused Ben Gvir and Deputy Jerusalem Mayor Aryeh King of “fanning the violence and encouraging repression,” and shared a video of the two in Sheikh Jarrah of Thursday, in which the deputy mayor told a Palestinian man “it was too bad” he had not been shot in the forehead.Odeh said he would file a complaint against King and ask Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit to launch an investigation.Watch: Deputy Mayor of #Jerusalem, Arieh King, tell a Palestinian activist "it's a pity" he wan't shot in the head, last night in #SheikhJarrah — Oren Ziv (@OrenZiv1985) May 7, 2021The Joint List leader also shared a video on Twitter from clashes Friday in the Old City, in which a police officer threw a stun grenade toward a crowd that included some women and children“This is what the last Friday of Raman looks like under occupation,” he wrote on Twitter.Also denouncing the Israeli response to Friday’s rioting on the Temple Mount and elsewhere in Jerusalem was Ra’am leader Mansour Abbbas, whose Islamist party has been courted by both Netanyahu and the premier’s political rivals in their respective bids to form a government.In a statement, Abbas called any harm to the Temple Mount’s Al-Aqsa Mosque or worshippers there a “red line.” He said Ra’am would use its position in the Knesset to prevent the site’s “sanctity” from being violated and to ensure Muslims’ “exclusive right” to the Temple Mount, which is the holiest site in Judaism and third holiest in Islam.He voiced support for Jordanian custodianship over the Temple Mount and called on Israel to respect it, while also expressing backing for Sheikh Jarrah residents.Meanwhile, Defense Minister Benny Gantz of Blue and White, who met Friday with Lapid and Yamina chief Naftali Bennett for talks on forming a unity government, met with top security officials at the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, as the Israel Defense Forces and police moved to bolster troops levels.“Extremists on both sides cannot be allowed to cause an escalation of the situation,” Gantz said in a statement. “Israel will continue to act to preserve freedom of worship at the Temple Mount and at the same time not allow terror to raise its head or harm public order.”

Gaza incendiary balloons spark 10 fires in south for a third day-At least 3 blazes burn in the Be’eri nature reserve; balloon-borne attacks come amid heightened tensions in Jerusalem, West Bank-By Emanuel Fabian-MAY 8,21-Today, 4:27 pm

Firefighting teams worked to extinguish multiple fires in southern Israel on Saturday, caused by balloons carrying incendiary devices that were launched from the Gaza Strip.According to fire services, teams responded to 10 blazes in the region.At least three of the fires burned in the Be’eri forest, a nature reserve located near the border between Israel and Gaza, a spokesperson for the Jewish National Fund said.There were no reports of any injuries or danger to nearby towns.The fires came amid reports in the Gaza Strip from the so-called “balloon units” that they had begun to launch balloon-borne incendiary devices toward southern Israel. Saturday marked the third straight day of such attacks.A report in the Palestinian Al-Quds newspaper said that Palestinian factions in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip were planning to reactivate the so-called “nightly confusion units” which have in the past rioted along the security fence.The attacks come amid rising tensions in Jerusalem, the West Bank and along the Gaza border. Police bolstered their presence in Jerusalem on Saturday following violent clashes that saw some 200 Palestinians and 17 Israeli police officers wounded.The clashes have come as a result of tensions related to the holy month of Ramadan in the Temple Mount, as well as the potential eviction of dozens of Palestinians from East Jerusalem’s Sheik Jarrah neighborhood in favor of Jewish tenants, in a case that is being reviewed by the courts.The military was preparing for potential mass protests near the Gaza border on Saturday.Recent days have seen over a dozen fires sparked in the Gaza border area as a result of incendiary balloons.In Gaza, the so-called “independent balloon unit” had warned on Thursday that “this is just the beginning.” Another smaller unit affiliated with the Gaza-based Mujahideen Brigades terror group announced on Saturday morning they had begun to mobilize their members to start the balloon-launching activities.On Monday, two balloons carrying suspected explosive devices that were apparently launched from Gaza landed in southern Israel, local authorities said, in the first such attacks in months. The suspected bombs were found in agricultural fields in the Israeli community of Kfar Aza, east of Gaza City.The practice of launching balloon-borne incendiary and explosive devices from the Gaza Strip toward Israel has waxed and waned over the past two years, though there have been relatively few launches of late, as the Israeli government and Gaza-ruling Hamas terror group have been engaged in indirect talks about a long-term ceasefire.Earlier this month, terrorists in Gaza launched dozens of rockets at southern Israel. Most of the rockets landed in open fields, where they caused no injury or damage, but a few struck inside Israeli communities, with shrapnel hitting buildings and vehicles. That attack also came amid tensions and warring protests of Palestinians and far-right Jews in Jerusalem.On Friday, three Palestinians opened fire toward a Border Police base in Israeli territory near the northern West Bank, with two of the attackers killed and one wounded, when officers on the scene returned fire.Israeli yeshiva student Yehuda Guetta was shot in a Palestinian terror attack in the West Bank earlier this week; he died of his wounds on Wednesday night.Judah Ari Gross and Times of Israel staff contributed to this report.

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